Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1988 07 13

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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RIDERSVILLE RESULTS Robtrt Pet rson e Brad OWnlan Mike Brogan Bill Calandro 250 NOV Tim Robart Dennis Tripp Chris Moore Randy Masseck Ron Sltumski OPEN NOV Marcel Perrauh Gary Urso JeHStronisky JohnComerford Dan Gaudreau 125AM David Fantni i J.R. Nadeau David Ouimette R ichOvesny Willard. Chamberlain Craigh Albnght Trt vor H arriso n Cart leguia Peter Kane Craig Seek !ns Mark Flemmg Brent Blevins James large Hon Hon Ktm Hon Hon Hon Hon K... Yam Yam Yam Hon K... Sill Yam Sill Kaw Sill Kaw Yam SUl Sill Hon Sill Hon 125 EX Pat Barton Bin Ozielak David Rudnicki WemyuScon Doug Ken,., 250 OPEN EX Randy McCann P., Banun John oowd leo FlUteux Don Grahn VETS 30·34 Ridc Blumon CIvis Knuth Mike Walsh Norm H elnt Bob G itard S VET 35 & UP Ron Vincern DanBoone SR. AI Clmiaini D Be el aulieu BobS ....k B5BEG Ron TiPllle AI Rami lla PaulMatkowoky Bryan Engstrom Brian Collette B5 JR Joe Zimmerman Dan Boone Jr. John B arone Jr. TtlnI l.ewts R Keller ob B5 SR Jason Bunee Tony Lorusso Scott Carter Randy Dow 125 BEG Kevin Judson Mike lachapllUe Din Ti kham n S.... Rourb Ryan Ad ams 125 JR Ka G ette ilh oy Ch Anzelmo ris Ron Jackson Trevor lrMs Bin Mumler 125 SR Tony llJrusso Sam Clner Owls Nikias Josoo Buaee Ed EngSll1lm 125 NO B V Klilh Mulock Jason Pratt Stava R_ .kIhn Barry Kn G ermain Hon Ho n Suz Yam Yam K... Yam Suz Kaw Hon Kaw Hon Kaw Hon Kaw Yam Ya" Suz Hon Hus Kaw Scutt McMillin 65 Greg R and D ougWilli ms a Adam R ake MINIJR Greg Ra nd Tommy Collier Doug WiUi,ms MINI SR Jason Williams Mika McCallan WiniamStralllhan SCHBY Joh Souders n Doug Ainner Joe Woosley MarkKi. .. 250 A Brent Ble vins Joe Evener Bry Moo an se 250 B Mike Tre adway Manul T Amold Ru Wagner ss OPEN B Bill Allen Rusty Gra, Kevin C lark VET Bill R eiss Mike Treadway Ma~ Kaho 125 C K Matheny eith Tom Ruff Tommy Pugh 250 Tom Morrison MarkKaho Jacki Welker e 50PIW Michael HaMas Brian Gusman Danny Rader Kenny Hee u 60 NOV ... Jesse Ryan A.J. Hernra Jason Thompson Don H art Ron HwOtl Sunshine Harris Kaw Kaw Hon Kaw Sill Kaw Hon Kaw Hon Hon Hon Hon Yam Hon Ho n Kaw Vam Ya m SUl Bill M cNamara M ichelle DiSalvo Adam Enticknap Marl< Sheppard Allan McMellan larry C rawford 600 NOV · Marl< Sheppard Allan McMellan DannyReeser Mike Reyonds Brandon Roberts Suz Yam Kaw Hon Kaw Yam Vam Yam Yam Kaw Kaw Kaw G g Sowle ", ChuckGorrill Vam Kaw Kaw Kaw Hon Yam Hon Hon K... Yam Hon Hon Hon Hon Hon Yam Yam. Yam Kaw Kaw Kaw Yam Kaw K... StyanDuniven G",g Sowle Sam Ftlezw Gary Ri chie t TrapperMc Daniel VET Chuck Gorrill D annyReeser Bin McNamara George Sullivan Charles Johnson Kevin Crowley Charies Butte Jim Ne ese 125 C Tommy linville Doug Conllld Troy Brewer 250 C WilliamCox AnthonyNewham BiIlV Ree l 125 B Mike Brown Ha Moree nk ClIad Lough 250 B Mike Brown Jeff Shuler Brad Proctor OPEN B Kevin Austin Shane Kennedy David Sawyer Yam Hon Suz Hon K... Vam Hon Yam Sill Kaw Kaw Suz Denny Solo man SUl Yam Hon ~ DlVid