Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1988 04 06

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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America's motorcycle newspaper Volume XXV Sharon Clay ton, Pu blish er Mike Klin g(·'f.ComplrolleT Skip J ohnson. A ssociat e Publish er/ Na tional Sa les Managn Jack Man g us. Associate Pu bl isher t Ed itot R heba Smith, Circulation Managn Ca ro line Ce ndrv , E1Ct!O~Jivt! Suutary to th t! Publish er Editorial Kit Palmer. As.'iOciate Editor Paul C rruthers, Associate Editor a Farren Willi am s. Associat e Ed itor Nate Rauha, A ssociat e Editor Brian Ca tterso n. A ssoc iate Ed itor F.dw ina Ma ng us, Calendar Editor Advertising Mi h Ch u rch . Sen io r Sa les Mana ger Terry Pruu Senior Sal es Mana gt'T Mark Thom e. lVestt'Tn Sales Man agn Don Stoe ber, W estern Salt's Ma nagn Mark M itch ell . Eastern Sales Managn Thomas R. Co mer. Eastern Sales Man ngN' Cat h y Corrao WestM'n Ad Coo rdina tor Carla Borde n. Eastern A d Coo rdina tor T o n i Doneske, A dver tising A s.~ ista n t Kudos for Willow track crew I would lik e to thank th e ambula nce attendants and the tra ck crew at Willow Springs Ra cewa y. They did a great job helping our team rider , Shawn Sw esey , who wa s injured at the Formula USA ro ad race on March 20. Since there hav e been enough negative things said about their capabilities, it 's tim e to appreciate their p resence at the race tra ck. H owever, they did explain to me that they are not doctors, but upon our ar rival at the hospital we fou nd out that they were correct about Shawn 's co nd itio n, His girlfriend, Gina, an d I were wit h h im at the amb ula nce as they were wo rking on him . I witnessed nothing but professional attitudes and care about his condition. They were also helpful in calming Gina. In my eyes, he received the best availab le help. Keep up th e good work, Willow! Graphics and Production Ma lco lm Wi lson .Production lUanaf{N' Diana Hi lgen ber g , Graphic Art i.~t Sla n 'Y GU(,~I . Grapll ic Artist jimmie O 'Dell. Gra p hic Artist "Ma rio n Hatashita. T yp esetter Carolyn Branham . Ty ~seltN' Denni s Gr("("nro./A b. Te ch : Account ing /Data Proc ess ing Donna Bryan . A ccts R ecr iuablr Co ordinator Geneva Repass, A ssistant Fro H amwey. Cred it m Circ ulat ion San h T a ylor. A ssista nt a Alma Anguiano. Assistant Che ri Ch apman . A ssistant Marita Adam s, A ssistant Circulatio n Development Ro n Davidso n. Managn Wa nt Ads Dd,bie Win kler. Want A d Sale s Service and S upport Ch ris Aitcheson . H eadq uar ters R ecept ionist Leo nard Herring. Ser v and Su pport icr National Headquarters 2201 C he rry Ave.• Lo ng Beac h , C A !K.l80fl. P.O. 1I0x 198 . Long Bea ch . CA 90801 ·0198 (2 13) 127·71 33: 2 13/ 636·88 14. FAX (2 13) 12 7·6685 East ern Office -11 90 Fir st Ave.• T ucker . GA. 30084; mailing add ress P.O . Bo x 805. Tucker . G A 300850805. (401 ) 931· 7850. FAX (101) 931· 3 112 Cycle News ( US PS 111·310 ) i.s pub lished wt"t'k1r exce p t the firs t and last week o f the ralem ar y t"3 1 for $32.50 per year by Cycle News. I nc. . 220 1 C herry Avenue. Lo ng Beach . CA 90806. Seco nd clast.. postage paid a t Lo ng Beach, CA , and additio na l ma ili ng office . s PO STMASTER : Send f o rm 3579 to Cycle Ne ws. P.O . Bo. 498. Long Beec h. CA 90 B0 1· 0 4 98 . Su bscr ip tio n ra tes: O ne year. seco nd r -lav s ma il. ~2.50. Cyelt' S ew s welcomes u nsol icit ed ed ito ri a l material induding sto ries . ca rt oons. p hotos. e tc. Su ch ma ter ial, if published. berornes th e excl usive pro~r ly of Cycle News. Suc h acI T p U"d na tcrial is su bject to revision 3 S is uecessar v in the so le discretion o f Cycle: ~t"w~ , U nso licited mat eri al w hich is no t used wi ll he