Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1988 05 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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That th e Big Wind was u p, blow in g m e and my m oun t into some other extension. N ever had I cared to ride among gales, but this tim e it p roved dijjerent. Th e air was raw and sacred, th e landscape sharp as an artist's ill us ion. And a wild sto rmwind bore down on m e with intent and desire deep in its lungs. Come run WIth my currents! - it pl eaded. Com e and be me, m y spirit! The way it gusted and spoke th rou gh th e trees tuashypnotizing. Come with m e! - it cried. And when m y better [udgement said no, something very strange happened; I was swept away by the true grit of th e blow. Strong as that coastwind that once tossed m e into an on coming lane. I felt its force now sw ell and grab hold. This time it carried me and my motorcycle up to the high ridges, up the long vall eys and canyons and over the top. It was all I could do to hold 'my bik e steady; th e horizon blurred, dust and pine needles blew , fill in g m y scope. And when I threw m y we ight and leaned into the turns, the air boomed lik e big surf and a jet's burner blast. I dove through them, throttle on and heeled over. The stormy roar cam e like fighters ' punches - whop, whop, whop-whop! The road ahead twisted and glistened (was it wet? or just the angle that lowering sun was hitt ing itl) with late afternoon platinum light. And I rode the wind w ith all m y heart and soul. It becam e a pa rt of m y rep ertoire, one more page in m y forever book of dreams brought to life. I had n o apprehension, no dread or alarm. For th e first time, th e mad gusts thrilled and delighted me. I pla yed tag w ith th em , at once lifting and dropping m y bars, fli cking the gas, trying to secondguess th eir next direction. And when it was don e, when I had Used all th e road and come to its end, I stopped and gazed back on a.terrain that cu t so sharp ly into sky and made m y accomplice w ind angry . It was a good earth I saw, and a fierce on e, and above all else utterly perfect and irrep laceable. Then - Whop! M y new pal struck again su dden ly with an Invisib le blow that al m o st kn ocked m e out. William Edgar . . . r------~---------------------------------------------- ---------- --, 1 . SUBSCRIPTION ORDER FORM ' .1 1 1 n Name_-:::-= = = = ;:;-;:= = _ ( PLE A S E PRINT CLEAR l V I Address _ -'- City State -LZip _ o Th is is a renew al o Please b ill me o Enclosed is c heck or money order I ,I Charge my 0 V isa 0 Mastercard r. l~ "'7SA .- : ' •• I -- - ~ .. OK, please start my subscription to Cycle News and send me the newspaper , o every week for one year (50 issues) for $32.50 o every week for two years (10 0 issues) for $60.00 o six months second class (25 issues) fo r $17.00 O n e y ear 150 i s sue s)" 2 n d c las s Ca nad a or M e x i c o and all o t h e r foreig n cou n tries $ 61 .0 0 (U .S f u nds ) Fi rs t c la s s a nd ai rm ail rate s ava ilable up o n" requ est ~ Signature_ _'-- ---:---: --'--' _ MC /Visa # Expiration Date ~ Send to: CYCLE NEWS,~ Inc., P.O . Box 498 . Long Beach . CA 90801-0498 / (213) 427-7433 _ _ ~3

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