Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1988 07 27

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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In ... '" a: ... ~ ~ 0 0 u.. <:( a: ~ > al S ... u, > al ... 0 0 J: e, 0 0 00 00 J: e, ~ ~ r- e-r ;>..... ;:l ~ Bruce St ingley (29) took a w in in the 500cc Expert class and two Vet class overall victories at the Alaska State M X Championships. Roger Durkee led every lap of the Lightweight Pro class main to take the win over Robert Lewis at Linda's Speedway. Beck ington scored second o verall with a 3-1. Wagner went I-I in th e Plus 25 class for overall honors while Horva th returned an d went 2-2 for second overall and Doug Kenworthy scored a 3-3 for third overall. J ason Faulkner fired from the line in th e first moto of the 80cc (12-15) class followed by Zya Braun and Eric Bowman . Br aun cl osed in o n Faulkner , pressured him an d by lap fo ur had ta ken the lead on th e outsid e as Faulkner fough t back. Faulkner battled back and finally squeezed by o n th e outside to retake th e lead. Faulkner remained in first at th e chec kered wi th Braun close at h and a nd Bowman ta kin g third.. Bowman charged off the ga te to lead moto two followed by Faulkner and Braun. Faulkner quickly went into the lead as Braun moved into second. A Faulkner-Braun battle followed as th e two swapped the lead severa l times. On lap four, Braun went into the lead and rem ained the re at th e finish for th e win and th e overa ll with a 2-1 sco re. Faulkner fin ished a respectable seco n d an d a second overall. Results OPEN B: 1. Jeff Bodjack (Hon ~ 2. Dave Raffeny 3. Oarren Morgan (Han); 4. Ron Elliott (Han); 5. Gregory Oa:onnell (Han). 60 ; 1. Heath Cripe (Kaw ); 2. Chr is Consid ine (Kaw); 3. Nicholas lappia (Kaw); 4. Zegin Braun (Kaw~ 5. 5cott Me ister (Kaw ). 125 A: 1. Tim Ramsey (Han); 2. M ike Roth (Yam ~ 3. Tim Chapman ( H on ~ 4. Gregg Althoff (Yam); 5. Bob Merlington (Han). 250 A: 1. Robert Wagner (Ya m~ 2. David Backington (Han); 3. Tim Ramsey (Yam ~ 4. Carl Horvath (Kaw ); 5. Chuck Ham ilton (Suz). 125 B: 1. Chad Montero (Yam); 2. Eric Mclear (Yam); 3. Aaron Becker (Han); 4 . John Hurley (Kaw); 5. Patrick Church (Kaw). 125 JR: 1. David Beckington ( Hon ~ 2. Bryan Weiler ( Kaw~ 3. Sasha Culp (Kaw ); 4. Jason Smit h (Yam); 5. Shan Parren (Yam). 30+: 1. Carl Vargo (Han); 2. Doug Kenworthy (Suz); 3. Perry Stab ler (Kaw ); 4 . Bob Bean (KTM ); 5. M ike Horne (Han). OPEN A : 1. John Krouer (Han); 2. Dani el Umba rger (Kaw); 3. Joe Subart (y am); 4. Eriks ( C ·A~ Ezerin (Hon) ; 5 . Courtney Riester (Han ). AUTO: 1. Chris Considine (Yam); 2. Nicholas lappia (Yam); 3. Bradley Lesnik (Yam); 4. Paul Peterson (Yam); 5. Mikey Klinger (Yam). BO C: 1. Lerry Scan (Han); 2. Joel Pyper (Suz); 3. Adam Martin (Kaw ); 4 . Kenneth Ma sch (yam); 5. Keith Newton (Han). 250 C: 1. Rudy Mance (Yam); 2. Bren Merritt (Han); 3. Roger Schellhammer (Cag); 4. Breton Warren (Han); 5. Scon Kirkpatrick (Kawl . 125 C: 1. Joe Koppe (Yam); 2. Ward Zuelsdorf (Han); 3. M ike Butler (SUl); 4. Ooug Fozo (Han); 5 . Ian Carlson (Han) . 40+ : 1. Erv Braun (Kaw); 2 . David Carlson (Hon); 28 3. Larry Bass (Yam). BO7 -11 : 1. Derek Gayheart (Han); 2. Heath Cripe (Yam); 3. Chad Carey (Han). 80 12-15 : 1. Zya Braun (Kaw ); 2. Jason Faulkner (Han); 3. Ryan Cowan (Han); 4. Eric Bowma n (Kaw); 5. J ason Gagland (SOl). 25+: 1. Robert Wagner (Yam); 2. Cart Horvath (Kaw~ 3. Doug Kenworthy (Suz); 4. Gregg Althoff (Yam~ 5. Carl Vargo (Han). OPEN C: 1. Frank Schoenbeck (ATK); 2. John Wagnir (Kaw~ 3. Larry Bass (Yam); 4. Rodney Brezinski (Han). 