Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1987 09 23

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::J Brow wins Stepp Mill Shrine ST OPEN PRO: 1. Garth Brow (Han); 2. Keith WItIIon (Han ); 3. Tommy Si• • on (ylm); 4. Tommy CowIn (Hon); 5. Eric Prior rHon). ~ By Loren & Barbara Williams Bostard, Nelson, Mythen top Pros at IJ) ::l!: « ...J z w TRAVELERS REST , SC, AUG. 29 a: Camel Pro contender Garth Brow, o ...J >- holder of National number 15, CD dominated Open Pro action tonight o on Stepp Mill 's !lIS-mile oval during o th e Shrine short track, held at :I: Q. Riv erside Speedway. Brow, wh o recently relocated from Michigan to Summerville, South Carolina , was second o££ th e line in the first Open Pro heat race a nd inherited th e lead wh en Simpsonvi lle ri der Charles Freem an slid out in tum th ree. Bro w th en powered a way to victory, leading a fierce seco nd-p lace duel between three H onda riders , motocrosser Keith Watson , Tommy Cowan and Richard Shipley. The race for position was between Watson, who held second, and Cowan, w ho wanted it. While . Cowan was able to draw within striking dis tance, Wa tson held onto Winner Garth Brow (15) zipped past an out-of-control Charles Freeman second until the £lag. (6C) during Open Pro short track action at Stepp Mill. Tommy Sisson and his Helton R&D Honda clearly were the fastest . turn b u t Wait was already there. combination in the seco nd Open Pro wh ere he stayed for th e win and th e heat race, although Kirk Hayes and Zemke bumped into Wait, which overall. Wooten was again second for his Jim 's Motorcycle Sa les Honda caused Wait to flip o££ his bike. second overall. McGrath was third gave the leader a good fight in the Wait's bike hooked onto Zemke's , for fourth overall while another early laps. In th e later stages, Sisson's which caused him to flip over his fourth earned Yount third overall. Honda kicked in the afterburner and handlebars with his bike landing on Results h e was gone, leaving Hayes to settle top of him. Both boy s were sh ak en PRO: 1. Tyson Vohland (Kaw); 2. Shaw n Wooten (Hon~ 3. Daryl Vaunt (Kaw) . for seco nd. up, but both were ok ay. The race wa s 50 : 1. K.C. Rigmaideri ( Suz~ 2. Shawn W ilson Brow's Frank Skibba Honda an d ca lled at this point with only two {Yam~ 3. Craig Bradley (Yam). 60: 1. TV Kim (Kaw); 2. Steven Voung /Knutson Sisson's H elton/Morristown Speed laps to go which put Sanchez in lhe { Kaw~ 3. Brian Schrimsher (Kaw). & Sport Yamaha powered off the line first spot, Freeman in secon d, Callen BD BEG: 1. Reid Frigard {Yamt 2. Noel Louthan side by sid e a t th e start of the Open in th ird, Kaw asak i rider s Earnie {Kaw t 3. M.rk Weldy (Kaw). BO NOV: 1. Darren Kitzmiller (Kaw); 2. Shawn P ro mai n eve nt, with Watson 's Martin and J ohn Montes in fourth McDonald rHon~ 3. Jeremv W.tltins (Kaw ). knobby-tired Honda n ipping at th eir and fifth respectively. BO INT: 1. M ike Lozano (Han); 2. D.J . Hausen {Yam~ heels. In th e Pro-Am m ain, Bob Damron 125 BEG: 1. M ike Johnson {Kaw~ 2. Terry Watson took hi s MX bike wa y go t th e h oleshot with Mik e Gresham Lewa llen (Kaw t 3. Wilily (Hon~ do wn lo w in the turns and th e low 125 NOV: 1. Judd Houck ( lC.w~ 2. Bren Boone right behind him. Harl ey-m ounted (K.w); 3. Bobby p ee n {K.wl. lin e paid 9 ££ with two laps to go Mark Key was in th e third spot and 250 BEG: 1. J im Tipton (Yam); 2. Rich B.ker w hen he passed Sisson and set hi s both he an d Gresh am were pushing (Han); 3. Frank DuFur (Han). 