Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1988 07 13

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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~ :I: o CIl W Z :::; Q ~ u u a: >- >til til ... ... 00 00 :I: :I: <1. <1. Jim Sisemore goes to the outside of Mike Delacy to set him up for the winning pass in the Scratch main at Napa Speedway. Eric Hall (4) beat Darren Rogers in both 125cc Pro motos for the overall victory at the Albany Supercross. PRO-AM: 1. Bobby McDoweli (Han); 2. Sal Hoffm an (H· D); 3. Mark Corsetti (W-R); 4. Cory Perr eaul t (W -R); 5. Mark Key (H-D). Goodfellow tops Westwopd Westcoast Challenge RR By Mercedes WESTWOO D, B.C. , CANA DA JUNE 19 Gary Goodfellow domi nated the Westcoast Challenge held at Westwood Motorsport Park in Bri tish Co lumbia, Canada. It was nudge, nudge, don' t even blink as Steve Dick on a Suzuki GSX R750, Goodfellow o n a Ho nda RC30, and Steve Trinder on another GSXR thundered through tu rn one. In the th ird lap, Trinde r made a m istak e in tum two , briefly go ing off of the track. T ri nder wasn't ab le to catch up to the leaders, a n d finis hed th ird. Dick and Goodfellow diced th rough out th e rest of th e race, wit h Goodfello w th e victor, and Dick second . , The 750cc Produ ction race tu rne d o ut to be just as exci ting. T hough Goodfellow, again riding an RC30, and Dick, still on a GSXR managed a secon d and third, respectivefu lly, th ey lost th e lead after a slig h t tuss le in turn three. No t mi ssing a ny cha nces, Daryl Fletch who held fifth just afte r the start, rode hi s H onda VFR 750 past them to take the lead. T h is wasn' t an easy feat, and gave Fletcher his first win of the seaso n. T he Yamaha RZ cup proved to be a very com petitive class with the top three riders - Kevin McDia rmid, Mike Crevier a nd Paul H opper ba ttli ng. Durin g the last lap, Crevier a nd McDiaram id had a squirmish in the hairp in which left the lead open to H opper. Also get ting by at the same tim e was Dave Sjo blom, who finis hed second. McDi armid managed to grab the th ird spot. One of th e stars of th e day has to be Kathy Hubble. just com p leti ng th e new riders school held th e day before, this was her first road ra ce. In the Formula 3 class, Hubble, on a Kaw asaki ZX250 Ninja beat Col in H ancock, the points leader also on a Kawa saki , to take the number one spot. Before trying her hand at road racing, Hubble was well known on the dirt track circui t. The Formula 2 .race was a fierce battleback-and-Iorth betwe en Dave Ch iter , on a Suzuki RG500, a nd Sean Sm yth on a Honda CBR500 Hurrica ne. The win ner turned out to be Ch iter, though Sm yth was still very cl ose. Third was tak en by Eri c Seward on a Yama ha FZ600.. Results 750 PRO S/BK: 1. Gary Goodf ellow (Han); 2. Steye Dick (Suz); 3. steve Trind er (Suz). 750 PRO PROD: 1. Darry l Fletch er (Han); 2. Gary Goodfellow (Han); 3. Steve Dick (Suz). 750AM PROD: 1. Rob Much (Suz); 2. J ohn Taylor (Suz); 3. Dan Morrison (Suz). 600 PRO PROD: 1. Jam ie Dick (Suz); 2. Darry l Fletcher (Han); 3. Jim Oew iti e (Han). 