Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1987 07 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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HOWDO SMART DEALERS ~ INCREASE FLOOR TRAFFIC? . ~ AESU( S Motocross Gary's Warrior MX Birmingham. AL May 16 By Melanie Nobles JR CVCLf Kw a Jimmy Nelson K aw Steon" Parrish SR MINI 8 Kaw Heath Scott Suz Blandon Smi h t Ricky Allen K aw Jeff Burleson Ralph Jones SOl Kw a Hon S RMINI C Steven Parrish 125 C Chris Cornelius He athScott A m Stovall im y 50 B Kw a Kaw Hon K Dollar evin ScottStone Kaw Vam ChuckKimbrell MarkPoden Kaw H on V am 250 C J. G ibbs, Boyd Raceway Boyd, TX May 23 By Bill Creese Randy Kidd D Crow usty Gary Baughman LanyLund Mike Willett Bill Brokaw AOV 60/80 P.J. Webster TJ. Herrell Trey Glasco Cory Watson 125 Billy Beavers Chris Harris Marie Seay Robert Wo lf 250 TommyWest Blah Hamilton OPEN AM Tommy West Billy Allen OPEN PRO Ch arlie Orr Trace Polson Mike Moore Shane Jolly Motocross Gary's Warrior MX Birmingham. AL May 23 By Melanie Nobles JR CVCLE Scony Pinson Kaw S RMINI C Bruce Pinson Kw a SR MINI B K aw C Boyd hris Brandon Sm ith Ricky Allen K aw l onnie Brown Jason Dun lap Hon H on 1258 125 C S Ul Chris Cornelius Steve Courington Sam Gallegly V am K aw K aw Scon Stone Jeff Gibbs Chuck Kimbrell 2 VR & OLDER V am K aw Hon 250 C Jeff Wood Tyler Jones H on Vam H on lonnie Blown Joey Siraquse Jason Dunlap Hon Vam Hon Ke yl MONEY RUN 80 81 84 85 89 Pe Rudnick te Mike Shay Mike Taner Dusty WeY1landt John Heil 60/80 Kevin Busch Billy Kennedy Cory Watson EX 43 79 93 109 O N Mark Manniko Neil Firm P.J. Webster Terry Peacntk 250 AM TomTompson Kevin Manniko Mike Earlie Bob Kirbgaard Mike Weedin C Reddick hris Hare Scrambles Pendleton Co. MIC Park Gardnersville. KY June 7 By Jim l!arl ington O IA Scott Williams OPEN AM Mike Eadie - Mike Weedin Tommy West Terry Dic ky PEO O NPRO Charlie Orr Sha JolIV ne Mike Henn 2 VR & O LDER Tyler Kyle Tyler Jones Mike Higuera MONEV RUN Kevin Dollar Jell Gibbs Tyler K yle Kaw K aw Vam Jim Carboy Mike McNevin Jay Kavanaugh Ed Steinle 4 7 8 36 Gary Millen Eric Danas Chris Millen lu ke Eachus 39 52 60 60 61 Greg Herbold Hon 251 + OPEN Andy Anderson Kaw Tony Wilson 200 Walter G olden Richard C oombs Randy Lillard Rill West G reggS tith 250 S Ul S Ul Kaw Hon C ·A C ·A C ·A C ·A C ·A Randy Hermes BillMichels Ron Fischer Pete Schulk MIke McMan Kaw H on H on V am H on Paul Michels Ric Nowak k Gary Jones Keit h Hughes - Car Stump ey C ·A Hus Hon C ·A C ·A Bob Thomas M ·S OPEN OPEN S PSR U Jay lindsey John Dobbins 80 SR Denny Howard Cody Anderson Christopher Winters Debra Sterling K aw Hon Joe Gurley Christopher Winters Elton Mclendon Hon Kaw H on Hon Hon 60 80 (7 ·111 SUl Kaw Vam Hon Mike Hayhurst Mitch Kelley Observed Trials OK State ~p Series Round 7 Sand Springs, OK June 21 By S.B. Moore MSTR Rob Toole 45 Shan Moore 88 M ,U:hBright Marie Dolph AM V am Hon Mike Wilson Ron lee Steve Fujan Jessie Baldwin Kaw Kaw V am Vam EX Arenacross Cotton Boll Memphis. TN June 13 50 SUl SUl Brad Ba rker 250 AM 77 40 70 71 Gabe Mizell Tom Moore Rich Allman 21 26 40 John Patterson Mark Shubert John Mizell 29 31 37 Man Moore Casey Cooper 18 54 NOV ROOKIE Trophy Pickup Darren Cranlord Brian Pearson Jeff Davis Jason Sides Byron Br idges S Ol H on Vam H on V am Prospector M /C Gold Rush Enduro. Call : Dave Kerr (805) 251 -7024 Chris ltgens SOl 1258EG NT 1251 250 BEG Br ooks Holcomb lre Bu ries larry lindsey