Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1987 07 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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a:: a, ~ ~ -J -J ~ .. :; > a:: z w ::t: > a:: 0 ..... 0 ::t: r- "- 00 O"l ...... ~ 00 >...... ;j l--) - . Mark Spriggle (907) and Larry Andrews (501) battled to second and third overall respectively. in the 125cc A class at Rolling Hills MX. Bradshaw bombs Rolling Hills MX By Henry Muller 54 REIDSVILLE, NC , JUNE 6-7 T eam Yarnaha/Moto-X Fox /Scott USA-backed Damon Bradshaw wem six-far-six in me Amateur competition qualifier , winn ing three classes. S&M Suzuk i-back ed Mike Andrews topped the 125cc a nd 250cc Pro-Am classes. Sa turday 's Youth action sa w H ank Mor ee winning th e 85cc (9-13 years ) Modified class while Rusty Coleman swep t th e 85cc ( 14-15 years) Modified division. . Brad shaw kicked th ings off with a stro ng win over Kevin Walker a nd Bobby Sto vall in th e fir st 125cc B Stock mo to with Richi e Cl ippard a nd Bobby H ouser making th e top five. Brad sh aw a nd Walk er caugh t early lead er Brent Blevins to fin ish o ne-two in the second rno to with Blevins' ride scori ng th ird -overall ahead of H ouser. Bradsh aw wo rked his wa y to the fro m in both 125cc B Modified motos, wh ile Walker took runner-u p honors in th e first moto o nly to cras h a nd injure hi s foot in moto two. Blevin s used a 3-2 tall y to take second overa ll followed by j eff Sh uler and Kevin Austi n. Brad sh aw dominated the 250cc B Stock class over Bobby Houser with j eff Sh u ler edg ing Ed San tuk for third overa ll. T he 125cc A class saw Kenn y Kizzar-pu t in a spiri ted ride to catc h Mark Spriggle fo r th e win in both mo tos wh ile La rry Andre ws topped Kentucky's T ob y Harris for th ird overa ll. Spriggle retu rned th e favor in th e 250cc A class a nd score d two unch al len ged wins, wh il e Kizza r sliced through th e pack to second ·in bo th motos. Harris motored to a 4-3 finis h for third overa ll over Timmy Barnes and T im my Walker. Barn es and Tim Terry had a good ba ttle in th e O pe n A class with Barnes p utti ng hi s Pro -C ir cu it / Wi lso n Cycles -sponso red Yamaha o u t front at the flag in both motos. In Saturday 's Youth q ual ifier it was Danny R ich taking the 65cc Stock class while lac Brad sh aw held off Tes Bru ce for second overall. Yam aha of Fayettevi lle -bac ked Patrick Slate domin ated the 85cc (913 years) Stock class with Ben Ri cks' second overa ll followed by Patrick Greer a nd Bruce. jim Neese won the firs t 85cc (913 years) Modified rnoto over More e, with Chad Lough, Carl Fogl e and Pat rick Slate filling out the top five. Team Green 's More e cam e on stro ng in moto two and wrapped up th e overall win wih Neese's 1-3 fini sh edging Fogl e's 4~2 for second overall. Hi-Point's Col eman rock eted to a . double moto win in the 85cc ( 14-15 years) Modified di vision over Tim Hawthorne, with Hawthorne returning to win th e Stock class over Edward Wal ston. Results SATURDAY 65 STK: 1. Danny Rich (Kawl; 2. Zac Bradshaw IKawl; 3. Tres Bruce (Kaw) . _ B5 9 -13 STK: 1. Patrick Slate (Yam); 2. Ben Ricks IYam); 3. Patrick Greer (Kaw). B5 9 -13 MOD: 1. Hank Moree (Kaw); 2. Jim Neese (Yam); 3 . Carl Fogle (Yam). B5 14-15 STK: 1. Tim Hawthorne (Hon); 2. Edward Walston (yam); 3. Jamie Hacking (Kaw). B5 14 -15 MOD: 1. Rusty Coleman (Yam) ; 2. Tim _ Hawthorne; 3 . Vincen t Brown (Kaw) . 