Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1988 01 20

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Image enhancement America's motorcycle newspaper Volume XXV Sharon Clay to n . Pub lisher Mike Klin ger,Comptrolier Skip J ohnson . Associate Pu blisher! Na tional Sales Manager Ja ck Man g us. Associate- Pubiishert Ediio r - Rheba Smith. Circu lation Manager' Caroli ne Ge ndry. Execut ive Secutary to the Pub lis her Editorial Kit Palmer, Associat e Editor Paul Carr u thers. Associate Edi tor Farren Willi ams. Ass ociate Editor Nat e Rauba, Associate Editor Edw ina Man gu s, Calendar Editor Advertising Mi'ke Ch urch. Senior Sales Managt'f Terry P rau Senior Sales Mana ger Mark Thom e. Westt'T Sales Manager " Don Stoeber. Western Sal es Man agtr Mar k Mitchell , Eastern Sales Manager T homas R. Corner. Eastern Sales Managn Cathy Corrao Western Ad Coordinato r Carla Borden , Eastern A d Coor din ator Ton i Doneske. A dvertisin g Assistant Graphics and Production Mal colm W ilson ,Production Managttr Dian a Hil genberg, G raphic Art ist Peggy Smith , Graph ic Artist Stacey G uest. Graphi c Artist Jimmie O'Dell, Grap hic Art ist Jo h n Bolda . GraphiCArl ist Marion H a ta sh ita . Typ~s~u~ Caro lyn Branham. Typ~s~tt~r Denni s G reene, Lab . T ech: Accounting / Data Processing Donna Bryan , Accts R eceivable Coordina tor Geneva Repass. Assistant Fran Ham wey. Credit Circulation Sara h Tay lor, Assist ant Alma Angu ian o, Assis tant Cheri Chapman , Assistant Marita Adams, Assistant Jim Kosta , R etail Sales Manag~ Want Ads Debbie Win kler, Want Ad Sales Service and Support Chris Aitc hesc n, H ead" uaTUTs R ecept ion ist Leonard Herring. Seruice and Support National Headquarters 220 I Cherry Ave., Lo ng Beach , CA 90806, P.O, Box 498. Long Beach, CA 90801 ·0498 (213) 427·7433: 213/636 ·8844. FAX (213) 427·6685 Eastern Office 1190 First Ave., Tucker, GA. 30084; maili ng _ address P.O. Box 805. T ucker, GA 30085 · 080 5. (404) 934·785 0. FAX (404) 934·3 112 Cycle News (USPS 141. 340 ) is p ubli shed weekly excep t the Iirst and last week o £ the calendar year for $32.50 per year by Cycle News. In c.. 2201 Cherry Avenue. Lon g Beach , CA 90806. Second class postage pa id at Lon g Beach. CA. and add it ional ma iling offices. POSTMASTER : Send form 3579 to Cycle News. P.O. Box 498. Long Beach. CA 90B01·049B. Subscri ption rates: O ne year , second class mail. $32.50. Cycle News welcomes un solicited editorial material includin g stories. cart oons , p hotos . etc. Such material. if p ub lished. becomes the excl usive pro~rt y of Cycle News. Such accep ted material is subject to revision as is necessary in the sole discre tion of Cycle News; Unsolicited.material wh ich is not used will be return ed if acco mpanied by a self addressed stamped envelo pe. All unsolicited material will be handled with reason able care. however , Cycle News assu mes no responsibili ty for the safety, loss or damage ( 0 such materia l. Repr inting in whole or part on ly by per mission of the publisher. Advertisin g rates and circulation information wi ll be sent u po n req uest. See S.R.D.S. Copyright. Cycle News. Inc. 19B8. Trade·mark Cycle News registered U.S. Patent Office. All rights reserved. BPA Consumer Audit Division Member· ship Applied F!'r December 1986. 4 Paint them orange and black I doubt very serious ly that this letter will get printed, but here goes: I imagined that this is what happened at the recent AMA meeting concerning rules for th e 1988 dirt track Nationals. "Men, we have got a , problem. ' Honda ha s beaten us agam. What are we going to do about it?" Harley dealer from Mich igan: " If E.C. Smith and Jules Horky (H arl ey puppets from th e fift ies) were here we would make them run 500cc bikes and we would run 750cc bikes." Ohio Harley dealer: " Wh y don't we buy. a batch of those H ondas, paint th em orange and black, and double the price? We'll ca ll th em