Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1988 07 13

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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z Cl :I: w 0 .... 0 0.. z z ;;;: '" 0 R 0 8 0 a: -, LL >- >a: ttl a: 0 ~ ..... >- ~ ttl ~ :I: 0.. 00 00 O"l ........ ~ O("j ........ >..;j ~ Bill Si lvarole (706) and Mark Goetz (67) jump into the early lead in the 125cc Amateur class at Hunt MX in Hunt. New York. J im Sisemore (leading) stayed ahead of Eddie Ingels at t he Ca l Expo Speedway to win his fourth Scratch main race of the season . Krempin cruises at Goodtimes MX 250 PRO: 1. Jason Langford ; 2. Billy Wh itl ey; 3. Roy Sch ellengerger; 4. Denny Step hen son . 500 MOD N/ PRO: 1. Mark Benson. By Warren E. Domke Sisemore scores Cal Expo Speedway win SAN ANTO NIO , TX, J U N E 12 J ason Krempin was co nsistent all da y in the a ti ona l Mo to spo rt Associa tion Regi onal Qual ifier a t Goodtimes Mot or sports Pa rk, wi nnin g both th e l 25cc Stock a nd Modified No vice classes. In th e second mo to of the l25cc Modified No vice class, Krempin got the ho lesho t - lookin g fo r anothe r win a fter h is fir st mo to victo ry. Another rid er passed h im , cu t him off, a nd Krempin nearly went down. He saved it a nd recovered in fourth place. Riding hard, Krempin moved up two positions to second pl ace, ' beh ind Frankie Ladd. La dd took th e moto but he had to keep sh u tting th e door on Krempin to keep his first place. Combined points mad e Krempin th e overall winner. Jason Langford dominated th e 125cc and 250cc P ro even ts, foll owed to the flag by Billy Whitley each tim e. Clint Latham won four9-ll group win s, taking th e Sto ck a nd Modified 0-83cc Mini classes, and th e Stock and Modified Junior Cycle classes. Results P/W STK: 1. Jorge Gonzales: 2. Dusty Wey gawdt: 3. Tara Aden. P/w MOD: 'l • Dusty Weygawdt. JR 6·B STK: 1. Antonio Coello . JR 6·B MOD : 1. Antonio Coello . JR 9-11 STK: 1. Clint Latham ; 2. Brad Woolsey: 3. Vietor Aden; 4. Daniel Davis . JR 9-1 , MOD : 1. Clint Lath am: 2. Brad Woolsey: 3. Danie l Davis; 4 . Brian Oestrick; 5. Vietor Aden . MINI NOV , 2-16 MOD: 1. Trey McCarty: 2. Stripling Sm ith; 3 . James Mnchell; 4. Doug Von Masc h; 5. Lanny Cox. MINI INT 12 -'6: 1. Jeff Dement; 2. Jason Edward s; 3 . Kevin Bloxom. .. MINI EX 12 ·16: 1. Tim Hodes; 2. Heath Kirltland; 3. Colin Edward s; 4. W illy Bowden. o-B3 MINI STK 9-11 : 1. Clint Latham ; 2. Brad Woolsey; 3. J eff Covington ; 4. Bria n Oestrick; 5. 36 Scan Parkhurst. o-B3 MINI MOD 9-11 : 1. Clint Latham ; 2. Brad Woolsey; 3 . Jeff Covington; 4 . Scan Parkhurst. MINI BEG 12-16 STK: 1. Bryan M ire; 2. Heath Wallis; 3. Jacky M ize: 4 . Brad Shelton ; 5. Jo hn Contres. MIN I NOV 12·16 STK: 1. Trey McCarty; 2. Str ipling Smith; 3. Doug Von Masch; 4 . Doug Boyd; 5 . Lanny Cox. S/MINI MOD 12-1 B: 1. Tim Hodes; 2. Heath . Kirkland; 3 . Jason Edwards; 4 . Kevin Bloxom. '25 STK BEG: 1. Brad Burgess: 2. Derek Rambo; 3 . lonni e Oldag; 4 . Tr acy Hoot4er ; 5 . Doug Krawczyn ski. 125 STK NOV: 1. J ason Kremp in; 2. Frank Ladd; 3 . Stanl ey Chom er; 4 . Je ff Johnson; 5 . Chad Walters. ' 25 MOD NOV: 1. J ason Kre mpin; 2. Frank Ladd; 3. Jeff Ladd; 4. Chad Walt ers; 5. Brad Lisenbe. 