Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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AND MOR£!! Planning a trip to Daytona? Enter the Cycle News Win Daytona Sweepstakes! You Could Be One of 5 Big Winners Chosen To Receive 4 Nights and 5 Big Days of Racing During Motorcycle BUT WAIT I TM Week~ 1988! 5 Winners will be-drawn to win 4 nights motel THERE~ accommodations at the beautiful Clarendon AfOREII Plaza located on the World Famous Daytona _, Beach, plus tickets for two per winner to the races running Wednesday, March 2 through Sunday, March 6. Each of the five winners will receive ~ ~A~!" a new Arai Helmet. ~ HELMET. PLUS! GRA PRIZE &R' THE GRAND PRIZE WINNER, drawn from one of the lucky Daytona package recipients, will receive . . . A 1988 NX 650 Dual Sport HONDA. AND A 1988 Chariot 10' 6"Cycle Shuttle Enclosed Trailer! fij1a1'.lOt · FIB ERGLASS CUSTOM MOTORCVCLE TRAIL ERS FILL OUT THE ATTACHED ENTRY FORM AND MAIL IN TODA Y --------------------------------------------II ~ ~ II ~ ~ II ~.... II " .. Win Daytona Sweeostakes Official Entry Form (jJffillITJ] (fiUout dearly and completely) D Yes! I want to enter the sweepstakes I .1 I I I I I I I I and subscri~e . (One year 0 Please bill me ~ .. y _ $32.50) 0 Enclosed is check or money order · m 0 No, I don 't wan t to subscn·be, but let · e • • k now H I Win a pnze Name Charge my 0 Visa 0 Mastercard v....-~~f '_i , ~ ~~~o~~::;:~~hT~:.n~~~~; nt~tnd I' the responSibIlity of the wmner. One motel room per winner. accommodations If grand prize ~ start Wednesday. March 2. 1988 - c~ oul S Olgnature (PlEASE PRINT Cl£ARLYI Address Credit Card Number City State _ Zip Expiration Date Ph I I I to Cycle News. 50 issues . one N o, O M al l T 0: Wi D a ytona S weep stak es c' ,0 C 1 N In 1 . 0 9 yc e ews nco • P. . Box 4 8 • Long Beach. CA 90801 -0498 - Sunday March 6. 1988. Tickets prO'll'lded by Daytona International Speedway includes paddock passes for two per winner for races at the Speedway from Wednesday Ma rch 2. through Sunday March 6 and din track races W ednesda y through Friday night at Oayto na 's Memorial Stadium . One hel met per w inner provided by A rBl' Helmets, LTD, ~hariot Tra iler . pro vided by Chariot Manufac turlng and NX 650 Hond a by Arne- teen Hond a. YOU MUST BE A BL E TO ATIENO SA TUROAy MA RCH 5. IN ORDER TO BE ELIGIBLE TO WIN .THE GRA ND PRIZE No purchase nttCessary . FlU o ut the oHi. cia l entry form (or 8. 3 x 5 facsim ile) inc lu di ng your name. address. City. st al e. zip code and phone number, Mall your enlry. ene per. person please , 10 Cycle News by February 22. 198 8. Drawing for racelicke" eccommccancns and helmet wmnorsw,1Ibo hoklonFebruory 23 . 1988. The Grand Prize dr awing will be held 5 M.,ct>5.19BB I I I I I I I I I I I I I -------------------------------------------~ .