Harleys. H ell , it worked with Rotax and nobody noticed, so why not Honda?" Illinois H arley dealer: " Wh y not make them carry double?" " No, I doubt that th e insurance co m pa ny will co ver us on that. Maybe we could make them pull a small trailer." " I don 't think we could draft them if they did that. Why not add 20 pounds to th em a nd then if th ey get Number One again we will ban them altogether !" JERRY McDONALD Corpus Christi , TX ', We want the Kingl I would like to see the great Kenny Roberts race in the April 10 U .S. Grand Prix at Laguna Seca. BILL M. CUSHERLING Santa Maria, CA We spo ke to Kenny Roberts on Monday, January 11, and he said, "It's impossible to say right now (whether or not he'll race at Laguna Seca). I'll be testing th ere in a few weeks to see how I am, tim ing wise. I'm worried mostly about training; I haven't ridden on e of those th ings in a while. After testing, I'll be able to see if there's time to work on it. I really don't know at this point. A month ago it looked more likely, but now I'm running out of time. I have to get m y two riders (Wayne Ra iney and Kevin Magee ) ready to g o [irst." ... Editor. .. In defense of Earth First! Re How You Can Win by Dave Holeman in th e January 6 issue of Cycl e News: I h ope H ol eman 's comments on Earth First! ar e a result of misinformation ra the r than an intent to deceive on his part. A careful exam ination of the Earth First! journal or the book Ecodefense will reveal a much different characterization of th e movement. It doesn 't tak e a' gr eat deal of , percep tion to see that we are rapidly lo sing our natural world to the juggernaut o f development. The failure of the mainstream enviro nmental organizations to su ccessfully cou nter this trend is disappointing and frustrating. This di sappointment and frustration together with a passion for eq ui ty and th e conservative instinct to keep things not as the y are but as they should be, lead some to monkeywrenching as a m or all y acce p ta ble technique for defending earth . Earth First! was formed , in part, to recognize (but not to enco ura ge) this acceptanceof monkeywrenching by so me. To m y knowledge, Ea rth First l ha s always advoca ted stric t p rocedures to ens u re the safety of a ll concerned, (and) to respect all life forms, incl uding those wh o persist in th e destructi on o f th e planet. I am su re the pot entially tra gi c in cident a t the Barst ow-to -Vegas race will stim u late vigorous dis cu ssion o f th e refinem ent of monkeywrench ing to render it safer. Meanwhile, the destructi on of God's beautiful eart h .co ntin ues a t an accelerated pace. . HANK BRUSE Wi sconsin Rapids, WI I don 't know about you , Hank, bu t " that juggernaut of development" _built the house I live in, the office I work in , the streets I use going to and from those buildings, etc. That same juggernaut sw ung into action arou nd 4 m ill ion years ago when m an fi rst walked on th is 4.5 bill ion year old planet. Do members o r su ppo rters of groups such as Earth First! live in houses, drive veh icles on streets, etc. that weren't there 200, LOO, or perhaps as few as 10 or less years ago? You and! know th ey do. If organ izations lik e Earth First! had been operating in the Garden of Eden, would they have supported monkeywrenching techn iques to prevent Adam'and Eve from picking leaves to use as "c over-ups?" Or if yo u believe in Darwin's theory, would they have stopped cave men from putting petroglyphs 'on the walls of caves? Earth First! wants I7 million acres (n ine m illion acres more than the area Cranston's 57 refers to) turned into a sanctwiry for san d and rocks and the group's proposal calls for a " h uman enclo· su re area." If, as you say, Earth First! respects all life forms, why don 't they recognize the need for development by and for the superior life form people? . '. . Editor. Balt im ore Bullet On behalf o f