David Winstead KIM Hon H on SOl Tony Maino Ben Hond SOl H on 250 lNT COVER PRICE Zc~ T h e dealers wh o w ant t o make m oney, inst e a d of throwing it away, choose the p r o f itable altern ative t o g i m m icks . T hey se ll CYC L E N EW S , A TV NEWS and our new 4 Colo r B i - month ly magazine, PE RSO NAL W ATE RC RAFT ILLUS TR ATED . A ll are p r o ven fl oor traffic bu ilders and appeal to s e r io us enthusia sts . You know the type • • . B u y e r s ! Ca ll (21 3) 427-743 3 and ask f o r o u r D e a le r Sa le s Manager, or simply fill out and return the coupon below. ________ , Subscription Coupon Order Form eves. For L i s tin g in t b is dep ar t ment. p lea se ma il infonna tio n with $1.00 per week tha i it is run 10: Cycle News Trophy Pi ck-u p , Bo x 498. Lo n g Beach . CA 90801. _ (please print clearly and fill out completely) DEA LER NAME _ --' ADDRESS _ CITY _ STATE -"ZIP ...,..- _ PHON E PERSON AUTHOR IZING ,...- Yam Hon K aw Hon B yron Br idges Mike Sterling Daren Clifton Ty Finney ~ PLANC Sell CYCLE NEWS, ATV NEWS and PERSONAL WATERCRAFT ILLUSTRATED Over Their Counters Motocross Mesa Raceway Fritch, TX June 14 By Marcella Martin OVER 30 C lyde Ba rker Vam Harold Wilson H on Max Ilreasher C ·A OPEN AM G Ivey . Hon Joe Medaris K TM John Allen H on 125 AM Jimmy Garcia Kaw 60 :.-, PLANS Give Their Products Away Free ••• H on Tho mas Smrth SR 30 + Dav Russell id Rod Kei h t Mark WohJfrom Viek Madis Chris Black 80 1 14·151 7 14 23 24 35 INT Ga ytand Be nnett Shane Dennis J eremy Robinson Bren K ing V am H on H on Randy K immick Mike Smith Ray Durham Mika Niswonger Sean K inney SR 8 Gene Sims Mark Davis SOl SOl V am Kaw David Winsted Tony Brown C ·A 125 80 11 2·131 Observed Trials RMTA Stock Ranch. CO June 7 NOV SR 25+ A.J. Spicer Motocross Gary's Warrior MX Birmingham. AL May 30 By Melanie Nobles JR C VCLf Damien Brown Kaw Jimmy N elson K aw Steven Parrish Kaw SR MINI B Peanut l.1rith J S Ol Ricky Allen Kaw Terry Joe Frankl n i Kaw SR MINI C Scott Alliums Kaw Damien Br own Kaw Bruce Pinson K aw 125C Jeremy Hartsfield Kaw Steve Co urington K aw Sam Gallegly Kaw 250 B K aw Kevin Dollar Kaw Kevin Crews V am Scan Stone 250 C ibbs Kaw Jell G Dusty Weygandt 16 25 35 52 55 Guy Bodin Trace Polson Duane Stanick TT T~er SR A Short Track Boyd Raceway Boyd, TX May 23 By Bill Creese 50 Randy K idd Dusty Crow PLANA Offer a Cruise to the Bahamas with No Purchase Required SIGNATURE -:TITL.. E -=- _ --ODATE"__ _ BULK DISTRIBUTION Please check appropriate boxes and/or fill in where needed. PUB LICATION T O SELL Cyc le News 0 ATV N ew s 0 Person al Watercraft Illustrat ed BI LLING METHOD W ith Re turn Privileges - Yo u only pay for w hat you sell Without Return Pr ivileges - You. own all cop ies. Uns ol d papers ar e exc ellenT pro mo t io n al incentives. QUANTITY DESIRED CYCLE NEWS _ 5 copies per week m in imum ATV NEWS _ o o o 10 copies per week m inimum PERSONAL WATERCRAFT ILLUSTRATED 20 Cop ies per Bi-mont h ly minimum _ SAMPLE COPY I am not fa m il iar w it h your p u blicat ion(s). Pleas e send me a FREE sam ple co py of : Cycle News 0 ATV News 0 Personal Watercraft Illustrated o ADVERTISING INFORMATION Please se nd me ad ve rtising in fo rmati on for: 0 ATV N ews 0 Personal Watercraft Illust rat ed o Cyc le N ews Ple ase ma i l t h is f orm t o : CYCLE NEWS; INC. Attn: Circulation Manager P.O. Box 498 Long Beach. CA ~0801 CN ·26 65

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