Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1988 11 02

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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There's no other feeling like it in the world. • • This is the magazine you hare been waiting for. Road racing. High speed . One hundred sixty-seventyeigh ty miles an ho ur . Neck and neck. Down th e stra igh t. A round the sweeper. Through the ch icane. Road rac ing. That's horsepow er and speed . On the - pavement. Or t he race track. From around t he world and across th e country. - • Motorcycle road rac ing . There's rea lly no other feel ing like it in the world. Now there is a glossy, full -color magazine t hat spec ial izes in bringing road racing into your home. In an exciting package unl ike any ot her motorcycle magazine cu rrently pub lished in t he Unit ed States. This is the magazine. suP Motorcycle ROAD RACER Illustrated w ill pu t you at t he race trac k. Every issue. Motorcycle ROAD RACER Illustrated w ill present the machines and SHO AT ROAD ATLANTA th e people t hat make up worldwide road rac ing and th e hi gh- perf ormance motorcycle world , using wellchosen words and lots of pictures. Special Charter Subscription Offer Become a Charter Subscriber to Motorcycle ROAD RACER Illustrated and rece ive six issues (a year's wort h) for on ly $9.oo! The regular cover pr ice is six issues. That means you save $6 .00. That's 40% off the normal cover price. And you save $6 .00 (that's 40%) off the norma l subscription price of $15.00. Just fill out the Motorcycle ROAD RACER Illustrated order form below: ------------------. -I Motorcycle ROAD RACER lIIustrat~d Subscription Order Form I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Name Address City Phone Number D I want: Order Date Please : 1 Year (6 issues) $900 Use the handy ChanerSubscription Envelope to get your subscription rushed right to your: door. Zip Code State _ _ Cha~ge my _ Accept my payment now (check. cash. money order) Send me a bill Mastercard # _Visa # - - - - - - - - - - Exp. date - 1 1 Road = L 1 RSig"~n. L~.../TM at!?u~_e-:: /fH""rr 'flW#' " _ _ 2201 Cherry Avenue, Long Beach, CA 90806 (213) 427-7433 FAX (213) 427-6685 ~ II ~~

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