Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1988 05 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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(go.ioeo'ale Ultra Winner WERA C Production (600cc) WERA C Superbike (600cc) AMA/CCS HeavyweightSupersport (750cc) Conti's new T~V ULTRA Ser ies tires feature a ra cin g compound rubber p ro viding ultimate grip with . smooth, predictable transitions over wide temperature variances. The Ultras rate " top of the heap of supersticky race track rubber" according to Motorcyclist magazine. ATK's Tony Hendon capt ured the Open A class win. . . Conti TKV Series offer the same tread pattern with lo n ger lasting rubber compound. Take a tip from triple national ch am p ion, Greg Tysor: for race or street the Conti TKV Series tires give you the advantage you need! main thing, to keep the point lead and win the series. I really enjoyed th e course, I'm sure a ll-the A riders will agree, it was fantasti c. I lik ed the slick trails and the MX co urse, wh ich LOok me th ree la ps to gel used to," he added. Kadl ec was also p leased with hi s perform ance, bu t said: " It took me a whi le to get the momentum going after the first two laps. I felt I rod e a superb first two laps of the' race, but I go t tired unti l I mo un ted a late race cha rge." Fourth place a nd secon d Open A rider was Sum mers on th e Al Bakerl Bridgestone/H ondalin e/BeII/ T su baki/SuperTra pp/P]-IIXR's Onl yl Sports Town USA-sponsored H onda 600. Summers sur vived a last lap challenge fro m Rh odes, who was within ra nge of th e H onda rider, but Rhodes cras hed o n the last la p and trailed Sum mers a t th e finis h by 26 seconds, good for hi s secon d wi n in the Four-Strok e A class in as many events riding th e Pirellil Answerl S m i t h I M ar us h i n l S i I k o Ie n e / G aernel Au b u r n Motorsports Husky. T he 125cc A win went to Kawasaki-m ounted Wayne Keezer, wh o fini shed II th overall. Secon d and third in th e class went th e way o f Ca giv a s u p port ri der Mi ke McCarren ; Oregon 's Bill " Rambo" Perkins rod e a Yama ha YZI25 to a third pl ace fini sh . _ FIR.EBIRD INTERNATIONAL RACEWAY Phoenix, Arizona NIGHT ROAD RACING! Track Fully Lit, NO LIGHTS REQUIRED! AMA/CCS Sprint Races strom; 3. Jay West; 4 . Greg Monc e; 5. Robert White. SPTSMN : 1. Gerald Armstrong (kaw ); 2. John Clark (SUl); 3. Gary Sor em (KTM); 4 . Greg Helvy (Hus); 5. W illiam Pillion (Han). OTH: 1. Mik e Condo (Hon); 2. Kevin Stew art (Hon); 3. Don Montgomery (Hon). S/ SR: 1. Ron Mortgent haler; 2. Dick Condo (Han); 3. Dick Graham. SR: 1. Rebert Quanerman (KTM ); 2. Alan Drafs ; 3. Bruc e Harrison (KTM ). + 100Km Endurance Race A ll Heqular A MA/ CCS Class es Plu s Regional F-5 0, Vintage & Lightweight A ir Cool ed. Gates Open 5:00pm, Practice7:00 to 9:00pm First Race Starts 9:00p m Track Information - (602) 583-8859 AMA/CCS Information - (704) 684-4297 Gate Fee $5 .00 A dvance $7 .00 Day of Race Tickets Available Through TI CKETMASTER Sponsored By : Honda House Kawasaki of Phoenix Cycle M art of A merica Cycle News 'e v e r y week! The latest on two wheels! . Res u lts O/A A: 1. Ed Lojak (Hus); 2. Tony Hendon (ATK); 3. Fritl Kadlec (Yam); 4 . Scan Summers (Han); 5. David Rhodes (Hus); 6. Kevin Bethards (SUl); 7. Guy Perren (Kaw); 8. Stan Lojak (Yam); 9 . Scan Lathrop (Hus); 10. Jason Dahners (Han). OPEN A : 1. Tony Hendon (ATK) ; 2 . Scott Sum mers (Hon); 3 . Guy Perren (Kaw); 4. Stan Lojak (Yam); 5. Scon Lathrop (Hus). 250 A: 1. Ed Lojak (Hus); 2. Fr itl Kadlec (Yam); 3. Kevin Bedthards (SUl); 4. J ason Dahn ers (Hon); 5. Duane Conner (Yam). '25 A: 1. Wayne Keezer(Kaw); 2. Mike McCarren (Cag); 3. Bill Perkin s (Yam). 4-STRK A : 1. David Rhodes (Hus). O/AB: 1. Tim Ewen (Hon); 2. Craig Albens (Hus); 3. Mike Ritzman (Hus); 4 . Ken Ven er (Yam); 5. Ron Robinson (Hus). OPEN B: 1. Mike Ritzman (Hus); 2. Ken Ven er (Yam);3 . Ron Robinson (Hus);4 . Dan English (Kaw ); 5. Todd Spring er (Hus). 250 B' 1. Tim Ewert (Hon); 2. Craig Alberts (Hus); 3. Deve Ster ing (Cag); 4 . Brian Benn en (KTM I; 5. Perry Ton sgaa rd (Suz). 200 B: 1. J eff Odom (Yam); 2. Steve Dukes; 3. John Turkersl ey (Kaw) ; 4 . J erry Oavic k (Kawl; 5 . Lyle Perkin s. 4-ST RK B: 1. Ted Wata son (Hon) ; 2. Cary Condona (Hon); 3. Gary Peterson (Han); 4 . K.L. Crespa (Hon); 5. Jo e Lockhan (Hon). 0 / A C: 1. Mark Dupp enthaler; 2. Mark Sund· JUNE 4 . .-------------------- -----------, I I CYCLE NEWS VIDEOTAPE SALES ORDER COUPON P RESENTS To: P.O. Box 498. Long Beach. CA 90801 1t!t!GLORY DAYS" I. I I I I I I RUSH me the GLORY DAYS videocasette for $29.95 postpa id (Calif. residents add $1 .80 tax, total $30.75) rar~ Own this addition to your . motorcycle lib rary! GLORY DAYS includes the best historical films in American motorcycl ing from the very Qeginning to WW11. A real . classic that you and friends w ill enjoy again and again. Guaranteed high qua lity. VCR 80 MINUTES A NEW CYCLE NEWS PRODUCT P.O . Box 498. Long Beach , CA 90801 NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP I enclose 0 Check 0 Money order or charge my card 0 Visa or 0 Mastercard SIGNATURE $29.95 INCLUDES SHI PPING CREDIT CARD NO . ----------------- ----------EXPIRAnON DATE I I I I I I I I I I I I .. 31

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