Redington KaYin Johnson OPEN A Robb;e Taylor Sam Buchaher Joseph J. versact Hon Hon Hon Suz Hon Hon Yam Hon K... Yam K... Hon Vam Yam Yam Yam Yam Bul Hon But Yam Yam Rtt Rtt Yam Rtt SlIDn Track Deerfi.1d Spdwy Deerfield. DH June 11 50 AM TT Garth Ba stion Jeremiah James BD DT 12· 15 YR R.J. Overholt Dean Bush SDTT 12·15 YR R.J. Dverhoh 125DT Dllln Bush Chad Heidman 125 TT Dean Bush , S.n" CtJnv. " ~l/IomJI Loulion, : Lalll irada 14258 f . Im na Hwy.. (21 946-3459 pe l 3) SunVlllo, 9007Sunland Aee.. (81 768·9026 8) 7 0rran 2466 W. 500"1_ 8Ivd.• (213) SJO.()3I4 .. AnlHl m 828 w. Vermont A~. , (n 4) n4· ,049 Lo B••cb 521 Long Beach Blvd.• (21 423-8878 ng 0 3) Hon KTM Hu s Hon Hon CALL FREE 1-800-255-3298 (CALIF. RESID ENTS CA LL COLLECT: 213-397-1772) OPE RATORSSTANDING BY 24 HOURS A DAY 7 DAYS A WEEK AS K FOR DEPT 365M Have your a edlt cards ready. M.e . - Visa Smttb S. ,. 5861 F'festone Blvd (213 927-6895 .• ) .- ~----------------------------~ WHEN YOU MOVE••• ATX Yam ATX Yam KTM Joel Bilotta Mart Bergquist Joe DeVecchio As part of an advertising test. Dunlap Mfg . wi n send any of the abOve size MOT ORBOATS to anyone who reads and responds to this test be fore the next 30 days. Each MOTORBOAT Lot No. (Z·26 PVC) is oonsI1UCted of toug h high de nslty fabric (resistant to abrasions.;gllt . sail & oi~. electronicaliy _ seams. nyIoo salety tine grnmmeted an around , heavy duty oar locks , 4 separate air chambers for extra safety, seIf-lock ing safety valves , bow lifting & tow ing handle. High impact ASS outl:x)ard motor has a solid brass shaft. 8 lb. thrust capacity and a quick stooring .iJIefarm. Heavy d uty high pe<1onnance propel ler mounts directly to your boat (no extra lransom need ed ) and is designed to meet all rigid U.S . Pate nt scecucahons . Each boat has a Coast Guard 1.0 . number for your protection. Recommended for mar ine . ocean and fresh wat er recreation, camping. ftSh ing or a lamily fun boat. Each MOTORBOAT will be accompanied with a U FE TI ME gu aran tee that it must perfor m 100% or it will be reotacec free. Add $7 handling & crating for each MO TORBOAT requested. Dunlap MIg. pays all sh;pping. If your order is rec eived with in the next len days you will rec eive FREE a combined ha nd I 100 inflator I defl ator 1 bellows style pump lor each MOT ORBOAT requested . Should you wish to retu rn your MOTORBOAT you may do so for a ref und . Any letter pos tmarked aher 30 days will be returned. LIMIT three (3) MOTORBOATS per address. no exceptions. Send appropriat e sum together with your name and add ress to: Boat Dept. N365 M, Dunlap Mfg., 2554 lincoln Blvd." o¥ 122. Marina Del Rey, CA 9029 1. Or for fastest serv ice from any part of the country: Monmvl. 806E. Hu ntington Drillf!. (818) 303-6382 I , For FASTEST service attach old mail ing label i n space bel ow If ma il ing label is not ava ilable, pr int your old name and add res s in this box . Suz Kaw Cag Hon Hon Hon Yam Hu s Suz Hon Hon Hus Yam KTM Hon Plea se all ow 3 w eeks lor change to take ef fe ct . 