Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1988 07 13

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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a:: al « (J) U ~ ~ ~ 0 w a:: " " « !:1 z ~ > > al al o o lo e :x: I- :x: a. a. 00 00 ~ 1""""'4 G(") 1""""'4 >..-. ;j ~ Doug Belcher combined 3 -1 finishes -to t ake the overall victory in the 250cc Pro class at LittleOkie. front o f H agan a t th e start o f th e 750cc Producti on race. Hagan, wh o seem ed to have trouble at the start in each of th e three races , passed Jepsen on lap three. Once Hagan grabbed first pl ace, h e was burning up the two-and-a-half-mile circuit with blistering lap times in the 1:45range. With th e 750cc Production class win, H agan, from Oakland, increased h is poin ts lead over secon dplace J epsen. In th e seco n d wave of th e same race Phil Kress grabbed the lead in th e first turn over th e rest o f th e other Open Superstreet rider s a nd never let go. With th is wi n , Kress built u pon a n alread y huge lead in th e O pen Su perstr eet class poin t stan di n gs. After red flags h alted the first two a tte m p ts at co m p leting th e 750cc Supers tree t race , wh ich began with 59 riders, Hagan , o nce again battling with Jim J epsen for firs t place , overtook th e- o the r Suzuki midway through the first lap. In th e two previous ra ces, wh ic h h ad been red flagged on th e seco n d lap , H a gan had also fail ed to tak e th e lead into turn one at the start but did grab th e lead before the first la p was completed.' H agan and Jepsen , going into the race, were second a n d third, respectively behind 750cc Superstreet points leader Chris Crew , who did not compete. Eri c Kondo o f Palo Alto, rid in g a Yamaha TZ250, held th e lead in the Formula Two race until the seventh lap whe n he wa s overtaken by a noth er Yam aha rider , Al Sal averria, a Novice rider from San Francisco. On th e fin al lap, Ko ndo los t gr ou n d behind one of the la p ped . riders, but ne vert h eless managed to come back a n d lose by only a bike leng th . Going into the ra ce, Sal ave rria was sixt h in th e Formula T wo po int sta n di ngs a nd Kondo wa s th ird. Kondo did win th e Formula One race by a large m argin a fter grabb ing the lead on lap two. Before the wi n, Kondo held th e ni nth spot in the Formul a On e p oints s ta n d in gs. Suzuki rider J eff Stern o f Woodland Hills, wh o held th e lead in th e points sta nding going into th e race , fin ished seco nd. . A spec ia l even t of th e da y was th e sidecar ra ce. The winners , P eter Essaff an d hi s m onkey, wo n on a bi ke using th e same IO Occ Kawasak i O en gi ne th a t Eddie Lawso n won hi s Sup erbike titl e o n . The sidecar leaders were postin g lap tim es o f 1:58. Essa f d id not p ass seco nd pl ace finis her J eff Millard u ntil la te in th e race . On a number of tu rns the two leaders were side-by-side, how ever, Essaf 's superior horsepower proved too much for Millard to handle. The race was th e first sidecar competi tion at Sears Point in nearly two years. Results • 750 PROD: 1. J eff Hagan (Suz); 2. Ji m Je psen (Suz); 3. Scon Caveness (Suz). OPEN SISTo 1. Phil Kress (Yam); 2. Rick A . Uukkonen (Suz); 3. Kenneth T. Louketis (Suz). F· l : 1. Eric Kondo (Yam); 2. J eff Stern (502); 3. Joe Brett W illi ams (Han). F-2: 1. AI Salaverr ia (Yam); 2. Eric Kondo (Yam); 3. Oavid Gibbons (Han). . F·40: 1. Denny Doherty (Yam); 2. Gordon Seim (Due); 3. Arthur Chambers (Due). FeS: 1. Eran Flayr (Han); 2. Craig M cLean (Han ); 3 . Vincent Meyer (Hon). 250 5 / 5 : 1. Jeffrey Leggin (Kaw ); 2. Francis Mazur (Kaw) ; 3 . Raymond Kinner (Kaw). .. F-T-75O: 1. Er ic Swonsfigure (Nor); 2. Paul Rasmussen (Due); 3. David Craig Williams (Due). 