Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1987 09 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Davis at this point was a distant 12th and making up time everywhere. For five laps the race was without any change and the top five riders all remained in the same positions. The only rider making any noticeable improvement was that of Davis, who had worked himself up to sixth by lap six. . With Manneh out in front the race was beginning to come to a dose. On the seventh lap, Young running fourth got ou t of shape in a rough part of the track and went down. He surrendered his position to Kiedrowski and this mo ved up Davi s to fifth. Manneh went on to win th e rnoto ahead of Lewis and Matiasevich. When the 250s roared off the line and the pack was through the hectic first tum Davis had control of th e lead and pulled ahead of Matiasevich, Staten, Kawasaki rider Tommy Watts and Surratt. On lap two Matiasevich bobbled and dropped back to fifth a nd mov ed everyo ne up one place, allowing Honda rider Jon Nelson into the top five. At this point the tough trac k began claiming victim s, . first was Watts with a rear flat that sent him dwin dling out of th e top.l 0 by the end of the next lap. This had the top fi ve, Davi s followed by Staten , Surratt, Ma tiasevich and Nel son. But moments af ter the completion of the fourth lap, Davis was next to be victimized. H is rear tire also went flat and sent hi m dropping o u t of th e lead he had crea ted. Staten took over fro m th ere on oUL H e cruised in for the win and never loo ked back, he was followed by Su rra tt , Davi s, al ong with Mansevich and Nelson. Wh en the gate dropped for th e second moto, Yam aha rider Bill y Frank nailed th e holeshot and began to mov e awa y foll owed by Matiasevich , Surrat, Staten a nd Nelson. On the third lap, while ch arging after Matiasevich, Su rrat bounced off the track; he never lost a position. Meanwhile Davis had been hard at work on Nelson and finally ,?ot by him, undern eath on an inside line. But up front Matiasevich was hard pressed to pass Frank and 'tried to get by moving up alongside of him many times befo re a successful block pass was used in the supercross . section and Matiasevich would never look back and kept going until th e finish. Frank.still fading.was passed two : turns from ' th e finish by a hard charging Surratt, who took second, while th ird went to Frank. When th e first moto of 500cc Pros gated it wa s Kawasaki-mounted All en Berluti, foll ow ed by Mike Larson, who went down in front of _Frank and both were dead last. Watts .. moved up and passed Berluti in the air over the tabl etop. Simons slip ped by for second in front of O 'Donnell , who was in for th ird followed by another Kawas aki ri der Dan Berg. Rocket Rex was in fifth. The to p five 'r iders all began to sp read o u t even ly by the end of the fourth lap. . Staten was not content wi th his position and started charging in o n Berg, passed him through the ro ugh and continued on charg ing. By the sixt h lap O 'Don nell slipped by Simons to reca p tu re the number two spot, a nd two la ps later Staten got by Si mo ns who loo ked to be fadin ~. ThIShad the top five riders, Watts, O 'Donnell followed by Sta ten and Simons, with Berg in fifth. Wit,h one . A GREAT SPORT DESERVES A GREAT NEWSPAPER • ------------------------------------------- I I I I I I I ~-ill [3]::Jj" Subscription Coupon Name - - - - - - - - ' - - o This is a renewal 0 Please bill me o Enclosed is check or money order _ (PLEASE PRINT CLEA RLY) I Charge my Address - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 Visa 0 Mastercard I"' City - - - - - - - . , . - - State - - Zip - - - - I I I I I I I' I Signature : : - - - - - - - - - - - - : - - - - - - - 0 every week for one year (50 issu es) for $32.50 0 every week for two years (100 issues) for $60.00 Credit Card Number _ 0 six months second class (25 issues) for $17.00 Exp iration Da te - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - . One year (SO ISSueS). 2nd class canada or Mextco and all other foreign cou nt ries 86 1.00 (U.S. funds ), Fim ~ Send t o: Cycle News, Inc., class and airmail mes available upon recuesa, P.O . Box 498. Long Beach. CA 90801-0498 / (213) 427-7433 ~ I I J I tMotorcycle World with Larry Huffman satellite -_0~ • Via Th is Sunday's Sp ecial Gu ests are:~------------------"Will there be a 1988 " I'm n ot out of the game yet" U.S. 500cc Roadracing G.P.?" ** MIKE GOODWIN ** ** ART GLATTKE ** Godfather of Supercross " When you r eally feel the need f or speed" Laguna Seca ** DALE WALKER ** It comes to you live, every Sunday n ig h t from lO to' 11 p .m. KOLA 99.9 FM Lo s Angeles/ Riverside Orange Co.lSan Bernardin o KTIM 100.9 FM San Francisco/Oakland C all in and la lk wi th a ll rhe lOp p er so n a lil i" and be part o f m ot orcycl e wo rl d . KSCO 1080 AM Santa Cru z . . Spo nsored by XTRA " Extra G old" 690 AM Stronges t AM Sta tion in Western U.S. $ SUZUKI 1-(800) 228~5249 ' - 29

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