Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1988 07 13

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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WetJet REGIONAL SALES MANAGER for personal water craft company opening new territories in Western U.S. Experience in dealer sales in the M /C or marine industry preferred. Responsibilities will include establishment of a st rong dealer network through existing and new deal er setups and after market parts and accessory sales . Travel and some . w eekend act ivit ies requir ed. Salary plus bonus including custom van and expenses. Send resume to : CYCLE NEWS . Dept 13 P.O. Box 498, Long (227-28) 8 each. CA. 90801. CA t Mechanic Wanted Hond a exper ience pref err ed, excellent pay and benefits. Call Bill y. CIRCLE CITY HONDA. Coron a. ~. (714) 734-231 2 (227 ) Tired Of Turning A Wrench? JI If you have 5 years MIC dealer ship exper ienc e and have t he motivat ion -to-sha re your knowledge, we may have j ust th e caree r for you l Our rapidl y growing tra in ing insti t ute s, locat ed in Pheonix, AI.. and Orlando, FL. are in need of career m ind ed individuals to tr ain as inst r uctors, at no cost to you . Ou r excell e nt benef it pac ka ge includes: *Company funded pension, " Healt h benefi t s plan , "Dent al benef it plan , "L ife insurance benef it plan. If you a re i nte r est ed ca ll M /C MECHANICS INSTITUTE. Larry Barrington in Pheon ix at (800) 528-7995 or Jim Grimes in Orlando at (800) 3429253. (224/TFN ) CR Support Dealer Fast UPS Service Daily ORDER BY PHONE TOLL FREE (800) 647-$700 (Nationwide including Hawaii) (800) 356-5700 Business Opportunities (Wisconsin) C.O.D. or Charge to Visa-MC liZ Cedarburg, WI ... . Help Wanted .._ . ~an'C w..- .. 1eS_".~ ~_ ~ .~ ~ Experienced Mechanic Lockheed 340 Fell Street San Francisco, CA 84102 TEL: (415] 881-4282 CYCLE INDUSTRY DISCOUNTERS Over 10.000 Diacounted Iteml Tires. Batteries - Chains. Helmets. Etc. 1-800-458-7346 Hour" 9 ·5 M·F· 9 ·12 Sat. . 5.11h16 *32.28· GL Bib" 121." - Kepi, ....... '12.• Mastercard - Visa - Discover · COO .::E MIKUNI AMERICA is looking for an ind ividual w ith a keen interest in high performance Carburation Sales, Product development and Customer Serv ice . You will be on the leading edge of induct ion technology w ith the World's leader! Send resume or stop in to complete an application. We are " located in the San Fernando Valley at 891 0 M ikuni Ave, Northridge. CA 91324. Attn : Lee Chapin. (225/TFN) BMW Opportunity Energetic, enthusiastic BMW rider for parts and warranty management parts sales . mail order. Full ti me. excellent , benefits . Will train. College and computer exper ience preferred. Resume to : Kar i Prager , CALIFORNIA BMW, 2490 Old Middlefied Way, Mountain View, CA 94043. (226· 2 7) Service Manager Needed HORSEPOWER BY RACING Reid Veins. Rlalll Eqlipmeat Engine Work far Rlc.g ATV a Karts a MX ~'\" . Carburetor Sales Coordinator UPS shipping · "iY~~ ,M OSSBA.R GER , Honda Technician, one of the best pay plans in So. Ca l. 5 year s experie nce, all tool s. All company ben ef its. Call Oper at ions M gr . LONG BEACH HONDA (2 13) 423-1433. CA . 1225-27} Motorcycle, ATV, Jet Ski shop. Ask for Doug,IB05} 522-6119, CA. 1225-27} Championship Brakes ID ** Golden Opportunity ** (513) 642-2027 Yamaha mechanical experience needed. Large serv ice department. Excellent pay. Call Raj or Mike. (213) 866-6547, CA. (226-29) Mechanic Wanted Must have some MIC mechanical exper ience to work on Honda motorcycles. Excellent opportunity w it h la rge Honda dealersh ip . Contact M ike. HONDA PENNINSULA (408) 245-7840.1415 ) 9688743. CA. (226-27) Parts Person & Mechanic Needed ~ '-= . "I~ ~ . . ~. • C.lof..... PIck up an d Debv er v Servic e A vartebre L.... ~ Alignment & AT LA ST Str.iglttening S'fS1emS Frame Stra,ghll nlOg and Wheel Ahgnmenl --. you tan lely on Wit h la ser Accuracy .......... 