125 STK INT: 1. Grayso n Goodman; 2. M ichael lord: 3 . An dy Embry : 4 . Tyler Larson; 5 . Chr is W alt er s.. ' 25 STK PRO: t . Jason Langford; 2. Billy Whitley; 3 . Buster Graham; 4 . Denn y St ep hen son . 250 STK NOV: , . Scon Saulters; 2. Bi lly DePriest; 3 . Jim Bob Morris ; 4 . Chad St rackbein . 250 MOD NOV: , . Billy DePriest 2. Kirk Clovis; 3. Cha d Strackbein . 250 INT: 1. M ichael lord; 2. Grayson Goodman: 3. Andy Embry; 4 . Tyler Larson; 5 . J ason Jones. By R. C. Jones SACRAMENT O , CA. J U NE 22 J im Sisemore strapped on a ne w set of lea thers a nd da shed to victory over Eddi e In gels in the Scrat ch main tonig ht a t Cal Expo Speedwa y. Shawn Rep pert fou nd so me glory in winn ing hi s first H and ica p main even t, while J ohn Pa yton go t hi s first trophy by winning' th e Division Two main , a nd Brian H oll and hung on to tak e th e checkered in the Division T hree main even t. Sisem o re, sponso red b y H &S Cycles/S8cS Racing/Cir ell o/Oilzall / Smith and Viking Co mp uters, o utdueled Ingels during the fin al event for th e win. Ingels, a double main event winner over th e past two weeks, was outgated by Sisem ore a t the start. As the two raced to the first tum , Sisemore moved quickly to the inside forcing Ingels to back off. Duane Yarrow and Steve Cr awford were off the pa ce leaving th e ga te to become locked into their own battle for third. As Sisemore and Ingels shot down th e back stra igh t, Sisem ore kept a wh eel length lead o n In gels. Ingels, no t finding an y traction whe n he tr ied the outside briefl y, mo ved quick ly back 'to the in side groove, trying to force Sisem ore in to making a mi stak e. There were no erro rs for Sisemore, as he sh u t th e door on In gels over th e next two laps p icking up his fourth Scra tch wi n a t the halfway po int this seaso n. Yarrow was a ble to sli p past Crawford o n th e last lap for third. Rep pert's o nly obstacle to victory in the H andicap main was Charlie Ven egas. Reppert, sponsored by Day Tech Au to/Ice Castles a nd Smith Goggles, mad e short work of dispat ching Venegas wi th a bo ld move ea rly in th e race and settled in for th e rest of the six-lappe r, Venega s coul d no t get close enough to tangle wi th Reppert a n d staye d in th e groove to fin ish, seco nd. J ohn Volk finis hed thi rd a fter ba ttlin g with Dave Faria for mos t of the race. Grass Valley 's Pa ul O rla ndi came o ut of sem i-retireme nt and das hed to victory in th e Scra tch co nso la tio n. Orla ndi thrilled th e crowd with his different style of racing. Onl y a few of the speedway riders can handle th e o u tside line and rem ain com pe titive a nd Orlandi hangs with th e best. Dave Fari a, another rid er wh o enjoys the ou tside cush io n, co uld no t stay with the quick Orlandi and finished seco nd. Scott Yarbrough was third a nd Rep pert, who just ca me off his big win in th e Handicap main , was fourth. Resu lts SCRATCH: 1. Jim Sisemore (Wes); 2. Eddie Ingl es (G· MI ; 3. Duane Yarrow (Wes); 4. Steve Crawf ord (Wes ). . HDCP: 1. Shawn Reppert (Wes); 2. Charlie Venegas (J aw ); 3. John Vol k (Jaw ); 4. Dave Faria Jr. (Wes). 