Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1988 07 27

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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.f-"3 EJ . 8, 1988 ~ ENS AT 8 A.M. SHARPI Meeting & Practice Schedule at 8 :30 a.m. Forst P,.ctico S _ Us! Procticl s..-. _. _ 9 •••• 5:30 ,... _ , FOR .IFORIlATlOI CALL (615) 552-2205 00 00 O"l - Hwy 79 exit 4, 4 mi les sou th of Tenn essee stat e line MID SOUTH ," - HOlDA ...-= ~ .\ • ~_ .. ' • -' MetiS ~ _ ~ 1 - - - We hew ~ied ~ end receiYed an AMA sanction , Flagmen. Ambula nce Service, Concessions and A nnou ncing . We lire also pleased to welcome North Shore Racing (Milt) to service Hondas. TUF R acing to ..rvice KawaHki and SuzukI riders . and VafTWIna of Downer, Grow (MY) for the YafTWIha riders. These fine comp8nies will haw their tK hnieel represen tatives at the track to help the riders dial their bikes in at the temperatures and under the sa me track co ndn ion. that they will experience at Loretta l yn n '• . The ir products and services will be on sale ell day Monday. August 8th. W. are also very pleased to annou nce that TEAll NOIIIDAwill have a SUPPa.,. T'aUC1land TlCIUIICIAII on hand to pro vide set-up assistance and acMce for an IIOIiIDA ridersl Adm iuion to the Practice Day is ............ T~re w ill be ... (I) fo r fa mity members and pit crews. Bring everyonel - '''- CIRCUBEU I NTI _ SIS 2ND ANNUAL " THUNDER IN OHIO" ~ NATIONAL 600 ... " .•••• MOTOR CYCL.ECHAMPIONSH IPS ' ~GET IT ON! W SATURDAY. AUGUST 6. 1988 ASHLAND COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS As hland. Oh io Y.I Mile Flat Dirt Track ~OTOACY~E SAFETY FOUNDAT ION . _. SEE Ju niors Pro-...M PERRIS ...Is The Place! 'UDEIllS On Ha rl.,' , Honda ', Ya man, ', SUZUki 's Can-Am 's Ka...asa .d's --"""-5.- _ . 1-.,_ "- ... ,. _• 01IU", _ lntor manc n: - July23 SMX 30 SMX ... . . 15.110 ""2 _D.:Ill (513)494-9705 ~ " IIU aIlU,..,1I1I1ItCI Fa irgrounds located on Clairmont Avenue. Y.I mile off St. Rt. 42., South End of A shland. Ohio . RACE HEADQUARTERS L & K Motel. """lend. O hio 1- • US 250 71 Call collect tor reservations ("' 9) 28 '-058 7 Adva nce tickets now avail able from Ashland Jay-eees c.ll (41 9) 289-7382. ask tor Wi .... ' ... Croton, Oh io MONDAY, ' . • ._ Speedway Events Cancelled Rock Bottom Prices 4J!1R oN oT . C T'TRAcK SHOR til. -Aupst 6 CRC MX 7 SMX 13 SMX 14 SMX 20 SMX 27 SMX ~ Hartford County Fair AUGUST 8 100% Payback 4 Wheeler Blow Out! We Will Not Be Undersold "We CaD Yoa M ~ Oa Ally. . . . . . Prod_ta" BURBANK Y AMARA 1801 W. Burbank Blvd.. Burbank, CA 91506 L..--(818) 845-8738---' Motorcycles & Quads Knobbies O • All classes will run K Sign up 5 :00pm Pract ice 6:00pm Race 8:00pm Info : (614) ~1435 A D VER TIS ER S TAKE YOUR PICK! $1998 BRAND NEW .. .. , ~~:fnUg the race with yr,ur co mpetition ? An ad in CYCLE NEWS might be the piece of 1986 YZ2 50 o r TT350 Enduro Version Available Plus Tax Reg. -Doc. -Freight DICK ALLEN'S (80S) 2S9-8460 equipment yo u need. Remember. you can 't "!lin the race if you're no t entered. NIGHI Vegas MOIO-X Las I ~ TIlls ch=p io n knows there Is only one racing au that delivers peItormance and ~" lon g englne li1e. International Raceway July 23 38 lVIICHAEL FARBER N'B~ff Info (702) 365-1080 Ask Your Dealer AERVOE-PACIFIC CO . San LeandR>, CA (415)678-3400 Out_ide of Californja call (BOO) 227~ I96 CAUfORIIA SHORT TRACl( • AMA/0 ·36. locIi Cyclo IIowllocli. Info 209/366·7162. CAUFORNIA MOTOCROSS SMX. Porri. Racowoy, Porri.. Inl. 714/563 ·7466. CAUFORNIA ULTRAC SS RO Mickey Thomp... E Group. lDa nt An l.. Colillum. lDa Angelo.. Inf. ge 714/936-41 0D. COLO RADOSUPERCROSS SRACIE & M Entorpri.... lsIond G .... ParllAte G ey Inl. 3031 ... rool . 989-7436 . FLORIDA MOTOC SS RO Did o City R ICtwIy, Did o City. Inf. 613/ 986-495D. FLORIDA MOTOCROSS Panhandle Spltdwl Y Panama , City. Inf. 9041235-0624 . , 2651322. FLORIDASHORT TRAClVMX • Orango Cotlnty RocIwoy O , rlond.. Info 305/5 66-2271. GEO RGIA MOTO SS CRO Thunder Crook MX, J _. Info 9121994 -6630. . GEORGIA SUPERCROSS Soutllom S"""r=ss. Tunnol H ill Inf. 404/259-5092 or 276-1570. GE RGI MOTOCROSS O A • s.,p ortrou . f Ringgo Ringgol . ld. d Inf. 404/937-3372 . MISSISSIPPI SHORT TRACK Mississippi RKeny. laural. Info 6011426·0619 It 729-2966 . . NEVADA MOTOCRDSS • Las VOIl".lnn R ocoway. Las Voges. Inf. 7021365·1D80. NEW YORK SHORT TRACK! SCRAMBLES • Paradise Speedway. Genevi . Info 315I7B9-7293 . NEW YORK SHORT TRACK Squ are R ,,,, Ahon. Inf id, o 6071 648·3103 . RTH CARDUNA MOTOCROSS NO Wheeling' It Inc. Maysville. Into 919/ 347·3972. OHIO TT SC AM R BLES • Sideways Pro motions. De erfield • Spoodw. y, Ooortiold. Inf. 216/ 5848666. OHIOMOTOCROSS Honda Hill.. linnvillo. Info 8141 323-3766 cr 226-0690 . OHIO PO KERRUN Harding County flirgrounds. Ken· l.n. lnl.419/ 673-4 102. OHIO HAlf MILE • logan C ounty Feirgrounds. Belllon· l.ino. lnl. 419/991-6124. OHIO MOTOCROSS G I... City Me. O ltt. MotDtSport Pork, Ooli•. lnf. 419/476-2312. OHIOPOKER RUN MO Pok Run. Troaty City Me. er Groonvillo. Inf. 513/546-7197. OKLAHOMA MOTO ROSS C Motorty

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