125 SCHBY STK: 1. Cliff Markham IKaw); 2. John Winslow (Hon); 3 . Greg Erwin (Hon). 125 SCHBY MOD: 1. John W in slow (Hon); 2. Gr eg Erwin IHon); 3. Cliff Markham (Kawl. 125 C: 1. Seon Riggs (yam ); 2. Wayn e Guin " Kaw ); 3 . Brett Calvert IYam). ( 250/500 C: 1. Sh ane Templeton (Hon); 2. Shan e Kenn edy (Yam); 3 . Brad Mills IHon) . SR OVER 30: 1. Kevin Willi ams (Hon); 2. Steven Hi ghtower (Hon); 3 . A.C. Bruc e (Honl . SR OVER 40: 1. Ma rc Minor (Suz l; 2. Ed Donaldson (Hon). SUNDAY 125 B STK: 1. Damon Bradshaw IYam); 2. Kevin Walk er (Yam); 3. Brent Blev ins (Han). 125 B MOD : 1. Damon Bradshaw IYam); 2. Bren t Bl evins (Hon); 3. Jeff Shul er IKaw). 250 B STK: 1. Damon Bradshaw IYam); 2. Bobb y Hou ser (Hon); 3. Jeff Shuler (Kawl. 250 B MOD: 1. Robert Hunkapillar (Hon); 2. Ed Santuk IHon) ; 3. Steve Sm it h (Yam). OPEN B: 1. Bill Finc h (Hon); 2. Tim Huffman IHon) ; 3 . David Eller (Kaw). OVER 25 : 1. Mark Guy (Yam); 2. Tim Huffman (Hon); 3 . Perry Taylor (Yam). . 125 A : 1. Kenny Kizzar IVem); 2. Mark Sprigg Ie (Hon); 3 . Larry Andrews (Suz). 250 A : 1. Mark Spr iggl e (Hon); 2. Kenn y Kizzar (Yam); 3 . Toby Harr is (Hon ). OPEN A : 1. Tim Barne s (Yam); 2. Tim Terry (Hon); 3 . Mark Guy (Hus). 125 PRO-AM : 1. M ike Andrew s ISuz); 2. Scott Hollman (Hon ). 250 P~O-AM: 1. M ike An drews (Suz); 2. Toby Harris (Hon ); 3 . Mik e Harr is (Kaw). Bell blasts Great Piney Enduro By Karen Kemp EN ON, LA, JUNE 7 KT M- mounted Da rryl Bell took home a pair of denim overa lls along wi th his pl aque for first- p lace overall honors an d a 20 point loss a t the 7th Ann ua l Great Pin ey Woods End uro. Double A ri der Bell edged o u t Husky-mounted Gary johnston by one ~o int, which was taken in th e last test section. j ohnston's sco re of 21 pl aced him second overall a nd George Wall er jr. close behind in third wit h his 21 point score . Kevin Hutch in son 's score of 29 in th e 200cc B class sent him hom e with the overa ll B awa rd. Overall C score was 37 turned in by Stephen T yler. The Louisiana Trail Riders Associa tio n did a n excellent job of making the best of th e few tra ils th at were left aft er most of the land had been leased and posted. The course consisted of a cou p le of sectio ns with h ill s to chall enge th e ri ders a nd ma ny fast trails were in cluded for a n enjoyable ride. Many ri ders were ca ught early a t th e first chec k which wa s located under a h ighway brid ge a t the eightmile marker. Riders rode under th e bridge through th e check , th en im medi a tely cro ssed a creek and turned back under the bridge and on down th e trail. An old motorcycle had been buried in th e creek to distract the riders. One rider commented that he wa s thinking to himself, " T ha t guy must have reall y been an idiot running off in th ere," when sudden ly he was riding into a checkpoint that almost caugh t him early. For the second year in a row the club decided to hold a hillclimb contest a t the end of th e run. Riders rod e on past me final ch eck to th e specta tor point where th e riders had the chance ' to test their hillclimb skills. Each rider who wished to compete was given two attempts at the hil l. The crowd of spectators cheered for 'those who made me best show. Richard Bass won the $75 cash prize for his outstanding speed and style up the hill. Darin Naslund was recognized for most persistent and Russ Smallwood made the most spectacular crash . Results A : 1. Darryl Bell (KTM) . B: 1. Kevin Hutchinson (cagl. C: 1. Stephen Tyler (Yam). 