Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1987 07 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Doug Polen was his usual self in the Supersports race, winning easily in the red -flag shortened race; Polen beat Donald Jacks. Doug Brauneck dominated the Pro Twins ra c e , winning the overall and Grand Prix c lass on his Dr. John 's Moto-Guzzi . standings, 96-65. Chivington is a distant third with 27 points. "I was a litt le tired after ho lding off Bubba in the Camel Challenge," Polen said. ''I'm sorry 10 see someone getting hurt and bringing out the red flag." Results SUPERSPORT: 1. Doug Polen (Hon); 2. Donald Jacks (Hon): 3 . Thomas St even s (Hon); 4. Dan Chivington (Hon); 5. John Eidenberger (Hon); 6. Edward Key (Hon): 7. Scan lampach (Hon): 8 . Tom Kipp (Hon); 9 . Gary Gibson (Hon) ; 1D. Gary D'Aluisio (Hon); 11 . RT Ham pton (Hon); 12. Lance Nordby (Hon); 13 . Steve Clark (Honl; 14 . Jeffrey Atwell (Honl; 15 . 800nie Knon (Hon): 16 . Douglas Callies (Hon); 17 . Jed Kimla (Hon): 18 . Chris D'Aluisio (Hon): 19 . Robert Meurer (Hon); 20. Steven Tayler (Hon). AMA/CCS SUPERSPORT POINT STAN DINGS: 1. Ooug Polen (9 6); 2. Thomas Stevens (65~ 3. Dan Chivington (27~ 4. Greg Tysor (24); 5. Donald Jacks (2 31; 6 . Gary D'Aluisio (20); 7. Scan Russell (181: 8. David Sadowski (16); 9 . Ron Ewerth (1 5~ 10. Lance Nor dby (14) . AMA/Pro Twins Road Race Series: Round 5 Russ Paulk finished second behind Doug Brauneck .for the second week in a row at Road America; Paulk was aboard Pete Johnson 's Ducati. AMA/EBe Brakes Supersport Series: Round S. Polen again at Road America ELKHART LAKE, WI, JUNE 28 For Doug P olen , winning keeps getting easier. The Denton, Texas, rider easily won the red-flag shortened 14 Supersport, race at Road America to claim his fourth win in the five-raceold series . . Polen led from the start in what turned out to be only a four-lap event. The only person to beat Polen in Supersports action this year, Thomas Stevens, returned 10 battle after his stint with endurance racing caused him to miss the Loudon round. Stevens, however, finished third behind Donald Jacks in the final. The Speed-N-Sport-sponsored Stevens was making a move towards the front when the race was stopped, b u t P o len ' s lea d was never th reat ened. T he red-flag was thrown when Ian Nicholson crashed heavily, fracturing a femur, knee and ankle in the incident. The first hea t was an indication of what would happen in the final, as Polen grabbed h is patented holeshot on the Honda CB600 Hurricane and flew to an easy 17.36· second win over Jacks. Third place in heat one went to Cottage Grove, Wisonsi n's Ed Key with Gary Gi bson and Boon ie Kno tt ro u nding ou t the top five. Heat two saw Stevens hold off determined Wisco nsin resident John Eidenberger by only 1.14 seco nds; Stevens led from the start. Third place went 10 Northgate Hondasponsored Dan Chivington, using his one-hand on the bars slipstreaming down the front straight to compensate for his large stature. SCOll Zampach and Gary D'AlIuisio rounded out the top five. Polen 's heat race win was 5.6 seconds faster than that of Stevens as the Texan averaged 93.346 mph on his Dunlop-clad Honda. Polen stepped off his Kosar Racing Suzuki GSXR750 immediately after the Camel Challenge and hopped on his Honda Hurricane. The Texan didn't miss a beat, grabbing the holeshot and leading for the entire four- lap affair. Meanwhile, Jacks led Eidenberger, Chivington and Stevens at the end of the first lap. Stevens, who was suffering from carburetion problems and riding with the choke on to make the bike perform in the mid-range, moved forward in a hurry, d isplacing both Chivington and Eide nberger o n the second 'lap. Thomas then started his march towards Jacks. J ust when the Flo rida resident got Jacks in his sights, the Nicholson incident brought out the red. The race was not restarted, giving Pol en the easy win over Jacks, Stevens, Chivington and Eidenberger. The win moved Polen 31 points. ahead of Stevens in the point Brauneck