Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1988 07 13

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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~ . ~ .. ,- ~ § . Mike Kiedrowski (21) was fourth in both the 125 and 250cc Expert classes. while Ty Davis (17 ) was the runner-up in the 250cc Expert cl ass. Women had their own classes for the first time on the Mountain, and Tamara Tra cy ca m e away with the Amateur class win. Ryan Carlisle (4 1) won t he 2 5 0 cc and Open Junior cl asses and f inished second in t he 12 5cc class. Here he leaves t he line w ith the 250cc J un iors. 20 in fourt h and fifth . Up fro nt Scia cqua managed to cut Morabito 's lead an d challenged the Yamaha pi lo t for first. At th e halfway point Sciacq ua easily fo u nd a way around Morabito with McGrath slipping past Neal for third. McGrath continued hi s ch arge a nd quickly worked his wa y into th e runner-up slot close behind Scia cqua. As Sciacqua strugg led to hold McGrath at ba y, Neal displa ced Morabito to fourth. With five laps remaining McGrath dropped Sciacqua to second and immediately bega n to pull away. Sciacqua soon lost one more posi tio n as Neal blasted his Kawasa ki pas t th e H o nd a pi lo t on th e downhi ll and set after McGrath. Io wa 's Cha d Pederson and Rya n Hughes, who ga ted well o u t of th e to p 10, were a lso blazing th rough the pack a nd no w held fifth and sixth beh ind Morabito. With on ly two la ps remain ing Morab ito dropped back to seventh, giving Pederson fourth and H ughes fifth at th e fin ish . McGrath took an easy win over Neal and Sciacqua. With points bein g carried over from the qualifiers McG rath cap tu red th e overall win a head o f Nea l, Sciacqua , Pederson and Mark Siroth. In th e SO Occ Intermedi ate class Mike T ripes com bined a little lu ck and a lot of skiII to ca p ture th e class win. After holesh otting J eff Barbacovi, Bra d Ri chardson , Mark White, a n d Da vid Mo ntgo m ery Tripes dr opped ou t o f the top three a nd gave ' Whi te th e lead for seve ra l la p s. McGrath , wh o gated a ro u nd 30th , quick ly worked hi s way to the front of the pack du ri ng the more than 2Sminute long 10-Iap moto. With o nly a few laps remaining McG ra th moved into seco nd right beh in d Wh ite. McG rat h soon made a bid to tak e the lead in a tight left hand tu rn , b ut a quick change of lines by Wh ite caused bot h riders to go down. McGrath immediatel y rem ounted and p ro ceeded to the ch eckers to take th e win. Unfortunately for McGrath his main event win was co u nte rba lanced by a DN F du e to a seized motor in his first qual ifier. Wit h points bein g carried into th e the main, McGrath ende d up a disa ppointing 10th. McGra th 's misfo rtune ga ve Tripes the o vera ll wi n with Ba rb aco vi tak ing seco nd a nd White th ird. H onda -m ounted Randy Moody grabbed the early lead at the start o f the 12Scc Inter m edi at e main followed by Ch ad Pederson , G ra yso n Goodman , Chris Nea l a nd McG rath. On th e first lap Go od man and Pederson ta ng le d a n d kn o ck ed McG ra th o ff the track . Goodman reentered in fift h with Pederson two spots beh ind. McG rath had a few problems ge tting ba ck on th e tra ck and jumped in well o u t of the top IS. Goodma n q uickl y moved into the lead wi th N eal close beh ind. McG ra th struggled to make up for lost grou nd and near th e halfwa y point had ta ken over fourth behind Pederson. With th ree laps remaining McGrath again banged bars with Pederson and again found himself o n the gro u nd. Goodman wo n th e moto a nd clinched the overa ll ahead 'o f Mo o d y, Neal , P ed e rson a nd McGrath. . In the j un io r classes Ryan Ca rlis le was c1early the fo rce to be rec koned with. Carli si!' easi ly wo n both h is 5001'1' quali fiers a nd the main event by nea rl y 15 seconds. Joh n Si lva clai med seco nd overall wit h Ch al rna Rob erts ' third a nd Charlie G ilmo re fou rt h. Chuck Bag well was fift h. In the 250cc Junior class Ca rlis le ca me back to dominat e his qualifiers a nd agai n tak e th e main event win over SC Oll Hoffman , Jim Routon, Chris Morton a nd Stev e Lawler. Yam ah a 's' W illie Ama radio was sixth. Carlisle ma naged to swee p hi s I 25cc q ua lifiers on ly to ha ve h is wi n strea k bro ken by Dari n Channel in the ma in. "My bike just w ouldn 't pu ll ," said Carlisl e. " I wo uld hold it wide open and he (Cha n nel) wou ld pull me eve ry w here. I don't k now w hat happened to it beca use it was running great earlier. If