450 PROD: 1. Darr ell Parker (Yaml; 2. Darrell Clingerman (Yam); 3. Hugh March (Yam ). VlNT: 1. M ichae l Greene (Due); 2. Ja mes Banke (BSA); 3. Michael Montagnon (BSA). T-650: 1. John Kirk (Han); 2. Robert Lomusc io (Han); 3. Randolph Decker (Yam). . OPEN PROD: 1. Scott Caveness (Suz); 2. Rick Uukkonen (Suz); 3. Kenneth Louketi s (Suzl. F-T OPEN: 1. Gordon Seim (Due); 2. Arthur Chambers (Due); 3. Elmer (Bud) Riddle (Yam). 750 SI STo 1. Jeff Hagan (Suz); 2. Jim Jeps en (Suz); 3. Michaal Hunter (502). F-4 : 1. Shannon Criss (Han); 2. Eron Flory (Kaw); 3. Jim Tracey (Yam). 450 SI STo 1. St ephen Rodden (Yam); 2. Kirk Hoeppner (Yam); 3. J ames Lubin (Yam). 250 PROD: 1. Michael Shan e Earn est (Kawl; 2. J effrey Leggit (Kaw ); 3. Francis Ma zur (Kaw). 600 SISTo 1. Mark McD aniel (Han); 2. J ohn A nderso n Fryer (Yam); 3 . David Deveau (Suz). 600 PROD: 1. Walt er Nitta (Han); 2. David Deveau (Suz); 3. Peter Wensloff (Suz). . OPEN GP: 1. Jeff Hagan (Suz); 2. Phi l Kress (Yam); 3. Denny Doherty (Yam). SDCAR: 1. Peter Essaf (Kaw);.2. Jeff M ill ard . (Yam) ; 3. James Sm ylie Kinner (Kaw). Belcher bombs l ittle Okie Motocross By Mark Staab MADERA, CA, J UNE II Doug Belcher still h olds king of th e hill with his overall victory in th e 250cc Pro class a t Little Okie. . CMC northern California number o ne rider J on Nelson bla sted to a n easy first moto vict ory over Kenny Zahrt a n d Belcher a fter Belcher (Kaw) broke his gear shi ft lever o n th e third lap. . The sta rt of rnoto two had Belcher leading with Nel son a close second . As the riders went into th e seco n d lap, Nel son went do wn over th e stutter bumps an d dropped to fou rt h pla ce. Eri c Sandstrom and Bill y Woods rod e seco n d a nd third behind a long-gone Belcher. Lap three sa w Woods p ass Sandst rom over the ta ble to p. Pat Bennett passed Nelson for th e four th spot wh en Nel son stalled in th e right-h ander after th e tabletop. Also ge tt ing by was Zahrt, wh o was co m in g u p fro m a last-place start. O n la p five Zahrt fell off in th e p it and Nelson went by. La p seven h ad Ben nett and Nelson both rocketing by Sandstrom out of th e pit. Ne lso n even tuall y thundered by Ben nett and was in hot p u rsu it of Eric Kondo lost th e Formula Two race at Sears Point Rac eway to AI Salaverria. but Kondo came back to easily win the Formula One class . Woods. Nelson, knowing he had to pass Woods to tak e th e overall win, pulled out all the stops to get by. As th e riders went into th e last lap, Nelson fell off while trying to get by Woods, en ding his chance for th e ov erall victory. Belcher took an easy win with Woods, Bennett a nd Nelson finishing in th at order. Res ults _ 250 PRO: 1. Doug Belcher (Kaw ); 2. Jon Nelson (Kaw ); 3. Pat Bennen (Kaw ). 500 PRO: 1. Sean Conley (Kaw); 2. M ike Garcia (Han); 3. jim auaschnick (Yam). 250 INT: 1. Billy Woods (Kaw). 500 BEG: 1. Rick Hollenbeck (Han); 2. Mark Simmons {Kaw J;3 . Mike Chellino (Hon). 500 JR: 1. M ike Brewer (Kaw ); 2. Brad Huffer (KTM). BOJR: 1. Rusty Holland (Suz); 2. Chr is Kawasak e (Kaw ). BIG WHL : 1. Greg Allen (Kaw) . BOINT: 1. Torey Rolland (Kaw). PP: 1. Andrea Chamberlin (Kaw); 2 . Kass ie Gray (Han). . BO BEG: 1. Je remy Brown (10<) 2. Jason Lewis ; (Kaw); 3.John McCracken (Kaw) . 250 BEG 0 -1: 1. Lester Hanks (Han); 2. Brian Bradshaw (Yam); 3 . Ji mmy Ab shire (Hon) . 250 J R: 1. M ike Brewer (Kaw ); 2. J im Gardner (Han); 3. Ben Saville (Yam). VET: 1. St eve Allen (Suz); 2. Klaus Baker (Kaw); 3. Ed Clawford (Han). OT JR : 1. David L Simmon s (Kaw); 2. Jon Stratt on (Suz). . VET INT: 1. Terry Huff er (Suz). VET MSTR: 1. Terry Oeegan (Kaw); 2. Phil Gr ibna u (Yam) . 125 BEG 0 -1: 1. Jo hn Wills (Honl; 2. Skip Gu inn (Han); 3. Marc Wemyss (Kaw ). 