Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1987 09 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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World Championship Obserred Trials Series: Round 10 Tarres tops Michaud in Czech Trials RICANY, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, AUG . 30 Spanish teenager jordi Tarres stunned defending World Champion Thierry Michaud as he came back from a ninepoint deficit after two laps to turn in a stunn ing performance o n the third and final 17-section lap and top Michaud, 89 to 96, in the Czech round of th e series. The win by T err es in Ricany moved him a step closer to th e World Championship title as he now leads Michaud, 162 to 146, with but two rounds remaining in the series. Fantic-rno unted Michaud turned in a first lap score of 29 and a second lap score of 32, as Beta-mo un ted Tarres logged lap s of 30 and 40. But the th ird lap saw Tarres shock everyone on hand as he turned in a score of just 19 marks while Michaud dropped 35. No one came near the top two finishers in the event that was cond ucted with a variety of sections ranging from muddy to rocky sectio ns , plus river and hill sections. Finishing third behind Tarres and Frenchman Michaud was Ital y's Diego Bosis, on an Aprilia, with a score of 1I5. Bosis is third in the point standings with 138as the series comes to a conclusion with the final two rounds taking place in Switzeland and Sweden . Results 1. Jordi Terres (Bet) B9; 2. Thierry M ichaud (Fan) 96 ; 3. Diego Basis (Apr) 115; 4. Donato Migli o (Gar) 127; 5. Phillip pe Ber lat ier (Man) 133 ; 6. Pascal Cout ur ier (M er ) 145; 7. Renata Chiabeno (Bet) 146; B. An dr eu Codina (G-G) 15 5; 9. Eddy Lejeune (Hon) 155 ; 10. St eve Sau nders (Fan) 116 0. POINT STA NDINGS; 1. Tarres (162 ); 2. Michaud (146); 3 . Basis (13B); 4 . Saunders (11 4) ; 5. Cout urier (77); 6. Gabino Renales (77); 7. Berl at ier (69); B. Codin a 166); 9. Chiabeno (Bet); 100. Tony Scarl ett 1 ). 60 Dailey, Huffman top Washougal MX By Clay Light WASHOUGAL, WA, SEPT. 5 T eam Green 's J eer Dail y won a 125cc Intermediat e thriller, beating H onda-mounted Ed Jensen and Bobb y Steiner at Washougal Motocr o ss Park during Motocross Northwest san ctioned racing. In the 80cc Intermediat e class th ere was a classic battle between Ryan Huffman , Dann y U lven and Jason McCormick with Huffman coming ou t on top. Professional racing was also quite good. Phil Larson came armed with hi s Yamaha and after two impressive rides, carded a I-I score for the Open Pro overall. Hart's 2-2 placings were good eno ugh for runner-up laurels ahead of Reid Goldman . . Larry Ward rode to I-I wins in the 125cc and 250cc Pro classes in his return to 'the northwest. In the 125cc Pro class Ward's main compe tition came from Honda-mounted Steve Friesen and Tony Graves. Friesen used 3-2 performances to log second overall whi le G raves took th ird with 2-3 rides. Graves also ne tted a paycheck in the 250cc Pro class. In what was only Graves' second Pro race, he chased Ward to the finish in both mo tos for a 2-2 second. Scott Williams has been th e dom inant rider in the O pen Intermedia te class the past several outings. Today, the H onda speedster's wins were not without a battle as Kur t Stevens gave chase, but to no avail as Williams was unstoppable. Stevens' 2-2 rides were good for second. and T ed DeVol took third. Results OPEN PRO: 1. Phil Larson (Yam); 2. Grayson Han (Han); 3. Reid Goldman (Han). 