Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1987 07 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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80 BEG 0 -2 : t . David Ca.ada (Suz); 2. Anthony Ponds (Su,,; 3. Pat Monohan (Kaw). . 80 JR: 1. Jeff Willoh (Kaw): 2. Donald Upton (Kaw); 3. Chris Kefalos (Hon). 125 BEG 0-' : I. Kyler Davis (Kaw); 2. Todd Gould (SUl); 3. Christian Holland (Hon). '25 BEG 0 -2 : 1. Freddie Harr is (Kaw); 2. Robby Kelsey (Yam); 3. Anthony Rose (Hon). 125 BEG 0 -3 : , . Danny Fontayn (Hon); 2. Keith Gibson (SUl ); 3. David Lee (Yam). '25 JR : t . John A le.ander (Hon); 2 . Phil Lemmon. (Hon); 3. NicJc Morgan (Yam). 125 INT: 1. Daniel Bush (Hon); 2. John Blood (Hon); 3. Tony Full er (Hon). '25 PRO: 1. Tim Rutherford (Kaw); 2. M ike Kiedrowski (Kaw); 3. Chr is Young (Yam). 250 BEG D· ' : t . Dean Mullins (Han); 2. Jon Rolstad (Hon); 3. Jo hn Yocum (Yam). 250 BEG 0 -2: 'l • Dave A laxandar (Yam); 2. Roger Gonzales (Hon); 3. Kevin Mehlbrek (Vam). 250 BEG 0 -3 : t . Ja mes Cart mell (Hont 2. Dan Grady (Han); 3 . Bud Dorato ni (Yam). 250 PRO: 1. TIm Rutherf ord (Kaw); 2. Mik e Kiedrowski (Kaw); 3. TIm Lun de (Yam). 500 BEG: Dave Donaton i (Han); 2. Brian Anderson (Yam); 3. J ohn Cameron (Kaw). 500 JR: 1. Kevi n Lopa (Han); 2. Bob Wag ner (Han); 3. J ay Spear (Han). 500 INT: t. Ken Faught (Vam); 2. Dale Mo rse (Han); 3. Mall Petro (Han). • 500 PRO: t . Craig Hofmeister (Han); 2. Mike Kordyak (KTM). VET JR: 1. Paul Vamasaki (Han); 2. Dougla s Brooks (Vam); 3. Mar k Leat hley (Vam). VET INT: t . Ma rk Hell er (Han); 2. Karel Kramer (Hus); 3. Larry Forbis (SUl). VET MSTR: 1. Rick J ohnson (Han). VET PRO: 1. John DeChalia (Kaw). 1 : Nelson tops Baylands Motocross By Mike Vancil FREMONT, CA, JUNEIO Honda-mounted Jon Nelson ha ndily won both 250cc Pro class motos a t the regular Wednesday night CMC MX, he ld at Bayla nds Raceway Park. In the first moto, Nelson got off to a good start and outdistanced his oppositio n early. Finishing a strong second was a relative newcomer to Baylands, Kelly Andris, aboard a CR250 Honda. In the second mota, .An d r is po wered into the lead while Nelson got a poor start. Nelson climbed steadily to second, but it took him the entire moto, and it was q uestionabl e that he wou ld reel in Andris befor e the checkers. Nelson reached Andris with a full lap remaining, and on the final la p th e lea d changed five ti mes. The fina l pass came after a left-ha nd , high-bank berm prior to a small table-top jump . Nelso n came out of the corner WIth better drive and on th e lin e that afforded be tter traction. Nelso n won the brief dash to the checkers by about three len g ths over An dris. A sa fe third in both mo tos went to veteran Joh n Dauth. Da ve Rogers pil o ted h is 250cc H onda to impressive do u ble moto wins in the Intermedia te class. In both motos he came o ut of the ga te like a flash and attacked the course with a vengence. Results BOBEG: 1. SCali Shade (Yam); 2. Bill Sayre (Yam); 3 . NOmlsn W inter (Hon) ; 4 . Er ic Low e (Yam); 5 . Bobby Dufur (SUl) . BO JR: t . Chris McCallie (Vam); 2. Dan Reger (Han); 3.Ricky Alves (Vam); 4. Val Schweize r (Han). BO INT: 1. Kennie McGrath (Kaw); 2. Mall Furman (Ho n). '25 BEG: 1. Mike Pow ell (Han); 2. Dave Dykes (Ka w) ; 3. larry Moniz (Han); 4 . Steve Humrich (Yam) ; 5. Jeremy Fortin (Kaw ). 125 JR: 1. Mike Aivagedis (Han); 2. Mike Smart (Hon); 3. Lance Lucero (Yam); 4 . -Jason Warren (Han); 5. D.J . Nee (Hon). '25 INT: t . