Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1988 02 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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a 8 ~ Matiasevich (201 ) gets the jump in Sunday's 125cc main . M ichael Cra ig (7 6) gave Matiasevich a run for his money in Saturday's ma in . Matiasevich has won all t hree 125cc supercrosses so far. H ea t th ree was do m inated by G lover, while Joh nson spe nt the ent ire race ma ki ng up fo r a mid-pack start. Dubach nailed the hol esh ot, but G lover mad e sure Dubach 's lead didn' t last lo ng . In th ird was H eal ey, followed by Pederson a nd Stanton. Halfway into the first lap, H eal ey oversho t a turn a nd cli pped a television came ra ma n, putting th e Cagiva rid er o u t of co ntentio n . Gl over passed Dubach during th e seco nd lap and ran away, wh il e P ed erson, Dubach, Stanton and Johnson diced. J oh nson eventually worked up to second, doing so on the fifth lap, but didn 't have time to catch 27-yea r-old veteran Glover. Pederson held on for third over Dubach and Stanton. Semis The first semi was led from startto-fin ish by Rya n, while Matson and O 'Mar a chased. O 'Mara passed Matson o n th e first lap, but a few turns lat er, Matson surp rised O'Mara by' returning the favor. Matson quickl y pulled a way from O 'Mara and reeled in Ryan. Mats on p ressured Ryan for the nex t th ree laps before go ing dow n in th e wh o ops, h andin g O 'Mara seco nd with Kawasaki rider Lo well Thomson pressing hard in third. Ryan coas ted home for the wi n, co mfortably a hea d o f O 'Mara , who squeaked home seco nd in front of T homson. Ca na dian Allan Dyck, a boa rd a H on da , led the first three laps in th e seco nd sem i befor e sur re nder ing th e top spo t to DeHoop. DeHoop pu lled away from Dyck for the wm. Last Chance Qualifier Team Yamaha's Micky Dymond came from nearly dead last in both Saturday's and Sunday's ma in to finish f ifth and fourth . 8 went wide in a sharp right-hand turn, a nd Ward sn uck by on th e ins ide. But th e race wasn 't over. With one turn to go before th e finish line, and with Kehoe ready to retaliate] Ward chose a bad line and was slowed by two lapped riders. Kehoe move m for the kill. The Suzuki pilot dove to the inside, passed Ward, an d sto le th e win. An angry Ward, shaking his fist a t one of the lapped riders, took second, with Holland, Kalos and Bowen a lso advancing stra igh t to th e main. Kehoe 's last turn pass on Ward ea rned him th e "Coors Cool Move " award and the weekend's second $500 check fro m Coors. .The LCQ was won by Thomson. who passed early leader Frisz during the sixth lap. Matson was in th e hunt in third, but clipped a high-speed double jump and crashed out of co ntention. T homson fin ished less than a bike length ahead of Frisz . Main Ward nailed a picture-perfect holeshot a t the start o f the final , but Lechien quickly dov e ins ide of Ward to steal the lead. " I ' had the hol esh o t but Ronn ie dove u nderneath me and roosted bad in every corner," said Ward. Dubach settled into third j ust ahead of Kehoe, Schmit, Glover, Frank, Kalos, DeHoop and Johnson. Dymond had a so-so start but stalled his motor in th e whoops a nd dropped to last place. " I wasn't trying to pass or get wi ld or anything, I was just trying to get through th e first lap; I wa s boxed up, " said Dym ond. " Everybody got a fra id of the ruts or something, and they just slowed up into th e turn, a nd I had to sto p a nd wait for them, but 1 sta lled (the motor)." After co m ple ting one lap, Lechien was on th e gas a nd leading Ward, Dubach , Kehoe, Schm it , Gl ov er, H olland, Kalos and J ohnson. During lap two, Dubach a nd Kehoe co ll ide d with both rider s going down. " Dubac h swapped in th e whoops going into a turn; hi s rear wheel swapped right in fron t of me, and 1 T-boned him and went over the bars," said Kehoe. "I bent m y brake lever straight out. and my clu tch lever bent straight down , so 1 had no rear brake or clutch for th e rest of the race." " I just slowed down to ho ok the inside because th e la p before 1 went wide and Erik went on th e inside," said ' Dubach . "So thi s tim e 1 went on the inside, a nd 1 don't kn ow if he wa s expecting it or not; he may have had too much drive and he hit me right in th e side." Both riders regrou ped in th e back of th e pa ck. By th e fou rt h la p , Lechien and Ward had a lrea dy built up a 12seco nd adva nt age over third place H olland, and Glover, with J ohnson now in fifth. J ohnson pa ssed both Gl over and H olland during th e next two laps bu t found o u t there was a l7 -second gap betw een himself and Ward , who was o nly three seconds behind Lechien. By the halfway point, with Lechien clicking off 53-second lap times, the d istance between Ward and Johnson got. even bigger - 20 seconds. It was obvious at th is point that Jo hnson wo u ld n't ca tch e i ther Kawasaki rider u nless one of them fell. A few laps la ter Lechien was leadin g Ward by a full six seco nds, and Ward was ahead of Johnson by approximately 17 seconds, and the race became rather du ll, except fo r Dymo nd 's climb through the pack. He was picking off riders with ease until he passed Holland for fourth. When th e ch eckered flag dropped th e top 10 riders were very spread out with Lechien taking a n easy victory, four seconds a head of Ward. J ohnson finish ed a long way behind Ward, while Dymond too k fourth. Rounding o u t th e top five was H olland. Gl over , Leisk, DeH oop , Pederson a nd Bow en mad e up the to p 10. J ohnson 's bad start di d the H onda rider in. " I cou ld n' t see wh ere th ey were going. 1 mean, wh en 1 got into third. , th ey were a lrea dy four turns a head of me," sa id Johnson. " I co u ldn ' t ga uge an ything, so 1 was trying to make up tim e, but it was just hard. They were riding reall y good. 1 just shou ld've gone faster." " Gett ing a good start was somethi ng 1 needed to do ," sa id Lechien. "That's something 1 haven't been doing. I' ve been concentra ting o n getti ng good starts a lo t, a nd it worked out for me. Once 1 got ou t into th e lead, 1 was just worried about trying to stay up. It 's so rutty ou t there that it 's hard to stay smooth. 1 knew Jeff was back there, but 1 knew he wo uldn't do anything (Continued to page 13)

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