Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1988 07 13

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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take second. McCarter easil y took th e overall, with Ammons ge tti ng second, Ledford settli ng for th ir d, and Dyer fourth. Results M INI: 1. J .J. All en (Kaw ); 2. Gary W illiams (Vam). 125: 1. Many Dyke (Yam); 2. Mark Ammons (Han); 3. J eff Ledford (Kaw); 4. Curtis Stephens (Han); 5. Greg Bergen (Hon). 250 : 1. Robert - Hun kapill er (Hon ); 2. Mark. Jackson (Han); 3. M ike Shaver (KTM ); 4. Gary Kait h (Han); 5. Mark Dyer (Suz). OPEN: 1. Mark Jackson (Han); 2. Rand y Farr is (KTM); 3. Donn ie Wan enburger (Kaw ); 4. Grady Jon es (Hus); 5. Benson M etcalf (Han). ENDR: 1. Ja ckis Davis (KTM); 2. Randy Farr is (KTM ); 3. Junior Akin s (KTM); 4. M ike Laut h (KTM); 5. Tim Brannon (KTM). OVER 30 : 1. Dave Holt on (KTM ); 2. Gary Keith (Hon); 3. Craig Cary (Kaw); 4. Cester Rowl and (Kaw ); 5. Kirk McWilliams (HonD. U/L AM : 1. M itch McCan er (Hon); 2. Ma rk Ammons (Hon); 3. J eff Ledford (Kaw); 4. Mark Dyer (Suz); 5. Cun is Stephans (Han). 'ngerso'scores Bobcat Enduro win By Bill Herndon Darrin Erichsen (68), Steve Morehead (42). Bryan Hardin (7 0 ) and George Roeder (6 6 ) at the Greenville HM . Roeder reigns at Greenville HM By Bert & Deanne Shepard 44 GREENVILLE, OH, JUNE 18 George Roeder II took th e h igh road on h is way to victory in the East ern Regio nal , Expert class of th e Treaty City M/C half mile race at Darke County Fairgrounds. He took the Roeder H-D/Mike's H-D/Lee Sartin Truckin g/ KK M/C Suppl y/ Arai / Eagl e En gineering/ M&D/ K.M . R .lSouthea st H -Dsponsored H arley-Davidson to th e top line and the fastest ti me and a heat race win . Also mak ing it to the victory stand were Steve Marth in the Pro -Am class, and Kevin Atherto n in th e Junior s. , Audie H uff had th e pole for th e P ro- Am . main , but . .. McD owell had the holeshot. Huff too k over on lap two and set sail. Second p lace was in £lux as Pat Behrle a nd Steve Marth went after McDowell. With fou r laps to go, Huff coasted up the front straigh t with an ignition failure. The race was between Marth and Beh rle. Marth held off Behrle to th e £lag. " I love this p lace. Even if there wasn 't any prize money, I'll be back," sai d Marth after he th anked Steve Beattie, Erick j ohncox-Sunnyside Cycle, Shoei , K&N, and hi s mom a nd dad. Ron Sch ro eder led the Junior main for th e first two laps. Kevin Ath erton's ride to th e front was hampered by some broken bales in tum one. O ne of th e bal es caugh t Cory j erew 's kn ee, ca using hi s early retirement and a tri p to the hospital. Ath erton had th e Pe'!Y's H-D/ Ron Wood / Ara i/TsubakI /N.H.I. / Farver Sawmill/Hog Wash /WoodRotax on overdrive to th e checkers. With five laps to go, Crai g Estelle moved in on Sch roeder. Dan Butl er was alo ne in fourth as was Jim Hauptm an in fifth. In th e remaining laps on ly two rid ers ch anged positions . Este lle took the pl ace mon ey fro m Schroed er and Dave Rayburn co ntolled sixth spot. Dan In gram had the Expert-class p ol e but ga ted poorl y. Da rr in Erichsen, Bryan H ardin, Steve Morehead, Donnie Estep and Roeder were side by side from th e first few laps. R oed er too k co m m a n d wit h Eric hsen in his shadow . Moreh ead battled Harding and Dan In gram and h is ill -handl in g mount. David Durrell , Doug Davis and Estep had wh eel-to-wheel comba t for six th . Roeder a nd In gram experi ment ed with different lines. Roeder returned to th e top while Ingram wor ked on th e bottom. Eri chsen faded in to th e mi ds t o f th e Moreh ead-In gramHardin battl