Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1988 07 13

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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America's motorcycle newspaper Volume XXV Sharon Clay to n. Pu bl isher Mike Klinger . CompIToll~ Skip Jo hn son. Associate Publishrtt N at ional Sale s .\la nagtT J ack Man ~ . A ssociat e Pu blisher t Editor Rh cba Smi th , Circul ation Managa Caro line Gendry, Execu u ue Secre tary to the Pu bl ish er Ed it oria l Kit Palm er. Associa te Edi tor Pa ul Carruthers. 'Associate Edito r Nate Rauba , Associate EdJ 'tOT Brian Cat terson , A ssocia te Ed itor Tyro ne Van Hoo ydonk. A ssistan t Edito r Edwina Man gus. Calen da r Ed itor . Advertis ing Mike Ch urch. S enior Sales Mani1.gtT Terry P rau SNi iOT S ales M anagt'T Mark Thom e. West"", Sales Man agn Don Stoeber, W"stnn Sales Ma nagn Mar k Mitchell . W ltTO Salt's Ma nagtT Tho":,,3S ~. Go ntr:r, E tern Sal t's Marlagnas Debb ie Winkler U' t'stt"fTI A d Coordina tor Ca rla Bord en , Eastern A d Coo rdinato r Iu y lzaquirr e. A d vertising Assistant Gra phics and Prod uc t io n M:"lc:olm. Wilso n.Prod ud ion M ana gl'f Diana H ilgen ber g, Graphic A rtist 51;1«"}' Guest , Graphic A rtist Jimmie O 'De l l, Gro.p hJ" Artist c Man ~ y Loo. Graph iCA rtist Derri ck Pressley. G rap hic Artist Marion Hatashi ta. T YPt Mttn Caro lyn Branh am . T YPl'u ttn Ot-nni s Grrmt', Lab. T ech: Accounting /Data Processing Do nn a Bryan , A eeu R eceivable Coo rdinator Ge neva Repass. Assistant Fran Hamwey. Credit Circulation Sarah T aylor . A ssistant Alma An gu iano. A ss istant Chf:'ri Chapman, Assist4nt Marita Adams. Assistant Herlane Richmond. Assistant Circulation Development Ron Davidson , M an aK" Want Ads J oan Rus sian. Want Ad S ales Service and S uppo rt , Ch ris Ai tc h ~(!n . H l'adq ua rtn s R ecep tion ist Leonard Herring, St'TV'U and Su p port National Headquarters 2201 C herry Ave. , Lo ng Reach . CA 90806. P.O . Box 198. Lon g Beach . CA 90801·0198 (2 1gI427·7 4gg; 213/ 636-88-11. FAX (213 ) 427·6685 Eastern Office 4 190 First Ave.• T uc ker. GA. 30084: mai lin g addres s P.O . Box 805. Tuck e-r. G A 300850805. (401) 93-1· 7850. FAX (401 ) 934· 3 112 Cycle New s ( U S P~ 141·3-10) is p ublished weekl y except th e first and last week o f 'th e ca lenda r year for $32.50 per year by Cycle New s. Inc.. 2201 Cherr y Avenue. Long Beach. CA 90806. Seco nd class posta ge paid a t Long Beach . CA. and additiona l mailing o ffices. PO STM ASTER : Send form 3579 to Cycle New•• P.O . Box 4 98 . Long Beech • CA 90801 ·0498. To determine the ex pi ration date of your s u b script io n. check the four nu mbers on the first line of your address la bel. The first two d igits indicate the last issue number you 'O receive and the last two ~h . nlIcte rs ind ic a t e the year of the last Issue . SU ~Krip t ion ra tes: O ne year. seco nd class mail , $32.50. Cycle ~ ew$ welco mes unsolicited ed ito rial material includi ng stories, ca rtoons, pho tos, etc. Such mat eri al . ifru bl ished , beco mes the excl us ive pro~r ty 0 Cycle News. Such accepted ma terial is subject 10 revision as is n~"Cessa ry in. ~h e sole ~scre tio l'\ of Cycle N l"WS. Unsol icited ma terial whi ch is nor used will be returned if acco mpa n ied by a self add ressed stam ped envelo pe. AU unsol ici ted mat eri al will be handl e with reaso na ble d ca re. ho wever . C ycl e News ~ssu rnes no responsibili ty for the safety, loss o r dam age to such mat t' Repr inting in whole or part ~n .ly by ,xorm lsslOn of th t' publ isher. Advt'r ll!ilOg rates an d ci rcu lation inform ati o n wil1 be sen t u pon req ueot. See S.R.D.S. 4 BPA Cons u mer A ud it Divis ion Mem bers hi p Applied Fo r. Copyr igh t " Cycle N ew•• Inc . 