Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1987 09 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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When asked what happened, Bush 's eyes sna pped and he said, " I ran into th e ribbon marking th e course, wh at else?" At the other end of the jubilatio n scale, Jay Lockwood riding a 175cc Can-Am in th e Lighweigh t A class came into the fin al barrels half a bike length ahead of Getz. Lo ckwood saw Getz was beh ind him a nd fo r a co up le of moments tho ugh t he had won ov erall in addition to the Lightweight A class. " I was a ll excited, " said Lockw ood , " b u t I kn ew so me th ing had to be wrong. I didn't win overall, Kelly lacked a bike length of lapping m e." Results 0 / A: Kelly Getz (C-A). EX: 1. Kelly Getz (C-A); 2. Jeff Stevenson (KTM); 3. Harvey Whipple (Kaw ); 4. Craig Hayes (Hus); 5. John Bush (C-A). VW A: 1. Jay Lockwood (C-A); 2. Dave Edsall (KTM); 3. Jeff Mcintyre (C-A); 4 . Jo rge Caballero (Hus); 5. larry Vegter (C-A). HIW A : 1. larry Sullivan (C-A); 2. John Hardin (C·A); 3. Rich Cannon (Hus). l /W B: 1. Jeff Mercer (Han); 2. John Mercer (Kaw); 3, Jeff Daughty (Yam); 4 . Jason Kauzlarich (Kaw ); 5. Craig Bednson (kaw) . H/W B: 1. Steve Fiedler (Hus); 2. Tony Blu nk (Yam); 3. Dennis Utt (Hus); 4 . Tom Balk (C-A); 5. Terry Gerken (Hus). . . SR: 1. Mike Ellis (C-A ); 2. Dale Steereburg (C· A); 3. Ronald Russell (Han); 4. Craig Olsen (Kaw); 5. Mike Allen (ATK). MINI ; 1. Trea Prudy (Kaw); 2. Eric Clapp (Suz); 3. Troy Bruder (Kaw); 4. Jamie Whipple (Yam); 5. Chuck Cunn ingh am (Kaw) . C: 1. Kelly Cooper (Hus); 2. Tom Sharp (Yam); 3. Kevin Severson (Hus); 4... anny RODS(e-A) . D Rose rolls at Middleford'Spdwy By Woody Miller SEAFORD, DE, AUG. IS Bob Ros e took double class wins in th e 125 A and 250cc A classes today at Middleford Speedway. Rose had , a perfect day winning all four motos aboard his Kawasaki. In the 125cc A class , Kenny Piggins kept the pressure on Ros e to finish 2-2 for the day aboard a Kawasaki: In the Amateur ranks, Brian Callahan took his second double-class win of the year aboard his Honda East-sp onsored machinery. Callahan won the 125cc B overall, by winning both motos o ver cu rren t points leader Gene Kaczka. In th e 500cc A clas s Darren Davi s remained undefeated in th e class with a I-I score for th e day , while Mik e Wilson contin ued his dominance of th e 80cc A class. Results 80 B: 1. Mike Vzinski (Yam); 2. Brian Shilliman (Yam). 80 A: 1. Mike Wilson (Yam); 2. Andre Henry (Kaw) . 125 B; 1. Brian Callahan (Han); 2. Gene Kaczka (Han). 125 A : 1. Bob Rose (Kaw); 2. Kenny Riggins (Kaw) . 250 B: 1. Brian Callahan (Han); 2. 8ill Nazelrod (Han); 3. Doug Haring (Han); 4. Joe Blev ins (Yam). 250 A: 1. Bob Rose (Kaw ); 2. Robert Jones (Kaw) . 500 A: 1. Darren Davis (Kaw). Johnson jams at Rolling Hills MX By Henry Muller REIDSVILLE, NC , AUG. 22 Ron Joh nson rode unch all en ged to th e win in th e 250cc Novice main at R olling Hills MX tonight. J ohnson go t a jump o n th e field at th e start of the main and led through the tight S turns while th e pack sh uffled and th e battle for second heated up. Tim Man tooth squeezed hi s Yamaha into second and stayed there while Lee Martin and T im Wilkerson argued over third. At th e 'fin ish it was Johnson with a huge lead over Mantooth with Wilk erson holding off Martin for third. .. Eric Sm i th led th e sta rt of th e l 25cc Novice main ahead of Mik e Eastwood and Derek Wal ston with Noel Barker and Brent Martin banging elb ow s for fourth. On lap three Wat son began hi s move to th e front a nd ducked under East woo d as th ey en tered th e wh oops. T he next lap saw Wal ston use the same spot to pass Smith for th e lead . Eastwood ch allenged Smi th for second and th e two riders tangl ed, allowing Barker and Martin to sli p past. Wal ston ra n off with th e win with Barker holding secon d whil e Ea stweood ca ugh t Mar tin at th e finish for third. Martin a nd Smith ro unded o u t th e top five. Gr eg Erwin was' qu ickest off the line in the 125cc Amateur main and rode a perfect race to take th e win over Jim Neese a nd J eff White. Lonnie Taylor wo n h is heat but could only muster a fourth in th e main overTim Langdon. Steve Starnes and Clayton Leach put o n a show for the cro wd in th e Open Amateur main as th ey battled tooth and nail from start to fin ish. Starnes never gave an inch and took the win by a bike length over Leach with Jody Sparks third. Rusty Coleman styled to the win in the Super Mini main on his Acm e Cf'J Ru sty Coleman finished first in the S uper M ini cla ss and sec ond in the Seni or Mini Div ision at RoIling Hills MX. Paints Yamaha over Tilden Styr on with J on 'Whetzel o n a Suzuki taking th ird. The Senior Mini m ain saw Yamaha of Lumberton's Rusty Col eman with th e holeshot foll ow ed by Styron, Wh etzel and Jim Neese. Lap two witnessed Neese on a charge th at brought him up o n the leaders, dropping Wh etzel to fourth. Neese displaced Styron and then mov ed past Col eman to take the lead and the win. Col eman held on for second over Styron and Wh etzel. Results JR MINI : 1. Patr ick Greer (Kaw); 2. Chad lowe (Kaw); 3. Kelly Kell is (yam) . SR MINI ; 1. J im Neese (Yam); 2. Rusty Coleman (Yam); 3. Tilden Styron (Kaw) . . S/MINI : 1. Rusty Coleman (Yam); 2. Tilden , Styron (Kaw); 3. Jon Whetzel (Suz). 