8614Argen t "B S an t e e , CA 92071 ~ (619) 449 ·1 175 Full or part time Pans Person. Full time Mechanic. . Ontario area . Contact Ralph, between 9-6. (714) (226-27) 983 -5988. CA. Service Manager Needed Large Colorado dealership, Honda . H.D., Suzuki need s Serv ice Manager by July 15 . Call Ron, (303) 287-7566. (226-29) Japanese Bike Mechanics Large metro LA. dealership for Honda Yamaha Kawasaki has 2 ' positions av a ilabl e for line Mechanics. Must have 2 years min imum experience. own tools. Also immediate posit ion open for Part s People . Medical ben efits available. Shop open 7 days. fl exibl e work hours. Ask for Jeff. (213) 674-531 1, CA. (226·27) Honda Service Manager / 1850 S SANTA FE. VISTA. CA i2084 (61P) 724·7530 Ou t$ide Caldofma (BOO) 523-8205 J afl'a f\IJScr CIAO' 111A cI'~ ".,,~ PIEDMONT CYCLE & MARINE Durham. No rth Carolin a We Ship UPS la rge Select ion of Part s & Accessen es ::E 1 9) 286-3701 91 ~ = Motorcycle Mechanic Wanted Need experienced MIC Mechanic for agressiv8 motorcycle dealersh ip. Must have experience -on Honda , Kawasaki, Suzuk i & Yamaha motorcycles. Credentials and references upon reque st. Excellent pay and bene fits . Please send res ume to: Cycle News , Dept 37 P.O. Box 49 8, Long Beach , CA 90801. (326-27) Florida - Top Pay MOTORCYCLE SAlVAGE JAPANESE PARTS For most bikes 54 Need qu alified Manag er and Service Writ er. Gr eat working conditions. Top pay and benefits. Permanent position . Call Steve . TEMPLE CITY HONDA. (213) 287-0781. So Cal. (326-30) 1-800-367-8402 Shipped Dally U.P.S. Ph. (502) ~1-591 8 Clel's -.:ycIe 4329 centennial Ave . Radcllll, ICY 40160 Parts Manag er. Experi enced, ben ef it s. Larg e Hond a Yamaha dea ler. Repl y to : Cycle New s, Dept 10 -Z. P.O. Box 4 98, Long Beach, CA 90 80 1. (2 26- 27) Florida - Top Pay Servic e M anager. Exper ienced, benef it s. Large Honda Yam aha dealer . Repl y t o: Cycl e New s, Dept l1 ·Z, P.O. Box 4 98 . Long Beach . CA 90801. • (22 6 -2 7) M/C Technician Honda. Yamaha, Kawasaki M /C, A TV, Snowmo. bile. Jet Sk i Techn ician. 3 years experience mi nimum. Send resume to : WILLY WORLD , 120 E. Va n Buren St, Joliet: IL 60432 or call Bill at (126·28) (815) 727-6169. H.D. Mechanic Honda Dealership Incl ude s power equ ipment, computer ized. room for boats and autos. A net over 300,000 in So Cal . Others in San Fransisco area , also wholesale dis tributorship in Los Angeles. Don. VRBB . (714) 5200800. CA. (227) Gulf Coast Dealership Exper ienc ed Mechanic with own tools needed to w ork in dual line dealership. located on beautiful Centra l Cal ifornia Coast. Payed medical and vacat ions . Starting $10 per hou r. As k for Gary only. (225ITFN) (805 ) 461 -1821. CA. Located near large AFB. M /C. ATV. Jet Ski dualline dealer. Year 'round season . Establ ished 9 years. Make offer. (904) 862-2131. FL (127-30) Service ·M anager South Florida Honda dealership for sale . Great bus iness in good location. If inte rested, call Wayne Skinner. (407) 468 -3400. FL (327-29) Serv ice Manager. minimum two years experience, excell ent pay plan and benefits with a busy So Cal Honda Kawasaki dealership. Call Lou or George at(619)748-4151 ,CA . (227-28) M/C & Jet Ski Mechanic POWAY HONDA KAWASAKI needs an expe ri enced and dependable motorcycle and jet ski Mechanic. Salary + commission with experience. Call Lou or George a1l619) 748-4151, CA. (22728) Technician/Sales Rep PIRELLI TIRE CORP has an opening for the above position. Dut ies will include distributor/dealer contact, seminars, trade shows and some race serv ice . ' 40-50% travel involved. MIC industry experience requ ired preferably at distributor/ deale r level. Tire background would help but not necessary. Send resume to : Marcell Furtney 2001 Gateway Place Sui te 700 San Jose.CA 95110. (227-28) Vance And Hines Commission Mechanic wanted. Exper ience in all brands. Clean . new shop , air cond itioned. Call Bill at (818) 303-6382 between 6·9 pm . CA. 1227) Help Wanted PRO CIRCUIT needs g.eneral help for