Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1988 07 13

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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ROAD RACE SUPPLIES • • 00 00 Numbers & Plales Brali.r PoMts Slop Walchn Case Guards - S.dety Wi re & Pliers _ SI~ing Dampet'k its • FibergLus Body P~rt5 • Stftol B rak~ line k ils more! - Our (asl personal service keeps you!!.!! tbe !!!d. no l in Ihe pits! ,~ Da ily U.P.5. Q') ~~-C: T Inc. iN'Ooo...... o **Timex Speed Computer** The tr ick set -up in stop w atches, easy to use. 5 lap memory, cum /split times. computes mph /kph. 3.5 year banery, 1 year warra nty . Only $41 .95. Caliloday. CONN CYCLEWORKS. INC. (20 3) 2347000, CT. (224 / PITFN) DA RCY RACING SPECIALTIES. Ft . Wonh, TX. (B17) B34 · RACE. (1 24 -27) PARTS: GSXRl l00 OHUNS SHOCK. low street miles, S350: SuperTrapp SS header. Dynajet kit w it h f ihers, new , S350; L.oc khan seat. Sl 00: FZ750 Cosw onh pistons. new. S275 . (2 15) 647·842 B. PA. (3 26· 27) New Catalog $3. • CERIANI,su ,bu rol' FORKS EII Clu$u·. U . $. D ~AM'S RDSOOlC Yamaha/Mint 3000 kms . USA legal. 1984 Superbike. (21 3) 4 73 4155. (2 13 ) 41 0 -2984, CA. Ask for Carlos. (32627 ) • Racer/Rider Support Discount Program Crash Parts Program HONDA/TAllUlA • iT -DISC BRAKES aJI.L ms; ea; • Zaccaria STEERING DAMPERS FRIENDLY SERVICE - UPS DAILY - DISCOUNT PRICES Call and enter your name and address into ou r computer to receive spec ial automatic discounts on parts orderI No matter what model HONDA or YAMAHA you ride we probably have the parts you needl INSTANT ~ SEIlVICE! AM'S ~M HONDA/YAMAHA .DO TODAY In Tennessee's Largest HONDA/YAMAHA Dealer 2233 NW B_d. Murfreesboro. In Tennessll: TOUR££! • SUPEIBIItE Bli .OUITS ..... (800)342-1681 FAX (615)895-8249 Sorry. Conlinellbi US: (800)251-0600 • = TN 37130 No ~..;O.D.s I v.... Clean out your c.r.ce this weekend with a Cycle News W.ntAd. AGVHELMETS Snell approved fiberglass and kevlarglass models in dazzling new color combinations. SPEEDMODE LEATHERS Durable. stylish Italian leathers offer the ultimate in protection. SIDI BOOTS Superb. lightweight boots for riding and racing. Cobra/CBX/KZ1300 - 6/1 Chrom e or black. 8295 . Extra hp and torque: No rejett ing required. Great sound. reta ins centerstand. (800) 3 2 7 - 1109. (3 0 5) 785- 1 180. FL (221 / PITFN) 1986 Hi-Point Trailer 20 ', side door awning. fr ont ladder, work bench. tie hooks. Like new, low mileage. Asking $4900. (201) 891 -2230. NJ . 1 5-28) 32 Two 1986 XR2S0Rs Forquality motorqc l. Ipparel · FosI Lane - . Gl .... Cold _Clotllioo. Jackets, . Panll· tor botbm.. Ind wom.n. Plul Custom L.ltb... IIId I new line "'lid. simi Rudy!D Race ....pi... and Canyon Kinotwo·plec.luilI. MOIIlleml ln I1aCk rudy !Dryou!D1ry onInd buy S.nd $3 tor Cllmpl.lIcIllIOO. . Open T·F 10 'a 6. Si t 10 '0 3 (213) US155! , HO W 11'" 51.. Lon, B.ech, CA. Nr lono B...b FWY (T10) & Plcilic Coal Hwy. . Husband and w if e bikes. Exce lle nt cond it ion . S1600 each or S3000 both. (6 19) 329-4179, CA. (326-27) • 2 STROKE EIGIIE PERFoRMAICfEXPERTS • COMPUTER DESIGIED - DYlO & TRACK TtSTEo PIPES. SILEICERS & CUSTOM PORTlIG • COMPlETE MACHIIESHOP SERVICE & HEAD MODS • FULL UIE OFPERFDnMA.lCE ACCESSORIES • MEmOI AD FOR FREE MXlATV CATALOG FZ600 PARTS: CORBIN & PASSENGER SEAT. S200; Yosh 4 ·1 exe, $180; 'A fair ing and bracket, Sl00; stk sho ck. &6. . (71 8) 768·0832, NY. (32 5 · 0 28 ) PSI RACING Rt. 2. Box 309. Wild Ro se. WI 549B9 19 87 XR HONDA . CLEAN. 300 MILES . stock. S2200. 1 13) 476-6561 days, (2 13) 454-1719 2 eves. CA. (326-27) 108 OCTANE RACING GASOLINE ARE YOU SICK AND TIRED of buy ing Top-End Pipes and Engine Kits designed to fit the 1% crowd like Ward & Johnson --Ihat don't really produce f or you and th e ot her 99% of the racing publ ic? Let's get seriou s, in most cases" th ese top-end only kits DO NOT promote smooth & constistant lap time s or fast riding styl es. A l PSI. WE GUARANTEE YOUR LAP TIMES AND RESULTS W ILL IM PROVE WITH PSI ' Het Pip es' & Our Custo m Engine Kits, WITH OUT SACRIFICE any area of Perfomancel Team PSI' s Pipes "and Cu sto m Engine K it s IM PROVE bonom-end response, pu ll M UCH harder Ihrough the mid ·ra nge and have a LONGER. STRONGER, 8 ETTER over -rev on l op! PSI Pipe s and c ustce-e Engine Kils are comput er design ed and Dyn o Developed on our Sup erf low 90 1 com pute r dyno.(l he ultimate in Per fo manc e Resaearch & Development! The only one in use in th e enti re Mot ocross Industryll). Comp let e Perfomance Packages Available. pipes. silencer s.engine kilS, custom porti ng. head mods. carb over bcr es. reeds. boosters. reed cages and mu ch morel AL L GUAR ANTEEDI Call For FREECata log ue & More Detailsl Tha nks For Your Support l PSI Rac in g. Rt 2 Box 309. W ild Rose. W I 549 84 . (4 141 (227 ·TFN/ P) 787· 2430. (414) 787-2430 MOTUI. M01ORO'L 300V 100% Synthetic Competition Oil 2100 Semi-Synthelic 1OW40 or 15W50 JOWSPORT GLOVES ~ !IOSIIIMUU (71.4) 628-4722 Simply" the finest glove in the world. COSMOPOUTAN MOTORS 301 JACJ

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