0 -2: 1. Jo hn Payton (Ja w); 2. St eve Orlandi (Ja w); 3. J ess Ochoa (Jaw) ; 4. Doug Mignano (Wes). . 0 -3: 1. Brian Holland (J aw ); 2. Gary Eckman (Jaw); 3. Elmer McCleaiy (Jaw); 4 . Mike Zirkle (Wes). . Austin takes Hunt Motocross wins By M ichael Harasmisz H UNT, NY, MAY 29-30 Paul Austin cap tu red three out of four Expert class wins du ring th e Pep si, Malcolm Sm ith, Scott USA, Dunlop-sponsored two-day event at Hunt MX. Taking home the grand pri ze which was a 10 speed bicycle co urtesy of Pepsi was Kent MacFarlane and his wife from Lockport, New York. Au stin took hom e th e largest ch un k of the Expert purse Sunday by winning all four 125 and 250cc Expert motos. Following Aus tin home both motos in I25cc ac tion was Steve Hess on a Kawas aki. In the 250cc class Scott Page and' Hess finished second and third each moto behind winner Austin. On .Monday with th e track runn ing in th e o p p o si te direction, Austin s win strea k ca me to an end with Steve H ess taking th e first moto wi n. Au stin finished second. Austin agai n d id wh at he had to do by taking th e second moto win and the overall. Hess finished second with second overa ll for th e da y. In the fir st 250cc Expert moto Hess started strong again by taking the win over Larry Fitzgerald, Fitzgerald return ed the favor by taking th e win a nd the o vera ll from H ess, who moved to third for second overall. Austin finished the moto in seco nd for fo urth overa ll. T he Senior class was dominated bo th da ys by a hard chargi ng Bart Lucas who took all four motos on a Ka wasa ki. Keeping him honest all weekend was Brian Broadwell who fin ish ed second each tim e o u t on a H o nda. Results SUNDAY M INI NOV: 1. Dean Ar mstr ong (Kaw ); 2. J eff Baker (Kaw): 3. Raymond Stuhr (Kaw ). 60 : 1. M ill ard O'Brven. MI NIINT: t , Ja son Luee IKaw); 2. Ted Baum gart (Kaw); 3. M ill ard O' Bryan (Kaw) . M INI A M : 1. Don Schmidt (Kaw); 2. Brian Tyler (Kaw): 3 . Benji Trask (Kaw). 125 SCHBY: 1. Peter MalYI (Suz); 2. Chad Fleck (Suz); 3. An dy Pills (Yam). 100·200 NOV: 1. Tom W haley (Han); 2. Eddie Adamazyk (Kaw); 3. Todd Ain swo ,.,h (Han). 201 -0 PEN NOV: 1. Rebert McCa,.,hy (Kawl ; 2. Jeff W arr ick (Han) : 3 . St even M itchell (Kaw). 100-200 INT: 1. An dy Dills (Yam); 2. J eff No,.,hrop (Kaw): 3. Jamie Goodno (Han). 201 · 0PE N INT: 1. Pet er Nicolosi (Kaw); 2. Randy Woj tanik (Han); 3. John Bosch (Han). VINT-W DS: 1. Brian Broedw ell (Han); 2. Ja mie Goodno (Han); 3. Scon Wolff er (Yam). '25 AM : 1. J ason Regan (Kaw); 2. Mar k Goetz (Kaw); 3. Bob Dahl (Yam). 