Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1988 02 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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How you can win (Continued from page 2) THE NEW RIDER TECHNIQUE This is an updated version of the 1983 Rider Technique Video . It covers body position ing, starts, cornering, jumps and passingl It is easier to understand and contains more information than the origina l rider technique ••••••••• ••••••• •• • $49 .95 BIKE SET-UP, MAINTENANCE AND SUSPENSION Here's the video that not only the riders have been asking for but many parents have requested. Get the w inn ing edge on the rest of the f ield , make your bike the bestl This tape deals with week to week maintenance and how to 'keep your bike runn ing and looking good. It also helps with sen ing up your bike for proper rid ing posit ion and the best control along w it h suggest ions and ideas on how to dial in your suspension • • • • • • •• ••• • • • • • • • $39 .95 To Order · Send name. address and phone number along wilh Mastertard Dr Visa number. All business and personal checks will be held lor three weeks belore shipping. Specify Beta Dr V Please include HS. CDS! plus $3.00 pertape for handling. C.O.O. onlers add $1.90. ;:" ~ Call or write for fr ee video brochure VIDEOS BY PROFESSOR BAILEY P.O . Box 130 CN. Axton, VA 24054 (7 0 3 ) 650-3030 . HORSEPOWER FOR HONDA 1988 CR 2S0R • Increased Volumetric Elfeciency • OuickerThrottle Response. 2·3 Hersepower Gain Inlow 10 Mid Range. Boll On Installalion• Wider Power Band With Greater Tuning latitude. Tuning Tips Included Stock Honda 4 Petal Reed Flows Only 57 .12 CFM. Mossbarger 8 Petal Assembly Flows 74 .40 CFM. Mossbarger Reed Cage Kit 15" e. ' Racer Net Only $75 .00 Kit includes Reed cage. petals plus replacement set, spacer . gaskets and bolts . ~ 138 S. 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'0' • ;,rt ~\e ~ \0\0 to" .• ~ ~ ~ (707) A ll P.". 8n d S ervice 763-=~51u9 candidate for any office in Ca lifornia that suggested the imposing and vast restrictions 57 proposes. The 54-year-old senator was San Diego 's mayor and sta te legislat or for more than 20 years, though he suffered a crushing defea t in Ca liforni a 's 1978 gu bernatorial pri mary. In his last year as first-term U.5 . Sena tor , Wilso n has contin ued his low key app roach to office . One aide says of Wilson, " He's likely to be no ncommitta l until the end. Tha t's no t to say he'll vote against (or for ). He wi ll no t give you sim p le answers you can put in a lead paragraph." T his has been hi s ploy with 57 wh ich Wilson has avo ided like a political ti me bo mb . Pet e Wilson wi ll soo n take a posit io n on 57. Hi s ai de, Jim Burroughs, is quoted, " He is really not in a positi on to dela y hi s invol vement with this issu e. That wouldn 't sit very well with voters." Over th e past two decades, supporting enviro n me n ta l issu es, no matter how o utla ndish, secured a vital vo ti ng block . But popu lar a nd accep table env iro n me n tal land cl osures a re ru n n ing short o f ac reage wh ich does n't im pact busin ess, emp loyme nt, recreation a nd/or nat ional defense interests. 57 is a landmark legislation in that regard. All of Cal ifo rn ia's legi slators, sta te and federal, have conceded receiving h uge volumes of mail o n 5 7, excep t Wilso n's office. They ha ve contin ued to stonewall a ny queries abo ut the . amount or slant of th eir 57 mail. H iTorq ue publish in g (Dirt Bike, Mo tocross Actio n, Dirt Wh eels, Mo untain Bike Action ) inserted seven and a half-m illion post cards o pposing 5 7 in their maga zin es, two and a halfmillion addressed to Cranston an d Wilson. Additionally , hundreds of thousands of personal letters, petitions and phone ca lls have go ne to legisla tors o p posing 5 7. In every case, savi ng silence from the Wilson cam p, mail is strongly opposed to 5 7 upwards of nine-to-one. The su bject of Wil son's concern and awareness of hi s cons titu en cy may become a cam paign issu e. Long tirn e Wil son confident and a ttorney Vigo Nielson was quoted as saying, " His bigges t up side is th at he . . . happen s to be very close to the Ca lifornia ... mainstream. The down side is, I don't th ink they (the vo ters ) kn o w it. " U n l ike o ther Ca lifornia legis lators, Pete Wil son and his offi ce are slow, and often neglect, in responding to constituents' mail. In surveying more th an 100 people who have wri tten to Wilson opposing 57, some as many as 10 tim es, th e only repl y