250 B: 1. Jeffrey Ball (Kaw); 2. Ma. Woodall (Hon~ 3. Shawn Thomas (Han); 4. Ron Sellars ( H o n~ 5. Nick Eagle (Kaw). M iller dominates linda Spdwy ST ~ 250 EX: 1. Joe Good (SUl); 2. Andy Workmln (Suz); 3. Ralph 81anchard (Kaw). 500 NOV: 1. Garren Simpson (Yam); 2. Colby Hill (Yam); 3. Art Nelson (Han). 500 EX: 1. 8ruce Stingley (Han); 2. Jim McClain (Kaw); 3. Todd Laitner. VET: 1. 8ruce Stingley (Han); 2. Brad Bomhoff (Hon~ 3. Edwin Sims (KTM). OIT: 1. Ron Soule (KTM); 2. Jam ie U nxwiler (Yam ~ 3. Pet Poland (Kaw). SUNDAY 50 NOV: 1. Luke Rambur (yam); 2. John Vigmilen • (Yam ~ 3. Jesse Klan (Yam). • 60 NOV: 1. Marc Henderson (Kaw~ 2. Dean Oouglls ( Kaw~ 3. Nancy Gweney (Kaw ). BO NOV; 1. John Fesler (SOl~ 3. Ian Forsythe 25 0 : 1. Tony Montengro (Kaw); 2. Thomas DuPont (Kaw); 3. William Harper (Yem): 4 . Jeremy Lucy (Kaw). 500 2-STRK: 1. David Fitzpatrick (Yam). 600: 1. Jeremy Lucy (W-R). SR: 1. Ken' McConnell (Han); 2. Robert Gardner (Han); 3. Alan Dewey (RIX) 4. Scon Harper (Yam). ; PRO UW: 1. Roger Durkee (Hon ~ 2. Robert Lewis (Han); 3. Paul Crumling (Han); 4. Dave Duha ime (Suz). PRO-AM: 1. Fred Gut ierrez (Hon~ HIW: 1. David Miller (Han); 2. Paul Crumling (Han); 3. Kris Kiser (W·R); 4 . Robert Lewis (Yam); 5. Mike Varnes (Hon). By Dave Hoenig JONESTOWN, PA, J ULY 2 AMRA -Pros dirt track racing came to Linda Speedway a nd David Miller p icked u p where he left off in Ill in ois by sweeping th e H ea vyweight class on his MC Stuff/Oury/Bieffe/K8cN / Blendzall/Penn Sta te Cycle/South Cou nty H onda-sponsored H onda. T he sm all amateur field started o ff the ni ght's acti vities. The first final was easil y won by Brian Strong o n h is 80 cc Kawa saki as h e outdistanced the 125s Thomas DuPont and Tony Montenegro. Jeremy Lucy led th e first lap of th e 250cc main only to fall in turn one . Montenegro took over and won over DuPont, William H ar per and Lucy, who remounted and finished a very close fourth. Lucy ca me back in th e last a mateu r race riding his 600cc Wood-Rotax a ga ins t th e Senior cl ass, taking th e lead from Ken McConnell a t th e halfway point. McConnell held on to tak e the Seni or class win over Robert Gardner , w ho passed Ala n Dewey with two laps left. The Lightweight Pro class win went to Roger Durkee, who led every lap on his R .E. Ca rl son/Harris Racing/Bell /Wore. Co u nty Honda sponsored H onda . Robert L ewis h eld down second ahead of a battle for th ird between Dave Du ha im e and Paul Crumling with Crumling co ming out o n top. Durkee p u lled to a bigger lead in th e L ig htweight poi nt standi ngs. Crumlin g got the h ol eshot in the H ea vyweight class but was q u ickly repla ced b y Miller. Mi ller rode co ns ista ntly wi th Cruml in g close beh ind. Lewis h eld third over Durkee, Kris Kiser , Mik e Varnes, Andy Karadontes a nd Duha im e. Durkee dropped o u t on la p six a nd Kiser used the cha nce to cha lle nge Lewis, moving into third on lap II. T h is set the fin al order as Mill er easi ly m aintai ned h is AMRA-P ro poi nts lead. Results AMATEUR 85 SR: 1. Brian Strong (Kaw). 