250 PRO: 1. Larry W ard (Yamt 2. Tony Graves (Han); 3. Tim Walker (KTM). 125 PRO: 1. Larry Ward (Vamt 2. Steve Freisen (Han); 3. Tony Graves (Han). OPEN INT: 1. Scott W illiams (Han ); 2. Kun . Stevens (Hont 3. Ted DeVol (Kaw). 250 INT: 1. Bobby Steiner (Kaw); 2. Tracey Bethe l (Kaw); 3. Brian Hall (KTM ). . 125 INT: 1. Jeff Daily (Kaw ); 2. Ed Jensen (Han); 3. Bobby Stein er (Kaw). BO INT: 1. Ryan Huffman (Yamt 2. Dann y Ulven (Kaw); 3. Jason McCormick (Kaw) . 60 INT: 1. Eric Burkinshaw (Kaw); 2. Cory Fuller (Kaw ); 3. Todd Kibble (Kaw). OPEN JR : 1. Steve Shepard (Han); 2. Shawn Colangelo (Kaw); 3. Rob Johnson (Han). 250 J R: 1. Ron Westlake (Han); 2. Scot Bergren (Han); 3. Ryan McVay (Kaw) . 125 J R: 1. Cory Mcintyre (Han); 2 . To ny Sandstrom (Han); 3. J ason FlCk(Kaw) . BO J R: 1. Steve Salmon (Hon); 2. Brett Butl er (Han); 3. Chr is Pat erson (Vam). 60 JR: 1. Russ Postman (Kaw); 2. Doug M cKuh n (Kaw); 3. M ike Ulven (Kaw). 30-40 s: 1. Reid Gol dman (Han); 2. J im Parks (Han); 3. Mike Crandell (Han). 30-40 INT: 1. J im Harr is (Hon); 2. Keith Bow man (Han). 30 -40 J R: 1. Rick Howard (su z); 2. George Fransen IHon ); 3. Dale Wa itt (Vam). OT INT: 1. Rich Duncan IHon); 2. Bill Newman (s uz); 3. M ike Reuth er (s uz). UTH: 1. Ron Sun (Kaw); 2. Jeff Birkesto l (Han); 3. Scott Bergren (Hon).. PIW: 1. Rob Holtgre n (Yam); 2. Jeff Longie (s uz); 3. Troy Howa rd (Yam). 105: 1. Ryan H uffman (Yam); 2 . Danny Ulven (Kaw) . James hits jackpot in Grattan Road Race By Larry Lawrence GRATTAN, MI, AUG. 30 For th e second ra ce weekend in a row a southern rider came up to cen tra l , Michigan 's picturesque Grattan Ra ceway and conquered th e northern bo ys on their hom e track to tak e home the first place Suzuki money. This weekend Jamie James of Louisiana brought up his Quick Sand & Gravel /Dunlop/Scooter St afford Suzuki GSXRs and won th e A and B Production races, taking home o ver $2 30 fo r his efforts. Scott Zampach con tinued hi s domination of the Michigan Gran Prix and won his sixth in a row over Fritz Klin g and James. James had a di sadvantage com ing into th e weekend having blown th e engine in hi s 750 during Friday 's pr actice session. " A pi ece of some thing go t caugh t in an oil passa/?e and it seized th e camshaft," said J am es. With the 750 being rebu ilt J am es mi ssed Saturday's B Production heat race and had to start on th e back row for th e fin al Sunday. At the start of th e final Mark Tanner jumped to a quick lead followed by Gene Burcham and James, who got a great start and darted quickly through the field. By th e end of the second lap James . moved around Burcham and was pressuring Tanner wh en Tanner crashed and gave James th e lead. In the meantime Zampach was making his move throuugh th e field and had mov ed up into second by the third lap. By la p five James, who was running consistent I:30s, had a 3.5 second lead on Zampach. By th e checkered flag th e gap between first and second was nearly five seconds. Fritz Kling, riding a bo rro wed GSXR750, closed in on third place Burcham on the last lap .and made an attempt to draft by bu t Burcham