received was a form letter ad dressed " Dear Frien d," some arriving seven mont hs later. Ro ughly a th ird have never received any resp onse a t all. Co nversely, most ot her Ca lifornia legisla tors have sent more ti mely and, ofte n, personal replies to th ese letter writers. Most a lso regularl y send politica l newslett ers to Cali fornians which in clude briefs o n pro minen t issues, voting records, survey ' q uestio n nares a n d th ei r res u lts. Wilson doesn't comm unicate with h is cons titue ncy in a ny like manner. There is therefore a n in clinati on for Californians to feel distanced from Pete Wilson a nd unaw ar e of his activities or pos itions. Recently, a t a field ou ting sponsored by a small group of 57 o p ponents, Wil son's office was attributed to sayi ng that th e sena tor had not received (any) mail opposin g 57. The statement was vehe men tly den ied by a Wilson representative though corroborated by State Senator H.L. "Bill" Rich ardson's staff. It 's absurd th at Wil son has received a ny less th a n h undreds of th ousands of p ieces of mai l o n 5 7. No ne theless, Wilson 's staff ha ve declined to respond to repeated q ueries a bo u t his 5 7 mail status. T hey have also refused or not responded to numerous req ues ts for an interview with the Sen ator by th is reporter and others. In a rece nt a rticle in the L os Ange les Ti mes on " Congress' Mailbag," a surprisi ng number of pol! iticians refuted co ns ti tue nt m ail affected th eir vote o n legisla tion. A shoc king q uote came from representa tive Ant hony Beilen son who said, " O n a big issue, the mail is not going to make a lot of differen ce. I'm not go ing to cha nge my o pinion just because I get a lot of mail. " Wilson once responded to a letter regarding the shoe industry wh ich read: " Senator , I'm o nly 12-years-old so I don't get to think abo ut foreign policy issues. " On th e other hand, a Wilson staffer said , " Pete never reads any of his mail. He j ust doesn 't have the time." In spite of th e large majority of popular opposition to 57, appearances and staff co mmen ts indicate that Wilson will co me o ut in support of 57. Wil son previously co-authored a n Alan Cranston bill wh ich dosed I.9-million acre s of California to wildern ess. Opponents of 57 have a ttemp ted to point out to Wilson that California has already gi ven up 5.4million acres to wilderness adm inis tra t io n si nce 1976. ' Californ ia alread y has spra wl ing federal and sta te forest and park systems . Fell ow Republican and Ca liforni an, President Ronald Reagan, is a quest ionable su p porter o f th e Senator, Wil son ca m paig ned for Geral d Ford, a nd aga ins t Reagan, in a previous presidential primary, an alliance which is not forgotten by long i n t he 100 th Rea g anites. Rumors persist th at Wilson's financia l campaign manager will leave because " major" co ntri butors are uncomfortable with hi s pol itical obscu rity. Hi s ca mpaign wi ll require $12-million to mat ch McCarthy's war ch est. Wil son 's campaign staff is comprised of peopl e who engi neered Ed Zschau's narrow defeat In the 1984 effort to unseat Alan Cranston. The loss is wid ely blamed o n Zschau's flip-fl op o n issu es a nd hi s com parat ive recl use versu s Cranston 's openness to co ns ti tue ncy and press. Observers are watch ing to see if the sa me strategy of -sh unni ng media, issues an d cons tituency, a long tim e Wil son trait, will contin ue in his bid for reelection. There are two o ptio ns for Pete Wilson o n th e volati le 57 issue su p port 57 or endorse th e BLM 's ' Dese rt Conservation Pl an.' The BLM has spe nt 12 years developing th e pl an which was manda ted to th em by a bill , ironically, co-a ut hor ed by Cranston. This pl an included four years of hearings and $7 million to co m p le te as a multipl e us er conce p t for all interests. Conversel y, 57 was a u tho red exclusively by th e Sierra Clu b wh ic h exclude d a ll o utside inp ut in cluding that of o ther enviro n men tal groups. The BLM 's 'm u ltip le user' pl an is flaw ed, but it is th e env iro n ment al comp'ro mise accep ted by opponents. Cal ifornia's BLM director' Ed H astey is quoted: "This (BLM plan ) was done with professional biologi sts and planners. (57) ignores all thi s. They (the Sierra Club) don 't talk to the professionals. They hav e a lot of amateurs running around developing a whole new plan . . . They (b io lo g is ts and archeologists ) were completely ignored."

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