Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1988 07 13

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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1988 CR250 Pipes One stock. one Pro Circuit. $75 each. (714) 528 · 1448. CA (327) 1985 XR250 Rear Wheel Whee l, new M ·22 brakes. sw ingarm . shocks and muffler. $200 080. (714) 52 8-1448 CA. (3 27) -. . RACING Il 00 00 I A M () ~ II - ~ () f; - T - m'LFUEl:-== #1 in the Baja 1000 A ilaWe .. Super O'"l 1987 CR125 Lots Of Extras! 1987-1988 CR125 Parts lIInr: Pipe with mu ff ler. $75. Tank and an plastic. $50 . Black box and coil , 550 . Radiator s and hoses. S100 . (7 14) 528- 1448. CA. (327) CYCLE SERVICE Bike 12 4 4 N . Gaffey St .• San Pltdro. CA TOUR DE FORCE A complete hre 01 mot rtyde cleaners and poIiSlleS. o 1'5 - Total Cytle Clearer 1 (2131548-6174 INGLEWOOD CART 910 Cen tinel. Ave . Ing lew ood . CA (213) 678-61111 J.H. MITCHELL 1988 CR250 Like New! SHOWA adjust rebound forks. Race Tech shocks. lots of extras. $2 700 . (7 14) 528 -144 8. CA. (327) **** Case Guards **** 14515 Joan Bridge St .• Baldwin Park. CA KROMEKOTE - chrome polISh WING WAX - paint shlre and protector 1986-88 GSXR. CBR6oo . FZ6oo. FZ750. ZX600. and a few more. Approved for all race association s. Fit s under low er cowl. Race tested. Call today. CONN CYCLEWORKS. INC. (2031 234 -7000. CT. (22 2/TFN) (818) 962-2451 MOORE RACING ENGINE DEGREASER - bllXle9radabie and SOOient 1158 E. Highland Ave .• San Bernardino . CA Distrlbuled by Sie MOlorcycle ProdutlS - Califomi. _ V na an Leeuwen Enlerpri es - Ca s lifornia - Rider Acce smry r Warehouse - Virginia - Modam Ti e - Indiana Action AcceSS9ries - Can - MJS Cycle - Ireland ada - Blue Sky Cve1 Suppty e (714) 883-8891 BOB SMITH OIL CO. 50 Julian St •• Vent ura. CA (805) 648-2000 Have you favourite dea C r ler Qf1lacl one of The above crstnbutcrs. ~ WANTED! MOTORCYCLE PERFORMANCE CENTER It~/ ,- --- C 1988 CR250 Hondas Only two left . Call for best price in U.S. PAGAN LEWIS HONDA. (512) 993 -6236 days. rx (225/ TFN) SPECIALISTS S ACRAME O. CA NT 916-363-3153 Wholesale To Dealer~ ONLY! 6 1 ,.\ :~I DEALERS & DISTRIBUTORS OF HIGH PERFORMANCE ~LUBRICANTS! , ~CA. 1-800-222-LUBE CALL TOLL FREE~ IN e s iJ j·;.Top @liM) ..lKr ••• (800) 356-5996 US (800) 223-5996 Fl (305)653-5996 10356 •.E. 16m Pl Mi.Al~ Fl 33179 TUAS& SURROUNDING DEALERS BLUE SKY CYCLE SUPPLY SPORTS SPECIAU STS US WATTS (800) 223-3SKY (800) 332..LUE TX _ (7131_14 Houston. Texas . O 'Neal 8 Nelson Ri gg PJl 8 Smith Goggles O ainese 8 C hase Harper "Ra d'tater Roostguards" T Give 'em the protection .hey need l Most 19861988 J apanese dirt bikes. $30.95 -$40.95 . J .e: PROOUCTS. LTO. (805 ) 58 1-4961 . 7am-12a m PST. CA (126-27/ P) OUTSIDE CA. 1-800-CALL OIL GET THE OIL EDGE! . I c, . St ock moto r. Pro Circui1suspensi on. dialed in. can f or i nf or mation. $1600. (714 ) 52 8 -1 448. CA. (327) SWM320 TRIALS 8 1 KE: UK E NEW CONDmON. with tralier. $800. (404) 548 -5580. GA (126-28) I Honda RS7S0 & RSSOO FlatTrack RS750 in C&J dual shock frame ; RS500 in Knight frame. Many extras . Ask ing $14.500. (804) 595 972 1. ask for J im. VA. (3 25-27) Want Ad Informatio n - 213/427-7433 1 QUALITY = ; CHEMICALS ; ;• • FOR THE MOTORCYCLE INDUSTRY == 1988 RC30 VFR750R Honda ;; . . =: FOR MO RE INFORMATION O R NEARES.T DIST RIBUTOR CAL L, (312) 789-0840 Ouite possi bly the last available anywhere in th e wo rld . 