Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1988 07 13

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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- John Nielson: fr,:sh after his class w in in Idaho. continued his winning ~ ways by dominating the Open class at Trask. He took third overall . Lclass win well in hand by 29 points q a t th e end of day one over J im my :> L ew is, give n n ot h i n g ex trem e occurred on day two . " It went okay," relat ed Cunningham, '" bailed in th e second specia l test. I go t stomach cra mps on the seco nd loo p - I felt q prett y bad. On th e last loop I felt · a li ttle better , though." · Neeley owned thi rd, five seconds (' behind .Lewis, with Wayne Keezer, } J eff Mi ll er , Dw ain Tay lo r , a nd Do nn ie Si mone, a ili ng from th e r sto mac h flu, fill in g o u t the top 125cc • spo ts. , The fo ur rid ers in th e 350cc FourStr?ke Int ent clas s were o nly mere - po ints apar t a t th e end of day one. Gar y Hazel had just. over a point on hAl Bak er/Malcomb Smith /BB RP / N.W. Cycle's Sco tt Drafs, who, like Simo ne, wa s il l. L ess than. six 0 seco nds back fro m th em wa s Taz r H a rv ey, with 1003 p o i nts. Don b H oaglu nd fill ed o u t th e Honda, mounted class with 1023.65 points. Lat e Sat urday even ing, a co ld bri sk wi nd brought stor~ clouds t~ the crest of the mo unt ains surround~ ing the M Ran ch , threatening ra m . Desp ite th e hopes of the riders "l no ram f eI I, despite Sunday's cloudy • ' J . mornm g. For da y two the co urse r would be twi ce run backw ards. r . t Roeseler posted the fastest special test urnes o n day two , with Yamaha~ mou nt ed Zier ma n o nl y six seconds beh ind on the final one. Roeseler E padded h is lead over Zierrnan a nd '< Halcomb with a 492 score on th e b seco nd test. Zierrn an 's 5 16 score reflected a cras h o n th e second test E whil~ ~alcomb 's 496 brought hi~ i1 to within 20 seconds of Zierman. : I' Rid in g with a broken wri st in fourth , ~ Scott/ Du nlop/ Freedom Kawas ak i' s 1 Jim Stanfield wa s again worki ng e towards a solid fin ish . Stavi sh's ride al mos t ca me to an en d as h is bike •. refused to sta rt , aft er changing pl ugs three times, he dropped eight m inutes at th e fir st check, dropping h im to 12th 250. Stavish was the o nly rider -z besides Wa lter Birch field to dro p .b ro ute points all day . t Da y two wa s ba si ca ll y riding conserva tively, waiting for th e sp ecial tests and the final motocross. Still, ridi ng was a n u ph ill battle fo r ride rs besides Stavish and Birchfield. " I fell three times go ing to the first check," described R hod es. " I cras hed in ~ a;eek before the special test, so I di dn t have any rear brakes in th e test. Then in the test itself, I cras hed a nd the motor di ed. I cou ld n 't start .it and N ielsen passed, so I just rode out th e rest of the special test in h is d ust .. I d idn 't end th ere," R hodes co n u n ued, "abo u t th ree miles later I h it a n eros ion bump wh il e ta pped o n a road a nd endoed. It tore off my face mask a nd twisted my knee." Rhodes tha n ked Answer , Si lko lene, Game, Marushin, Pir elli, Smith Acerbis, and Au burn Mo torsports: Rhodes' awful special test allowed Gren ada Ya maha / D ura lub e/ O' Nea l/Sco tt G oggles/ Acerbis/EK Chain/ K&N -backed Da niel to tak e over seco nd Open Intent behind Nielsen . H azel lost th e lead for th e 350cc Four-Stroke class at the first special test by two seconds to Drafs but reg- in ed it by 10 seconds at th~ next a test. Desp ite cras h ing in the first test, H arv ey maintained control of third o ver Hoaglund , who posted th e fastest Four-Stroke special test time by nine seconds over Drafs' 521 scor e. After impounding and waiting two ho urs , th e riders were ab le -to reenter the work area for 10 minutes to finish preppi ng their bikes fo r th e motocross, abo ut three m il es from' the pi ts. T he track was laid o ut in a l~rge ro lli ng pasture with ta ll grass using an uphill , dead-en gine start, and weaved through the pines about th e field . The 125s, being o n the fir st min ut es, comprised the first two mot os, Cunni ngham hol esh o t the first 125 moto, wo wi ng the lar ge 'crowd of sp ectators wi th a large victory over Kal- G ard/Roko Quickstrap/D G / S m i th /O 'N ea l / I R C -s upport ed Lewis, whose ignition was going ou t on hi m . " Going