e. Roeder 's line kept him o u t front to stay while In gram 's mov ed him to a second-place fini sh. Results EX: 1. George Roeder II (H·D ); 2. Dan Ingram (H· D): 3. Steve Mor ehead (H· D): 4. Bryan Hardin (H· D); 5. Darr in Er ichsan (H· D). JR: 1. Kevin Ath enon (W·R): 2. Craig Estelle (H· D): 3. Ron Schro eder (W· R); 4. Dan Butler (Han ); 5. Jam es Hauptman (W -Rl. . PRO: 1. Steve Ma nh (H· D); 2. Pat Behr le (Hon ); 3. Brian Tillson (W· R); 4. Gary Morel (Hon); 5. J .J . McDowell (H·D). Rio romps to Foothi', Sports MX win By T.K . Bailey KODAK, T N, J U NE 18 T he spo tlight was fo cused o n Tommy Rios an d Fernando Davill a of Lima, Peru , and J aso n Bu ttl e of London , Eng land , during Sat urday night' s MX action at Foothills Sports Park. Newcomers Rios and Buttle adjus ted quickl y to the technical aspects of the Foo thills arena, fin ishing 1-2 overa ll in bo th the 125 and 250cc A Expert cla sses. Davill a had to settle for second p lace behind Allen Cod y in th e first 250cc B class rnoto, but too k overa ll honors, as he was ab le to get by Cody in the second mo to with a con troversi al move that left th e local ace stalled in a: berm . Wh en asked how Ri os and Buttle enjoyed Ameri can- style night supercross, Buttle said, " It seems that most of,the fastest riders at this particular track ride th e Amateur classes. They were extreme ly quick and compe titive from sta rt-to-fi n is h." R ios added, "T his type of racing is fun , a nd everyone here is having a very good tim e." In th e wild 125cc C class, th e Yam aha ga ng of Tra vis Pa yn e, Marty Dyke and Chris Kitts ganged up on th e co mpetitio n to finish in th at order with two mote s of close raci ng that had everyo ne standing and cheering th em on . The 250cc . C class was no less exci ting as Honda-m ounted Mitch McCa rter pu t in a gutsy effort to hold off Dann y Beck and Billy Adk ins . T he first moto of.the Enduro class left track favorit e Gary Reynol ds slack-jawed at the lin e, as Grady J ones on hi s huge fo ur-stro ke Husky p ulled an incr edible holes ho t, going on for th e win as he launched th e beast around the course wi th apparent ease. T he seco nd mo to found Reynolds more tha n ready as he ret urned th e favo r by getting th e ho leshot and never looking back. Results 125 A: 1. Tommy Rios (Cag);' 2. Jason Bunle (Kilw); 3. Ji mmy Teal (Han). 250 A : 1. Tommy Rios (Vam); 2. Jason Buttl e (Suz); 3. J im my Teal (Hon). 250 B: 1. Fern ando Davil a (Han); 2. Darr en Carson (Suz); 3. Allen Cody (Hon). 125 C: 1. Travis Rayne (Yarn]: 2. M any Dyke (Vam); 3. Chris Kin s (Yarn]. 250 C: 1. M itch McCan er (Hon); 2. Danny Beck (Vam); 3. Billy Adk in s (Han). OVER 25 : 1. Brent Cole (Vam); 2. Neal Capps (Hon); 3. Randy Wolfe (Vam). OVER 30 : 1. Gary Keith (Han); 2. Randy Wolfa (Vam); 3. Craig Carey (Kaw). ENDR: 1. Gary Reynold s (Kaw ); 2. Grady J onas (Hus); 3. Eddie Sharp (Hon). 80 SR: 1. Sh ane Jenki ns (Kaw) ; 2. M itchell Bailey (Kaw ); 3. Tracy Nalson (Hon). Jackson jockeys to Boyd's Creek MX By Larry G. Finchum SEVIERVILL E, T N, JUNE 19 Mark J ackso n won th e Open class at round five of the Tennessee State Champio ns hip Series at Bo yd 's Creek Motocross. Jackson too k the holeshot in mot o o ne but was pressured by Randy Farris o n a KTM for two laps. T he KTM of Ath ens-sponsored Farris lost a chain o n lap three and was forced to last p lace while J ackson 's Honda ro lled to an uncontested victory. In the seco nd heat J ackson again go t the holeshot and Farris was again right on hi s back fend er. J ackson pulled away at th e halfway £lags but Farri s made a last-la p effort and was able to reel in Jackson and overtake th