Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1988 07 27

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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~ ~ 00 00 O'l -.. I:- c-r ~ .;:j ~ Experienced Parts Person WliNT Short Track Peki. M .C. Peki.. IL July 3 B, Geo Hin1llor. Shannon Wright Vam Randy Sm ith Vam Micah Statler Sill Justin Filson Yam Mikl Gehler Vam MINI Sth. Hall H... Dana Curtn i Hon Shane Ga rrisson Vam 125 Dave Allen Vam .. Dave Stanfield Ko Chad Barth Hon 200 Steve Vigen SIl.l 250 Step hen Brin ker Vam Dan Cart r e Hon John Brinker Vam Dana McNeil Hon Forrest Senn Hon 400 Dan Carter Va m Ga Bren ry nan Hon Greg Calley Vam 500 ia R Knuth Rb Reed Be rtolino W·R Terry Adams Hon Richard Ru de Rb Tim Klouser Rb SR Stepl'lln Brinier Vam Les E slinger Vam Gary Brennan Vam One Stanfield Vam Ron Wade Vam Scrambles Bloomington 1I0rmai MC WapeRa,lL June 2& B, Geo Hinthorn PIW Shane G arrisson Shannon Wright Randy Smith Mike Oehler Justin Filson MINI Dana C urtin Cl'lris McNutt 125 ChaJ Barth DaW! Stanfield Da\lid Allen 200 G Vogel reg Greg Pickens Jim Kidman Steve Vigen 250 Dav Allen id Dan Carter Shawn Wade Doni Holeman Bill Ca rter 400 Stephen Meiero tto Gary Brennan StlawnWade Mark Augenstein Greg Pickens 500 Rid. Knuth Jim Hisle Terry Adams Cllip P.rry Phil Smith SR Gar;o Brennan lis Eslnger i Ray Smilh Dave Si anfieid G Ca rog lley 42 Bob Uzotl. Jasonla boUa Craig Bridge Scott libnon Richard Bennl' 125 AM Ibthanl llvesny J R Nadlau David Fantini Doug Pitts Jlff HaigM Mika HurI.y Don Kelleter Harold Vezena 250 OPEN AM Jay Y,vich Ga Ba ry rker Peter CGllins Peter Kane - Jon Vandall Harold Vezina Niko Lavoie Cart Leguia Sieve Gr iH Craig Seekins 12!i EX Pat Barton Bill Dzielak Wemyss St ott l eo Fauteux Mike Treadwell David Rudnicki Shawn Levesque Todd Marsl'l Pat Waitt Greg Anderson 250 OPEN EX Wemys Sam s Gene Naumec David Rudnicki John Oowd Leo Fauteux Bria Thum:on n Armand Rodriqu. Ted Blackman John Majdlar Pat Barton H... Hen Kaw Vam Suz H... Vam Yam Vam Vam Vam Hon Hon Hon .. Ko Vam Hon SIl.l Hon SIl.l Vam ' Han Hon Hon Hon Hus Hon Bu l Bul C ·2 Rb H·O Hon Vam Vam Hon Vam Hen Vam Vam H... Ka.. H... Ktm Hon H... Hon Ka.. Hon Hon Kaw Hon SIl.l Alk Vam Va m Sill Ka w Vam Atk Ko .. H... Vam John Hall David Clemence Mark Malonson Chn. Knuth Dan Macne il Bob Weiss Clifton J SlI inauer Stlphon A Myrick Shayn. Steinauer Hon Henn Kaw Hen Hon Vam Ho n Hon Kaw Kaw Suz lou Oelousi a Ko .. Oavid C Gambl. Kaw Joseph E Gould Sill Christy Sch, l,er M Star JO l ph R. Glaaby . Suz 250 EX Jay Skidmore Hon Du ane M Vedder Hon Ke nny Dahlin Hon Rob Weiss Hon V,m Tony 0 Anderson C lifuln J. Steinauer Ko.. .. Stlayne Steinaue r Ka Mark C Saglimbeni C·A OPEN NOV Brent W livingston W·R William C Adams Krm C hri, Wnk Hon l ou Delousia Hon Michael Clat1l; C hristy Scheffer SIl.l Rob Bibb ins H·O Joseph E Go uld Hon GeOlge R Marrer . C ·A Jeff Bliss Vam OPEN EX Du ane M Vee der Rb Bin Newkin: Hon Tony 0 Anderson H·O David ScheHII' H·O Jay Skidmora Hon GP Duane M Vedder Hon JaySkidmora Hon Tony Anderson Hon Stlayne Steinaue