1 9 8 B. Trade·mark Cycle New. registered U.S . Patent Office. All rights reserved. Thanks,' Pete The Hono rable Alan Cranston United States Senate Washington , DC 20510. Dear Alan: , Last April, we promised to look [or co m mon ground in o rder to resolve the many differen ces and difficulties in S7, th e California Desert Bill . I am happy to say that we have made progress. But I must quickl y add that I am also saddened by th e slowdown caused, principall y, b y r~calcltrant m ter.est groups on all SIdes of the quesuon. That hasn't stopped us before. We IT!an.aged to forge an awfully good b.i1lm 1984 that settled th e sim ilarly fiercel y contes ted Wilderness Bill although that historic se tt lemen ~ took some five years to come to resolution. We're trying to move o n ' similar desert leg isla tion in a spa n of less than a year. Let .me first o f a ll sta te to yo u u nequivoca lly: I wa nt a desert bill but th e righ t kind of desert bilL ' I have beco me conv inced , as I hav e to.1d p roponen ts and o p po ne n ts alike, that addi tional p rot ecti o n is called for and that in a t least two cases, the J osh ua Tree a nd Dea th Va lley Na tio nal Monumen ts, th e a rgume~Jt has been p ro pe rl y made [or National Pa rk sta tus. I bel ieve . that boundary a nd m a n a gement questions can be resolved in th ese two ins tances. . The more difficult area , admi tted ly, is tha t o f th e East Mojave ar ea. On th is m at ~er, o ur staffs are in chi ng a lo ng , maki ng th e needed decision ~n wh at requires additio na l pr ot ecn on, furth er land ma nageme nt and wh at o ugh t 10 remai n ava ila ble to th e o u tdoor recreari onist , a nd o the r existing uses. It may be, as you suggested th is afternoon, that th e East Moj ave requires furthe r study. An d, .ass u m ing th at we have the abi lity to reach sa tisfactory conc luSIOns on q uestions dealing with defen se a nd m m mg co ncern s, it is the phght of the o u tdoor recreationist th a t. appears to be the p ri nci pa l stu mbling block to o ur forgi ng tha t kind of understan ding that led to th e Wilderness act of 1984. Ala n, while there a re some irrespo ns ible hunters, o ff-road veh icle riders and cam pers, I find tha t th e vast majorit y of in di vidu a ls a nd grou ps who wa nt desperatel y to be assured access to the desert and th e recr eatio n it provides, a lso wa nt des peratel~' to protect the fragi le d ese~t envm~n mellt. T hey wa nt to p u nish th e V IOlators of so u nd en viron men tal managem ent and care jus t as deeply as we do so that th is fragile eco logy be saved [o r o ur ch ildren and gra ndch ild ren . I have not sought to introdu ce m y ? wn bil~, kn owing of yo ur long -held interest m and conce rn [or the desert. I hav e been quite con ten t to work with you to modify yo ur S7 to mak e tt accep table. But as. yo u are aware, I a m concerned with the unresolved problem s in y~>u r bill of adequat e access for legltJmate desert recreationists. The problem with S7 as introdu ced is that it seeks to protect the desert [or present and future Ca lifor- nians by effectively locking them o u t of it. In this respect, your desert bill is very d ifferent from th e 1984 California Wilderness Act wh ich was a product of o ur collaboration. The differen ce obvio usly, as your Admi~ist:ative Ass~stant, Roy Greenaway indicated this afternoon, is th at access to the desert - for legitimate recreation - means ve h icu lar access. As Roy ,stated yesterday afternoon , yo u ca!1 t safely backpack into th e desert as you can into the cooler timbered area s we put into wi lder ness status in th e 1984 act. Diffi cult as it is, I think we must find a way to reconcile th e need to protect the desert with th e need to provide access to the hundreds o f th ou sands o f Californians who req u i re access to th e desert so th a t th e~ may enjoy ca m p ing, rock co lleerin g, and o ther legitimate recreanon. Are th e elderly, the disabled a nd very you ng ch ildren to be den ied thi s access and thi s enjoyme nt? Are th e pleasu res of the desert to be reserved o nly to the able-bod ied? The designation in the la w of an area as wild erness means tha t no wheeled vehicle - not even a bi cycle - may proved access. o rne of the a reas your 7 proposes [or wi ldern ess design a tio n a re as large as 250,000 acr es. 7 p roposes to sa ve the desert fro m th e people o f Ca liforn ia. I propose to save th e desert for th e peop le of Ca lifo rn ia. I do not beli eve that it is possible to protect the desert en viro n me nt on ly by