Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1988 05 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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That I had jo in ed w ith thousands from all across th e land, making T he M ilwaukee R ide forM .D.A . It happened w h ile on one of Oliver's H eritage Softails out of his Glenda le stor e, runnin g a backroad of apparen tly no end. T rying her big thund er and th at singu lar touch. A grand spin it was, th at H arleyDav idson power trip awarding me ego to spare. And then! - I felt th at pa ssion and f ire bu rn in g dow n below , down w here its motor made a music that sent me away on a journey into legend! Into th e past, presen t, and a future on ly a few weeks from now! And I dream ed of going on it, of riding " T he H omecoming" to fa r-off W isconsin . I wo u ld begin it on Ju ne II in Los Angeles w ith R ide L eader W ill ie G. Dav idson, or on th e 10th in San ' Francisco with R ichard T eerlink, or with Vaughn Beals in Was hington, DC, on the l -tth, I' d ride alongside these factory folks f rom places lik e Montreal and Orlando, Edmonton and Vancouver, San Antonio and A ugusta, Maine. And from faraway Kittyhawk, Fargo and Seattle. And I'd go right now to a H arley dealer, sign up today, m ake my donation. Bu t whatever bik e I had, I would ride. If no t on this Sojtail, or Electra Gl ide, or Low R ider - H ell then! - I'd ju st go ahead anyway on m y big Beem er tw in! Or aboa rd a Katana. Voyager o r Ven ture or Paso or Wing. It' d make no differen ce, really; The R ide was th e th ing! W hat is importan t would be livin g those m iles with my motorcycle frien ds. A nd on Saturday, June 18, at last at M ilwaukee's Summerjest grounds to ben ef it t he Mus cular D ystroph y Association, we would join up to beco m e H ar ley-D av idson 's 85 t h birthday pa rty! T o help raise th e dollars to fig ht a crip pling disease for w hic h there rem ains no cure only hope. It cou ld be the largest group destination ride the world has ever witnessed. fo r on e of the best charity causes I know. And aft er it was all ove r, I would have seen America anew from a pr ivileged seat. From a motorcycle. From that special perspect ive that opens the mind and fills the soul. And I wou ld come hom e again. H ome to a life I'm w illing to share, and to share once "m or» always. Th e H omecoming! Milwaukee! I' m going! Copyright Page 3 Productions. From an idea by Carol Sims: x~· SUPERCROSS : Joh nson wins. cl inches titl e at t he Meadowlands 6 ROAD RACE : Shobert. Kocinski victorious at Road Atlanta 10 Tardozzi takes Superbike win in West Germany 18 TEST: 1988 Honda CR 125 20 ULTRACROSS: Vohland on top at the Rose Bowl. 22 PROJECT: Turning the Harley Sportster into a road racer 24 MOTOCROSS: Vimond takes Swedish 500cc GP victory HARE SCRAMBLES: Lojak lands Wild Hare National win GRAND PRIX: Roeseler dominates Virginia City GP LOCAL RACING : Who won and how at your local track CALENDAR: Make a date to race RESULTS: After the checkered f lag WANT ADS : Stuff for sale 28 30 32 36 50 56 58 ON THE FRONT PAGE : Could little changes mean big d ifferences to the 1988 Honda CR125 MXer ? See page 20 for a test of the racy new CR 125 . Photo by Kit Palmer. . William Edgar r-------------------------------------~----~--------------~-------, SUBSCRIPTION ORDER FORM . . • Name_.....",-:-:-:-:-: 7::c-:-::::-:-:::-_ -'= _ JP LE A S E P RINT CLEARl YI Ad dress _ Cit y S ta t e -LZi p _ OK, please start my subscription to Cycle News and send me the newspaper S ignatu re o 'eve ry w eek f or one ye ar (50 is sue s) for $32.50 o every week for two years (10 0 iss ue s) for $60.00 o six months secon d c lass (25 iss ues) for $17.00 r I I M C / V isa# On e ye ar 150 issue s ). 2 n d c la s s C anada o r M e x ic o an d a ll oth er f o r ei gn c o u n t ries 561 .00 (U S t u n o s j ' Fir st cl as s and an-m arl ra tes a vailabl e upon req u e st Send t o: CYCLE NEWS , Inc., ~-- _ Expirati on D at e _ P .O . Box 4 9 8 . Lo ng B e ac h . CA 908 0 1 - 0 4 9 8 1 (2 13 )" 4 2 7 -7 4 3 3 ~-----------------------------------------------------------------~ 3

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