up the hill I had only a bo u t a quarter thro ttle - it ju st wo uldn 't ru n above it," expla ined Greg Surdyk~ powers out of a turn in one of the special test sections. Surdyke ran into problems. hurting his chances of qualifying . Lewis who still managed seco nd . " I o n l y saw Terry for a bout tw o corners !" Kawasaki -m ounted Bret Anderso n captured third ahead of Perkins. Cunningham 's 1092 was th e seco nd fastest time. J eff Mill er ligh ted u p first to lead off th e second 125 moto a head ' of Neeley, Simone, Wayn e Keezer , and T aylor. Miller a nd Neeley ba ttl ed fero cio us ly o ver th e lead with Neeley e ve nt u a ll y relegati ng Mi l ler to seco nd o n the fast tra ck. Wh ile Sta nfield led the firs t 250cc mot a fro m start to fin ish , all eyes were focused 011 th e war for second betw een Kelby Pep per , Reed Bright a nd Palenske. T eam Green /EP Perform s/B el l/Sidew inder / P ir eII i / M axim a /Smith / Acerbi s-b a ck ed ~r.igh t , riding with tw o' severe ly injured knees a nd a bruised back su ffered from a crash in one of Sa tu rd a y's terrain tests , h eavil y pressured Pepper, tryin g to force th e pass, while P alenske pushed hard in th e blinding dust. Pep per managed to ho ld off Bright by two seconds a t the end . By th e end of th e moto Jimm y L yn gar , wh os e Husk y refu sed to fire at the sta rt had made up a 10 second deficit on Palen ske but was denied the pass. ' Malco lm Smi th /Smith / Aftershock s/ Acerbis / Arai / D-36 / Ka l Gard/Me tzeler-s po nsored Do well blaze~ th e second .250 rnoto, setting th e Sixth fas test ume over Sta vish Surdy ke , S teve Swe nso n a n d Birch field. ' The next moto featured a match b etwee n Malcolm Smi th / Dadsu pported Zier man and Roeseler and the Fo ur -Strokes of Dra fs, H arvey, and H oagl u nd. Roeseler j umped ou t in front of Zierrnan, Harvey, Drafs, and Hoaglund. The aggressive Zierman slashed by Roeseler int o th e lead as the a mazed specta tors chee redl Zierman ten aci ously defended first but Roeseler ripped underneath t~ th e win and th ird fastest time of 1093, on~ second back from Cun ningham, whi le Dra fs hammered by H arvey to take the 350cc Fo ur-S tro ke moto win. Nielsen powered his big Kawasaki to th e fro nt of . the next race , with the three Suzu ki 250s of Tom Webb, H al~omb 'a nd H a rr is follo wing . Beh ind th em was Rhodes, La th rop, a nd Four-Stroker, H azel. H alcomb quickly d isp laced Webb to pressure Nielsen, while Webb , H arris a nd R hodes battl ed for th ird. Halco mb stuc k it to Ni elsen en ro ute to the fastes t motocro ss ti me of 1078 as H arris he ld off R hod es a nd ' W~bb wh ich va u lted him i nto seco n d overall. Kra use roosted to the fore of th e fin~1 ra ce with Kouba, La cey, Da niel , Irw in an d La mbert in tow. Ko uba a lmost p a ssed Krau se, but th en dropped off th e pa ce. Daniel moved up a nd harassed Krause, waiting for a mi st ak e, but a fte r num erous attempts ca me up short. " I just told myself , just be fast a nd don 't fall down," related a happy Roeseler after the Qualifier. U.S. Suzuki!Answer / Alpinestars/ Arai! Scott/B el -R a y/M etzel er/ Acerb isassisted Ha lco mb sta ted, " I'm happy to make it to the final mota a nd have the fastest time. For me to finis h second be hi nd Larry - I' m rea llv happy with it. The club di d a good jo b." • Results 0 1 A: 1 . Larry Roessler (Ka w); 2 . Cha r les Halcomb (Suz); 3. J ohn Nielsen (Kew ); 4. Jo e Z,erman (Han); 5. Terry Cunn ingha m (Cag); 6. Rick Daniel (Yam); 7. Jim Stanfield (Kaw); 8. Todd Harr is (Suz); 9. David Rhodes (Hus); 10. Tom Webb (Suz)' 11. J eff Irwin (Han); 12. Grant Palenske (Kaw ); 13: Robby Neeley (Kaw); 14. Ji mmy Lewis (Yam); 15. J eff MIller (Kaw); 16. Jimmy Lyngar (Hus); 17. Ke.lby Pepper; 18 . Dwa in Taylor (Han); 19. Reed Bright (Kaw); 20 . Scan Lath rop (Husl . 125: 1. T~rryCu nn ingham (Cag); 2. Robby Neeley (Kaw); 3. JImmy LeWIS (Yam); 4. J eff Miller (Kaw)' 5. Dwa in Taylor (Han). • 250: 1. Larry Roeseler (Kaw); 2. Charl es Halcomb (Suz); 3. J oe Zierman (Yam); 4 . J im Stanfield (Kaw )' 5. Todd Harris (Suz). • 500;. 1. John Nielsen (Kaw ); 2. Rick Daniel (Yam); 3 . DaVId Rhodes (Hus); 4. J eff Irwin (Han); 5. Scon Lath rop (Hus). 0 ·3504-STR: 1. Gary Hazel (Hon); 2. Scon Orals (Han); 3. Taz Harvey (Hon); 4. Don Hoaglund (Han). 15

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