Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1987 07 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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rode a t a co m fortab le pace keeping Team Suzuki out front. There was one m ore short delay w he n b o th a m b ul a nces we re i n service. At th e last restart, Russell again ra n away fro m th e fie ld bringin g h is team up to II th overall (four th in class) by th e fin ish. Suzuki cruised to a n easy victory, but th e sta r of the last h our was B.B. Montemayor, wh o p u t Team Racerback into seco n d pl ace for good with h is aggressive riding. " Ken (Payton, ca p tain o f Team Ra cerb ack ) gave m e a job to do in th e last 20 minutes, I jus t went o u t th ere a nd did m y best," said th e .mod est Texa n. R a cer b a ck fi nished ju st eight ' seco n ds in fro nt o f T eam G am m a who in turn fin ish ed on ly th ree seco n ds a head of H u m an race. Escargot Racing ro unded ou t the to p five in th e overall finish ing order, Out 8c Out held on to beat Team Tontory by 10 seco nds a t the £lag with PDQ thi rd in th a t class. Royal e Racing held off arch ri val T eam FBI for the . Li gh tweigh t win . T homas Ste vens an d Sco tt Russell remaine d the stars d u rin g Su nday's sprints. Stevens won a close race fro m Kurt H all in the C Producti on race, winning $ 1500 fro m H o nda a nd avenging a n ea rlier loss to H al l. Stevens a lso won two o ther ra ces, this time on th e Tea m Suzu ki en du rance machine. R u ssell set a n ew clock wise record on th e Sol m ax FZR I OOO ru nning a 1.00.39 w h ile try ing to catch Stevens, who got an ea rly lea d in A Superbike, Stevens held o n for th e vict ory. Russell , however , went on to win th e A Pro d uction race o n the sa me bi ke, taking home $500 from Yamaha. ' George Fox was th e class o f th e Novi ce field wi n n ing three races o n his Suzuki GS XR 750. • Results SATURDAY 1. Team Suzuki (Suz). Mi ke Hart h. Thomas Stevens. Glen Taylor; 2. Team Racerback (Kaw) K. Payton; 3. Team Gamm a (SUt) Frank Slaughter, Crai g Gav er, Donn ie Briggs; 4 . Th e Hu m an Race Team (Yam) Kurt Hall. A ndy Fenwick. Ben Martinez; 5. Escargo t (Suz) Rich ard W h itson . Doug Chan cey, Scon Cantrell; 6. Allen Maor Cycle (SUI) KILLER V'S-KERKER WOULD LIKE TO TAKE YOU FOR A SHORT RIDE. Got time to take your V-Max out for a short ride? Just a \4 mile, in 9.69 seconds, It's all right there, in the March 1 issue of Cycle World. And now 987 it' s actually here. The Kerker Yamaha V-Max. 124 horsepower. 9 second \4 miles. V-8 Pro Stock sounds. With no internal engine modifications. The prototype packagethat Kerker supplied to Cycle World forthis amazingperfonnance is now available throughyour dealer. Call Kerker to find the one nearest you. Bolt up the package. Then take your Killer V out for a short ride. ~ . The SlIIIee'SOfIIIII 01 Vidory. Kerker Exhaust Systems. Canoga Park, California The DuQuoin "Magic" Mile Camel Pro Series National Championship Presented by: Wm. H. King and the illinois Motorcycle Dealers Association Sunday, July 26 • 2 p.m. lHEGIIMe(. QW.LENGE NEW IN '87 Six riders go five laps for $17,5001 Shan non Silva. Pe rry Caruso : 7. Da rotune