r Kaw Robert Weir Hon H ... Hon Kaw Vam Kaw Kaw Vam H... Sill Vam Ka.. Suz Sill SU l Hon Hon Yam Ka w Ka .. Sill Vam Hon Cag Kaw Vam KKaw Sill Sill Ko .. Vam . Sill Sill Vam V,m Hon Hon Hon Hon Vam SRVET Ron Vincent BobSwatik Dan Boone Sr Bob Hurley Cindy Er dll 85 BEG Ron Tipple John Studley Adam Dupont A J Al, up l arry Lashway Tom Daigneabh Shawn Leo Steve O bey Matt Bishop Brian Haw kins 85 JR Joe Zimmennan Dan Bo one Jr BobBu.. BobKacmarcik Rob Keller 85 SR Tony Loruss o Jason Buzzee ' Randy Dow 125 BE G Brett Melville Tim Danehhy Ken Clouter i Kart Crute Pe f1aven ter 125 JR Keith G oyett e EricHOWl Ro Jacks n on Trevor lewis Bin Dugay 125 St Tony loru... Jason Buzzee Chris Nikias Scott Camr Ra ndy Dow Bin fUwkirl< Sllphln P Aldi Kaony Oahlin TllIlll1Y NIWln 250 NO V VET Motllcross I e . EegllRd Sports eoll.ittle Wltlrboro ME Ju" 3 125 NOV Reggi. Columbi Bernard Grzywarcz Glorge FOI Mike Blogan Delmar Currier Jason Pratt Ian Linscon Darty Nuese Terence Ketchel Ken Niles 850 NOV David Boisvert Mark PUNinis John Comer1ord Ernest Ba ldwin C raig Bridg , Ron Strumski Stot la bnon Jason la bella MarcelPerrauh OPEN-NOV Ernest Baldwin David Boisvlrt E Butll r d Ro Strumski n Ed Hug hes Vam Hus Vam Hon Hon Hon Kaw Hon .. Ka Ka.. Ka.. .. Ka Ka.. Hon Vam Kaw Ka.. Vam Kaw K... Vam Kaw Kaw Kaw Hon Kaw Hon Kaw Vam Suz SIll Vam Hen Va m Kaw Hon Kaw Ko .. Short Track Electric CitJ Riders IIC Club ScheneetedJ. II.Y. JulJ 4 By Ler'f Dagostino SRA Marl< Korytkowski Vam Dav Sth.ffer iid H·O MichaelA Cordeiro C ·A JosephM Gould Hond. Mike Tinker Kaw SRMINI MikeTinker Kaw Erc J Whitecotton i Ka.. JR MINI Morgan Coolbeth Hon connell Knin O Kaw Hon JaM' A Hoag William H Benn ett Hon 125 NOV David A Bellows Yam Hen .Thomas W~s Danny V Ansell Vam Stan P Nittisl. e Hon 125 EX Suz Sbort Track Middlelord SpdWJ SlIlord. DE Ju.e 27 B, Woo'" Miller 50 A John Winsett 80 B Phillibhan 60 A John Winsett 80 Ricky Winsett 125 B Thomas Dup ont TonyMontenegro George Bu Hington 250 B Se Harper en Tony Monten egro OPEN A Ro Co y llings Gu Stuart y OP EN B Tommy Beale Tony Montenegro Scott Harper Tom Kissielnicki Vam Vam Vam K. .. Kow V. m Vam Ho n H·O V,m Vam Ka .. Vam Vam Hare Scrambles Pendleton Co MC Park Gerdnersville. KY June 2& B, Eve"" Darlington 125 Sieve Gammon Chris Bitll MarkJohnson 200 Bill Wilt 250 Ron FlSCher Wayne Martin OPEN Pa Michels ul Lo Deannan uis Mika Payola< OPEN SR Jim McCain Robtrt Wilson Yam Hon Hon C-A Hon KTM C-A H... ATK KTM Vam S/SR Ron Blac k O/A A J Spicer Mli ATK Motocross Pendleto. CO MC Park GerdnersviUe. KV Jul,3 B, Evel,n Derlington JR MINI Chad Boyd Mike Sm ith SRMINI Travis Dunhoft lloyd Hodg .. 