600 AM PROD: 1. Rob Mu ch ISuz); 2. Larry Visco (Kaw); 3. Dale W ill iams ISuz). AM UW PROD: 1. Brian M itchell (Han); 2. Harold Glas (Han); 3. Dave Sekora (Yam). VAM RZ CUP PRO: 1. Paul Hopper; 2. Dave Sjoblom; 3. Kevin McD iarmid. VAM RZ CUP AM : 1. neve Sjoblom; 2. Glen Harr ison; 3. Ian Rudd. F-2 PRO: 1. Daye Chiter (Suz); 2. Sean Smyth (Han); 3. Eric Seward (Vam). F-2 AM : 1. Gr aha m Buck (Vam); 2. Randy Sw enson (Yam). . F·3 : 1. Kathy Hubble (Kaw); 2. Colin Hancoc k (Kaw ); 3. Greg Reid (Han). BOTT: 1. Ray Baker (Vam); 2. Mart in McGill (Kaw); 3. Brian Wynne (Suz). Hall, Lange land Albany SX wins By Clay Light ALBAN Y, OR, J UN E 26 Eric Hall and Dou g Lange o utrode th e com petitio n to take wins in th e P ro class action d ur ing Mo tocro ss North west- san ctio n ed rac ing at Alba ny Supercross. ·H all wasted th e com pe titio n in th e 125cc Pro class, nettin g I-I wins whi le Lange did a similar disap pea ring act to top a talent-laden field of 250/ 0pen Pro riders. . H a ll , riding for P ro Ca liber, deci mated the competition in the first 125cc Pro moto after pulli ng away co nvi ncingly fro m Portland H o nd a-sponsored Darren Rogers, Ken ny Ol sen and Dan a Anderson. Keith Foidel rounded o ut the top five. The secon d time out it was H all timing the starting gate precisely, lead ing the field into tum o ne. H all was closely foll o wed by Olsen, Rogers a nd David Brown in g. After a br ief battle wi th Rogers, H all quickl y sped away and pulled o u t a n impressive six-second lead while Ol sen and Rogers battled for second. Ol sen lost th e battle at th e midway point of th e m oto to Rogers, but Rogers wouldn't be abl e to close in on Hall, as by this point H all had built up a huge lead and cruised for th e rem ainder of the moto to th e overall win ahead of Rogers' 2-2 performa nces. Filling ou t th e top five were Olsen (3-3), Brownin g (64) and Foide!'s 5-5 placings. Lange sho t out front of th e first combined 250/0pen Pro con test and had some heavy competition in the form of Rogers, Don Biscegli a and Mike Bell. At the completion of th e m oto it wa s th e Moto-X Fox'supported H onda of Lange taking the win ahead of Ro gers, Biscegl ia a nd Bell. Moto two was much the same as Lange led th e co mpe titio n aro und the loam y sand tra ck to fin alize his I-I sweep of the cla ss. Second went Bell 's ' way via 3-2 rides ahead of Bisceglia, third ove ra ll with 2-3 tallies Res. 250/1. .' EN PRO: 1. Doug Lange (Han); 2. M ike Bell (Han); 3. Don Biscegl ia (Han). . 125 PRO: 1. Eric Hall (Han); 2. Darren Rogers (Han); 3. Kenny Olsen (Kaw ). 30 -40 PRO: 1. Bob Leach (Cog); 2. Gary Beaver (Kaw); 3. Kevin McCarthy (Han). . UTH: 1. M ike Chase (Han); 2. Jim Mcintosh (Yam); 3 . steve Lorain (Han). OPEN INT; 1. Frank Mc Kuhn (Hont 2. M ike Mar kham (Han); 3. Steve Eyensen (Han). 250 INT: 1. Terry Hamness (Kaw); 2. Rod Keller (Han); 3. Aaron Boehmer (Han). 125 1 NT: I .Jeff Daily(Yamll; 2. Adam West (Han); 3. Ed Jensen (Han). 125 JR: 1. Er ic Rogres IKaw ); 2. Todd Gillett (Yam); 3. Ja son Balask i (Han). 250 JR : 1. steve Hills (Yam); 2. James Haupt (Han); 3. Tom Marlin (Han). 80 INT: 1. Travis Berry (Vam). 80 JR: 1. J ason Mathews (Kaw); 2. Ryan Leach (Kaw); 3. Ty Lee (Kaw). . 60 (6 ·8) : 1. Jessy Williams (Kaw); 2. Ryan Williams (Kaw ); 3. Mack Landroth (Kaw) . 60 (9-11): 1. Doug McKuhn (Kaw); 2. Travis Webber IKaw); 3. Matt Williams (Kaw). 30 -40 INT: 1. Rick Roberts (Yam); 2. Vince Figon e (Han); 3. Jerry Ebert (Kaw). 