125 NOV; 1. Derek Walston (Yam); 2. Noel Barker (Han); 3. Mike Eastwood (Han). 12 5 AM : 1. Greg Erwin (Han); 2. Jim Neese (Yam); 3. Jeff White (Yam). , 250 NOV ; 1. Ron Johnson (Han); 2 . Tim Mantooth (Yam); 3. Tim Wilkerson (Han). 250 AM : 1. Tracy langdon (Yam). OPEN AM ; 1. Steve St ar nes (Kaw); 2. Clayton Leach (Kaw); 3. Jody Sparks (Han). PRO; 1. Eddy Penny (Suz); 2. Rick Gatuccio (Han); 3. Bob Maner (Han). Musselman hooks up at TroyMX By Susan Willian T RO Y, OH, AUG. 30 Mark Mu sselm an, wh o was plagu ed by injuri es earlier in th e season, was in true form ashe perfected th e Ligh tweig ht A for th e overa ll and too k th e o vera ll h onors in th e H eavyweig h t A wit h a 2-1 at th e David Swingley Memorial race at Ken worthy's P ro -Nati on al ca liber track. T he first mo to of th e Lightweight class saw a clea n start, as Ohio's Chuck Reed fired to th e fro nt of the pack to be chased by Jim Lar ge, Jim J ones and Mu sselman, The firs t lap saw Musselman jump through th e dirt y dozen (a dozen wh oops), to move by riders in m ida ir. Mus selman and Jones went at it handlebar-tohandlebar for a battl e for seco nd as Pepsi' s Jon Agin moved into fourth. Mu sselm an sneaked by J ones in a turn taking over seco nd. He th en kicked it down to take the lead from Reed by lap three as Agin moved into third by Jones. By the fourt h lap, the first three riders, Musselman, Reed and Agin pulled away from the pack. Agin fou nd a hot line on the inside to .take second from Reed. Musselman rode to the ch eckered with Agin second and Reed third. Musselman fired off of the gate in moto two as h e was pursued by Agin. Agin made a move o n the inside th rough th e dirty dozen to try for Musselman, but Musselman shut th e door o n Agin. 'The du o continued to battle when on lap three, Agin devloped some problems to fall off th e pace allowin g Mu sselman to str etch out a sizable lead . Musselm an fini sh ed fir st with Agin taking ano ther second. In moto' one of the H eavyweight A class, Scotty Watkins took th e lead with Musselman fourt h and Agin back to seventh. Mu sselman tripled th rough the dirty dozen to move into third and charge for second pl ace, Scott Paul. Watkins contin ued to p i lo t hi s m a chine in th e front position as Mu sselman tri ed for Paul through th e dirty dozen . But Paul h eld o ff Mussel man 's agg ressive' moves. The Bias Gap saw Mu sselman make a fast move to go by Paul taking over second. Musselman th en . charged for Watkins. Meanwhile, Agin and Paul bumped in midair through the dirty dozen as Agin moved into third and Paul took a soi l sample. Watkins maintained a six second lead foll owed by Mu sselman and Agin. Two la ps before th e checkered, Watkins took a hard crash as he wen t o u t of control over th e su percross jumps. " My foot slipped off th e footp eg and the th rottle stuc k open. I cou ldn't get to the brake in ti me," co m men ted Watkins. T he fin al lap saw Agi n make a move on Mu sselman to come from sevent h on the start to tak e first in th e mot o with Mu sselm an second, Paul third and Watkins retiring for th e day. Agin s tormed the pack in mo to two, as Mu sselm an and Paul pl ayed chas e. Paul had trouble over Bias Ga p as Mu sselm an almos t jumped on him. By th e end of lap one, Musselman was in com ma nd to take it to th e checkered for th e overa ll. Agin claim ed seco nd whi le Pau l dropped to th e rear of the pack after getting sq ueezed o ut. Results 125 B 0 - 1: 1. Jeff Craddock (Suz); 2. ,J ohn Hatfield (Suz); 3. Bill Will iams (Han). 125 B 0 -2: 1. James Eickel (Yam); 2. Brad Davis; 3. Mi ke Hogan. SCHBY; 1. Ryan Smhh (Yam); 2. Scott Davis (Kaw); 3. Carl Williams (Kaw). 80 JR: 1. Greg Rand (Yam); 2. Brian Blackl Kaw); 3. Bo Morr is (Kaw). SR: 1. Tim Smith (Kaw); 2. kim Lefever (Yam); 3. Ted Rusch (KTM ). 25 0 B: 1. Jeff Miller (Yam); 2. Tim Smhh (Kaw); 3. Jas on Snyder (Han). AUTO: 1. Mi chael Ivers (Yam); 2. Jake Morris (Yam); 3. Me lissa Williams (Yam). OPEN B: 1. Mett Kelley (Yam); 2. Jim Krauser (Han); 3. James Henderson (Han). BO SR; 1. Chris Donaldson (Kaw); 2. Step hen 37

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