e lead o n th e long downhill j umps. J ackson still too k th e overall with seco nd going to Farris, and third to Donnie Wattenbarger o n a Kaw asak i. The Unli mi ted Amateur class is open to any size bik e except minis and saw excellent racing. Heat one had J eff Ledford on a Kawasaki in th e lead a t the first turn w ith Knox vill e H onda/Gear Ra cewearspo nsored Mitch McCarter in tow . By lap two McCarter 's H onda had moved to the lead and by la p three Mark Am mo ns, also on a H onda, had mov ed into second with Ledford holding on to th ird as they too k th e checkered severa l laps later. Second moto act ion had a new leader in the early going as Mark Dyer o n a Suzuki took the hol eshot , .but by lap two McCarter was in the lead . Dyer 'held on to second unti l lap fo ur wh en Jeff Ledford mov ed up from fourth to pass hi m and Mark Ammons. Ammo ns finall y go t around Ledford on th e last lap to I RED MOUNTAIN, CA, JUNE 12 Closing o ut th e first half of th e 1988 SCEC Enduro Series, J ason Ingersoll inked th e overall win with a 2.98 point dr op at th e Bobcat Enduro. Fighting ou t th e 1988 250cc class points lead with Scott Crawford, th e O 'N eal USA-sponsored winner told Cycles News, " It was a good co urse. T he averages were pr ett y accurate with good speeds. Loop o ne was fun for everyo ne. I missed a one at check seven by o ne second. But th at' s the way it goes ." Crawford bu rned a check th at cos t h im a possi ble win. "T he £l ip-ca rd person was sitti ng with her back to th e riders - so riders cou ld no t see the £l ip cards - at the red card checkin to the specia l test (check eigh t) down the hill from th e cards. I crested th e hill at 57-58 seconds, stalled for two seconds' and ro lled th rough the cards, whi ch were £lipped lat e. T hey apparent ly burned us by taking o ur. numbers a t th e top of the hill , ra ther than below at the cards . Flippi ng, call ing and wa tching was probably . too much for o ne person to do. I did a solid one, and th is is a ma jor disa ppoin tmen t." A clean at th e check would've meant the overa ll and the only o ne mi n u te dro p for Crawford. If the wi n wa s co n trovers ia l , secon d overall and first O pen AA was not. Steve Williams ro de to a lonesome 2.105 score. J ohn Ferr o gra bbed th ird overa ll, and won the 250cc AA Vet class 50 seconds back. Crawford sti ll managed a rema rkab le fourth overa ll at 3.161, 'desp ite his chec k eigh t burn, followed by first 250cc A Vet Willy Kennedy at 3.181. First sma ll-bore was Scott Sinnig at sixth overa ll on his 125cc Honda, and th e only 200c<; in th e top 30 fin ish ers. Sinnig was glad to be back after a kn ee surgery. H ounded by West ern Air li n es pilot 25 seco nds back at 3.218 o n h is 250 ATK , 250cc AA/Sen ior Harry Keast said, "T he race sectio ns were reall y good, bu t the long por in g part in loop two made me not ready to race the next special test." Forrest Stowells fini shed eigh th overa ll with a 3.229 drop on hi s CR500 H onda for th e Open A Vet win, and the ride of hi s life. Mik e Ferr o sn uck in five seconds later , wh ile T im Beall ga ve up the Open A Vet win to Sto w. Fam ily loop o ne found yet ano ther win ner at the Bob cat with 200cc C ri de r Ji m Skaggs g u id ing h i s KDX200 Kawasaki to the win and the only thr ee poin t score at 3.228. Ja nice Rubin too k the B Wom en win on her IT 200 a t 4.224, and second overa ll, followed by B Mini Dean . Beauchamp . Former overa ll loo p one winner Kevin Cleland salvaged the A Mini win at 4.250, with Bill Rasp ro u nding ou t th e top five o n • his SDEA H onda at 5.302.

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