returned if acco mpan ied by a M"lf addressed ..tamped env elope. All u nsolici ted material will be han dled. wi th reasonable ca re. how ever. Cycl e News as ..urnes no respon vihil ity for the sa fety. lo ss or da ma ge 10 su ch man-r ial . Reprin u ng in whole o r pa n onl y h)" permissio n o f the pu bl ish er. Ad verli!'oin h rates and cir cu lation inf ormation wi ll 1)(" se-ru upon req uest. Set" S.R.D.S, SPA Consum er Aud it D iv ision Membershi p Applied For December, 1986. MIKE WORSHUM T eam Racecrafters Lawndal e, CA Zierman , not V ierman T he report o n th e Rocking V Ran ch Nati onal Champ ionship Hare Scrambles in your March 16 issue con tained a few errors as far as I a m concerne d. My name wa s reported as Vi erman inst ead of Zierman . The nam e o f my sponsor was incorrectl y listed as Road a nd T rack; it sho uld have been reported as Road a nd Trail Cycl es of Mankat o . Minnesota. Fina lly, and most importantly, I rod e an ATK 406, not brand "H" as reported. It is important to corr ect , th ese discrepancies because as a privateer I need all th e help in the way of sponsorship that I ca n gel. Wha t the sponsors are looking for, in addition to th e results, is proper recognition whi ch hopefully wi ll res ult in increased sa les. I should report that I am very pleased wi th the performance of the ATK. Consider the fact that I am from Minnesota a nd consequentl y hadn 't raced for over three months du e to our severe winter. The fact that I was in second place overall after nearly three hours of racing spea ks well of the inherent so u nd ness of design. I had all of four hours on Saturday to dial it in and practice ride. Also note that th e first three pl aces in th e Open A class were won by ATK riders. I should al so report that Brian Lange of Road a nd Trail Cycles has bent over ba ckwards to help me put forth a successful racing effort. j ohn Martin o f ATK has a lso been very supportive a nd helpful. And I a lso a p p recia te the help that I'v e received ov er the las t two season s from Malcolm Smith. JOE ZIERMAN P lymouth, MN Copyri g ht " Cy Cle News. tne. 1 9 8 8 . Trad e-mark Cyc le News regi ste red U.S . Pa t ent Office. All rig hts reserve d. ([lID h WJJ 'l ~ ., I " I S 4 -;;v, Harley info For an authorized Who' s .Who of Har ley-Davidson, I wou ld a p p recia te receiving bi ographical details of noted dealers, racers , mechanics, exec u tives, and o the rs wh o have contributed to th e long hi story o f Harl ey-Davidson. Of part icular va lue would be Xerox co p ies o f ' o b i tu a r ie s and nam es of living relatives of deceased su bjec ts. For living subjects I would be gratefu l for names and addresses. RO BER T G . LOWERY 11 4 Paula Blvd. Selden, NY 11784 5 16/698-8243 Austrian powerplant Can you tell me who th e West Coast Ro tax engine im porter/ d istr ib utor is? DO N BUXTON San Diego , CA Airborne Div ision . On more than one occasion, pilots dropped us far from assigned drop zones and we en ded up smashing through trees and doing ou r best to avo id power lines, etc. as we descended to terra firma. And on one occasion, in atten ti on to detail by o ne General W ill iam W estm oreland, th en th e n ewl y assig ned comman der of th e 101st, did get f ive of my fell ow paratroopers k ill ed, over 150 hos pitalized, and left m e with a batt ered body w he n he gave th e 502nd A irborne Infantry Combat G roup the gree n light to jump on a sp ring day in 1958 in w inds exceeding 20 knots. I trust my name was spelled correctly on the man ifests f or t hose j u m p s, but frankl y that w as th e last thing I was con cerned about at th e time. A II that took place 40 miles up H ighway 41A from you r home in Nashville where you repeatedly broke th e spe ed