250 NOV: 1. Kyle Brown (Han); 2. Tom Berry sig h ts on th e flying Brow. Cowan's hard to overtake Dam ron. H onda (Han); 3. Raben Gramm (Y.m). Honda , m eanwhil e , closed on rid er Bobby McDow ell was a little OPEN BEG: 1. Ritchie Perreira (Han); 2. Howard Halterman (K.w): 3. David King (Han). farther back in fourth while Arthur Sisson. OPEN NOV: 1. Mark Berquist (Vam ~ 2. Shane Tresser tried to work aroun d from Brow took the ch eckers and an easy Davis (KTM); 3. David Hagen (Han). win ahead of Watson. Sisson finished ENDR: 1. Scon Thornburn (Han); 2. Sam Sorroco fifth. On th e second lap, Gresham (Hon); 3. Randy Logarmasino (Kaw) . th ird a he a d o f a hard-charging got by Damron on th e inside and Key . VET NOV: 1. Steve A llen (Suz); 2. Clark Plummer Cowan, and Eric Prior took fifth went by on the outside around th e (Han); 3. Wally McG rath (Han). VET INT: 1. Gary Gallagher{Suz); 2. Dan O' Bergi n despite a mushy rear tire. Kirk Hayes tree turn. Tresser got by McDowell (Han). cla imed-sixth after an unusua lly bad on th e fourth lap wh ile McDowell OT M STR: 1. Larry M ulock (KTM); 2. Dennis Hausma nn (KTM). start, while Rich ard Shipley, George fou n d h imseI£ defending his fifth Galloway and James Moore rounded position against Larry Staggs. At the checkered flag, it wa s Gresh am first, out th e held. Sanchez win Watson, riding another Honda Key second, Damron third, Tresser L.odi m otocrosser, dominated action in th e fourth a nd McDowell wa s still in 250cc Pro class. He was first o££ the fifth. By Mikki McBride line in th e qualifier, followed by Results LODI, CA, AUG. 29 PIW c: 1. Jake Keeney (Yam); 2. Lance Arnold Dayne Pi erantoni and Kirk H ayes. David Sanchez won th e SOcc Expert (Yam); 3. Jim Brown (Yam): 4 . David Gibson (Vam); Wat son won th e qualifier ahead of class tonight at the Lodi Cycle Bowl 5. Daniel Blair (Yam). Pierantoni, Kirk, Cowan, Shipley, PIW B: 1. Helder G. A lvernaz (Yam); 2. Kenny wh en J ake Zemke a nd Matt Wait Schneider (yam); 3. Aaron Gayle (V.m); 4 . David Ch uck Blackmon and J ames Moore. ta ngled a nd went down wh ile batLopez (y.m); 5. Tony Sousa Jr . (Vam). H a yes leaped o u t in front o f VET NOV: 1. W illi am Rider (Han); 2. Timothy tling for th e lead la te in th e race. The Snyde r {Ya m ~ 3. Raben M eiring (Yam); 4 . Kel ly Watson a t th e sta rt o f th e 250cc Pro race wa s ca lled wi th two laps remain Shane (BSA). ma in event, a nd th e front-runn in g VET JR: 1. Dave Bostrom r H o n ~ 2. Bob Spear in.g a nd Sa nc hez was declared th e (Yam); 3. Phil Ray (Tri); 4. Jack Winans {Yam t 5. duo was shadowed closel y by Cowan wm ne r. An M itc hell (Han). and Pierantoni, who were arguing Ya ma ha-mo u nted Ze mk e a n d VET EX: 1. A llen Varrow (y . m); 2. Joh n Hlebo Jr . {Yam ~ 3. Mark Butler {Yamt, 4 . Roy Fisher (RlX). over th ird . F irst Watson , the n Ka wa saki-mounted Wait shot o ££ th e VlNT: 1. Phil R.y (Trit 2. Francisco (Han); Co wan , passed Hayes an d, for a time, lin e at th e same ti me with Zem ke 3. Jerry Steele (M . i). they roared aro un d th e oval three 60 NOV-JR : 1. Eric Bostrom (Han); 2. Jeff getting a slight edge over Wait for Gabhan (K.w); 3. Jo hn M it chell {Cert 4 . J.rid abreast whi le Pi erantoni watch ed th e first spot o n th e TT track. Third Banks (K.wt 5. C.sey V. rrow (K. w) . fro m fourth pl ace. BD NOV: 1. Tory Bost rom (Hon); 2. Steve Hlebo place rid er was Honda-mounted (Suzt 3. Tim Alvernaz (Yam); 4 . David Snow (Suz). • Wats on powered h ome th e winner , H erb ie Ca llen , wh o is a newcomer BD JR: 1. Ben Bostrom (Han); 2. Scon Br icker whi le Hayes repassed Cowan to set to th e Expert ra n ks this year. 