Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1988 07 13

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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a: w ~ ~ ...J ...J :::l ~ >a: Z w J: >- '" o .... o J: a. 00 00 0") ,......; '" C(") ,......; >..- ::s I---) J im Neese (3 ) and Jamie Hacking battle for the lead in the second 125cc Amateur moto at Rolling Hills. Neese was the overall w inner. • Hendon (ATK); 3. Eric St ant on (Han); 4. Doug Jorii ssen (Yam); 5. Brent Atwell (Hon). '25 A STK: 1. Jeff Beckington (Han); 2. David Beckington (Han); 3. Jo hn Kitsch (Kaw) 4. Steve Robison (Kaw); 5. A llen Horn e (Vam). 40 + 1. Doug Sanger (Suz); 2. Deve Curry (Vam); 3. Don gates (Suz); 4 . Harry Lewi s (Han); 5. Tom Jenkowski (Vam). 30 + t . J eff St einro ck (Han); 2. Philip A ldenon (Cag); 3. M ike Gilleran (Kaw ); 4 . Tim Sm ith (Suz); 5. Greg Sm ith (Han). '25 B STK: 1. Eric Mclear (Vam); 2. J erom y Buehl (Kaw ); 3. A.J . Becker (Han); 4. Man Ad ent (Suz); 5. Steve Gill and (Han). Neese, Kennedy rule. Rolling Hills MX By Henry Muller . REIDSVI L L E, N C, MAY 8 Sharpe Bro th ers/ O 'Nea l' s Jim Neese rocketed to four moto wins in the Senior Mini and 125cc Amateur Classes wh ile Shane Kennedy swept the 250cc and O p en Amateur divisions in round five of the N.A.M.E. Spring National MX Series at Roiling Hills Cycle Park. Series points leader David Cantrell took th e lead in th e fir st Senior Mini moto, ch ased by Neese and Dabney Bowen with Wes Cav e and Tilden Styron in a tu ssle over fourth . Ca n trell held a slig h t lead until mid moto when a sp inou t in a tight turn dr opped him to third behind Nees e an d Bowen. The top three positions wer e set with Styron a n d Cave making th e top five. Neese left Bow en a nd Cantrell to ba ttle for th e seri es points lead as he waltzed o ff with th e win in m oto two. Bowen 's seco nd p la ce fin ish m oved h im to wit hin two po in ts of Can trell 'with two ro un ds rem aining. J amie Hacking bl asted into the lead in th e first I 25cc Ama teur m oto foll owed by Neese with Brad Mills, EricSmith a nd Lonnie T aylor in a freig h t tra in behind. Neese di splaced H acking a nd m otored to the win with T aylor finishing third over Mike Eastwood and Mills. Hacking and Neese had one o f th e da y's best battles in m ot o two with the two riders swapping the lead several times before Neese finally pulled ahead for th e win over Hacking. T a ylor once a ga in put hi s Yamaha in third ov er Eastwood an d Tim Laskis. Shane Kennedy was on the gas in the 250cc Amateur class and won both motos h an dily with Forsyth Motosports-sponsored Jay Hauser using a 2-3 moto score to extend his poin ts lead over David Eller. Todd Marshall's th ird place finish was good enough to move him to third lin th e point standings. , I n 250cc Novice action series .points leader Zane Batton put in a ,flawless ride to win both motos with second overall going to Jeff Mushala. Ricky Milks used a 4-4 moto score . to garner third overall ahead of Allen Alford; II After a fierce battle in moto two, 'Mike Andrews topped brother Larry Andrews for the 125cc Pro class win with Robby Neeley holding off Pau l J am ison for third. Andrews returned to win th e 250cc P ro class as well ov er England's Jason Bu ttl e and Nee ley. Results JR MINI : 1. Rich ie Honan (Yam); 2. Dan ny Rich (Han); 3. Patrick Greer (Kaw ). SR MI NI: 'l , Jim Neese (Suz); 2. Dabney Bow en (Kaw ); 3. David Centr ell (Han). . S/MINI : t . Dabn ey Bow en (Kaw ); 2. Davi d Cantrell ( H o n~ 3. Patr ick Greer (Kaw) . SCHBV; t . Dabney Bowen (Kaw ); 2. Br ia n Thomas (Kaw); 3. Dale Hill (Vam). ' 25 NOV: 1. Tommy Linv ille (Han); 2. Zone Banon (Kaw); 3. W ill iam Cox (Suz). 