Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1988 05 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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~ ~ 0 u 0 a: c, 0 s ~ ~ 0 > CO ~ 0 0 I- :I: e, 00 00 Q') ........ ~ l.!) C'J :>- ~ ~ Larry Roeseler won the 125cc Pro' class at the Meadow Muffin GP. The Junior cla ss blasts off the line t o start the final at the Marshali· Putnam County Fairgrounds Half Mile. for third between Ji m Lyn ch a nd J erry H ash as they trad ed the show po sition back a nd fort h befo re Lyn ch took it for good three la ps from the end. Results 65 : 1. M ike Hacker (Kaw). 55 : 1. Joh n Wi n sen (Yam). 55 : 1. John Winsen (Yam); 2. Dan Hall igan (Yam); 3. Paul Lyn ch (Yam); 4. Josh Young (Yam); 5 . Tom Skethway (Yam). 250 AM : 1. Ken Yoder (SUl ); 2. Ch uck Wrecsics (Yam); 3. Rich M ellinger (Yam); 4. Pau l Sout hard (Hon ); 5 . Eddie Hidden (Yam). 85 EX: 1. Randy Shank (Kaw ). 85 AM : 1. Rick Wi nsen (Yam); 2. Roben M ill er (Yam); 3 . Mike Hacker (Kaw) ; 4 . Jason Lheur eu x fSul ); 5 . JOhn W ins en (Yam). 600 EX: 1. Randy Texter (H -O); 2 . Gerog ie Price IRtx); 3. Tom Cerc iello (Yam); 4 . Eric Gerog e IH· D); 5 . Dave Duhaine (W - R). 750 EX: 1. Rand y Texter (H·D ); 2. J im Hollister fTri); 3. M ax Gerog e,(H-D); 4. Clarenc e 8ull (Yam) ; 5. Joe Gat ely (Tri). SR: 1. Bob Babcock (W - R); 2. Joe Heberl ing (Yam); 3 . George Price Pr ice C Atx), 600 AM : 1. Dall as Baer (yam); 2. Darryl Baer (Yam); 3. J im Lync h (W ·R); 4.. J erry Hash (Yam); 5. Paul Nen leton (Rtx), 200 AM : 1. Kevin Varn es (Yam); 2 . Pau l Sou th ard (Kaw); 3. Gary Clark (Hon); 4. J eff Isola (Kawl; 5 . Ton y Monten egr o (Kaw). 250 EX: 1. Tom Cercielfo (Yam); 2. Georg ie Pric e (Kaw); 3. Randy Texter (H- D); 4. Lew Woods (Hon); 5 . M ike Klopp (SUl) . Rice, Hedstrom, Roberts top Perris GP By David Procida PERRIS, CA, MAY I T ami Ri ce scored a wire-to-wire win in th e Women 's Expe rt class, while Lori Hedstrom and Val er ie Rober ts won th e Intermediate a nd Novice classes in CRGs Mead ow Muffin GP at Perris Raceway. When th e flag fell fo r the start of th e race 'R ice, a board a Suzuki' Country Racing ' R M, jumped into the lead wit h AXO 's Mi nd y Smith less than a bike leng th behind . Leading th e Intermedi ate Women was T errycable-sponsored Kathy J o Ehrp, while KTM pilot Val erie Roberts was ahead of th e Novice class . As the riders sorted themselves out, Smith en countered problems in the ba ck sectio n of th e co u rse a nd SCR rider Bonnie Warch moved into the second p osi tion a nd quickl y closed on Rice wi th Smi th a d istant th ird. Ehrp now had co m pan y in th e form of Wh it e Bro s.lFMF-sponsored Lori H edstrom and Sh eila Mor etz, Hedstrom had recovered from a lastplace start and rapidly closed the ga p ' on Moretz. Moretz sli d ou t . in a corner, falling in front o f H edstrom, who quickly di slodged her H onda from Moretz's H onda a nd chased down Eh rp , Ehrp held off Hedstrom in every corner for two laps before Hedstrom made th e pass. Once pas t Ehrp, H edstrom opened up a few bike leng th s lead alm o st im mediatel y, as Moretz was now kn ocking at Ehrp's rear door. Roberts had pulled a way from th e r est o f th e N ov ice cl a ss, with Yamaha -m ounted Marian G reenWagner running a stro ng second. The battle in th e Novice class was for the numb er three p o s i ti on between Susan G reen and Ch risti ne Smith. The two Ka wasa ki riders battled for over most o f the race before Crissie Smith passed Green. During this battle, Green- Wagner's Yamaha develo ped problem s, forc ing her to retire from the race . Th is moved Smith into the number two spot wi th Green righ t beh in d her. Back up a t the front o f the ra n ks, Ri ce had opened u p a large lead on Warch after Warch had go ne down in a corner trying to make a pass for the lead. Mindy Smith wa s now closing th e gap on Warch as th e white flag ca me o ut for Rice. Mo retz had now gotten by Ehrp for second in the Intermed ia te class a nd ree led in H ed stro m in th e process. The two riders went neckand-neck into a ha irpin corner th at was meant ' for only one bike, and Moretz came up short and fell when attem pting a pass on H edstro m , wh o closed the door on her. At the fini sh Ri ce was first across the line, foll ow ed by th e Warch / Sm ith duel with Warch hold in g Sm it h o ff for seco nd. H edst ro m to ok a we ll earned Intermediat e win with Moretz finish in g seco nd a nd Ehrp in thi rd. Rob erts captu red the gold in the . Novice class with C r issy Smith taki ng second in front o f Green. Results WMN EX: 1. Tam i Rice ( S Ul~ 2. Bon nie W arch 3. M indy Sm it h (Yam). WMN INT: 1. Lor i Hedstrom (Hoo); 2. She ila Moretz (Hon); 3. Kathy Jo Ehrp (Hoo ). WMN NOV: 1. Valerie Robens (KTM~ 2. Crissy Smith (Kaw); 3. Susan Green (Kaw). VET EX: 1. Larry Roeseler (Kaw ); 2. Mike Tr ipes (Kaw); 3. Tracy Hrach (Yam). VET INT: 1. Frank Mierau; 2. Randy Anderson (Yam); 3. Steve Clark . VET BEG: 1. Phil Davy (KTM); 2. Stev e Roark ; 3. Tim McCul (SUl) . SR EX: 1. Roben Mennell (Honl; 2. Bill Dennis (Hon) . SR INT: 1. Tom Spurgin (Hon); 2. Roben Linville ISul). SR 8EG : 1. Gary Enoch: 80 INT: 1. Ton y Su lek ( Kaw~ 2. J essee Tew!

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