Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1988 07 27

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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00 00 O"l ....... Mark Hyde took ninth overall despite getting lost. a XR 600 th at appears to be a survivor · of a nuclea r hol ocaust. Eighth p lace went to Du ane Con ner, with H yde and Larrau co mpleting th e top 10. • The 200cc A h ono r s we n t to asp iri n g ISDE rid er Duane T aylor, on a H onda, and seco nd 200cc A - troph y went to ISD E veteran Morrill Griffith, a top a Yamaha. Gary Davis won h is first race as a Sen ior A rider o n a 250 H o nda. Kenny Stewart, from California , was •.seco nd o n a Suzuki. In th e B class Barry Gaston, o n a 430 H usky, made hi s trip from _Ohio worthwhile by hauling home th e overa ll B trophy. Christ Garba ga rnered the fir st O pe n B h onors o n his Yamaha, while P h ill ip West - bested th e 250cc B class o n h is C R H o n d a . Fourteen -year-old M ik e Charleville, on a n aged and ba ttlescarred KDX , toughed it out to top the 200cc B class. . In th e Super. Senior class Cap Kuney, on a 3.'i0 KTM , a n d Carl Westcam p , o n a Ka wa saki, co n I tinued th e battle they began last year at this race, with Kuney on ce agai n ~ the vic tor. Carrie Broka w m oved back to th e L adies cla ss from th e "200cc B class to domina te the wo me n racers. I The riders were unani mous in btheir p ra ise o f th e promoters ' firs t effort a t a Na tional even t. T he · promoters in turn th an ked th e 145 riders 'th a t a tte nded th e race an d gave special th anks to Roger Ansel of the i' AMA, and hi s wife, Mel in da , for all jheir hel p . • Results 0 / A : 1. Fritz Kadlec (Vam); 2. Ed Lojak (H u s~ 3. Joh n Bruckbauer (Yam); 4. Tony Hendon (ATK~ 5. Jam ie Thompson ( H on~ 6. Kelby Pepper (Han); 7. Scott Summers (Hon); 8 . Duane Conner; 9. Mark Hyde (Hus); 10. Denn is Larr en (Han); 11. Tim Shepha rd (Yam); 12. Mark Hynes (KTM); 13. Jon Adams (Han); 14. Dave Zchne r (KTM ); 15. Joe Coppedge (Kaw); 16 . Duan eTaylor (Hon ~ 17 . Brian Davis (Han); 18. Dave Lindeman (Han); 19 . Ron ' Hacken (KTM); 20 . Morrill Griffit h (Vam). OPEN A : 1. Tony Hendon (ATK); 2. Jamie Thompson (Han); 3. Scan Summer (Han); 4. Mark Hyde (Hus); 5. Tim Shephard (Yam). • 250 A : 1. Eddie Lojak (Hust, 2. John Bruckbauer (Yam); 3. Kelby Pepper (Han); 4. Duane Conner 1(Yam); 5. Denn is Larren (Han). Z 200 A: 1. Duane Taylor (Han); 2. Morrill Griffith (Yam). 4-STRK A : 1. Jim Rase (Han); 2. Pete Rudman (Hont 3. M ike Lars. SR A: 1. Gary Davis (Hon t 2. Kenny Stewart ISuz); 3. Floyd Stretch (KTM). S /SR : 1. Cap Kun ey (KTM); 2. Carl Westcamp (Kaw). 0 / A B: Barry Gaston (Hus). OPEN B: 1. Chr is Garba (Vam); 2. Steve Geise (Han); 3. Les Resler IKTM); 4 . M ike Burns (Kaw); 5. Mike Brightly (Han). 250 B" : 1. Phillip W est (Han); 2. George Villanyi (Han); 3 . J ames Wey (Han); 4. Jason Jahns (KTM); ' 5. Brad Filken s (Han). 200 B: 1. M ike Charl evill e (Kaw l; 2. A. Stat ler (C-A); ' 3. Dee Alv erson (Han); 4 . P. Engl e (Kaw ); 5. Gen e M oore (Kaw). 4-STRK B: 1. Brad Schw artz (Han); 2. M . Kock (Han); 3. Gene Lehn erz (Vam). SR B: 1. Roger Dowden (KTM); 2. Greg Webb (KTM); 3. Ray Wi nwer (KTM ). LADIES: 1. Carrie Brokaw (Vam); 2. Sue Cheney (Han); 3. Debra Ness. 13

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