I would have won thi s race, I would have been th e first Junior to wi n all his qua lifiers and the mai ns. " Carlisle too k seco nd over Patrick Gomm, Robert Drew , and Roger Sae nz. In the Min i class Bu tch Smith worked h is way u p from a third p lace s tart to ta ke th e win o ver J e ff Gra fto n, J eff Dement, H eath Kirkland a nd BiIl y Felts. In th e qua li fiers 1988 World Mini G ra nd Prix Race o f Champio ns winner J oel Albrecht looked to be the one to beat, but banners th at got caugh t in hi s rear whee l slo wed h is charge in th e main and left hi m ninth . Vet class action saw a fierce ba ttl e in vol vin g Ma rk Wh ite, Bruce McDo ugal a nd Tony Wanket waged th roughout th e en tire main event. Wanket won th e race and the com bination of points earned durin g th e day earned him the o vera ll vict ory in fro n t of White, Greg Winters, Joh n Miller a nd Gary Scheidler. McDo ugal finished seventh. For th e firs t time Wo me n 's classes were run at Mammoth a nd in th e Women 's Am at eu r cl ass T ama ra T racy styled her wa y to th ree easy moto wins to capture ·the overa ll victo ry. Jillian Roth cla im ed th e runner-up po sit io n over Maria Gonzalez a nd Lor i Hedstrom . Ka wa saki ! AXO·s po nsolt'd Mer ce des G onzal ez a g ain made he r presen ce kn ow a t Mammoth as she swe p t both th~ Women 's Expert q ua lifiers a nd th e main . fini shin g well a head o f seco nd- p lace L isa . Peterson. J eannie Pruitt ca p tu red th ird, topping Mindy 'Sm ith a nd _ Bonnie Warch . Re su lts 125 EX: 1. Johnny O'M ara (Suz); 2. M ichael Craig (Yam); 3. Geor ge Holl and (Han): 4 . Mike Kied rowski (Kaw); 5 . J immy Gaddis (Suz); 6. J eff M abery (Yam); 7 . Tyson Voh land (Kaw): 8 . Chris Youn g (Yam); 9 . Jason Langfor d (Kaw l; 10 . Kyle Lewis (Han). 250 EX: 1. Rick J ohns on (Han); 2. Ty Davis (Suz); 3 . A .J . W hit in g (Hon); 4. Kiedr ow ski; 5. Vohland; 6. Fred A ndr ews (Suz); 7. Craig; 8 . O'M ara; 9 . Rich Taylor (Han): 10 . Ray Som ma (Suz). OPEN EX: 1. Johnson ; 2. Vohl and; 3 . Mike Pascarella (Hon); 4 . Somm a (Hon); 5. J im Ell is (Hon): 6 . Crai9 Davis (Yam): 7. M ike Ryan (Han); 8 . Wi ll y Simon s; 9 . M ike Hooker 1Hon); 10 . Chr i s Radzin ski (Yam ). M INI : 1. Butch Sm it h (Han); 2. J eff Grafton (Suz); 3. Jeff Dement (Kaw); 4. Heat h Kir kla nd (Han); 5. 8 i11y Felts (Kaw): 6 . Spu d Wa lters IHo n~ 7 . Ch ris Kefalas (Han); 8. 8 rian Rot h (Kaw); 9 . Joel A lbrecht (Ka w). 125 JR : 1. Darr in Chan nel (Kaw); 2. Ryan Car li sle (Kawt 3 . Pat rick Gomm (Hon); 4 . Robert Drew (Yam): 5. Roger Saenz (Yam ): 6. Paul Donnell y (Yam): 7. Scon Huffma n (Hon); 8 . Gary 8 r inkmeyer (Yam ): 9. Clay Cull en (Han); 10. Erni e Barba. 125 INT: 1. Grayson Goodm an (Yam); 2. Randy M oody (Han); 3 . Chris Neal (Kaw); 4 . Chad Pederson (Yam); 5 . J eremy M cG rath (Yam ); 6. Shane Tr enler (Yam ); 7 . Trevor M eagh er (Yam ): 8 . Troy W elty (Suz); 9 . Paul Cort ez (Han): 10. Charles Sampson . (Hon] . 250 JR : 1. Ryan Carlisle (Kaw); 2. Scan Hoffman (Han); 3 . Ji m Ro ut on (Hon); 4 .Ch ri s Monon (Suz:; 5. St eve Lawl er (Yam ); 6. W ill ie Am arad io (Yam ); 7 . Frank Cost nco (Han ); 8 . Greg W ink el (Yam); 9 . M ark Alvarez (Kaw ); 10 . Kevin Geyer (Yam). 250 INT: 1. J eremy McG rath (Ya m ~ 2. Chris Neal (Kaw); 3 . Tod Sciacqua ( H o n~ 4. Chad Pederson (Yam); 5. M ark Siroth ( H on~ 6 . Ryan Hughes (Yam ); 7. Jon Levey ( S uz~ 8. J am ie Morabit o (Yam ); 9 . P.J . Yacuk (Yam ~ 10 . M ike Menning (Yam). 500 J R: 1. Ryan Carlisl e (Yam ); 2. John Silva (Hus); 3 . Cha lma Roberts (Yam ): 4 . Charlie Gi lmore (Han); 5. Ch uck Bagwell ( H on~ 6 . Gr eg Atkinson; 7. Richard 80 e (Han); 8 . Fran k Costa nzo (Han ); 9 . Steven M ille r (Ha n); 10. Mark Howard (Kaw). 500 INT: 1. M ike Tripe s (Han); 2. Jeff 8arbacovi (Han); 3. Ma rk W hite (Yam); 4 . Glen Comans (Han); 5. Dave Welty (Han); 6 . Jamie Morabito (Yam): 7 . David Montgomery (Hon); 8 . Randy Johnson (Han); 9. David Bagwell (Han); 10 . Jeremy McGrath (Yam). VET: 1. Tony Wanket (Hon): 2. Ma rk Wh ite (Yam); 3 . Greg W inters (Hon); 4. John Miller (Kaw); 5 . Gary Scheidler (Yam); 6. Steve Rawson (Yam~ 7 . 8ruce McDougal (Hon~ 8. Tom While (Yam ); 9 . Alan Olson; 10. Marty Sm ith (Kawl. WMN AM : 1. Tamara Tracy (Hon); 2. Jillian Roth (Hon); 3 . Maria Gonzalez (Kaw); 4. Lori Hedstrom (Han). WMN EX: 1. M ercedes Gonza lez I Ka w~ 2. Lisa Peterson (Hon t 3 . Jeann ie Pru itt I H on ~ 4 . Mindy Sm ith (Kaw); 5 . 80n nie Warch (Suz).

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