Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1987 09 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Paul Krause challenged Smith in the early going. but f inished 10th overall ' after the chain came off his Honda and broke the cases . Coors Extra Go ld -sponsored Jeff M iller wrapped up the 125cc National Championship with his w in (7 th overall) in the small-bore class. Smith. who has dominated the Hare & Hound Series for the past two _ seasons, is on ly two races away from his second National Championship. Husqvarna-mounted Daryl Folks of Las Vegas; Nevada. f inished fifth overall. th ird in t he 250cc Expert class. 26 Cartwright crossed the fin ish line just over three min utes behind Bruckbauer to capture second 250, fourth overall. "Who is that guy?" Cartwright asked of Bruckbauer. "I sure wish I could ride like that. The course was great, but I needed a lower first gear ' for the sand washes and a h igher fifth gear for the roads. I ended up upside dow n in a huge wa terhole o u t there too, which wasn't much fun ." Fifth overall (third 250) went to Folks, who diced it out with Cartwright for much of the second loo p. " It was an experience," Folks said. "T hey had the tightest washes I've ever seen and I nearly got run over by an antelope - one of the big ones with the antlers. That was kind of wild." P h oeni x, Arizona's Sweetland crossed the fin ish line in sixth overall (third Open Expert), just ahead of Miller, the first 125cc pi lot to take the checkered flag. "It was too fast like they all are, but I had a lo t of fun," said Miller. "I overheated the bike coming down one of the sand washes, blew all the water out of the radiator 'and had to .borrow about seven cups of someone's drinking water to . get going again. I want to thank Coors, Scott, Duralube and H o nda of Caldwell ; and my wife Anna for a great pit." Second in the 125cc division went to Yamaha pilot Case, who finished 19th overall. " What a course," Case said. " I was slithering round like a snake in the sand washes a nd throw- . ing it sideways like Bubba Shobert on the roads ." The' Vet race saw Dawson squeak in to take the class win by just 12 seconds over Utah's Pitts, who was riding a Can-Am. "I had a terri b le start," said Dawson , who finished ll th overall. "I forgot my fanny pack and had to go back and get it. By the time I got bac k to the start, everyone had . left and I WaS two minutes behind them." "I thought Flagstaff was fast, but this was faster," Pitts said. "I was falling off left and right in the was hes. Then my bike just up and died on me at one stage. I pulled my kill switch off and that fixed it, but I got a good shock doing it ." . Bill Maxim took the Sen ior class win in 24th overall, ahead of "Cap" Kuney and Sam Bass. Kelley Pate overa lled the I25cc Amateur class for the third time in a row by finishing . 30th overall. Gary Hall of Norwalk, California, came in 17th overa ll to take second in the 250cc Amateur division. The first amateur rider to cross the fini sh line was Denver's Barry Ross, who rode a 250cc KTM . Ross said he is, "not exactly used to going 80 mph in blinding dust." Dean Halverson of Rock Sprints, Wyoming, overalled the Novices on a CR 125, finishing 35th overall. • Results 0 1A : 1. Dan Sm ith (Hus); 2.Jim Thompson (Han); 3. Joh n Bruclcbauer (Han); 4. Darin Cartwright (Yam); 5. Daryl Folks (Hus); 6. Gart h Sweetland (Hus); 7. J eff Miller (Han); 8. Scott Morr is (Hus); 9. Darr en Obendorf (Han); 1D. Paul Krau se (Han); 11. Dan Dawson (Kaw ); 12. Steve Pitts (C-A); 13. Barry Ross (KTM ); 14. David Zehner; 15. Brian Davis (Han); • OPEN EX: 1. Dan Smith (Hus); 2. Jim Thompson (Han); 3. Gart h Sw eetland (Hus). 250 EX; 1. Jo hn Bru ckbauer (Han); 2. Darin Cartwrigh t (Yam); 3. Daryl Folks (Hus). . 125 EX; 1. Jeff M ill er (Han); 2. Kevin Case (Yam); 3. Robin Adcock. VET EX: 1. Dan Daw son (Kaw); 2. Steve Pitts (C-A); 3. Randy Lin dsey. SR EX: 1. Bill Ma xim ; 2. Cap Kuney; 3. Sam Bass. OPEN AM : 1. Brian How e; 2. Troy Raynor; 3 . Randy Putt. . 250 AM : 1. Bar ry Ross; 2 . Gary Hall ; 3. Mi ke Thuill ier. 125 AM : 1. Kelley Pat e; 2. Aldan Nichol s. VET AM : 1. J ack Rot en; 2. Erich Essw ein. SR AM: 1. Raym ond Panon; 2. Howard Bostrom ; 3. Darr ell Gates. OPEN NOV; 1. Fred Roth; 2. Will iam Freelove; 3 : Chuck Maddox . 25 0 NOV : 1. Devin Ril ey; 2. Jo seph Ram ir ez; 3 . Scott Nicolitz. 125 NO\, : 1. Dean Halverson. VET NOV; 1. Eddie Wa lker; 2. Charlie Spellman. SR NOV; 1. Dougald Mullen; 2. Chuck Bright ly; 3. Ken W ilkes . ' . ; ,

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