Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1987 07 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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3 AMERICA MEETS EUROPE IN THE . INTERNATIONAL EVENT OF THE YEARI Fred Hoess topped the 250cc A class and captured fourth overall. before the checkers to na il down second in class. When H yde punc hed in at th e end of two la ps his la p time had jumped to 38 minutes, an increase ol .nearly fiv e minutes from the first goaround. Earl y frontrunner Shephard bowed out with mechanical failu res before th e ch eck , leaving second to upstart Tommy H arr is. The local Yamaha h ero had a weekend to remember at Bla ck wa ter , having won Sa turday's mountain bike race just hours afe r h is ea rly a fternoon weddi ng. An d n ow th e honeymooner wa s h olding d o wn seco nd, two minutes o ff H yde's time wi th yet another Ohio wo ods rnas ter, Yama ha 's Mik e Frazee, nine minutes ba ck in third. Wally Wil son, wh o would go th e distance handicapped b y brake p roblems, was a nothe r m inute back. All th e wa y down in 15th was Pau l Lemon, who wou ld earn th e di stinct ion o f pa ssing nearly 500 rid ers o n th e da y aft er going over th e bars just a fter the sta rt a n d spe n ding 10 minutes getting himself so rted ou t. Nearl y as impressive a passer was Open B class winner Mike Bruffey. The West Virginia KTM rid er drew number 500 at sign-up but somehow managed to pass all 86 rider s in hi s class to take th e wi n. Making th e win all th e m ore special for Bruffey was the fac t th at it was his first race in two years due to an ex ten ded bou t with m ononucleo sis. J ust over a m in u te behind th e wi n ne r ca me ru n ner-up Pa u l Fox. Cross country reg u la r Buddy West won h is first Blackwater class ti tle with a strong 200cc B win. T he Kawasaki rider ch ased ea rly leader Jack Mullen ax for the better part o r the day un til th e last lap . At th at point th e duo began a sto p-an d-go ride sh are wh ere th ey took turns pulling 'e a ch other o ut o f th e swam ps. But th e sp ri nt for th e finish saw West rid e a lo ne. Behind run ne rup Mullenax came Indiana 's J oe Schmidt. Kentu ck y teamsters Scott Summers and Carey Stump pulled down th e top spo ts in the Four Stroke A clas s. Summers pushed h is big Honda to a half hour lead over Stump's Can-Am thumper before th e " Moo se" closed th e gap towards th e end. J o h n Ga llagher placed his Husky iri third. T he Four Stroke B class saw R ick Parsons lose a fu ll 20 minutes whi le JULY 19th, 1987 SU NDAYr LS CA HOLLISTER HIL , r . ' SANCTIONED MIA : _ACRES .OF FREE PAR:~GFROM LOTS SHUTTLE BUSES TO DS ~W'DE ACC~~~~:S'ON STANDS _LOTS OFGC CAMPING _OVERNI HT • A" CTI ONI D KEVIN SCHWANTZ Scores two victories: * National Road Race * Camel Challenge Loudon, New'Hampshire For an Arai Literature!Decal pack and new 1987 Catalog. send $ 1.00 in cash o r stam ps t o Are; Helmd, Ltd .• De pt. eN . P.O. Bo. 421, Tenafl y. NJ 01610 , I

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