1. Gary Johnston (Hus); 2. Jeff Plunkett 3 . Nolan Knight (C-AI; 4. Kelly Crenshaw (Yam~ 5 . Mike Corlett (Hus). SR A : 1. Don Knight (C-A); 2. George Waller Sr . (KTM); 3 . Robert Rockco (Hus) . INT A : 1. Lewis Whatley (C-A); 2. Marion Whatley (C-A); 3 . Gary Goff (Hus); 4 . Bruce Irby (Yam); 5. Steve Gav in (Yam). • OPEN A : 1. George Waller Jr. (KTM); 2..Fitz Miller (Hus); 3. David Jackson (C-A); 4. Bruce Comeaux (Hus). 250 A : 1. Glenn Hollingshead (KTM); 2. David Bragg (Kaw); 3. Paul Graham (KTM); 4. Ed Whatley (C-A); 5. Greg Luter (Hus) . " 200 A : 1. Tim Singleton (Yam); 2. Larry Arrington (Han); 3. James W inn (Kaw) ; 4 . Nolan Husser (Kaw ); 5. Wesley King IKawl. SR B: 1. Steve Hudson tHus) ; 2. Byrle Stockstill (Kaw); 3. Ron Pru itt (Kaw); 4 . Char les Britton (Suz); 5. Robert Babcock (Hus) . OPEN INT B: 1. Warren Sciortino (Hus); 2. Grant Brown IHon); 3 . "M ik e Vance (C·A); 4 . Carol Daquanno (Hus ); 5. Harold Constance (Yam ). 200 INT B: 1. Buddy Pierc e (Kaw); 2. Ricky Couv illion (Han); 3. J im Lee (Kawl; 4 . Tommy Todd IYam ); 5 . Stev en Marque IYam). OPEN B: 1. Kenn y Knoblock (Yam); 2. Ray Beard en (KTM); 3. Gary Cook (KTM); 4. Chr is Bryan IKTM); 5. Danny Gu ilbeau (Hus ). 250 B: 1. Craig Irby (Yam); 2. Steve Moseley IKTM); 3. Matthew Rayborn (Honl; 4. Charles Sizemore (C-A); 5 . J effrey Rayborn (Suz). 200 B: 1. Gr eg Peterson (Kaw); 2. M ich ael Frede ric k (Kaw); 3. Tony Ligon (Kaw); 4. Bennie Wa ldrop (Kaw ); 5. Dennis carpenter (Yam). • 125 B: 1. Larry Lauderdale (Yam); 2. Todd Singleton (Yam); 3. Scott Watkins (Hon); 4 . Leslie Slay (Yam); 5 . Billy Wulfers (Yam). 100 B: 1. Corey M art in (Yam). VINT 2: 1. Norman Gauthreaux (Bul). WMN : 1. Jane Hoyman IKaw); 2. Darla Stegall (Yam ); 3 . Sherry Comeaux IYaml. JR : 1. Garrett McK ey IKaw); 2. Alan Todd (Yam ); 3. Stephen Reed (Hon ); 4 . Eli Edwa rds (Kaw ); 5 . Bla ine Babcock (Hus) . . S/SR : 1. Georg e Hoff er (Kawl; 2. Dickie Hual (Kaw ); 3 . Ed Johnson (Kaw) ; 4 . Terry Webb IKawl. - SR C: 1. Walter Boyd (Ya m) ; 2 . Ke nn eth Hend erson (C-A); 3. Don Gates (Kaw ); 4 . Kenn eth Cole IKaw ); 5 . Tom Foster (Hon). OPEN C: 1. Russ Smallwood (Hus ); 2. Jo hnnie Br ien (Hus); 3. J eff Kennedy tHus); 4 . Cedric Barker (Han); 5. Howie Simpson (Han). 25DC: 1. Fran k Nug ent(Honl; 2. Clint Boyd (Yam); 3 . Raynor Edw ard s (Hus); 4 . Ken Phillips (Yam); 5 . Bruc e J efco at (Han ). 200 C: 1. Randall Ard (Kaw); 2. Russell King IKaw ); 3. Brian Murphy (Yam); 4 . Raymond Hendry (Kaw) : 5. Mike Hoolahan (Hus). 125 C: 1. Larry McLellan IYam); 2. Adam Fastoff (Suz); 3 . Dusty Milam IYam); 4 . J am es Barr (Hon); 5 . M ich ael Gates (Kaw) . A- TEAM : CMET. B TEAM : Sidewinders. 0/A 0/A 0/A AA: (Yamt Simonsen swift at CasUe Rock TT By Derryl A~derson CAST LE ROCK, WA, J UN E 6 Castle Rock 's ow n J.P. Simonse n went I-I tonigh t to ta ke home th e fir st pl ace trophy in the TT held a t th e Ca stl e R o ck Fairground s. Simonsen battled all ni~ht, just holding off another local III Longview's Du sty Kirk , wh o just moved to th e l 25cc class thi s year. After wi n n ing th e j un ior Na tiona l a t Santa Fe, Darrel Davis flew back just in time to race toni g ht. And race he did, totally domina