8r and new . POA tra des considered. (8 18) 303-2988. CA. (3 25- 28) LMee Inrentory In Stock Now! Used Trailers - Trade. Accepted 1986 VZ125.bought n ew 2188. rode 2 months may trade for raci ng go-cart . Larry . (6 18) 754: 33 08 . IL (127) Motorcycle - ' ATV - Watercraft Vending - Auto Can American Competition In Ohio: (4191 334-7355 In California: (714) 772·0620 • Z MOTORCYCLE RENTALS Street Bikes. Dirt BIkes Jet Skis • ATVs • Guided Tours Ava ilabl e Year Round Call or write for rate info. 10924 Portal . Los Al amito s. CA 90720 (213) 594-8901 (714) 821·1590 MASIfDPIPE?lor a new exhaust Pipe. w he n Gil IT fIXED fDR 835! Why pay to 5200 2584 Norway Lake Rd.. Lesee r. M14B446 . (3 13) 664-0BOO For Technic allnlormat ion Con tac t: Don Vesco . 2801 1 Front Str eet Temecu la. CA 92390 - (7 14) 676·2099 KOLD f KUTTER V-CUT ICE SCREWS up we ca n fix your dented or mashed one for 8351 No mett er how bad it is. we ca n fix itl Accept no im i..ti onar We.,. the ori giMiI end be at l FINISH UNE ......,.,<0. tEl Husqvama s. ..t _ HONDA A _ f~ CAa~A • WHlAyI to I PI!. 5PM rd lfli" "'" lt' .~ - '.rtJ vrs lM iI) - .Yo C.O .D . • (404) 497-ot1O.fU 4t7.-s 1t C-I ..a: ..... ... 60 W esl Ave nue. Patchog ue. NY 11 n 2 .ZB 5 1 6 n S8-64 00 - TELEX 22 1601 vUlEe UR A V A 6'2- Ie 6'6ll o. IIX/ENI '. Rid.. Stuffiq ..... . L lot. Ta. Short IIX Puts? ep ~~ "iIIE, J OIN THE FOUR STROKE SINGLES NATIONA L OWNERS CLUB. 4 -stroke singles enthus iasts in 40 ,states receive Thumper news . FREE T-sh in . decal. Send name, shi n size and $20 to: Jack Robin son. FSSNOC. P.O. 80x 1804 . Hutch inso n• • (T 25 -36 /P) KS 67504·18 04 . GET A CUSTOII FIT FR OII GRIFFS Waist sizes from 28 " to 48" Dealers Ca ll interstate Oil Co. Davison, MI (313) 653-0001 I .RO ~ HONDA GRIFFS P.O. 80x 48 6. 8r idgeport . CT 06604 (2 0 3) 3 34-456 0 Wanted '72 XR750 Rear Brake HONDA . Charleston, SC 1 (800) 333-3945 HONDA Come ride with LL"i. MEGASTAND! CYCLE SOUTH Th ON t Y stand that is . = Georgia's Trials and Enduro Speciahst s camp/illtly adlustable 1 1 0 11 a/mO ANY street bl.... il ATK . Bela . Can-Am . (parts all models} Polaris . Oft-Road Mountain BIkes SALES 8 PARTS. SERVICE (40 4 ) 991-6642 GTG "'!!l!'" ENTE RPRISES - $19 • 95 1 . ~l ud .. Shop",.g 76S ·C Ch e.tnut Street Sa. Jaoe. CA 951 10 (4 0 8) 298.5331 NATIONAL MOTORCYCLE & SPORTING GOODS EXPOSITION·TRADE SHOW. (8131461-4161 58 CRANKSHAFTS CLUTCHES. CONNECTING RODS ARIAS FORGED RACING PISTONS "11IIII.'.342_1So. .1(2131 770-0066 _ _ A ~iii.CA_IO.24ii'illll,. ... . oc:rOBER 15 • 16"" "" I f SA m MARA HOfft ctJNVEIrT70N asn« h LAS VEGA I NfYA04 hM.IrdI 01 qvIlct11~ • dealPn • ftIa1tr1 • ~ • em,.;, ~ ):ltt8"I· ~· ~· ~ · "*,· ~ I ran.. I POOL PARTY • !IAMO • PR S • ~OPHIES I Ilt FOR E1 IBIT OR AmHOAHC[ ",FOAUT1OlO W H AItt: P.O B 101. . OI U k! H AVASUC Al " ' 01 ITY. 00 ~ (1102) 855·80115 "'"" _ "~ " • • "" "" om.. (804 ) 26 2-3898.VA. (327- 29/ EOI) 1 9 8 6 Yamaha FJ1200 1800 orig inal miles as you 'd expect. rt's 100% per feet condit ion . Matching helmet included $4400. Asktor J ack. ATK. {213172 2·8880 . CA. (32728 1 For Sale Rob North Replica Tri 750 three cylinder racing machine, 1972/ 73. moto r some new spares. Reason fo r sell ing ret ired from compet ition. Can 80b Rogers. (413) 267-4016. M A. (127- 28)

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