Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1987 09 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Pat Bennett (10A) leads the pack of Division Two 250cc Intermediates through the first turn in the first round of the Trans-Cal Series. Dodge Truck/CMC Trans-Cal Series: Round 1 Manneh tops Glen Helen blowout SAN BERNAR DIN O, CA, SEPT. 6 Kawasaki rider Bader Manneh, VIa a 3-1 · tally, scored the 125cc Pro class overall victory during the opening round of the Trans-Cal Series at Glen Helen Raceway. 'J im m y Gaddis (6L) won the 125cc Intermediate Division Two class. Here he leads Brian Gipson (68) and runner-up Phil Lawrence. Chris Young (49) and Kyle Lewis (22) chase .125cc ,Pro winner Bader Manneh in the second moto. . ( .• . 28 1l~:.!.; Manneh 'edged J eff Matiasevich and T y Davis who topped Ii .' h II th e I!St mota, In t e over~ standi ngs. Other Pro class winners were Willie Su rratt in th e 250s and ' Willy Simons in the 500s. Rex Staten clobbered the Vet Pro class winning both mo te s. The event drew more than 740 rid ers requiring a tota l of 66 motos lo be run on one track, but time ran out and three classes cou ld not run th eir second mota wh en the sun set and darkness prevailed. Even cutting th e amou nt of la ps down during the second round of rna loS didn 't com pl etely work. " Basically wh at happened was a lot more rid ers came out to the seri es ' th an we ant icipated," sai d CMC p resid ent Stu Peters. "We ran a survey on th e 1985 and '86 T ra nsCa ls a nd . today we had abo u t 160 more riders than we had in either on e of those years. Consequentl y, it threw us off on our scheduling of today's event." In the first 125cc Pro mota Davis _ jammed lo the lead and never loo ked bac~. H e. was ~iled by Manneh, <::ag1va rider M~ke Young, .Ho~da rider Kyle Lewis and Matisevich, who was hot on th e trai l of Lewis. La p after lap, "there was sti ll no change. Finall y, on th e fifth lap, Matiasevich ma de his move on Lewis lO take control of fourth . Still o n the move, Mat iasevich sn uc k up o n You ng, got him, and continued on after Manneh, who was a distant second behind Davis. With two laps left, Matiasevich stalked Manneh until th e last lap was n early completed . On the .last tum from the finish Ma n n eh just cr uised in a n d unknowngl y let Mat iasevic h catch up and pas s him inches from th e finish. Matiasevich soared through the air and sto le second p lace from Manneh. Seconds la ter Man neh crossed for third followed by Young and Lewi s. Mota two was Manneh's revenge as he charged lo th e lead by the end of the first lap followed by Lewis, Matiasevich , Yamaha rider Chris Young and Kawasaki rider Mike Kiedrowski.

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