Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1988 02 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Seattle SX (Continued from page 8) to hurt me or to knock me down. We're good competitors and we -try to stay real clean when we're riding against each other, but 1 knew I was going faster than him." "It was a lot better tonight," said Ward. " T he track is hard to make up time on. It 's so rutty you can't push hard to go fast. I did everyth in g 1 cou ld to go fast, bu t it seemed like I just kept going slow er.'! " I just have to go back to work," said Dymond after his come-frombehind rid e. " I have to go and put a bunch of punching bags around my (prac tice) track a nd run into them. It seems like that's how yo u have to pass people lat ely." 125cc Main Suzuki-mounted Ty Davis timed the starting gate perfectly to begin the 125cc final, bu t after rounding th e first turn and hitting a do ub le jump , Davis execu ted an endo after landing short over a double ju mp . Th is gave Larry Ward the lead but Matiasevich was ready to pounce. A few turns later, Matiasevich was out in front ahead of Ward, Kiedrowski , Cary Mulligan, Gaddis and Kawasaki rider Mike Pascarella. Craig, who gave Matiasevich hi s only challenge the night before, was . ca ught in th e middle of the ·pack before crashing and dropping even farther back . On lap two , Ward slid out in a turn, handing second to Kiedrowski , who found a five-second gap separating himself from Matiasevi ch. Mat iasevich was ou t in front with clear sailing ahead, clicking off 55seco n d lap times , co m pa red to Lechien 's 53-second 250cc times. Matiasevich eventually stretched his lead o ut to a comfortable seven seconds on Kiedrowski, while Gaddis, Ward, Mulligan and Lowell Thomson, wh o rod e both the 125and 250cc classes, battled for third. Ward and Gaddis traded places man y times, and th e climax of th e duel came as th e two riders co llided in the last turn wit h Gaddis ' chain coming off. The finish line was located on top of a p lat eau 'jump and Gaddis couldn't push his bik e up the hil l. By the time he was going aga in, he had dropped to 15th. Matiasevich took his second win of the weekend over Kiedrowski , Ward, Pascarella and Thomson. • Results SATURDAY 250: 1. Rick Johnson (Han); 2. Ron tectrlen (Kaw~ 3. Jeff Ward (Kaw); 4 . Erik Kehoe (Suz); 5. M ick ~ Dymond(Yam); 6. Jeff Stanton (Yam); 7 . Broc Glover (Yam ~ B. M ike Healey (Cag); 9. George Holland (Han); 10. Bill y Frank (Yam); 11. Dean Matson (Suz); 12. Jeff Leisk (Han); 13 . Ross Pederson (Suz); 14. Rick Ryan (Han); 15. Doug Dubach (Yam); 16. Keith Bowe n (Kaw); 17. Johnny O'M ara (Suz); 18. Todd DeHoop (Suz); 19. Donny Schmit (Suzt 20 . Mike Larson (Suz). 125 ; 1. Jeff Maliasevich (Kaw); 2. Mike Craig (Yam); 3. Mike Kiedrowski (Kaw); 4 . Ty Davis (Suz); 5. Larry Ward (Yam); 6. Jimmy Gaddis (Suz); 7. Craig Canoy (Suz); 8. Chris Young (yam); 9. Kerry Mulligan (Han); 10. Mike Pascarella (Kaw); 11. Stave Friesen (Han); 12. John Nelson (Kaw t 13. Lanee Smail (Kaw); 14. Darral M anans (Han); 15 . Lowell Thomson (Kaw); 16 . Stacay Cook (Han); 17. M ike Bell (Han); 18. Rick Simmet (Han); 19. Aaron Shardelman (Yam); 20 . Richard Taylor (Han). SUNDAY 250 : 1. Lachien ; 2. Ward ; 3. Joh nson; 4. Dymond; '5 . Holla nd; 6. Glover; 7. loisk; 8. DeHoop; 9. Pedarson; 10 . Bowen ; 11. Shaun Kalas (Yam); 12. Ryan; 13. Schmit; 14. Kehoe; 15 . St ant on; 16. Frank; 17. Jeff Frisz (Suz); l B. O"Mara; 19. Alla n Dyck (Han); 20. Dubach; 21 . Lowell Thomson. (Kaw). 125: 1. M a1 iasevich; 2. Kiedrowski; 3. Larry Ward; 4 . Pascarella; 5. Thomson; 6. M ulligan; 7 . Craig; 8. Young; 9 . Simmet; 10 . Nelson; 1 1. Steve Fr iesen (Han); 12. Tony Graves (Han); 13. Smail ; . 14. Davis; 15. Gaddis; 16. Cook; 17. Manens; 18. Eduardo Lopez (Yam); 19 . Scan Grimm (Kaw); 20. W inn son; 2 1. Shardelman . POINT STANDINGS 250 : 1. (TIE)JohsonlWard (67); 2. Lachien (65); 3. Dymond (54); 4 . Glover (44); 5. Holland (42); 6. Kehoa (41); 7. Leisk (35]; 8. St anton (34); 9. Bow en (26). 125 (WESTERN REGION): 1. Maliasevich (75); 2. Kiedrowski (64t 3. Craig (51); 4 . Larry Ward (49); 5. Davis (41 ); 6. Young (40); 7. Mulligan (33); B. Pascarella (29); 9. Gaddis (22); 10. Thomson (22). 13

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