30 ·40 JR: 1. Bill Row (Han); 2. Ryan Taylor (Han); 3. Terry Hamness (Kaw). . OT EX: 1. Bob Leach (Cag); 2. Jim Parks (Han); 3. Wayne Kent (Han). OT INT: 1. Don Colt (ATK); 2. Doug Sawtell (Han); 3. J im Denevan (Suz). OT JR: 1. Don Burkin (Hus); 2. Mike Reuth er (Suz); 3. Daye Scott (Suz). Sisemore slides to Napa Speedway wins By R. C. Jones NAPA, CA, J UNE 25 j im m y Sisemo re bl asted to a double mai n event victory ton ight o n the Na pa Speed way track. Bill Lowe and Sons 'Tires/Viking Co m puters/ Ara ilOilzall /Smith / A&A Racing /H &S Cycle/Cirell osponsored Sisemore's first win 'was a tigh t one over Mike Sol is in th e H andicap main. Solis took over th e lead fr om Scott Yarbrough an d Charlie Venegas in th e early laps and raced to wards th e checkered while Sisem ore worked through the pack. Ven egas had a shot at th e lead earl y, but fell by th e wayside in th e outside m arbles. After Solis sh ot by the drifting Yarbrough , Si semore worked past Steve Crawford and moved into second. On the last lap Sisemore put a wh eel in on Solis as they went throu~h the tum th en blasted past. Edd ie Ingels had follow ed Sisemore around all of the race but couldn't get past Solis and had to settle for third. Mik e Delacy was first out of the ga te in th e Scra tch main and held th e lead into the first turn with b Sisemore and Houston o n th e outside. Sisem ore hooked up and passed Delacy as th ey exited turn two, and ') aft er a lap he was in control, leaving G .Delacy and Ingels to battle for th e runner-up spot. Ingels was clearly down on power and co uldn' t get close eno ugh to dice with Delacy. At the fini sh Sisemore took th e win to in crease hi s lead in the points chase, Delacy was second, In gels third and H ouston fourth. The Division T wo main ended abo ut 50 yar ds from the fini sh line., when th e leaders tan gled in turn four. The riders followin g had no . pl ace to go and laid their bik es down, leavin g o ne rider , Gary Stewart, still up. Wh en it was sorted out Payton I picked up th e win, Brian Pecore second, Ri ck Swall ey th ird and Gary Stewar t fou rth. In Divi sion T h ree actio n Rossi p icked up his first win after pl acing second two previo us weeks. Rossi was abl e to hold off Pete Marcoccia and Bill Thomas for the five-lap race. Results SCRATCH: 1. Jim Sisemore (Wesl; 2. Mike Delacy (Gdn); 3. Eddie Ingels (G·M); 4 . John Houston Jr. (Jaw ). HDCP: 1. Jim Sisemore (Wes); 2. Mike Solis (Wes)); 3. Eddie Ingels (G-M); 4. Sleye Crawford (Wes). ' . 0 -2 : 1. John Payton (Jaw) ; 2. Brian Pecore (Wes); 3. Rick Swalley (Jaw) ; 4. Gary Stewart (Gdn). 0 -3 : 1. Gary Rossi (Jaw); 2. Pete Marcoccia (Jaw) ; 3. Bill Thomas IJaw); 4 . Der eck Cole (Jaw) . Brasile cleans up at Motosports Park MX By D. Hachmeister BYRON, IL, J U NE 18-19 Chris Brasil e, piloting hi s 250cc Kawasaki , topped th e combined A class Saturday th en cleaned house on his 125 in th e 125cc A class Sunday a t Moto sports P ark ' s two da y motocross. On Satu rday Bob Nebel grabbed th e first Expert holeshot , leaving Brasile and Ri cker back in the pack. Mark Wright stayed close for a lap, then gave in to th e hard-charging Brasile. On lap three Nebel went down, letting Brasil e and Wright by, but restarted befor e Ricker cou ld get by. Bra sile went on to stretch o u t a comfortable lead over Wri ght. Nebel and Ricker swa p pe d third place several times before Nebel finally made a pass stick to take third. Ricker wound up fourth and Todd Williamson, hanging in throughout the rnoto, finished fifth. Brasile didn 't want any part of midpack traffi c in moto two and grabbed the holeshot, Nebel was second, Ricker, Wright and Williamson followed. Ricker stayed ahead of Nebel while Wright and Williamson

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