lim it in Percy Warner Park on your Sears " Doodlebug " and oth er bi kes and later forged a birt h certificate so you could race at Daytona in 1960. Whatever, we'll pay atte ntion to the spelling of your nam e in th e fu ture . . . Editor. Ron Wood handles t he singl e cyl inder, four-strok e Rotax engines. You can reach Wood by calling 714/ 645-0393. T w in- cylin der, two-stroke Rotax road race engines are handled by Ton y Murph y, 805 / 944 -1624 . .. Ed itor. Nicholas, not . I got m y AMA professional licen se in 1960 (a t th e age of 16) and with th e exce p tio n o f two years wh en I was in th e U.S. Na vy Flight T raining Program, I raced actively until 1972. (N ic h o las won A MA Nati on al Cha m p ions hip road races at La conia, New Ha m psh ire, and Carpenter sv ill e, Ill i n o is, in 1963 .. . Ed itor.) I then raced nea rly a full season with the AFM a nd ACA in both 1977 a nd 1979 on a H onda MTI 25R. During th ose years, I could cou nt, on one hand, th e number of times m y last nam e was mi sspell ed in a mo torcycle pub lication. Last yea r m y name was mentioned four tim es in Cycl e N ew s on three d ifferen t occasions and it was misspelled three times! If I had a name like Rudolfo Wzytrnask i (everybody 's favo ri te Pol ish fall -down artist) I could understand. But my last name is one of the most popular in the world . . . it's spelled just like Santa Claus' " o ther " na me: St. Ni cholas ! It's no big deal , but I ha te for "professionals. And that is what we have - over 25 years of professional motojournalistic, experience" (the quotes are mine, th e copy yours) to keep maki ng mi stakes ( !) about so rn eo nes nam e who has b een around the professional racing scene in America so me five yea rs longer than Cycl e N ews. P lease don 't mi sunderstand what I'v e just said. It 's just obvious that nobody there made it through th e U .S. Navy Flight Training Program . . . in attention to detail like that could get you killed in a normal situation, mu ch less a com ba t o ne. JODY NICHOLAS Cost a Mesa, CA In att en tion to detail by fl y boys n early go t me ki lled in m ore than on e supposedly normal peacetime situatio n, Jody . W hile you we re just a kid ge tt ing thrown out of L onnie's BSA shop, Ewing's Triumph shop, an d West M eade Lawnmow er Serv ice, I w as throwing m yself out of planes. I " m ade it through " th e U.S. Arm y Airb o rne Sc hoo l- (j u m p school) in February, 1957 and served as a parat rooper w ith th e 101st Let's hear it for Bubba! In an otherwise great issue covering Dayto na , I was somewhat disappointed a t the scant mention of Bubba Shobert's phenomenal third place finish in the 200. A lesser person wou ld have used a dead last start coupled with a 30-second deficit as a good excuse to call it a day . In addition to all th at talent, this fine . young gentlem an has always found th e time to autograph a pi cture, rap a litt le, a nd patiently answer m y dumb questions. If ever a National Champion d eserv ed th e prefix " G rand," it is he. God bless and good lu ck, Bubba! You 'll a lways hav e a prayer and a cheer in you r corner from this fan . MIKE ROBERTS Cranston. RI A sso cia te edi tor Paul Carruth ers called Bubba's performance in th e Daytona 200 " a remarkable rid e." And that it was . This photo by Bert Sh epard shows trainer Dean Miller tending to Shobert immediately afte r the 200 . After just a 'few m om ents in winner's circle, Shobert left th e cele bration and competed in the Castrol 250cc G P race, fin ishing fifth. " I wish 1'd had some more time to think abou t it (th e 250cc race)," said Shobert. That 's MX cham p Rick Johnson w ith S ho bert and Miller ' . . .Ed itor.

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