250 NOV; t . Zone Banon (Kaw ); 2. J eff Mu sha la (Yam); 3. Ricky M il ks (Yam). '25 AM : t. J im Neese (Suz); 2. Jam ie Hacking (Ka w~ 3. Lonnie Taylor (Yam). . 25 0 AM; t . Shene Kenn edy (Yem); 2. Jay Hau ser lKaw); 3. Todd Marshall (Han). 500 AM : 1. Shane Kennedy (Yamt 2. Jerry Roben son (Han); 3. Cleyto n Leech (Han). SR: t . St eve Ja rjabka (Han); 2. Frank Stronan IKaw); 3. Ken Ferr ell (Han). . '25 PRO: 1. M ike An drews (Suzl; 2. Larry Andrews ISuz); 3. Robby Neeley (Kaw ). 250 PRO; t . Mike Andrews (Suz); 2. Jason Bunle ISuz); 3. Robby Neeley (Kaw). Schmulbach singes McHenry Half Mile By Bo bb y Lew is M~HENRY , KY, JUNE 19 Bart Schmulba ch adapted to the ro ugh groove to day a t McHenry to take top honors in th e highl y co m peri tive Open class . • T odd Booten led th e open ing lap with Roy Hart a n d Schmulbach in tow . A lap later H art a nd Schrnulbach went by Booten with Sch rnul bach on th e points. Aaron Cro ckett p ut Boo ten back another spot o n lap th ree an d th e top four spots wer e set. Fi fth went to J a m es H a rt wit h J oel Barrow, Larry Pefram, Ch arles K. So u thgate, Charl es R . South gate a nd Ken H ouston ro u n di ng out th e to p 10. After topp ing T .]. Burnette in th e 125cc class Barrow jumped on to p o f the 250cc class. Mark Walker, Marsh all Pat rick, Pegram and Robbi e G rief pl ayed ch ase on th e o pe n ing lap. On lap two Pegram m oved to seco n d and set after Barrow. H e ca me close but Barrow was th e man a t the flag. Patrick moved by Walker in th e late laps to tak e third. Grief and Jimmy Allen also got b y Walker with Chuck All en and Bruce Fiser . setting th e field. Tommy Hayden was another double winner. H e took the 80cc class with a flag-to-flag ride over John Sherrard. Aaron Ladd and Chris Boone swapped positions for third with Ladd getting the spot when Boone slid out. Pa u l Morgan ro de ' to fourth with Boo ne regrouping for fif th . T h e 60cc main was also a wireto-wire win for H a yd en a s h e increased his lead with every la p . J arrod Barrow ran in second until h e bailed on th e last la p , allowing Paul Morg an, Nick Hayden and Joshua Knott to rail by. Eddie Ingels t ook his fi rst w in at the Napa Speedway track with a victory over,Mike Parsons and Mike Delacy in the Scratch main. Results 50 STK; " Josh Rude (Vam); 2. Jason Goodwi n (Vam); 3. J ohn Warn er IVam). 50 M OD: 1. J enny Hayden (Yam); 2. Nick Hayden (Vam); 3. Jason Goodwin (Yam). 65; 1. Tommy Hayden (Kaw); 2. Paul Morgan (Vam); 3. Nick Hayden (Kaw). BO; 1. Tommy Hayden (Vam); 2. John Sherr ard (Kaw); 3. Aaron Ladd (Kaw). '25: t . Joel Barr ow lKaw); 2. T J . Burnen e (Suz). 250 : 1. Joel Barrow (Vam); 2. Lerry Pegrem (Han); 3. Marshall Patr ick (Yam). OPEN: 1. Ban Schmulbach (C-AI; 2. Roy Han (C-A); 3. Aaron Crocken (Yam). SR: t . Karl Meyer (Yam); 2. Charles K. Southgat e (Yam); 3. Bill Just (Yam). AM : 1. Jon Bandy (Yam); 2. Buddy Akers (Kaw); 3. Pat BooneIBul). Ingels ignites at Napa Speedway off Orlandi wi th a run on the pole to pick up the win. Dereck Cole won easily over Dea n Newham in Divisio n Three action. Co le was able to streak away on th e first lap as the other riders bunched together. Newham, once clear of traffic, co u ld not close on the strea king Cole. Results SCRATCH MAIN : 1. Eddie Ingels (G-M); 2. M ike Parsons (Wes ~ 3. Mike Delacy (Gdn); 4. Raben Curry (Wes). HOC? : 1. Charlie Venegas (Jaw); 2. Mike Parsons (Wes); 3. Eddie Ingels IG-M); 4. M ike Kain IJa w). 0 -2 M AI N: t . Jess Ochoa (Jaw); 2. Steve Orland i (J aw ); 3. M ike Brow ne (Jaw); 4. Mark Squad rit o (Jaw). . 