125: 1. Thomas DuPont (Kaw) ; 2. Tony Montene- gro (Kaw ). Workman wins one at Alaska MX . By M. R. Edge FAIRBANKS, AK, J ULY 2-3 Nort h ern Pow er Sports-sponsored An dy Workman took th e lead in th e 125 a nd 250cc Expert classes at round three o f the Alas ka State Motocross Championsh ip Seri es. The two da y event was held on Workman 's home track , Goose Island Raceway. Previo us 125 and 250cc Expert class leader Joe G ood cras h ed in Sunday's practi ce and will be out of action for six weeks. Saturday's 125 a nd 25(kc Expert classes went to Suzuki-Arctic Cat Motorsports backed Good. Just as he had done all seaso n, Good ran awa y with ea ch moto , foll owed a wa ys ba ck by Workman. Kawasaki o f Anc hora ge's Jim McCl ain , the 500cc Expert series leader , su ffered clutch problems that saw him slip to secon d p lace on Saturday: Northwest Gl asssponsored Bruce Stin~ley took over first with two moto wms. . During Sunday's practi ce session G ood crash ed hard and was out with a mi ld co n cussion a n d fractured vertebrae. Workman wa s expected to run away with th e win bu t Ri ck Kantol a wo n the I 25cc Expert overall with a 2-1 o ver Workm an 's 1-2. Workman had to battle with Kaw asaki o f Anchorage' s Ralph Blanchard in both 250cc Expert rnotos b ut came away wi th both wins . McCl ain borrowed a KTM fourstro ke a nd won both 500cc Expert rnoto s over Stingley but is still in seco nd in th e series point stand ings. Results SATURDAY 50 NOV: 1. Luke Rambur (Yam); 2. Clint Marklin (Yam); 3. John Viamilen (Yam). 60 NOV: 1. Marc Henderson (Kaw); 2. Dean Douglas (Kew); 3. Edward Gwaney (Kaw ). 80 NOV: 1. John Fesler (Suz); 2. Jim Tompkins (Kaw ); 3. Clint 8arned! (Kaw) . 80 EX: 1. Gary Gordon (Han); 2. Scon Dewinter (Kaw ); 3. Roger Undstrom (Kaw) . 125 NOV; 1. David Sailor (Suz); 2. Chr is Dewinter (Kaw ); 3. Mike O'Steen (Han). 125 EX: 1. Joe Good (SOl); 2. Andy Workman (Yam); 3. Rick Kantola (Kaw). 250 NOV: 1. Troy Hi. (Kaw); 2. Bob Faeo (Suz); 3. Chris Donnally (Suz). (Kaw~ • BOEX: 1. Roger U ndst rom (Kaw ); 2. Gary Gordon 3. Anthony Werner (Kaw ). 125 NOV: 1. Mike O'Steen (Han): 2. David Sailor (SOl); 3.James Parks (Suz). 125 EX: 1. Rick Kantola (Kaw~ 2. Andy Workman (Yam~ 3. Jason McOonald (Kaw ). 250 NOV: 1. J ames Croy (SOl); 2. Trap Hi. (Ka~ 3. Chris Oonnally (SOl). 250 EX: 1. Andy Workman (Suz); 2. Ralph Blanchard (Kaw); 3. Vernon Johnson (Sull. 500 NOV: 1. Gerren Simpson (Yam~ 2. Colby Mill (Yam); 3. Mitch Lyleson (Kaw ). 500 EX: 1. Jim McCla in (KTM~ 2. Bruce Stingley (Han); 3. 8rad Bomhoff (Han). VET: 1. Bruce Stingley (Han); 2. Edwin Simo (KTM); 3. Brad Bomhoff (Han). OT: 1. Jam ie Linxwiler (Yam); (KTM); 3. Pat Poland (Kaw). (Hon ~ Taylor tames Hills Ferry ST By M ikki McBride _ '''' NEWMAN , CA , JULY 2 a Ted Taylor led (rom sta rt to finish to take th e victory in th e Pro-Am class a t the Hills Ferry Short Track. In th e Pro-Am heat Bobby McDowell ca me in seco n d after trying to o verta ke H arley rider Mark Key as he h eld a tight line th e whole distance. In the 15-lap main even t Rotax rider Taylor rocketed into th e hole-' shot with Key a close seco nd.. McDowell came off fourth behind Jimmy Sanchez. On th e fourth lap McDowell sh o t by on th e o u tside of the back straight to pass Sanch ez then took off a fter Key. Mike Gresham, co m in g th rough . th e pack on his Rotax, sl id into th e fifth position, but not for long. Bob Damron, al so o n a Ro tax , m anaged to fo llow him . and keep goin g to get an edge on Gresham a nd take over fifth . On tfie 14th lap McDowell blew loud and clear coming down th e front straight and coasted into th e pits. Sanchez th en took over th e third spot followed by Damron in fourth and Gresham in fifth at th e checkered flag . In th e Open Expert class Rotax rider Jon Nunez surprised all by grabbing th e lead and riding with it th e whole wa y. Gresham tried several times to get by with no luck. Taylor was next in a close third while Damron and Sanchez battled for

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