Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1988 07 13

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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fenders and straighte ned the rear of the fram e. He gingerly rode the last stage and completed the ra lly. Each of the participants recounted tales of exci tement, fun and humor, bu t one stands ou t and exemplifies the unique quality and sense of co mm u n ity of the Incas Rall y. Toward the end of the lo ng ride on day th ree from Arequipa to Cusco, rid er David Dun n from Santa Ana, California, carne upo n 62-year-old America n rider J esse Goldb erg, who had run o u t of gas. Ear ly in th e day Goldberg had somersaulted with his KT M 350 wh ile riding in the thick d us t of a no ther rider a nd bad ly bruised his legs, foo t and ribs. H e a lso su ffered from the a lti tude. Altho ug h he knew if he shared h is gas he wo uldn 't have enoug h to finish the co urse, Dunn ga ve Gol dberg enough fuel to get him in . Dunn . ran o u t of gas near a small village a nd was dir ected to a store keeper who had a co up le of gall on cans. A . discussion ensued amo ng the vill agers as to wh o reall y owned the gas, how much shou ld be paid for it an d to who m. After much talk in Span ish , the vill agers informed Dunn . through hand sig na ls, since he does no t speak the language, th a t th e gas was his for free. H e insisted on pa yin g ; th e y refused to a ccept. Having spe nt all hi s in tis, Dunn coaxed o ne of th e wom en to accep t the o nly money he had left - a $50 U.S. bill - and to ld her to bu y everyo ne in the vill age a beer. That ni g ht wh ile he was tell in g his wife ab out h is adven tures at din ner at the ho tel resta urant, two village teenagers walked in . They had ridden over 70 miles in a rickety picku p to ret urn th e side p late Dunn ha d dropped on his wa y o ut of th e vill age. No story set in Peru wo u ld be com p lete witho u t a llam a ep isode. Tun sta-cu m-racer Malcolm Smith recounted .how o n the ride from Arequipa to Cu sco he came upo n a group of llamas blocking the roa d. H e hon ked th e horn expectin g th em to scatter, bu t th ey stood th eir ground in his pat h a nd -stared back at h im, looking less surprised to see him than so me of th e And ean cam pesinos wh o-h ad never before seen a motorcycle. H e fin all y had to ride int o their midst and jostle them o u t of th e way with his fron t tire. At the awa rds ceremo ny in -the Sheraton H otel in Lima, Acerbis-and Arizzi presented all the participa nt s with hand-painted medallions. Firstplace Sur ini received $5000, seco ndplace Gritti $2500 a nd th ird-p lace Harden $1500. The winner of each , da y's speci al test ea rn ed $500. The top five winners al so received tradi tional Peruvian wooden cases with han d-carved figures inside. In the first Incas Rall y in 1986 about 35 riders participated. In '88, 68 started a nd 45 co mp leted th e event. As for th e third In cas Rall y? Well , don 't start saving for you r en try fee and airplane ticket quite yet, Acerbis informed th e pr ess th at he wasn 't sure when or if he would ' organize another Incas Rall y. H e had done a practice on e in '86 and a fu llbore ra lly in '88. If he repea ted it in '89 or '90, he would face no cha llenge. H e was consideri ng Nepal or ma ybe Ken ya. Wh at is certain is th at wh a tever eve n t Fra n co Acerb is organizes will brim with adven ture. Just ask Sco t or Malc ol m. • Results 0 / A: 1. Walter Surin i (KTM ); 2. Ale ssandro Grilti (Han); 3. Scot Harden (KTM); 4. M alcolm Sm ith (KTM ); 5. M agnaldi Thierr y (KTM ); 6. Roben o Belmont e (Ho n); 7 . Christ os ' Tasou lis (KTM); 8 . Brandgero G. Pietro (KTM); 9. Ron Laws on (KTM); 10. Croci S. Angelo (KTM ); 11. Hau Edi (KTM); 12. Geoff Eldri dge (KTM ); 13. Beppe Gualini (Suz); 14 . Jo se L. Fatulle (Han); 15. Eduardo Ayul o (KTM); 16 . Mitsuru Yaj ima (KTM); 17. Humbeno Tije ro (Hon); 18 . Ram iro Perez (KTM ); 19. Ma rco Ballini (KTM); 20 . Eduardo Belmont e (Han). PJ l Goldfire Pro Oil Dominates CastroI 250 G.P. Series I n c red ib le! Sin ce 1 9 8 7 T eam Ro berts h as been using the sam e PJ 1 Goldf ire Pro fo rmu la sol d r ig h t off y ou r d eal e r' s s he lv es . No Joke, . No Stroke, Just Fact! Ask for PJ1. the exact hi-performance blend of Oils and lubr icants tha t factory race teams use on their w inning race bikes. Nothing stops-faster than EBC's new GO LD L1NE®Disc pads are gua ran teed to outbrake and outlast all other brands. Never before have aftermarket manufacturers set such hi gh performance sta ndards in braking. GOLD L1NE® disc pads are ideal for fast street bike s and are already being used by hundreds of racers. GET FRI CT I ON NOT FICTION. Check our our ratings - the highest in the ind ust ry. Hy-Tech Motorclcle Components . GOLD LINE® Disc Pads For info caI/ 818/36 2 -S534 or order through any quality minded dealer. Tell them you saw it • In Go ahead, subscribe! You've Earned It! (Eill~ To get Cycle N ews delivered to your door every week, f ill o ut t he su bs c ri pt io n cou po n on page 3. 29

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