While you're in Daytona, tourer, Voyager" XII or Voy. get a free first-class tour of ager" 1300 full-dress tourers.
the city. Demo ride one of
After your ride we'll
Kawasaki's sophisticated
give you a discount coupon
high-tech touring machines. -to the Motorcycle and ATV
Just go to the Team Tour
Expo, held at the Ocean
Tent in riding apparel and
Center on the Boardwalk.
helmet with your motorUse it to see Kawasaki's
cycle license.
complete line of great 1988
We'll put you and your co- motorcycles and ATVs.
To get the tour of a liferider in the lap of luxury
aboard a Concours" sport
time, show up at the Team
TourTent at the Hampton
Inn, 1715 Volusia, near the
entrance to Daytona's International Speedway. Demo
rides are 9 to 5, Thursday
March 3rd, through Saturday
-the 6th. And 9 to noon
the 7th.
Let the good times roll.
Cl1988 Kawasa ki Mo tors Corp., U.S.A. Alway s ""-"5 .~
wear a he lmet and appropriate appa rel.
~ ~