Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1988 05 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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su ffered on the last la p of the Ascot Half Mile on Saturday, May 7, it 's made easier by th e fact that he died doing some th in g he loved to do. Since chi ldhood, Boody was a racer. Ted was in his 13th year of AMA Grand N ation al Championship Series co m petition a nd he was one of th e very best. You don 't finish second in th e point standings twi ce by being anything less than that. But second doesn 't pay the finan cial rewards that first does. Boody knew that and although he grew up racing motorcycl es and continued to race them su ccessfull y, h e was looking elsewhere for a living, a living he hoped would enable him to support his famil y in th e yea rs to co me. He would have been 30 on August II of this year, and motorcycle racers know that racing at the top gets increasingl y harder past that age. He wa s sche d u led to meet with Chevron officials th e Monday mornin g a fter that fatal Saturday night crash at Ascot , in ho pes of lin ing up sponsorship for a ra ce car effort. He'd bee n getting his feet wet in the fo urwh eel sport for a co u p le o f years and felt he had th e tal ent to become a winner in the bi g leagues of that form of motorsports just as he was a winner in thebig leagu e two-wheel arenas. Car racing g ives its co m pe titors th e luxury of being able to perform for years past th e p oint when m ot orcycle racer s are co ns idered " too o ld " to be co mpetitive. Boody wa s o ne o f th e genuine "nice guys" o f dirt track racing , a form o f o ur sport th at th rough its sch ool o f hard knocks p roduces mo re appro ach ab le a n d lik eable people th an a ll th e o the r forms o f profess io na l moto rcycle ra cin g p ut . together. Prima donnas don't make it o n th e dirt tra ck circu it. Oh, there h ave been a co u p le o f top rider s wh o th ought they we re a bove w ha t the sp o rt offered. Riders who th ought th ey shouldn ' t be bothered by a fan' s request for a n a u tograp h or a reporter's inquiri es. Wh o thought that th e world o wed th em m ore money, more fam e, more adulation. But for th e most part, th e vast majority of dirt track racer s ar e good peop le. People who pi tch in a nd help a rival in his time of n eed . People who ta ke a moment to say h ello. Peopl e who stand in the hot sun after a race, sweating in th eir lea thers, a nd sign countless autographs. People who return a reporter's phone call. Boody was one of th ose p eople. . I mi ssed T ed 's funeral in Sapulpa, O kl a h o m a , last Thursda y only because the death o f a n associate editor's grandfather and the upcoming weekend 's ra ce schedu le left our manpower co u n t d epleted. Ted would h ave understood. I hope hi s wife T erry, father T ed Sr., in-laws Norm a n d Lucy McD on ald, a n d brothers-in-law Phil a nd Sam McDo na ld understand. My th oughts were with th em even th ough I wa sn ' t. Ted 's two daughters didn 't know me nor I th em , but I trust th at Lindsay a nd Tara will soon know the names o f thousands o f dirt tra ck racing fans through the donations I trust will pour into th e Boody Trust Fund. We'v e been co nt acted by many people who ask ed wh at th ey cou ld do for Ted's family , and to a person they were reli eved to hear that a trust fund had been estab lished. If you saw Ted Boody ra ce, yo u know h e gave it his all. Now it 's your turn to give h is wife and daughters so mething in their time of need. Send your donations to: Boody Trust Fund, Account #015-2603 , Security National Bank, P.O. Box 1290, Sapulpa, OK 74067. Jack Mangus High Sierra'Sports Inc. Presents 21st Annual Mammoth Motocross . . $20,000 Cash & Prizes $20,000 Contingencies June 24, 25 & 26 00 00 0") ************* * *********************************** . Practice 55 per day per bike FRIDAY MINI (I c1ass-12 & over) OPEN Expert OPEN Intermediate OPEN Junior SATURDAY VETS (I class) 125 Expert 125 Intermediate 125 Ju nior SUNDAY 250 Expert 250 Intermediat e 250 Junior Women (I class) FEES: EXP ERT INTER. JUNIOR VETS MINI WOMEN THIS WILL BE THE ONLY PUBLISHED ENTRY ENTRIES OPEN MAY 25 LIMITED ENTRIES NO REFUNDS ENTRIES POSTMARKED 'BEFORE MAY 25J S DAY PENALTY • $50 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 Mail Entries and Fees to: HIGH SIERRA SPORTS, Box 482 Mammoth Lakes , CA. 93546 (61 9) 934-2571 ext. 3242 Do not send return envelopes * $20 Charge for N.S ,F. checks * Transferees under 18 must have parent consent CUT A ND RETURN BOTTOM HALF X **********'***** * *** * **** * ** ** * **** ************* NAME --'-- ---,- _ AD DRE SS ~-------------,__------_ City -r-r- Make Machine --"'State CC, ..... _ _ -"Zip, C IR CLE CLASS 125 250 Open Vet Jr. Int. Exp, Mini Women _ _ -"Phone;-'(~-L=- IX > :"O T WRI T E I:" TI llS S I' ACE C LASS NO , AS SUMPTION OF RISK AGREEMENT I hereby acknowledge that I amaware of thedangers incident to this event andvoluntarilyandknowingly enter theevent with said knowledge. I furtheracknowledge that I amaware of the fact that anyinjuriesor damages sustained byme due to my participation in this event may beof a permanent andgrave nature and I, nevertheless, voluntarily andknowingly enter said event, I further acknowledge that during the course of said events there may be times at which though not actively participating in said event, 1 may be a spectator and I, nevertheless, voluntarily and knowingly assume such risk. 1 further acknowledge that 1 may sustain premanentor grave injuries aseither a participant or spectator at this event dueto the negligenceof otherpersons including panicpants, Mammoth MC, the referee, or other officials, the owners of the premises, or anyof thelease holders and that with this in mind, I, nevertheless, voluntarily and knowingly assume such risk . I FURTHER FULLY UNDERSTAND THAT THERE IS NO RIDER MEDICAL INSURANCE PROVIDED FOR THIS EVENT; RIDERS MUST CARRY THEIR OWN ACCIDENT INSURANCE. NAME OF RIDER 'S INSURA NC E CO. I have read thi s ent ry blank and ag ree to th e above conditions. Rider's Signature _ Rider's Age; If rider is under 18 year o f age PARENT'S SIGNATURE REQUIRED SHOEI WIN~ ./ d National AMA ~ran hip Series, Chal1\PlonHalt Mile Ascot cA MaY 7 Gardena, 'st CMI\S C~ll Main Event , Junior 'st 808 8'1 tAcOOY4Ell d confidence For comfort a Rely on • • . ' 'SHOE'· · ~::.:..-::-:C::h::a::lI'I:;jpions" ''The Choice of.'E1 CORPOROOA1~~N E1'I tiELI" CA 9 LoS Ange l es. stlOE1 SA F 1 2228 co\n~2' 3\ 477 _60 5 _ ......

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