ting the 250cc and O pen Pro classes. In th e first heat of the I 25cc class , Simonse n got th e hol eshot ahead of Kirk , Bob Selb y, joe j ue ne ma n, j ason Ayers a nd Marty G lasscock. Kirk look ed goo d on the 125 as he a nd Simonsen soo n put 25 yards on the o the rs. On lap three j ueneman had to p it with mech anical problem s. Selb y was moving up o n Kirk., bu t th e laps ran out with the order . read ing: Si monsen , Kirk, Selby, Ayers and Glasscock. . In th e main event Simonsen took th e lead foll ow ed by Kirk and Ayers . Again Kirk chased Si mo nsen , but co uld n 't ge t close enough to try a move. Behind Kirk was Ayers o n his new Ottco Specialt ies 125cc Honda. Nothing cha nged from here on and at the checkers it was still Simonsen, Kirk and Ayers. In the first Open Pro heat race Davis got m e scratch follo wed by Brian Hickok, Otto jorgen son, Mike Budschat a nd Robert Frohs. By lap two Davis had a 15-yard lead and jorgenson took control of seco nd. At the checkered flag it was Davis with a big lead over j orgenson, who had 15 yards on Hickok, men 25 yards back to Budschat and Frohs. In th e second h eat race Del Schnitzer go t the scra tch ahead of jim Servo, Ron Adams, Paul Perolli, and Billy Taylor. Schnitzer built up a 20-yard lead as the rest of the Pros battled it out. With a lap to go Taylor went under Perolli and the finishing o rde r wa s se t: Schnitzer, Servo, Adams, T ay lor and Perolli. In the main even t Davis sq ueezed throug h th e inside to grab the lead a hea d of Schnitzer, Hickok, Servo, Ada ms, j orgen son and th e others. Davis looked su per, slowl y stretching hi s lead to 20 yards. In the back Perolli and T aylor battled back and fort h wi th T aylor fin ally getti ng the advantage. Everyone strung o ut into a gia nt freight tra in as the laps tick ed off. At the chec kered flag it was ' Da vis, Sch ni tzer, Hi ck o k, Servo , Ada ms , j orgen son a nd the rest of th e pros. . .., Results 50 : 1. J essica Kirkman; 2. James Kir kman; ~ 3 . Jos hua Curr ey; 4 . Tyle r Manley. 60 : 1. Noah Kirkland ; 2. Brian Haymore. 80 : 1. Ryan Anderson; 2. Chris Bail ey; 3. N08h Kirkland. 125: 1. J .P. Simonsen ; 2. Dusty Kirk; 3 . Bob Selby. 2 50 C: 1. John Wh itmore. 250 B: 1. Don Conway; 2. Garry Roller . .[ 250 A : 1. Chr is Stal ey; 2. Jeff Hiatt; 3. J .P. Simonsen. 250 PRO. J R/ EX: 1. Darrel Dav is; 2. M ik. Budschat ; 3. Ted Abernathy; 4. Todd Haggmann. MSTR B; 1. W illiam Walmer; 2. Dan MedcaK. MSTR A: 1. M att Holm ; 2. J im Roseth ; 3. Andrew M ill er . 500 PRO-AM: 1. Spe edy Kell; 2. Ji m Perry ; 3 . Tony Dickin son; 4. Troy Yeo. OPEN B: 1. J eff Kirklan d; 2. Kevin Kenzman. OPEN A : 1. Kenn y Whe aton ; 2. Ed Beyers ; 3. David D. Anderson . JR/EX: 1. Darrel Davis; 2. Dell Schn itzer; 3 . Sr i." Haycoc k; 4. J im Servo; 5. Ron Adam s. . Schaub claims Alaska MX win By M. R. Edge AN CH O RAG E, AK, JU NE 7 Kevin Schau b put an end to joe Good's dominati on of the Pro class at Kin caid Park. Good has had a stra nglehold on the Alask a Motorcycle Racing Association's Premier class since th e beginning of th e season , bu t had to settle for seco nd behind Schaub. Good did take th e 125cc Expert class win while Schaub took th e 250cc Expert win . Moto one found Schaub a nd h is self-spo nsored Honda with the holesho t with Kawasaki of Anchorage's

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