125 BEG 0 -2: 1. Pet er Gunter (Yam); 2. Dann y Lawhorn (S uz); 3 . J effrey Brawnl ee (S uz). 125 JR 0 -1: 1. Pat Gomm (Han); 2. Dan McCann (Han); 3. Jason McCullough (Han). 125 J R 0 -2 : 1. John Culwell (Kaw ); 2. Randy Ritch ie (Kaw); 3. Chad Daggen (Kaw). 125 INT: 1. Mike a uaschnick (Yam); 2. Todd Nelson (Kaw) . . 125 PRO: 1. Pal Bennett (Kaw ). Ricks rules WhitneyMX By Joyce Ladd WHITNEY, TX, J U N E 19 J ack R icks III swept the 125cc a nd 250cc Intermed iate classes bot h ti m es at L ak e Whi tn ey C ycl e R an ch ,' finish in g I- I. Ricks pulled th e h ol eshot in moto o ne of the 250cc cl a ss fo llowed closel y by Mich ael Lord a nd David Baskin. By lap two , R icks was first, Tyler Larso n second and Matt H arlan third . Moto tw o .sa w R ic ks pull the ho lesh o t with T im Portz a n d Keith H agins in slo ts two and three. Aga in Ricks kept on th e gas a n d led the entire rnoto. At the fini sh , it was R icks first, Portz seco nd and H a gins third. Ri cks took th e holeshot in both m otos of th e co m b ine d 125cc Interm ediate and Expert class and wen t I-I for th e overa ll wi n - T erry T inney . went I-I for th e overall win in th e Expert class. Action in the 80cc Intermediate class saw Willy Bowden tak e th e holeshot and finish first in moto one, followed by Jason Edwards an d Jody North. . MOIO two again saw Bowden take the holeshot but a fall put him in six th on th e first lap. By lap five, Bowden had moved up to fin ish fourth, giving him the second place overa ll win. Eddie Deckerson took third. Mini O p en actio n a ga i n saw Bo wd en gra b both h ol eshots. In m oto o ne , first place went to Bowden, foll owed by Ed wards and Steve Olson in third . T he m o ta two wi n "we n t to Ed wards, giving him first overall. Finishing secon d and taking seco n d overa ll .wa s Ol son. Third pl ace was Lanny Cox III. The 250cc Expert class saw Denni s Hawthorne take th e h ol eshot b oth motos. R o y Sche ll en be rger p assed Hawthorne to tak e th e che ckered flag first with T erry Tinney finishing third. . In moto two, H aw thorne took first, followed by Sch ell engerger a nd Tinney, giving th em first, secon d a nd third overall respectively. The Open class'saw Mark Benson take th e h ol eshot in both motos and . go .1- 1. J oey H ardin we nt 2-2 and Wayne Green finish ed th ird . When the gate fell in the 125cc Novice class, it wa s Frankie Ladd out front with th e holeshot, followed by J ason Matus a nd Bradon Witzel. By lap five, J ason Krem pin moved up fro m a sixt h -place sta rt to ta ke over seco n d pl ace. At the chec kered flag it was Ladd firs t, Krempin seco n d a nd Matus th ird. Moto two saw Ma tu s ta ke th e h ol esh o t followed by Troy Sm ith an d Ladd. Ladd we nt by Smi th in th e sweeper and, o n lap two , p assed Matus to ta ke over th e lead. Again Krem p in moved u p from a fifth p lace start to take over seco n d on lap fo ur. At th e ch eckered flag, it was Ladd first with a per fect )-1 fi n ish, Krem p in second and Ma tu s third. Result s . 50 : 1. Dusty Weygan dt (Yam); 2. Amy Haner (Yam). 60: 1. Cl int Latham (Kawl; 2 . Brad Woolsey (Kaw) . . 80 BEG: 1. Greg Gammon s (Kaw ); 2. Mark Parker (Yam) ; 3 . J ason Reynolds; 4 . J ason Nar ramore 80 INT: 1. J ason Edwards (Kaw ); 2. Willy Bowd en (Han); 3. Eddie Dickerson (Yam); 4 . Cody Green (Honl; 5. J ody Nort h (Han). M INI OPEN: 1. Jas on Edwar ds (Kaw); 2. SIeve Olson (Han); 3. Lanny Cox III (Kaw ); 4 . Terry Lindsey (Honl; 5. Chris Young (Kaw) . 125 BEG: 1. Charle s Willie (Han); 2. J ack Fanni ng (Kaw ); 3 . Darrell Har grove (Hon); 4 . M ike Ar ren dell (Kaw); 5. Kevin W ard (Yam). 37

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