2. Print you r NEW a ddress her e . N ame 250 DT Troy Wright Selb, Hollar _ SIll JeremyB ardoner TomTimmerman 250 TT Jason Sando Todd Skalko OPEN oT Kaw Suz Yam Tim Pa lka 125 A JimRanda Kaw Ron Walker And, R owclff i OPEN TT Andy Rowd;lf David Brown OPEN DT les Washbon Suz Kaw Ka w 0... Brill Rick K eeler 125 B Gary Layton Jacklee OPEN PRO Tom Albright Chris McDonal d Bryan Conanl Randy Ingrlm Matt Glo cl< 125 JR B.J Almb . en Nick Prater Marti. K erling Rich Gr cia. Sr a MikaTripp Reuet Brundage Kirk Gomez J ames K. Cox CYCLE NEWS, Inc. P.O. Bo x 4 98 Long Bea ch, CA 90801 -0498 ~ ~ Cycle News readers- ~ ~ thefirsttoknow! ~ Suz Kaw Eric M ilestone Mike Rogers Craig Hedja ScottJohnson Yam Hon Kaw OPEN Yam Hon Yam Hon Ya m Sill Hon Suz Kaw Kaw Kaw Ya m K... 250 NOV Kaw JessProhaska Kaw Kaw Kaw Kaw Kaw Hon P,t rick Greer J eremy Jmett J,mes Aianda Will Powers Rlesl Hewett Kaw Yam VET NOV Jerry lae Wood Kaw R Brindos ich Circulation Department L Vam · 125 C Mark Mason 200 NOV Don Shipman 3 . Ma il to: Kaw Suz K Re ime eith r Grand Prill Virginia City GP Virgilia City, NV May 7-8 8y Bill Sp.ncer _ Ka.. Hon - DIad Clendenen DIY! Simnick Dan Mac:lauglllin Zip Sta t e Yam Dan Albright Dan Brown , -_ City Kaw James Fisk Glen Brown ----' Address MINI Ch Heidman ad PIW Shane Brown Astlley Bruca Brant Lough JR MINI K... Motorcycleservi e, tuneups, . ccessones , nd U , c res MDtocross MDtDsports Park Byron. It. June 12 By D. Hachmeister Dllln Bush Gino DiStefano Eric Shipman MotDcrDSS Lake Sugar Tre. MX Axton, VA Apr. 3D By Henry Muller Ron laPointe EdMarthini John Haaker Kevin Brown Pa Funan> ul VET JR Bob Schmidt Scott Reynolds SRJR Ray Brindos Robert English Rickleftlet AI Walen Bob Bishop SR EX E ddie Egyed GaryV anderpo ol Jim tcse Louie Marshall Dave Taylor Ryan O verhold BODT 7·11 VR 125 NO V Andy Heiu John May OPEN EX M Preston ike Cullins Duane Scott Duane Hughes Salurday Don Inch Hon KTM Hus H·D Hus Matt BO TT7·11 YR Yam Yam Yam Yam Vam ~ MOTORCYCLECENTERS Hon Hon Ho n Hus Ho n VET EX Phil Douglas Garth Bastion Chris Chave Yam C·A Hon Chp Yam ~~C'. Vam Hon Yam Ho n Hus Colin MacDonald Dale Warmuth Sat 9 ·5 ... ... Ho n Kaw StevllSilvestri Wa Nebes yne ." (304) 258·1449 Kaw KTM K... Ron Yones Tom Roszko Joe Newman OPEN JR Din Track Paradise Spdwy Geneva, NY JUD' 11 Vam Hon Yam C·A Vam M -F 4 -8 KTM Yam KTM Kaw KTM David P. Robin son SameSaracco Dean Sweet @ Hu sky 125 W RK KTM 250 Enduro Cagiva 2 50 W M X AT K 406 - • lDw, l Dw Prices On All. 1988 MDdels • Large SelectiDn 01 Parts & Accessories • UPS Daily Yam Hus D arrell D udley Sean Copeland Yam Hon K... '88 '88 '88 '88 OPEN NOV 125 A Damon Bradshaw Yam Hon Joe Abrams 25X Eyvind Bo re"n Mike llJpicolo Cuck Eldenon JimReger Bob Steinhauer Frank Vancil Ron Markow Debbie Dowell Kathy Tum. lorraine Care'i'ich SUND AY 125 EX Brut Tay lor Glen Sabol 200·250 JR Brian D ickey 8 FOOT $117 10 FOOT $147 leJ Husqvarna PDLRRlS Hus Hon Hu s ATX SUP SR Bud Hamihon Bob oelCa rto Rich Web ster Jim Morrison Ron Dotson WMN BOAT & MOTOR Be rkeley Springs. WV FllIn Ca

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