1258 David Ru ssell 125C Mark Banta 250 Jaaon Boy d Robert Wilson Bill Kahi l Sill Sill Hon Kaw Ka .. Suz Sill Vam Vam OPEN lann Wade John lang Kyle eonins Mike Oavis OPEN SR R " Wilson ob. Rondy Edatlin Ktittl Morgan Koilh Hughes Bill Kahl, Vam Hon Hon Hon Yam Kaw Hon Suz Vam Short Trick Middleford SPdwt SlIlord. DE . Jul,l Florida - Top Pay Serv ice M an ag er . Exper ienced. ben ef it s. Large Honda Yamaha dea ler. Rep ly to : Cyc le News, Dep t 11 ·Z. P.O. Bo. 498. Lon g Be ac h. CA 90801 . (229-31) Yamaha Service Department San Diego a r ea dealership. needs M a na g er / Mechanic im m ed iately. Yamaha dea le r sh ip experie nce required. $18, 000·$21 ,000 to stan for right per son. Contact M a rk, EL CAJON YAMA HA, (61 91 442 -3338. CA. (229-3 01 Motorcycle Establ iShed Be ve rl y H ills area Yamaha Ri v a Sc oo t e r agent has open i ng f or .ex p e r il;:n c e d mechanic with tools. n on -smoker.w it h service or pe rts manage r backgrou nd or potential .a nd good learning skills. Pay co m m en s ur at e w it h experie nce. R. Ber cov itz, (2 13) 275-6734 . (3 2 8 -2 9) Honda Technician Vam Vam Kaw Vam SIl.l Ka .. SIl.l Vam Hon Vam SOl Ka.. Vam Kaw Ka.. Hen H... Kaw Hon Vam Vam Suz Kaw Kaw Hon Yam Hon Hon AXO Sport America Is looki ng for hi gh energy people to fill pos~i!X's in custome r service and w areho use rec elY lnl £ A pp l y i n person or call . ( 8 0 5) CA. 257 -047 . (2 2 8-2 9) Honda Service Manager Florida - Top Pay Ka.. K. .. Ka .. Kaw Ka w (228-29) Bobby or Charlie. SAN CLEMENTE HONDA, (714) 492-674 1. CA. (2 2 9) Part s M ana ger. Exp eri enced . b en ef its . Larg e Ho n da Ya maha deal er . Reply to : Cycl e News, Dept 10-Z. P.O . Bo. 498. Lon g Beac h , CA 90801 . (2 2 9 -3 1) Vam Hon Vam Yam Vam call Dave. (407)273 -3 57 9 . FL Exper ience preferr ed. Salary pJuscomm ission. Call M/C Mechanic Motocross Mosier Va lle, MC Perk Euless. TX Make A Move Now! Growing Or lando Yamaha dealership hiri ng. AL L posit ion s. inclu ding General Manag er~. expen ence requir ed. excellent salary plus benefits. Lets talk., Parts/Counter Person Help Wanted Large vo lume Ho nda Kawasa ki dealer ,i n So Ca l is looking for ex per ie nced M ec haniC with Honda Ka wa saki bac kgr o u nd.Year 'r ou nd work. exce lle n t pay p l an and be ne fi ts. W i ll help reloca ti o n ex p enses for r ig ht perso n . WHtmE R HO NDA KAW A SAKI, 14 043 E. Whinier Blvd. Wh inier . CA 90605. A sk for Stan. (213)945-3494 . (229-34) 80 KenCGolbeth EricWl'litl Moran Coolbeth 125 A Tony Montenegro Thomas Dupont 125 8 Ke Coolbeth n EricWhitecotton Roger Manwaming 250 B Scott Harper 250 A Mike Varnes BnanTillsin Kevin Varn es CraigEstelle OPEN A Cra E ig stelle Mike Varnes Brian Tillson Mervin Sensenig Kenny Mohler OPEN B Ton Kisielnicti Scott Hil'Per Rodger Manwa ring Thomas Dupon t 500 A Craig Estelle Brien Tillson 500 B Mike Gr een Ju" 8 50 Gabriel Molina Tommy Gl'leen Jr Bladley Wade R ...ny McCary Alea Shin n 60 Ro bert Perez JeremyElli son MichaelMcCGy Bry Honeycun an Antho Garcia ny SOBEG A Jason Narramore Ronme Sebren Matt Hitchcoc k Mike Shelman Don Gillentine 80 8EG 8 Jon Calame Jerry Hill Jr Chrs Honeytun i Clint CGllard Brad Johnson 80 NOV Jason Yo n: Brian Fr;oe Jeremy langston Chris Voung Chris Pierce Bo INT Heath Kin:land • Jody Nor1h Mib Banaile 125 BEG A Doug Gin Kevi Ward n SteYl Hull TimTlYler larry G illies 125 B Bra Grogan t JeH Du s Crlig Mullins Ro bbia Fleyd Tom McKee ~DS Needed for busy M IC shop. BEAUMONT YAMAHA KAWASAKI 680 Beaumo nt Beaumont. CA 