'Wa lt (Han); 3. Cory V.rrow{y.m); 4 . John M itchell (Han); 5. N.than Wait (Kaw). th e top three positions. Cowan stuck was on Zem ke 's ba ck wheel every step BD EX: 1. David S.nchez (V.m); 2. Anthony to Hayes like glue for the rest of th e o f th e way with a good lead over th e Freeman (Hon); 3. Herbert Callen (Hon); 4 . Earnie Martin (Kaw ); 5. Martin Montes (Kaw). race but co u ldn' t get back aro u n d. rest of th e p ack. David Sanchez a nd ' 125 ·200 NOV·JR : 1. P.ul PO/hem.s (Kaw); 2. Anth on y Fr eeman both scooted Pi erantoni had his hands full with John Nva.ree (Han); 3. Russ Brown {kaw~ 4 . Bill Holland (Suz); 5. David Gilroy (C-A) . underneath Callen when he went a Shipley in the final laps, and Shipley 250 NOV: 1. Neil Clifton (Ho n~ 2. Scan Buchman little too wide in the tree turn but finall y m anaged to sneak past Pier(Suz); 3. Will Vantessel (Kaw); 4. Norman Nesbin Callen kept a close fifth behind (y.m); 5. Todd Tolbenson (Kaw) . antoni 's Yamaha coming out of a 250 JR -EX: 1. Evan Plym ale (Suz); 2. W illi am Freeman and a lmost repassed him a tu rn to ta ke fourth . Pierantoni, like Arbogast (Suz); 3. Sean Plym al e rSuz). few times. Cowan, co u ld n' t ge t back aroun d 500 OPEN NOV: 1. W illi .m Ride" (Han); 2. M ich. el M erc k ( Ka w~ 3. Raben M eir ing (Vam); 4 . In th e meantime, Zemke and Wait and he had to settle for fift h. James Judd (Yam); 5. David J oin er (Y a m~. were still battling it out in the front 500 OPEN JR : 1. n eve Bostrom (Han); 2. Results Sherm. n Gresham (RlX); 3. Joseph Pineda (Han ); . of th e pack . Wait began to gain more 250 A M : 1. Tim Harmcn (Han); 2. Joh n D. vis 4. Gary Dordeiro (Han); 5. Jeff Elgersma (Yam). ground on Zemke coming out of the (C-A). 500 Open EX: 1. Mike Gresham (AlX~ 2. A n h ur 250 PRO: 1. Keith W. t son (H on~ 2. Kirk Haye. tree turn and heading for the infield Tresser (RlXt, 3. Bobby McDowell (Han); 4. Steve {Hon~ 3. Tommy Cowan (Han); 4. Richard Sh ipley R.ymond (Hus); 5. Randy Fisher ·(H-D). when Wait made a move to take the (Hont, 5. Dayne Pi.... m oni (Y.m). PRO-AM: 1. Mike Gresham (AlX~ 2. Mark Key outside of the upcoming right turn. OPEN AM : 1. Loren Willilm. (Kaw) ; 2. Rick Story (H - D~ 3. Raben Dam ron (AlX); 4 . Anhur Tresset" (yam). (AlX); 5. Bobby M cDowell (Han). Zemke also began setting up for the ... at 40 snags TT • Dixon Motocross By Nuklear Neukam DIXON, CA, AUG. 23 T erry Bastard, Jon Nel son a n d Richard Mythen were th e overall winners in the 125, 250 an d 500cc Pro classes, respectively, at th e CMC Motocross at Argyl Park. Fox USA/Scott G oggl e/Rock Oilsponsored Bostard £lew hi s Yamaha to both l2 5cc Pro moto wins for the overa ll while seco n d overa ll went to Fox teammate J on Nel son with a !l2 score. Marin Motorsports/O'Nealsponsored Sean Conley secured third overall with a 5-3. A pair