held on for th ird pl ace and $400. The A Production contest came down to J ames and Zampach again. This time J ames, with near record lap times (his best was a I:28.29) in gusty winds, pu lled away gradually and won with a comfortable lead at the end. . For James it was a highly prof- Jamie James won the A and B Production classes at Gra ttan and took a third in the M ichigan Grand Prix. itable weekend. "I followed Zarnpach around a little this weekend and I found one really good line he was taking through th e esses wh ich helped me bring down my lap times. " Resu lts Dunfee loaned his machine to his sister, La na Ford, who p laced fifth in the 250cc Begin ner clas s. "She used to beat me all th e tim e," he said, recalling Ford racing him on a mini. Good weather, and generally good track conditions - spo tted by a few mud puddles - made for exciting racing and a large turnout of both spectators and competitors. There were nine events, including a Pee Wee event which saw participants as young as four-and-a-half years old. An outstanding performance was turned in by 15- year-old Jason Krempin, riding a Kawasaki mini. He won four motos in two events to tak e the Mini Senior and Mini Open classes. The competition drew participants from as far away as Kansas, Louisiana and Monterrey, Mexico. M ICHIGAN GP: 1. Scott lampach Isuz); 2. Fr itz Kling (Vam); 3. J amie J ames (suz); 4. Phil Pummell (Han); 5. Ed Key (suz). A PROD EX: 1. Jamie James (suz) ; 2. Scott lampach (suz); 3. Denn is Manin (Yam); 4 . Randy Gaddey (suz) . A PROD NOV: 1. Dave Probst (suz); 2. Carl Musat (SUl.); 3. Er ic Lacruze (5ulo); 4 . Greg Karm (Sulo); 5 . Brian Lantz (Yam). B PROD EX: 1. Jamie James (suz) ; 2. Scott lampach (suz); 3. Gene Bur cham (suz); 4 . Fritz Kling (suzl; 5. Dave Barnard (suz) . B PROD NOV: 1. Dave Probst (s uz); 2. Eric Lacruze (suzt 3. Carl Musat (suz); 4 . Dave Hansen (yam); 5. Ed Hessle (suz) . C PROD EX: 1. Mark Oldh am (Han); 2. Ed Key (Han); 3. Steve Taylor (Han); 4. M ike Galloway (Yam); 5. Je rry Shelley (Yam). C PROD NOV: 1. Steve Ross (Han); 2. Brett Cecchini (Hon); 3. Alan Bern agno li (Hon): 4. Gary Jeffries (Han); 5. Wenda II Wa re (Han). PROD EX: 1. Randy Gaddey (Yam); 2. Steve Pan erson (Vam); 3. J erry Shelley (Vam); 4 . Bob Row lands (Yam). PROD NOV: 1. Matt W innacker (Kaw t 2. Dan Lawry (Vam); 3. Brad Ma rt in (Yam); 4. Ed Vannoll er (Ha n); 5. Chic Cecchini (Yam). A s /B K: 1. Fritz Kli ng (Vam); 2. Ed Key Isuz); 3. Mark Tan ner (Suz]: 4 . Rick Darl ing (Suz); 5. Dennis Mart in (Yam). B s /B K EX: 1. Fritz Kli ng (Vam); 2. M ark Oldham (Hon); 3 . Dave Schm idt (Suz); 4 . Dave Barn ard (s uz); 5. Rand y Gaddey (Vam). B s /B K NOV: 1. J eff Gayno r (Vam); 2. Dave Probst (s uz); 3. Dave Hansen (Vam); 4. Greg Karm (suz) ; 5. Ed HesseltSuz). C s /BK EX: 1. Frit z Kli ng (Hon); 2. Ed Key (Han ); 3. M ar k Oldham (Han); 4. Rand y Gaddey (Vam); 5. Mike Gall oway (Vam). C s /BK EX: 1. Fritz Kling (Han); 2. Ed Key (Han); 3. Mark Oldham (Hon); 4. Randy Gaddey (Vam); 5. M ike Galloway (Varni. C s / BK NOV: 1. St eve Ross (Han); 2. Alan Ben agnoli (Honr. 3. Brett Cecchini (Han); 4 . Gary J eff ri es (Hon); 5. Eric Lacruze (Hon). o s / BK EX: 1. St eve Pan erson (Yam); 2. Bob Newby (Vam); 3. Randy Gaddey (Vam); 4 . Larry Cohee (Vam). s /BK NOV: 1. Paul Vitale (Yam); 2. Johnathan Jo seph (Yam); 3. Matt Winnacker (Kaw); 4 . Dan Lowrey (Vam); 5. Ed Van oller (Vam). F·l : 1. Dave Kna p p(Yam ~ 2. David schmidt(suz); 3. Dennis Manin (Yam); 4. Rick Darling (suzt 5. M ike Ma ines (suz). F-2 EX: 1. Manin M iller (Vamt 2. Steve Taylor (RlX); 3. Ralph Farmer. F-2 NOV: 1. Tom Foerc h (Yam); 2. Dan Salton (Yam); 3. Chris Hin es (Yam); 4. Ken Koseracke (Yam); 5. James Hawkins (Varni. . F-3 EX: 1. Tom Exinger (Kaw); 2. Grodon Hamilt on (Kaw). CLBMN : 1. J oh n Love (Vam); 2. Tom Exinger (Kaw); 3. Buzz Pr itz (Han); 4 . Jeff Johnson (Han); 5. Gordon Ham ilt on (Kawl. V1NT 2: 1. Greg Wells (Bs A); 2. Gerald Gill en (Bs A): 3. Randy IIIg (Nor). V1 3: 1. Richa rd Greenwav; 2. Randy Ilig . NT POCKET ROCKET: 1. M anty M ill er (Vam); 2. Tom Nel son (Yam); 3. J ohn Love (Vam); 4 . Ed Key (s uz). o Results o COMB 125/250 EX: 1. Ron Dunfee (Han ); 2. J ack Beckham (Han); 3. M ike Bradshaw (Han); 4. David Campbell (Yam); 5. Donn ie Roland (Han). 250 INT: 1. Preston Mc Donald (Vam); 2. Hu nt er Carothers (Han); 3. Ma tt Chapa; 4. Tony Hern ando (kaw); 5. Gabr iel Guardado. 12 5 NOV: 1. Dann y Pert (Kaw); 2. Tom as Escamilla (5ulo); 3. Kenny Klei n (Kaw l; 4. Eric Hoy (suz); 5. Kr is Hughes (suz). 12 5 OPEN: 1. Tyler Larson ; 2. Kirk Clovis. M INI sR BEG: 1. William Henk (KTM); 2. Allen May (Yam); 3 . J am es Mitchell (Kaw); 4 . Br uce Mancha (Kaw); 5. Todd Tetrault (Han). MINI OPEN: 1. J ason Kremp in (Kaw); 2. Rowdy Flanagan (Kaw); 3. Chr is Ryan (Kaw) . MINI MINI: 1. Clint Lathan; 2. John Hanner (Kaw); 3. Kristy Shealy (kaw); 4 . Jack Martinez (Kaw). 125 BEG: 1. Billy Mayes (Kaw); 2. Earl Ingram (Kaw); 3 . Greg Cer nose k (Han); 4. Lui s Garza (Kaw) ; 5. M ike Msninez (Suz). 250 BEG: 1. Wallace Jackson IHon); 2. J oe Blanco (Han); 3. Jon Ball (Kaw); 4. Pete Gomez (Yam); 5. Lana Ford (Han). PIW: 1. J ack Maninez (Kaw) ; 2. Dusty Weygandt; 3. Br ian Johnson (RRJ; 4 . Joe Martinez; 5. . Joe Martinez Jr. (Yam). OVER 30: 1. Edward Hays Jr .; 2. Rob Talbon (Yam); 3. Rocky French (Cag). OVER 40: 1. Smokey Joe M il ian (Yam); 2. Butch o Dunfee tops Texas SX.Championship By Warren E. Domke NATALI A, TX, SEP T. 5 Ro n Du nfee, ridi ng a CR250 H onda , easily took bo th mOlDS in the 250cc Expert class a t the Texas State Supercross Championship finals, he ld at Goodtimes Motor Sports Park. Fa miliarity with the Goodtimes track helped Dunfee take early leads in both mOlDS. Moorman. . 250 NOV: 1. Chr is Russell ; 2. Gabr iel Guardado; 3. Tomas Escamill a (suz). MIN I JR : 1. Dustin Tray lor (Kaw); 2. Clint Latham. MIN I s R: 1. Jason Krempin (Kaw); 2. Rowdy Flanagan (Kaw) ; 3. Chr is Ryan (Kaw); 4 . M icky Moorman (Kaw) . OPEN: 1. Edward Hays Jr.; 2. Ralph Ragland. 125 INT: 1. Pedro Gonzales; 2. Chris Babin; 3. M an Chapa; 4. Roddy Lewis (Kaw); 5. J eff Kline. Starr dominates Pennsylvania ST By Donna Smith ROCHEST ER, PA, SEPT. 4 Paul Starr dom inated the 125 and 250cc Expert classes wi th start to finis h wins at the sixth round of th e Pen nsylvan ia State Fair Dir t Track Series held on the 1110 mile short track. Starr, the point leader in the 125cc Expert class, was ou t of the ch u te first, pushed hard and was never threatened the entire race. Dan Harvey ' finished a distant second 33

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