92223. Ask fo r Jim or Donna. (7 14) B45-6901 . (22B2 9) O ne of North Carolina 's le ad ing and award w i nning de ale r sh ip s. Ex ecellent co m pe n sation , benefits and st a bility. M u st be expe r ienced and ha ve desir e for adva ncement. Referen ces required. Call La rry at HO NDA OF WINSTON SALEM. (91 9) 765 0330. (228-29) Service Manager Needed La r ge Col orado dea lersh ip, Honda, H.D., Suzuki need s Service M an ager by J uly 15. Call Ron . (3031 287-7566. (22 6 -2 9 ) Motorcycle Mechanic Exp er ien ce d on ly . Excellent base & commis sion . BAY AREA KAWASAKI . (4 15) 53 7 -2257 . CA . (1 29 · 3 2) Tired Of Turning A Wrench? If you h ave 5 yea rs M /C dealership experience and have the m otivat io n to share your kn owledge, w e m ay have just the career fo r youl O ur r.apidly g r owing tra in i ng i n st it utes. loc ated in Ph eo m x. AI, and Or la ndo. FL a re in n eed of career m inded in di viduals to train as i n st r uct o r s. at no co st to you . Our exce ll e nt bt:.n ef i t p ac ka ge in cl ud e s: ·Company funded pensiol". ·Health benefits p la n , · Oental benefit pla n, ·Life insurance benefit plan. If you a re i n ter e st ed call M IC MECHANICS INSTITUTE. Larry Ba rri ngton in Ph eo n i. at (8 00) 5 28-7995 or J i m Grimes in O rlando at (BOO) 342(2 24 /TFN) 9 253. Service Manager Needed Yamaha m echan ica l experience n eeded. La rg e service departmenL Eoce llent pav. Call Raj or M ike. (226-29) (21 3) 8 6 6- 6 547. CA. IMMEDIATE OPENING for experienced service manager /mechanic to work on four ma jor brands. Th is is a permanent pos ition year ' r o u nd . Call Vi c. ORANGE COUNlY SUZUKI. Costa M esa . (7 14) 646-2428. CA. (229-TFN) Need qua lif ied M an ager and Servic e W riter . Great working condit ions. Top pat and benefits . Perman en t po sit ion. Call Steve. EMPLE CllY HONDA-._ (2 13) 287-078 1. So Cal . (3 2 6-3 0) Sales Reps Wanted M ajo r m an ufacturer of aftermarket motorcycle/. ATV plast ics is loo ki n g fo r sales r eps . curren tl y _ se l li n g m ot orcy cl e/ A TV pr od ucts. M any areas st ili availa ble for m or e info rma ti on . pl ea se ca ll Pau l Pear son at (916)272 -9036 . CA . (227 -35 ) Mech Needed Ventura County_ Twenty m inut es f ro m Sa n Franando V all ey. ~ny brand expe r ie nce okay , exce lle nt g ay. vaca t ion. ye a r 'rou nd w or k. Contact Hugo, (8 51495-1916 . CA . (228-29 1 Tustin Honda Seek ing honest a nd agressive sales pe rso ns f.Of la rg e Honda M /C an d Power Pr oduct deal er shIp. .. Experience not necessary excellent Health a nd Dental benefits. Call John at (71 4) 5 5 8- 9 3 9 3 . CA . (2 2 8- 2 9) Order Desk /Shipping /Receiving Spec II. manufacture r of performance parts an d ferrings. needs both entry le vel a nd management he lp . Excellent opponunity for adva ncement . Call (8 18 18 4 2- 5 18 7. CA . (3 2 8- 2 9) Motorcyclce Esta bl ished B ev e rl y Hills area Yamaha Riva Sc oo t er agency has o pe ning fo r ex perte n ce d m echanic w i t h o wn tools. non -s moke r. w l~ h service o r pans manager background or pctenial an d good learning skills. ~ay commensurate Wit h experie n ce . R. B e r cev itz, (213) 2 7 5 - 6 7 3 4 . (329) CA. Service Mgr & Service Writer Top pay. HONOA OF GLENDORA. (81 B) 963-5984. CA . ' 12 2 9 -30 ) - Business Oppo rt unit es Business & Property For Sale .:.. Sou t h Flo r ida Honda , dea le rship for sa le. Gr eat bus iness in ~ood location . If i nteres ted. ca ll Wayne Skinner. 