Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1988 07 27

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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00 00 O"l. ...... Johnson (1 ) and Ron Lechien (4) swapped positions back and forth for the le a d in the second SOOcc moto. Lechien took second overall. "It's gr eat to see someone besides Ward a nd me mixing it up." " Man, I ca n' t even re m em be r where he passed me orI passed him," said Lechien. " I was just dialin ' it on trying to stay in there." 125cc H oll and a nd Keh oe went 1-2 off the sta rt of moto one , but Cooper gambled in th e seco nd tum and ju mpe d in front of Keh oe for second. Cooper and Keh oe stayed . close for a lap, bu t the n Cooper p lu nged off a downhill to close o n H olland. Cooper tr ied a n inside line o n Holland on an u p h ill , but it didn ' t work. By midrace H olland, Cooper and Keh oe were back in a cluster, wi th Suzu ki 's R o nn ie T ichenor seven seco nds ba ck in fou rt h. Loca l favori te Mike J ones, o n a Yam aha, was six seconds back in fifth , a head of Suzuki's Don n y Sch mit, Yamaha su p porte d Larry Ward , a nd Suzuki supported T y Da vis. Cooper passed H olland to lead, and then Kehoe jumped into H ol land 's line on an uphill sectio n of the course. "T he track wa s a little muddy at the start and I took it easy; it was a mistake," sai d Holland later. Kehoe kept th e p ressure on Cooper to tak e con tro l, but Cooper wouldn ' t let go. The pa ir battled until Keh oe gained a slight edge o n th e last lap . Keh oe won, Cooper a nd H olland were 2-3, and T ich en or hung onto fou rth. Davis ca me past J ones for fifth, and Schmit ra iled around an outside li ne to pass Yamaha rider Honda's George Holland (3) was chased by teammate Guy Cooper (S) in the 12Scc class. Holland finished second. while Cooper took third . Mike La Rocco for seventh, fin a ll y crossing the line on Jones' tail. H olland, Jones and Cooper ga ted 1-2-3 in moto two . Holland bro ke away in th e lead , whil e a freight train se t u p behind J ones as Coop er, Sch mit a nd Kehoe a ll tried to ge t by. Cooper jumped over a nd past J ones, la nding in front of h im on an uphill , a nd the move startled J ones so much that Schm it a nd Keh oe a lso moved by. Kehoe u sed a n inside line o n Cooper a nd mad e it stick by pushi ng a ll the way th rough an S-tu m . Bu t ti me ra n o ut for Keh oe a nd a t the fin ish it was Holland with five seconds on Keh oe , Cooper was third, Schmit fourth, a nd Tichenor fifth. Suzuki sup ported Todd D eHoo p worked hard to pl ace sixth, and a tigh t seven-eight went to Ward and J immy Gaddis. " I got away early in the seco nd moto, and th at's what mad e the race for me," said H oll a nd. • Results 500 : 1. Rick Joh nson (Han) 1-1; 2. Ron Lechien (Kaw ) 2-2; 3. Jeff Leisk (Han) 3-3 : 4. J eff Stanton (Yam) 4-4; 5. Tommy Wan s (Kaw ) 7 -5; 6. Sor en Mort ensen (Kaw ) B-7; 7. Mik e Fisher (Kaw) 6-9; B. Fred Andre ws (Han) 5-1 1; 9. Ray Somma (Han) 15-6 ; 10. Tom Carson (Han) 14- 10: 11. Kurt McM ill en (Han) 12· 12; 12. Je ff Hicks (Hon) 1313; 13. Doug Dubach (Yam) ONF· B; 14 . Bill y Frank (Yam) 9-33; 15 . J eff W ard (Kaw) 10-35; 16. Andy Stacy (Kaw) 16- 16; 17 . Scon Brow n (ATK) 11·37; 1B. J eff Frisz (Kaw) 30 -15 ; 19 . David Hand (Hon) DNF·1 4; 20. Mar k Crozier (Hon) DNF-17 . 125; 1. Er ik Kehoe (Suz) 1-2; 2. George Holland (Hon) 3-1; 3. Guy Cooper (Han) 2-3; 4 . Ronn ie Tiche nor (Suz) 4-5; 5. Donny Schm it (Suz) 7-4; 6. Larry Ward (Yam) 9-B; 7. Todd DeHoop (Suz) 126; B. M ike Jon es (Yam) 6-13; 9. Keith Bow en (Kaw) 11-9; 10 . Ty Davis (Suz) 5-16 ; 11. Denny Stephensen (Kaw ) 10- 11; 12. Larry Brooks (Kaw) 1310; 13. Dale Spangler (Kaw) 14- 12; 14. Jimmy Gaddis (Suz) DNF-7; 15. M ike laRocco (Yam) B- Ho nd a -mounted Carson led Leisk (7) and Lechien (4) in the first S'OOcc m oto . Leisk finished th ird overa ll with two thi rds. DNF; 16. Jon A gin (Han) 17-14; 17. Greg Bow en (Hon) 16-17; 1B. Stacey Cook (Hon); 19. Mark Kane (Han) DNF- 15; 20 . Br ian Aust in (Suz) 20- 1B. POINT STA NDINGS 500 : 1. Johnson (143); 2. Lechien ( 116~ 3. Leisk (113); 4. Stant on (11 2); 5. And rews (B9); 6. Wans (B3); 7. J eff Ward (78 ); B. carson (6B); 9. Dubach (54); 10. McM ill en (49). 125: 1. Holland (384); 2. Kehoe (34 9); 3. Cooper (309 ); 4 . Schm it (30 5); 5. Tiche nor (235 ); 6. Brooks (233); 7. LaRocco(192); B. DeHoop (l 83); 9. Bow en (15 1); 10. Davis (98). 7

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