myself a n d the Ultracross production staff , I would like to thank Kaw asaki Motors, AXO Sport, Bell Helmets , PJI Chemicals a nd the entire motorcycle industry for their enth us ias tic supp ort of the Ultracross project. As any one in the media will attest, launching a TV ser ies or a feature film is no easy task. Add to yo u r co nce p t the element of motorcycling and you've mad e what was once difficult, nearl y impossible. N eedless to say, m otorcyclin g's image is somewhat less than ste rling a nd motorcycle racers have been th e door mat of professional sports fo r a long time. Without the su p port of the above mentioned com pan ies, I may not have been abl e to stay in the battle much less win it. The war, however , is still on a nd this project is merel y my co ntri bution to the work being done by Don Emde a nd th e Motorcycl e Image Enhancem ent Co m m ittee in th eir effo rt to turn that biker im age arou nd. I am pl eased to an noun ce that I have just recently joined for ces with c.j. Hunt o f H eart Quake Racing, a program developed to offer kids actio n ori ented alternatives to drugs. These are j us t two ideas th at if successfu l will hel p give mot orcycling th e positive image it deserves . But it doesn 't sto p here. There a re as many ideas and as many wa ys to help as there are riders out there. If we would a ll work towards the same end we would no doubt see the day when motorcycle racing is as highly revered as any ,o f our top national sporting events. If you ha ve an idea a nd don't know where to go with it , please drop me a line. .I may not know either, but I do kn ow th at two heads are better than one. MICHAEL BRYANT 7095 Hollywood Blvd., #203 Hollywood, CA 90028 . Poetry want~d Please a n nou nce that I am compiling a new book and soliciting enthusiast's literary contribu tions for it. It will be en ti tled The First Book of Motorcycle Poetry Classics. Pl ease let readers know I would greatly appreciate them sen d in g . anything they might have (rh ym ed a nd/or free verse) eulogizing their machines or a n y aspect of th e unique motorcycling expe rience. PAUL ARBLASTER 1390 Bond Lane Eugene , OR 97401 Larry Peagram of Baltimore, Ohio, who is known by many as the Baltimore Bullet, recently received the ' AMA Amateur Athlete of the Year award. To know Larry or to just watch h im ride is a gr eat pleasure. Through kn owing him and racing with him, we beli eve that nobody deserves this award more than Larry Peagram. We have raced with Larry for nine years a t the AMA National final s a t tra cks from New York to California. La rry is a very talented racer and we .have learned much from watching him ride. The entire Peagram family is a delight to be with. We watched Larry win his first AMA National in Kan sas and from th en on th e AMA National Championship Amateur Dirt Track Series has been the Larry Peagram Series. Congratulations, Larry, on your 23rd National Ch ampionship. We are looking forward to racing with you in Washington in 1988. I would like to thank the following who helped sponsor th e MX rac es a t Hunt, New York, during the 1987 season: Dunlop, Scott USA , Malco lm Smith Products, Kal-Gard, T ony D Motocross Schools, Oury Grips, Acerbis, Holeshot USA and Donnie Hansen Motocross Acad em y, Import & Exp ort , Arkport Suzuki, Hebelers Kawasaki , Honda World, Freewheeling' Cycle, Don George's Sports Center, Andy Stacy's Dean Cycle Sales, and Williamsville Welding. Their help was very much appreciated by the riders and the ir fami lies who attended our 'ra ces. I would al so like to congratu la te Rick Johnson, Bob Hannah and Jeff Ward for th eir Motocross des Nations win and th ank Ward Robinson and his famil y for bringing the event to Unadilla. STEVE, JOE & BILL BROMLEY Bromley Motorcycle Sales Trevrose, PA MICHAEL HARASMISZ Hunt Racing, Inc. Hunt, NY Hunt helpers

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