1 4O ) 46B-3400. FL (3 2 7 -2 9) SERVIC E AND A CCESSO RY SHOP in OelMar CA. If you'v e ever dr ea m ed of o~ni ng your own shop th is is ill Th r iv in g repair busmess. (standard two w eek back log). Complete. tools. eq~i p ment. a nd Tig w eld er . Solid founeen year reputat io n . Low ov erh ead , perfect ri di ng climate . M y inven t ions force sa le . Sacrifice at $19,000. Half d own own e r (3 2 9 ) w ill carry. (619)755-3 949 . HOWSTER CA LIFORNIA m ot orcy cle shop fat sa le. Establish ed six & o ne half yea rs . (408) 637-3337. (12 9-30 ) FULL·lINE HONDA FRANCHISE FOR SALE. So Central FL a r ea, in ve ntory, tools, f ixt u r es . $45,0CX> (3 2 8 -3 1) ta kes all . (407) 7 9 8 -31 7 0. eves. Gulf Coast Dealership Located near large AFB. M/C. ATV. Jet Sk i dual· li ne de aler. Year 'round seaso n . Establ ished 9 (127-30) ye ars. Make offer. (904) 862 -213 1. FL 198B Kawasaki Ninja Need experienced mechan ic for larg e Honda Yamaha dealership. Five work week. Apply in pe rson. JOHN BURR CYCLE 9008 Sierra Fontana. (329-30) CA . (714) 823- 1338. Black. Comp Ks, Cor Bin saddle, sta inless brake li nes . Absolutely f1aw lessl Never raced or dr~1 Serviced since new. Dan Kyl e fresh ly t un ed . Price includes OEM. Dunlap K205 and stock saddle. &4900 ONO. Call Andrew. (8 00) 245-2630. da~. (408) 624-9363. eves/weekends. (329- I Honda Service Manager P8f Very little riding time. &500 worth of new spare parts. Revalve shock and forks. Excellent condition, &1050.(213) 925-1434. CA. (129) Mechanic Wanted dal Need qualified Manager and Service Writer. Great working conditions. Top and benefits. Perman· en t posit ion. Call Steve. EMPLE CllY HONDA. (329-30) (B18) 2B7-078 1. So Cal . Performance Sales Coordinator YOSHIMURA R&D of AMER ICA is looking fo r a n indi vidua l w it h a keen i nte re st in hig h performance product sales a nd c ustomer service. Must know how the internal comb ust ion engine oper ates and h ow high perfo rm a nce prod uct s increase performance. Expe r ie nce in ph on e sales a m ustl Send resume to : 4555 Can er Ct. Chino. CA 91 7 10.Ann Oa v e W o l ma n. or st op by a n d com plete a n (2 2 9 ) applicati on . 198B Honda CR125 Collectors & Kawasaki Dealers_ 1975 American Production KZ400. First hour product ion run #K4 -500052 . Garard. covered.700 miles. not a scratch l (3 03) 858-1 95. CO . (3 2 9-30) TRIUMPH HURRICANE. &3750. 1971 Triumph Bo nneville. $2000. Nonon P-11 , $3000. Nonon M KIII . &1500. 1975 Du cat i B60. &1000. 1965 Duca t i 250 Sc ram b l e r . &1000. 1960 Ha rl e y Chopper . &1000. BSA 650 Hornet. &500. Lots of Nonon pans. (9 18) 252 -9401. OK . (12 9)

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