wins again at Road America ELKHART LA KE, WI, J U N E 28 Dr. J ohn 's Doug Brauneck won hi s secon d Pro Twins race in a row, taking advantage of Team Leoni's J immy Adamo's early race crash and topping Russ Paulk by 2.156 seconds at Road America. The Modified Production portion of the Pro Twins race was again dominated by Peter Johnson, who finished seventh overall on the Fast by Ferraci Duca ti, Brauneck has a clean shot at running away with the title now held by Harley-Davidson's Gene Church, The Dr, John Mo to-Guzzi continues to run flawlessly while Brauneck's competitors keep' flirting with disaster. Adamo was lead ing Bra uneck by more than two seconds when the New Yorker crashed in the fastest section of the course, suffering a separated shou lder in the fall. Second p lace in the Grand Prix race went 10 Pa ulk for the second time in a row, Pa ul k rode Peter Johnson's Du cati to an easy second place finish over Harley-Davi dson's three-time Da ytona 200 win ner Roger Reiman. The Ill inois resident dedicated his third-place finish to his father Henry Reima n , 74, who is in critical condition in a Jacksonville, Florida, hospital following a motorcycle accident on Jun.e 13. John Long rode his Duca ti to a fine fourth place fimsh, just beating out Dr. Dave Kieffer and his Ducati, Kurt Liebmann, Johnson, Dean joas, Steven Wentworth and Brian French rounded out the top 10 overall. In the Modified Production ranks, Johnson withstood a late-race charge by defending champion Joas 10 . take the win. Blain Paulus Jr. finished third in the class on his B.P Cycles-sponsored MOIO·Guzzi. The" final got underway with Reiman leading the show into tum one. When the pack came around 10 end the first lap, however, it was Adamo lea ding Brauneck, Church, Paulk and Rieman . Johnson was eighth. Ereno Lewis III was a crash victim on the back section of the course. Adamo's two second lead di sa ppeared when he crashed out on the third lap, handing the lead a nd a possible championship 10 Bra u neck. joas, meanwhi le, was the man on the move; starting in 33rd a nd moving quick ly through the field 10 occ u p y 12th after three laps. By the ha lfway mark, Bra u neck led Paulk by eight seconds with the India na resident charging hard after the MOIO-Guzzi pilot. Ch urch still held third with Reiman and Long following. Ch urch 's long season continued as the Harley went sour on the sixth la p and the North Carolinian pulled off in turn seven, Joas, meanwhile, had pulled close to johnson in the Modified battle. The race ended with Brauneck only two seconds ahead of Paulk , who in tum easily led Reima n, Long and Kieffer. Johnson stopped joas" charge to win the Modified Production class. "I ha te to win like that," Brauneck said. "Jimmy fell in the fastest section of the track; it shook me u p. I saw him getting put in the ambulance. We don't like this one (win) as much as last week (Loudon)," Results GRAND PRIX: 1. Ooug 8 rauneck (M·G~ 2. Russ Paul k (Ou c~ 3 . Roger Reiman (H· D); 4. J ohn Long (Due); 5 . David Kieffer (Due); 6 . Kurt Lieb mann (Ouc); 7. Steven Wentworth (Bue): 8. Brian French (Due); 9 . She rry Frid uss (M·G); 1D. W alte r Sakowski (Due). MODIFIED PRODUCTION : 1. Peter Johnaon (Cag); 2. Dean Joa s (Yam ); 3 . Blain Paulu s Jr. (M · G); 4. Alan Hipp enst eel (Yam); 5. Thomas Sharp (H·D) ; 6. Doug las Gro ss (Due); 7. Chr is Helland (Duel: 8 . Stan Friduss IM·G): 9 . Gerald DeMo n (M · G); 10. David Kart en (BMW). AMA GRAND PRIX POINT STANOINGS : 1. Doug Brouneck (81); 2. Russ Pau lk (53); 3. James Adamo (5 1); 4. Jo hn Long (50); 5. Devid Kiefter (3B); 6 . Roger Reiman (34); 7. Kurt Uebmann (30l 8. Gen e Chu rch (20); 9. Mark Robin son (I Bl 10 . Wolt er Sakowski (17). AMA MOD PROD POINT STAN DINGS : 1. Peter J ohn son (80); 2. Blaine Paul us J r. (501; 3 . J ohn Stap leton 144~ 4. Ron Mass (3 2): 5. Thomas Sharp (31) ; 6 . Gereld DeMo n (25); 7 . Bob Hanbury (2n 8. Douglas Gro ss (2 5); 9. (TIE) David Karten/Chris Hell and (24).

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