Racing Ottawa (Suz) Dan W itmer. Bugs Green . f rank Dinardo; 8. Out & Out Racing (Yam) Mac lout. enhize r. Paul Bray; 9. Team Tc ntcrv (Yam) Ja m es Vict ory. Rebecca Rast. Graham Jam es; 10. PDQ Racin g (Yam) Todd Poindext er, Jo hn Bowles. HIW S/B K: 1. Team Suzuki (Suz); 2. Team Racerback (Kaw) ; 3 . Team Gamm a (Suz). HIW PRO: 1. The Huma n Race Team (Yam); 2. Escargot (Suz); 3. Allen M avor Cycle (Suz). M /W PROD: 1. Out & Out Racing (Yam ): 2. Team Tontory (Yam); 3. PDQ Racin g (Yam). LIW; 1. Royale Racin g (Yam); 2. FBI (Kaw ); 3. Com pet it ion Raci ng (Cag). SUNDAY SPRINT A S/BK EX: 1. Thom as Stevens (Han); 2. Scan Russell (Yam); 3. J eff Harder (Suz). B S/BK EX; 1. Kurt Hall (Han); 2. Ron Ewert h (Han): 3 . J eff Reees (Suz). B S/B K NOV: 1. George Fox (Suz); 2. Jeff Duckw ot h (Yam): 3. A ida W ing (Suz). C S/ BK EX: 1. Scott Russell (Han); 2. Thom as Stevens (Han); 3. Ku rt Hall (Han), C S/ BK NOV: t . Tr ay Batey; 2. Steve Smi t h (Kaw): 3. J am es Lau (Kaw ), D S/B K EX: 1. Gr aham Jam es (Yam); 2. Cam Roose (Yam); 3..,Jason Lueri ng (Yam). o S/ 8K NOV: 1. Lloyd Suther land (Yam I; 2. Phillip Baker (Yam); 3. Ken ny Phill ips (Yam). A PROD EX: 1. Scott Russell (Yam); 2. Ron Ewert h (Honl : 3. Greg Tysor (Han). A PROD NOV: 1. George Fox (Yam); 2. Keith TICKET INFORMATION ADVANCE . Reserved Grandstand . (includes free program) General Admission $15.00 $12.50 IMDA I 2000 E. Cornell I Springfield, IL 62703 (217) 753·8866 MasterCard or VISA accepted NO ADMISSION TO GROUNDS WITHOUT RACE TICKET -NO CAMPING- -NO ALCOHOL- Tarver (Suz); 3 , M itch Porter (Suz) . B PROD EX: I . Greg Tyso r (Han): 2. Kurt All (Han); - 3. Cam Roos (Han). 8 PROD NOV: 1. George Fox (Suz); 2. Roger Camp (Yam ): 3. Keit h Tarver (Suz). C PROD EX: 1. Thoams Steven s (Han); 2. Kurt Hall (Han); 3. Scott Russell (Han), C PROD NOV : 1. St eve Sm it h (Kaw) ; 2. Rob Seneken (Kaw) ; 3. Rick Kirk (Han). D PROD EX: 1. Graham Jam es (Yam); 2. A ndy Fenwi ck (Hon); 3. J ason Luering (Yam ). D PROD NOV; 1. Lloyd Sut her lad (Yam); 2. Craig Renck (Kaw ); 3, Kenny Phill ips (Yam). F-1 : 1. Tho mas St evens (Han ); 2. Jeff Har der (Suzl: 3. Bob Green (Yam). F-2 EX: 1. Pete Frost (Yam ); 2. Robert W ill is (Yam ): 3. Kenne t h Essex (Han). F-2 NOV: 1. Nick Waycaster (Yam): 2. Pat Chandler (Suz); 3. Charles Skinner (Suz). F-3 EX: 1. J im East (Kaw ); 2. Jo h n Sandes (Kaw) . F·3 NOV: 1. Ken w avcaste (Yam). VINT 2: 1. J imm y Turne r; 2. Don Scott (BSA ). VINT 3: t , Wayn e All en (H- D); 2. Scott Kay (Tri): 3. Don Scott (BSA ). VINT 4: 1. Vic 8 annn iser (Notl : 2. W ayn e All en (H-D); 3. Ma lco lm Snelgrove (BMW I. CL8 M N EX: 1. J im East (Kawl: 2. J oh n Sanders (Kaw ); 3. Ron Raven (C·AI. CL8MN NOV: 1. Lloyd Suth erl and (Han); 2. Pat Chan dler (Suz); 3. Paul Wr ight IM ·G ). BRAKES OFFICIAL BRAKES OF AMA SUPERSPORTS SERIES AMA/EBC Brakes Supersports Final. Loudon IIH. tst DO UG PO LEII WERA/EBC Brakes Endurance lIad.. Talladega GPR. lsI O/A TEAM SUZUKI WERA Sprin1s. Talledega GPR. lsI A ProductioASCOTT RUSSELL Hy-Tec h Motorcycle Components • ASK FOR EBC BRAKES AT YOUR LOCAL DEALER 12860 Bradley Ave .• Sylmar. CA 9 1342 • (81 8) 362-7408

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