250 AM : 1. Bruce Byler (Kaw ); 2. Jason Ragan IKaw); 3. Mark Goetz (Kaw) . OPEN AM : 'l • Jeff Duff (Han); 2. Dean Robe,.,s (Kaw); 3. Scon Wolfer (Yam). PLUS 25 : 1. Greg Finch (Kaw); 2. Ma,.,in Merz (Kaw ); 3. Roger Jackson (Kaw ). SR B: 1. Steve Kopciowski (Han); 2. Dennie Trask (Kaw ); 3. Dave Baker (Han). SR A'. 1. Bart Lucas (Kaw) ; 2. Br ian Broadwell (Han); 3. Paul Carpent er (yem ). 125 EX: 1. Paul Aust in (Kaw t, 2. Steve Hess (Kaw): 3. Paul McNaughton (Kaw ). 250 EX: 1. Paul Aust in (Suzt, 2. Scon Page (Kaw ); 3. Steve Hess (Kaw) . OPEN EX: 1. Bri an Years (Han); 2. Mike Harasmisz (Han); 3_Greg Finch (Kaw ). MO NDAY 60 : 1. Douglass Renerer (Kaw). MINI NOV: 1. Dean Armstrong (Kaw); 2. Jeff Baker (Kaw ); 3. Joe Walsh (Kaw). MINIINT: 1. Jason Luce (Kaw ); 2. Ted Baumga,., (Kaw ); 3. John Irvi ne (Kaw). MIN I AM : 1. Don Schmidt (Kaw); 2. Brian Tyler (Kaw); 3. Ben Trask (Kaw ). . 125 SCHBY: 1. Billy Silva role (Kaw); 2. Darre ll Stone (Kaw); 3. Gary Squier (Kaw ). 100·200 NOV: 1. Todd Ainswo,., h (Han); 2. Tom Whaley (Hon t. 3. Joe Cislo (Kaw) . 2D1· 0PEN NOV: 1. RObe,., McCa,.,hy (Kaw); 2. St even Mnchell (Kaw) : 3 . Jeff Warrick (Han) . 100·200 INT: t . Darrell Stone (Kawt, 2. Shaw n Sew ell (Yam); 3. Jerry Lasher (Han). 20 1· 0PEN INT: , . Pet er Nicolosi (Kaw); 2. Randy Wojtanik (Han); 3. John Basch (Han). VINT·WDS: 1. Brian Broadwell (Han); 2. Scon Rhinehart (Kaw); 3. John Pr ice (Kaw) . 125 AM: 1. Bill Silvarole (Kaw); 2. Jeson Ragan (Kaw); 3. Bob Dahl (Yam). 250 AM : 1. Rusty Hess (Kaw); 2. Bru ce Byler (Kaw); 3. Mark Goetz (Kaw). OPEN AM : 1. Terry Strong (Mai); 2. Dean Robe"'s (Kaw ); 3. Dan Morgan (Han). PLUS 25: 1. Greg Finch (Kaw ); 2. Roger Jac kson (Kaw ); 3. Joe Fioco (Han). I SR B: 1. Tom Ghidi u (Kaw); 2. Dennis Trask (Kaw); 3. Deve Baker (Han). SR A: 1. Ba,., Lucas (Kaw); 2. Bri en Broadwell (Han). '24 EX: 1. Paul Aust in (Kaw); 2. Steve Hess (Kaw); 3. GreQ Meeder (Kaw). 250 EX: 1. Larry Fitzgerald (Kaw ); 2. Steve Hess (Kaw); 3 . Kevin Long (Kaw). . OPEN EX: 1. Scon Page (Kaw t. 2. Mike Harasmisz (Han); 3. Kevin Long (Kaw). Hagan again at Sears Point RR By Vincent Strykers SONOMA, CA, J UNE 19 J eff Hagan and h is two Suzukis d ominated co m p e ti tio n at th e Father 's Day AFM races a t Sears Point Raceway, by winn ing all three of th e ra ces he entered. In Hagan 's first race, th e Open Grand P rix , he was com pe ting with nine other riders, but Phil Kress of Concord, riding a Yamaha, th e po in ts lead er in th e AFM G rand Pri x class before th e race, proved to be H agan 's onl y sign ifica nt challe nger. Kress maintained a slim lead over H agan for the' first three laps of th e eigh t-la p race. After o ne lap, th e two lead ers had a mo un ted an l l-second lead over th e thi rd-place rider. O n th e four th la p . H agan overtook Kress a nd by the sixth lap he had increased his lead to five seconds. Kress easi ly h el d o n to seco n d a n d Den n y Dohert y, who la ter wo n th e Formu la 40 competi tion, took th ird. Jim J epsen fro m Santa Rosa , a fellow Suzu ki rider , jumped ou t in

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