Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1987 09 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Belgian Marc Velkeneers f inished th ird in the 125cc class during t he openi ng moto on his Honda; the Belg ians fin ished third with nine poi nts. Dutchman John Van Den Berk rode his 250cc Yamaha t o a second pl ace f inish in t he th ird moto, f inishing behind Rick Johnson, Kees Van der Ven holds off Ward in the fi na l mota; Ward tried f or most of the mota to get past the Dutchman. bu t came up short at the finish. Rick Johnson was all smiles after the U.S. team's victory. is somethin g I ca n tell stories abo ut when I' m an o ld man." "Those guys (Europea ns) cou ld've won it j ust as easi ly as we did," sai d Ward. " It was all up to th e last mot o. I've been in th at situatio n before. We had to win ." ' 'I' m disappo inted ," sa id Geboers. " I didn 't ride too good in th e second hea t. I had a good start, and the n I had to throw my goggles, but it was th e same for everyo ne. Then I crashed; I kept o n cra sh ing. I was quite good if I wa s on th e bike. I'm disappointed." " I think we were a bit unlucky today," said Jobe. "I won th e first heat and Erik wa s second in his first hea t. We were equal in points after the second moto, and if we had a good ra ce in the third heat, we could've won. We showed that we can go fast , that we are abl e to win." "T hat 's racing," continued Jobe. " We fini shed third and I guess that's better than last." • Results MOTO ONE 0 / A: Georges J obe (Hon); 2. Kees Van der Ven (KTM); 3. Jeff Ward (Kaw); 4. Kurt Ljungqvist (Vem); 5. Jean-M ichel Bayle (Hon); 6. Dave Strijbos (Cag); 7. Dietmar Lacher (Hon); B. Marc Velkeneers (Hon); 9. Bob Hannah (Suz); 1D. Jean-Charles Tonu s (KTM) . 125: Jean-Michel Bayle (Hon); 2. Dave Str ijbc s (eag); 3. Marc Velkeneers (Hon); 4. Bob Hannah (Suz); 5. Peter Hansson (KTM); 6. Arto Pantit ila (KTM); 7. Corrado Madd ii (Hon); 8. Stig Thinggaard (Suzt 9. Greg Hanson (Kawt 10. wetter Bartolini (Kaw). • A mud-covered Bob Hannah after the second mota . 500 : Georges Job e (Han); 2. Kees Van der Ven (KTM); 3. Jeff Ward (Kaw); 4. Kurt LjungqviS1 (Yam); 5. Oietmar Lacher (Hanl; 6. Jean-Charles Tenu s (KTM): 7. Ole Svendsen (Kaw ); 8. Glen Nicholson (Yam ); 9 . Craig Dack (Hon); 10 . Rom ano Nannini (KTM). MOTO TWO 0 / A : 1. Rick Jo hnson (Hon); 2. Erik Gebcers (Hon); 3. Bob Hannah (Suz); 4 . Corrado M.ddii (Hon); 5. Marc Velkeneers (Hon); 6. Arto Pantt il. (KTM); 7. Jo hn Van Den Berk (Vam); 8. Roland Oiepo ld (Kaw); 9 . Yann ick Kervella (Hen ); 10. Soren Monensen (Yam). 125: 1. Bob Hanna h (Suz); 2. Corrado Madd ii (Hon t; 3. Marc Velkeneers (Hon); 4. Arto Pann ila (KTM); 5. Peter Hansson (KTM); 6. Pasi HagS10m (KTM); 7. Doug Hoover (Hon); 8. Walter Bart olini (Kaw); 9. Shane King (Hon); 10. Greg Hanso n (Kaw). 250: 1. Rick Jo hnson (Hon); 2. Erik Gebcers (Hon); 3. John Van Den 8erk (Yam); 4. Roland Diepol d (Kaw); 5. Vannick Kervella (Hon); 6. Soren Mortensen (yam); 7. Peter Johansson (KTM); 8. Michele Rinald i (Suz); 9. Sima Taimi (Suz); 10. Robert o Cost a (Hon). MOTO THREE 0 / A: 1. Rick J ohnson (Hon); 2. Kees Van der Ven (KTM); 3. Jeff Wa rd (Kaw ); 4. Kurt Nicoll (Kaw); 5. John Van Den Bar k (Yam); 6. Erik Geboers (Hon); 7. Roland Diepold (Kaw l; 8. Soren Mortensen (Yam); 9. Yannick Kervell a (Hon); 10 . Dletmar Lacher (Hon). 250: 1. Rick J ohnson (Hon); 2. Jo hn Van Den Ber k (Yam); 3. Erik Geboers (Hon); 4. Roland Diapo ld (Kaw); 5. Sore n Mort en sen (Vam); 6. Vannick Kervella (Hon); 7. Peter Johan sson (KTM ); 8. Mic he le Rinal di (Suz); 9. Den is Birr er (Suz); 10. Jeff Surwall (Kaw ). . 500 : 1. Kees Van der Van (KTM); 2. Jeff Ward (Kaw); 3. Kurt Nicoll (Kaw); 4. Dietma r Lacher(Hon); 5. Romano Nann ini (KTM); 6. Giovanni Cavatorta (Hon); 7. Patr ick Fura (Hon); 8. Ole Svendsen (Kaw ); 9. Pablo Calami na (Hanl . FINAL TEAM STAN DINGS: 1. U.S.A (5); 2. Netherla nds (7); 3. 8elgium (9); 4 . German y (16 ); 5. France (19); 6. Italy (22); 7 . Sw eden (24); 8. Denmark (26); 9 . Finland (32); 10. England (34); 11 . San M or ino (34); 12. Cana da (37); 13 . Sw itzerland (38); 14 . Spain (44); 15. Vugoslavia (53). 9

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