of fou rt hs gave Tri-Valley Honda ace Danny . Paladino fourth overall. In the 250cc Pro class Bostard flew into the lead of th e first moto and didn't look back until the chec kered £lag £lew . Team US ISmi th supported Nelson pi lo ted his CR250 in for a close second wi th third going to H onda-m ounted Rich Mythen. Moto two belonged to "Knarley" Nelson as he topped Kawasaki ace Conley for the overall. A first mot o sixth held the Marin Motorsports backed Conley to fourth overall. Yamaha-mounted Je££ Pestana co mbined the consistency of a third with his fourth the first time out for third overall. A crash resulted in Bastard taking fifth but his first moto victory helped him into second overall. H onda-mounted My th en wo n both 500cc Pro m ot os for th e overa ll but had to contend wit h stro n g challenges from Steve Machado , who was th e runn er-up and Marin Motorsports/Hi-Pointl Arai ri der Brett Cahors, who sco red th ir d overall. Breaking th e red strea k wa s Dav e Pile o n hi s a gin g Si erral Answer Products Yam aha in fourth overa l. Dominating th e SOcc J u nior class was Case y "Jet" Johnson aboard his Fairfield Kawasaki as he m otored to both moto wins. Second overall wen t to Chris McCaullie on a Yamaha and Kawasaki -mounted Joe Curtright took third overall. P a t Lutz a n d J ason Johnso n ba ttled it out in th e l25cc Junior class, trading moto wins each mota. Lutz came out on top in the second and deciding moto , however , for the overall. Third overall went to J ohn " Mel vin" Stark. Results 125 PRO: 1. Terry Bostard (Vl ml; 2. Jon Nelson (Hon ~ 3. Sean Conley (Kaw ). . 250 PRO: 1. J on Nelson (Han); 2. Terry Bost.rd (Hon); 3. Jeff Pestana (Yam). 500 PRO: 1. Ric h Mythen (Han); 2. Steve Machado (Han); 3. Bren Cahors (Han). 125 INT: 1. J immy Clay (Hon); 2. Tony Br.nson{Yam ~ 3. Ray Crumb (Kaw) . 250 INT: 1. Tyl er Edwards (Ha n ); 2. Mike Menning ( H o n~ 3. Kun Kuhn (K.w) . 500 INT: 1. R.ndy Law (Hon); 2. Phil Rose (Han); 3. J im D.II.ra (Han). 60 : 1. Casey Johnson (Kaw); 2. Johnny Cipollin. (Kaw ); 3. Steven Voung /Knutson (Kaw) . BD BEG: 1. Jake Windham (K.w); 2. Chr is Green (Han); 3. Keith Kroll (Han). BO JR : 1. Casey Johnson (K.w); 2. Chris McCaullie (Yam); 3 . Joe Cunright rKaw). BD INT: 1. Pete Pia nta nida (Hon); 2. Man su rman (Han); 3. D.nny Nelson (Kaw) . 12 5 BEG: 1. M.n Lorenzo (Kaw); 2. G. ry Shoemaker (V.m); 3. Eric Ducray (Hon). 125 JR: 1. Pat Lutz (Kaw); 2. J.son Johnson (Kaw); 3. Melvin St.rk rK.w). 250 BEG: 1. J erry Beuders (Kaw); 2. Ja mes Randolph (Kaw); 3. Craig Bony.rd (Han). 250 J R: 1. Scan McCoy (Han); 2. Ver ni n Copelan d (Han); 3. Steve Nelson (Han). 500 BEG: 1. Ron Kirg. n (K.w); 2. How .rd · Halle rman (K.w); 3. Ur.d Braly (Y.m). 500 JR: 1. J esse Ocho a (Han); 2. Scan Shamblin (Han ); 3.M ark Ster lin g rHon). VET JR: 1. Larry Brober g (Han); 2. Dick Sm ith (Han ); 3. Tim O·Har. (KTM ). VET INT: 1. M .rk Sterling (Han); 2. Gary Selby (Kaw); 3. G.ry Jaehn e (K.w) . . VET MSTR: 1. Russ D. ley rKaw); 2. Craig Schulz (Kaw); 3. St eve Law (Han). OT JR: 1. Fr.nk Louth.n (Kaw); 2. Fred saesen (Hon); 3. Dan Delwiche (Han). OT INT: 1. Erv Riten burg (KTM); 2. Merrill Remp her (KTM ~ 3. Jim Armanda (Han). OT M STR: 1. St eve Machado (Hoo t 2. Bill CHon~ McC li mon (ATKt 3. Dan Swe ri _

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