various du t ies in Anaheim ' office. Please contact Ted at PRO CIRCUIT. (714) 993-5400. CA. (227-28) Sales Reps Wanted Aggressive distributorship w ith blue ch ip product li ne needs Reps in protected areas. KY, VA, TN & GA . Call KMX DISTRIBUTING. (412) 846-B354, (220/TFN) PA. Experienced Yamaha Mech W ith own tools, needed to work in one of No Cars larges t Yama ha dealerships,'full-time position year 'round. Excelent opportunity . Call Chris for wage a n d ben efit information . (916) 485 ·9200. CA. (227) Honda Mechanic Exper ienced mechanic. year 'roun d posit ion , own tools, commission paid. Ask for Tim, (916) 846 5666. CA. _ (227) Parts/Counter Sales Person Business & Property For Sale o Service Dept. Equip For Sale Compressor, press , lifts. electric spin balancer, ti re machine, too much to list. Special package dealsl Call Joe, (714) 734-9500 bus iness. (714) 7680822 home . (326-27) 1988 RM250 Suzuki I Ridden very little. excellent condition, must sell. $2450/0BO. (714) 684-7251 work. (714) 6864599 home. CA. (326) Wanted Maico 125 Road Racer (804) 262·3898. VA . (327-29 /EOI) '87 Ducati Pao/Rad/Save 1500 miles perfect. $55001 Need I say more? David Merritt. (405) 495-6870 days . OK. (327-30) 1971 Benelli 6513 original miles, runs good, best offer over $500. (805) 254-1289. CA. ' (327) Ducati F-1 750 1 Never raced . 10,000 km; safety wired, Mettlers Hke- new, South Carolina t itle, $5300 firm. (803) 878-9596.-SC . (327-28) '88 CRs And YZs Available T Call now for the best price at HONDA YAMAHA of NEWMAN. U.S. (404) 253-2201, Atlanta (404) 542-BIKE . (2453). Hours 10-7 daily. 9-5 Saturday. (227) GA. Helmet Hair Cure Ever take off your helm et only to f ind you look like you comb your hair w ith a cha insaw ? Well, Cycle News has th e cure ...a NEW Cycle News Baseball Cap. For onl y $5 .95 you get the cap and an end to the "O id you j ust st ick your fi nger in a Iigh tsocket ?" joke s from your fr iend s. Order yours t oday by using th e Cycle News Products Order Form locat ed below th e advert isers index. (5 /TFN) 1985 Yamaha FJ11 00 Progr essive springs, steel brake, fork brac e, exce llen t condition, always gar aged, · 16 ,000 miles. $2700.1714) 822-3812. CA. (127-28) Riverside area Honda dealer has im mediate open ing for fu ll -time and part-time help, Honda or M / C experie nce "required. Contact Jeff at (714) 943 2061. CA. (227-28) Amazing New Engine Service And Parts Manager Super powerful, clean, f uel effici ent . Investors wanted. (714) 828-9490. CA. 1127·28) Immediate opening 'in large Kaw asaki/ Jet Ski dealership, exce lle nt pay plan, mu st have bus iness and sales experi ence . Call Mr Leon at BURBAN K KAWASAKI/JET SKI. (818) 84B -6627. CA. 122728 ) Kawasaki Jet Ski Mechanic Immed ia te op enin g i n la rge vo lume dea ler , exce lle nt pay plan , good w orking cond it ion s, will negotiat e reloc ation . BURBAN K KAWASAKI JET SKI. 1 18 ) 848 ·66 27. CA. 8 (2 27 -2 8) Sales Reps Wanted M ajor manufacturer of aft ermar ket motorcyclel A TV plastic s is lookin g f or sales reps, curre nt ly sel ling motorcycle l ATV pr oducts. Many areas still availa ble for more info rmat io n, please call Paul Pearson at (916 ) 2 72 -90 3 6. CA . (2 27-3 5) Hurricane Sale And More 19871000 and 600, both in great shape, low miles. Asking $4500 for 1000 and $3 500 for 600. Beat the 1988 pr ice inc reas esl Also 1979 CB750F immaculate condition, Hond a line sport fairing ' pip e. new M ichelins. Asking $1350. Call for details, prices lire negotiabl e. (213) 542-44 15 . CA. (127) PRO TWINS GUZZI-RACECO bui lt . one race on f re sh motor .- Str eet or tra ck capabili ty. Call (203) 4 57 -156 2. eves. CONN. (127-2 8) Laverda Jota 1000 Series 023 Rare Slater Broth ers Full Fair in g, bought new 81 24 / 87 , ultr a met iculous maintenance , 4000 miles, . man y extras $4900. (800) 526 -1586 x 24 2. days . (127) 1 602} 743 -0909.AZ.

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