0 ·3 MAIN: t .nerecc Cole (Jaw); 2. Dereck Cole (J aw ); 3. Ron Clevenger (Jaw); 4 . Pet e Marcoccia By R.C. Jones (J aw ). NAPA, CA, J UNE 18 Eddie Ingels scored h is fir st win o n th e Napa Speedway track with a vict ory in th e Scratch main. Cha rlie Ven egas made it to th e bi g ti m e with h is first win in th e H an dica p main event. And J ess O ch oa added the Divi sion T wo ma in win to h is co llection . te Ingels, co m ing ou t o f ga- two was a ble to ta ke the lead ear ly o ver Rob ert C urry a nd the p ole-sitter Mi k e Pa rso ns. Mike Delacy, with a horrible start fro m gate four. ca me back after a lap to get into th e fra y. P arsons, still insi de of C urry, m a inta in ed th e insi d e ed ge for seco nd while I ngels put th e race away. Delacy m oved u p to cha lle nge Curry , took third an d went after Parsons. Wi th th e Ma ir Manufa cturin g/ A&A Racing/Peterich/Quaker/ Champion/K&N/ Sierra /Bell spon sored Ingels taking the checke red, Parsons h eld off Delacy for seco n d. Charlie Venegas was quicker out of the gate th an Mike Kain as th e Handicap main got underway. As Kain faded, Venegas found th e blue groove and streaked to his first Division One win. Mike P a rso n s fought through traffic behind the Cine Camera/#I Bike Shop/ R&R Body Works/West Coast Muffler sponsored Venegas to fin ish secon d . Ingels moved into third during the la st two laps but co u ld not close on Parsons. Kain was off the pace bu t able to hold fourth p osition. J ess O choa who started the season in Divi sion Three made a mark in Div ision Two with his win tonight. After th e riders settled down, Steve Ofl andi dashed into seco nd, chasi n g Och oa . With a lap left , Orlandi tried the outside on Ochoa. O ch oa held Bradshaws win big at Goodtimes M X By Warren E. Domke SAN ANT O NIO . TX, J UN E I I Andrew Bradsh aw J r. domina ted the - Expe rt class a t Goodti mes Mot orsports Park , while h is fath er, Dr. Andrew Brad sh a w, ro de another to victory in th e O ver 40 clas s. The yo unger Bradsh aw beat Greg Den ison an d Scot t Ren ick after a pair of holesh o ts. . In the 125cc Beginner class , Rod n ey G entry lo st th e h ol esh o t to Lonnie O ldh a m bu t the n battled it o u t a nd Gentry fin ish ed fir st with ' O ldham seco nd. G entry a lso ca ptured a thi rd p la ce in th e I25cc Open class. ' In th e 125cc Novice class. Mar cus Pepper missed th e hol esh o t to Greg T itl er. After a lap or two, however , the lineup h ad settle d d own to Pepper , followed by J ason Miller. J on Cashiola a n d Titler battled it ou t for third a nd Cashiol a won o ut. Results 125 BEG: 1. Rodney Gentry (Kaw); 2. Lonnie Oldham IHon); 3. Rick Gutierrez IKew); 4 . Paul Payne (Yam). 250 BEG: t . Randy Sunon (Han); 2. Ronny Barr (Yam). . 250 NOV: t. C. Crouch (Hon t 2. Raben Reddin g (Suz); 3. Char lie Lugo (Han). OVER 30 : t . Sam Wackup (Kaw); 2. Ron Taiban (Yam). OVER 40 : r. Dr. A. Bradshaw (Han); 2. An drew TronIKaw). , 25 -250 EX COMB : t . A ndrew Bradshaw (Han); 2. Greg Den ison (Yam); 3. Scon Renick (Kaw ). 125 OPEN: 1. Donni e Roland (Han); 2. Keit h Schaefer (Han); 3. Rodney Gentr y (Kaw); 4. Greg Tilto n (Kaw). 250 INT; 1. Rusty Mc Dowell (Han): 2. Earl Ingram (Kaw); 3. Bobby Kyle (Han); 4 , D. Schult z (Kaw ). . MINI. SR: 'l • Rowdy Flanagan IKaw); 2. Brian Hoffman (Han). MIN I, SR. BEG, BO: 1. Brian Mize (Han); 2. Banniel Trott (Kaw); 3. Bred Shelton (Kawl; 4. Jacky Mize (Ha n). _ '25 NOV; 1. Marcus Pepper (Han); 2. Jason M ill er (Han); 3. Jon Cashiola (Kaw ); 4 . Greg Title r IKaw); 5. Cody M itchell (Cag). 41

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