Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1988 07 13

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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CAUFORNIA MlIT1ltROSS . • 4th Annuli HIWIi.. Slrin. unt, 0• • Rte"",. Mtdtrt. Info 21191 873·8080. CAUFORNIA SAND DRAGS USA Stnd ~ Glen H.len OHV Pall San Stmtnlina.Info 714/880- PONCA CITY NATIONAL ~~~ ~ July 30 Sign Up Now - Classes limited 00 00 0") For Complete Info & Registration Call Today DHMA 1418 Plumetia • SanAntonio, TJ( 78232 (512) 494-6019 or 1733 . CAUFORNIA MOTUCROSS SMll P. rri. Rtctwty. P. rris. Into July 31 714/583-7488 . $80.00 FLORIDA MOTOCROSS Plnhlndle SplldwlY Plnlm l . • City. Info 904/23>1)824 or 2651322. RT FLORIDA SHO TRAClIMX • Or'''II' County - . . . C rl_ . Info 305/ 568-2271. FLO DA MOTUCROSS RI R & RRteilll. 0.... City Rtctwty. l O City. Info 813/986-4950. .dl GEORGIA MOTOCROSS • Suplrcross of Rifl9lOld. Ri"llllold. Info 404/937-3372. G ORG MOTUCROSS E IA Thunder Creek Mll Jocbon. Into 9121994-6630. GEO RGIA SUPERCROSS Southern Sup ercross. TUMII Hill Info 404/259-5092or 278·1570, IDAHOSHORT TRACK • Owyhll Me.8oi... Info 208/ 3787735or 342-971 7. KANSAS SHORT TRACK Wichita Jeeps Me. Wichitl . Info T il Help You Ensure A Bener Performance At The National , By Shar ing My Successful Techniques That You'll Be Able To Use Right Away !"' Donnie uHOLESHOT" Hansen '~ TU~RE 982 250cc SEc Y 0 U Inc , 1 tSuperCrossNational & Champ ion -- SIX PACKS TO GO D&D Performance Exhaust Reint r oduces 316/ 685-0223_ -f/otSix, Q'~ NEVADA MOTOCROSS - w Vegas lnt'l Raceway. Las Veg.s. Info 7021365-1080 . NEW YORK SPEEDWAY Attion Park East Grunl . Info 807 1748-0269. NEW YORK SHORT TRACKI SCRAM8LES * For '79·81 Kl 1300 Kawesaki ,'79-81 cax 1000 Hondas l1.. " ",JAl • S ignificant Weight Savings ~~(IJII-/""- • Broader Powerband C-~- _ • Extra Top End Horsepower Plrldise Speedway. Genevl, Info 3151789·7293. NEW YO MOTOCROSS RI • AMA.Ilroomt-Tiogl SportlCentlr. Binghllnt.... Info 6071648-4997. NORTH CAROUNA MOTOCROSS Whilfillll It. Inc. Info 'Umited Production Onlyl Get Your Orders In NOWI For No Hype, Just A Winner's Pipe••• e,ll Your HOTLINE TO HORSEPOWER (800) 843-8961 919/347·3972. ...,.,.11.. ' 'l OHIO SHORT TRACl Sidewrp Promotions. Dllrfi,ld Spetdwty. Oelm.ld. Info 218/5848688OHIOIIIOTUCROSS • • Hand H l ills. linnvi8t. Info 8141 3233766 or 228-0690. , O POKER RUN HIO , ",on IIICcIubhoust. 0"'.... Info O 5131263-9321. OHIO POKER RUN Centurions Me. Comtrs AIIfoIo & Scllwtnbl'll' Ads.. Info ••••••••• MEXICO ••••••••• 419/865-5175. Distributor For DynoJet C.rb Kits '~.I7 ~ 1\ ~ Weeklyann, . .~ ~ . aot.oatblyblatory • DuoIs-t_·T IT-. • . . . . . . _s,oovrnl_ • : • Oepam EI Paso. lX July 3. Sept. 0&. Oct. 9 7 Drts. 6 Nights $689 • per person. dbI. occ. • - Group Rale5 • - Oub D,sco ums, ~ v • C:= end F.,.I " • • -v • GREAY . • -YORCYCLE. Intormal1 on our 19 88 0n • • = : HoNI. MNlL • E.....- - . I. • HoatedbyL nFIfIneh '• - Rental/Fly & RKle) • Call or Wflle fOf • • • • adventures • M ake your reservat ions ADVENTURES • 824' HNrtf. d LM.. • . Beaumont. TX 77701 USA. 1 411) . . .7111 • ~ 1C2-3!33 . • • • 25 Y• .,.. M.JUco IMotorqtJ. Ex".rienc. ·• • • • NOW' • w DEnnIS KirK. I FREE CYCLE PARTS CATALOG I 8 00-328-9280 • ' F Oakland Sport Center 4232 Dixie Hwy, Drayton Plain, MI 48020 (313) 673·3366 UPS Daily KNIGHT BOSS CHAMPIONGn mee. Brake SystemS. frames or rolling chassis front apooI. qu ick change r.... wheels. sprockets cams. carbs. pipes. spring kits. piaons. glass. forks. speres K&N. Mal'2OCChi. ~ Distributors or Dealers Call for product PUFOIIIlAllCE ACCESSOIIIES .... K.- 314/4Z6e59 (213) 946-3581 OHIO SUPERtROSS OH SX C' hip Stri .. Pnlf. s . eras Trtel loc_ . lnfo81412594872. OItlAHOMA IIIOTUCROSS • Allen Rtndl Mll T..../ Bi y. Info m s-- 918/428-1237. OKLAHOMA MOTUCROSS Moton:ydt Rt

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