locking it up. Inste~d , we need to engage in th e same kind o f caref ul, meti culous painstaki ng a rea-by-a rea a na l ysi~ tha t produced o ur 1984 Wilderness Act, a co m p ro mise ()f-wh ich we are bo th j us tly p roud. I co ncede that it is a n ambitious tas k and regret that we have been un abl e to ob ta in until recently th e : necessary maps a nd mat erials we ha ve so ugh t from desert inter est ~ro l;1 ps: But even though th e clock I ~ ticking, I propose we keep our sia ffs a t th e tas k. If we can agree, a bill cou ld be passed by th e Sena te even la te thi s year, in Au gust o r September. We have come too far to aba ndo n ou r effo rts now. Let us resolve th e differen ces a nd make things work ins tead o f wal king away from it now , Sim pl y be cause the pressures of electio n year schedu les are grea t. I a m prepared to work with you to mak e o ur co m mo n goa l happen, a 'yor k.abl e, man.ageable pi ece o f legi slation prot ecung th e interests of all Ca lifornians. I have often stated that the in o f th e backpacker a nd board cha irman are oft en a like in o ur sta te. The desert protection ~ct gives us a n opportun ity to prove It once anew. P ET E WILSON United States Senate Was hington, DC 20510 Loudon lament Th~ Loudon Classic is the longest runnmg motorcycle event . O ne large party for spectators. The burning of r~ntal trucks, au tos, motorcycles, tIres, bottle rocket wars and impres- sive pyrotechnic (C-4 or dynamite) explosives. But for the rac ers a nd crews, on lv one ba th roo m with th ree or four co m modes, a two-place urinal a nd Thi rd World sho wers , and one overflo win g sewer. No working telephones. No en forceme nt of pit bike speeds, inadequate spea ker system traffi c jams in th e pits, eig h t-foot wide pit road s. Come o n, Mr. Brym er of Bryar Motorsports Park. We deserve better I demand it. The biggest lies in recent mot or cycle hi story: Summit Point Ra cewa y in West Virginia has been resurfaced, and Loudon has new pi t faciliti es. R O BERT BATSLEER N. Smyrna Beach , FL Laguna Seca traffic You ar e to be thanked for your effo rts to make the ca m ping ar ea at t~e. track a safer and saner pl ace to visn. But we a ll want to know if we will have to endure a five-hour tra ffic jam lea ving the track. Action wa s promised after the April fiasco; wh a t has been accomplished? .You may be su rp rised next year with a ttenda nce down by 50%. Wh ile we ~ere stuc k in traffi c th is year, a shen ff to ld us, " Yo u should have been here wh en the Pope was here." Well , n either th e Po pe nor I are li kely to return unless a n a lterna tive is develo ped . KEVIN H . PAR K Tarza na , CA W hatev er plan is put into effec t to em p ty 8~,OOO-p lus p eo p le out of a [aci lit y like L ag u na Seca there will still be traffic jams co me G rand Prix time. W e suggest you ride a m o torcycle to th e th e April 16, 1989 USGP at L ag u na. As fo r this weeken d's Na tional at L ag una, we're sure these will be a larg e crowd on hand bet doubt that it'll come an yw here T letT th e size of th e crow d that att en ded th e G P ... Ed ito r. Go for it, Jonl In his coverag e o f th e Loudon Supersport 600 race, Paul Carruthers was either mi sinform ed o r n o t watching th e pre-start melee. He d es cribes J eff Ha ck ett a n d Jon Reheus er as co llid in g "o n the grid en route to the warm-up lap. " In fact, Reh eu ser 's engine was not yet start ed wh en he was rammed from behird by H ackett 's motorcycle, launch irg him a nd his motorcycle into (Do ug) Polen's Suzuki. Also , Mr. Hacketts boot struck Jon's mech anic (yo urs trul y) in th e face as he was " flyin g" o ff hi s bike, a nd I still have the bl ad< eye to prove it. As th is was J on 's first pro race, words of encourageme nt are needed more th an di scou ragem ent. LE IF G USTAVSO Spencer , M.\ Published letters do not necessarily' reflect the position of Cycle News, Inc. Letters are subject to condensation due to space limitations. Anonymous letters will not be published. Send letters to Voices, P.O. Box 498, Long Beach, CA 90801-0498.

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