Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1987 09 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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National Papers YoshimurajM.otul Wins Formula U.S.A. (Continued from pag e 4) , The nigh t mi le at Sacramen to will be the fina l National for 1987 and Saturday night, October 3, is when the lights go on and off for the final time this year. The Sacramento Mile is in fact the lo ngest mi le run each year, it 's really longer than a true mile while many of the others are right on, or short of the magic distance. Chris Carr came out of th e ch ute up there last spring and ran away with th e fina l, winning for th e first and last time this year on the mile ovals. It wa s one of th ose nights wh en everything was perfect for bo th rider a nd mach ine. Every' top rider has at least one of th ose during hi s racing career. The lucky ones have two. Parker, Shob ert a nd Graham have all been wi nners here. Chandler has come close on occasio n. Like San Jose, Bubba has knocked this one off a record four times. This event will mark th e final appearance for Honda a nd th eir factory racing effort in dirt track. In the few short ye-ars they have been involved, their winning ways at San Jose, Ascot and Sacramento have combined for a total of 15 National victories. The final three events also have something else going. How many times will Shobert win? After the first National in September, the Springfield Mile, he was only two wins beh ind Kenny Roberts on the all time lis t and nine behind leader, Jay Springsteen , who has won 40 National wins. A couple of years ago I predicted tha t Bubba Sh obert was th e only rider that would have a shot at Springsteen's record and I still feel the same a t present but it will be in 1988 when he mak es hi s final move . Jay 's last win came late in 1985 and the 40 total wins came over an I I season sp an. Sh ob ert ha s become a ch a lle nge r a fter six seaso n s of winning. It is good to once again have th e titl e go ing down to the fin al events. Last year Shob ert wrapped it up befor e th e final western swing. But fans can no t co mp lain too much as for ' many years " T itle T im e" . has been eit her at San J ose, Asco t or Sacramen to. No w you, the read er , get the chance to p ick a t which track it will h appen . . After you choose the trac k, pick the rider. Will it be Bubba Shobert, Do ug Cha ndler or Scotty Parker? If it comes u p Sho bert it will be three straight ti mes h e 's bee n crowned the Grand Nati onal Ch ampi on. Onl y four o ther ri ders have ever done th at before - Joe Leonard , Carroll Resweber (who won four titles ), Bart Markel and Jay Springsteen. Rem em ber also that Shobert mi ssed by a single po int back in 1984 - it appears he has been mad ever since and m aking up for lost time and a single po int. For Graha m it would be a fin e comebac k effort and also his thi rd wi n. H e is unique in that he won it once before as a privat eer and once as a facto ry rid er and he is again a privateer. Chandler and Parker hav e never won the title. Scotty has been as h ig h as second with Doug claiming a third pl ace finish .. The fin al foursome have a lot of bal ance, all are mile winners a nd all are half mile winners. T he last trio ' of events will guarantee a fitting cli max to anothe r fin e year of dirt. track racin g a t the Na tional level. Roxy Rockwood Scott Gray Smashes~i"ow Springs , . ) . Superb,ke ' . L.ap Record Riding th e Yoshimura equ ipped and prepa red Suzuk i GSX -R7 50 . SCOTT GRAY drop ped t he Supe rb ike lap,reco rd t o 1:27.1 wh ile w i nning round fou r of the Form ula U.S.A: Series at W illow Spr ings Intern ati onal Racew ay. You can expect to see records fall wh en Yosh imu ra goes ra cing . Go for the Record in Yoshimura! Yosh imura race \li kes use th e same;prod uct s you can buy to prepare you.r bike. Also this week, the YOSHIMURA /M OTUL sponsored JIM WILLIAMS RACING Honda Hurr icane 600 won the Middleweight Superbike Class by racing 204 7.5 miles at 85 .31 rn.p.h . in the 24-Hour WERA National Endurance race at Willo w Springs. .Call your local dealer . MOIOIIOfI. and demand • 1 · YOSHIMURAI Yoshimura R&D 0 fA mersea, Inco MOTUl products 45!i5 Cart~r C~urt ChlOo. Ca lifornia 91710 (714) 628-4722 Info and Orders .(8 00) 634-9 166 Orders Only o '~1 tWJll?l ! Ifyou nled an EXHAUST SYSTEM. WHEELS. FRONT FORKS. REAR \ SHOCK. AIR SCOOPS & VENTS. CAMS. CARBS. VALVE SPRINGS. \ PORTING, ENGINE WORK. TRAN SMISSIONS or eYen a DRY CLUTCH for a "RAIN-Y" day. give us a call! Wa bave it All. and so can You! . When You Wanl To Go For The Cbampionsbip: Go For Yosbimural Motul First PARTS. OIL ACCESSORIES and CHAMPIONSHIP WINNING POWER ~DENSO MICHELIN ; M -i=N-Ili·II4 .... .. . .. .. ..... . . .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. .. . . . .. . .. . . . .. ... .... ..... ... . .. . .. . . .. .. .. ... . . .. .. . . . .. . .. . .. . .. .. .. . .. .... . ... . .. ... .. . . .. ... . ... . .... . . .. .. .. . .. .. . . . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. ... . .... . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . ... ...... . . . . .. .. . . ... .. .. ... .... . . . .. .. . . .. . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ?;~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~$~~~ j~~*~)~~ 4~ ~~~~r~i'~~e: ~~~~~f ~~ ~t~~;~~:N ~*~ ~ : ~ ~ : ~ ~ ~ 0< : : : :: ... . . ..: . ...:: : .. . . ...: ...:: : : . .. . : : . . .. . ...: : :: : ::W ·a" n:t . · : d:': : : : : : :: : : : : :: : : :: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ": : : : : :~( : . :V :: : :: : :: :: : ::: : :: ::: : :A : . .... . . .. .. . . .. . : .. . ... . . ... . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .. . .. .. .. ... . .. .. .. .. . . .. . . . .... .. .-... .. . .... . ..... .. .. . . . .. . .. .. .. . .. ... .. .. . .. .. . ... . .. .. . . . . . .. . .. . .. . ..... . . .. . . . ..... .. . .... .. . . .. ... . . .... . ... . ..... . . . .. . . . . .. . . ... .... . . . .. . . . ..... ..... . .. ..... .. . .. . . .. ........... ... . .. .. ... .. .. . ... . .. . .. .. . .. . . .. .. . ..... . . ... .. . .. .. . " . ' .' ' " A TRULY UNIQUE AND VERSATILE RV For oo-roed or oH.ofOad enthusiasts , the Toyhouse by Alfa prov ides not on ly a safe, sound a nd clea n ride for your race o r spo rts car, mot orcycles, du ne bu ggie , ATV's a nd ATC's, but also a nice , comfortable place to stay when you get the re . Up to 10 year RV financing is available thro ugh our deal e r network. 'rovhouses a re availa ble from a utili y trailer or fifth wh ee l to a fully self593 Nam e : Address: City: 0 Customer D . Dealer Phone: .:.... _ -:- _ State Zip 27

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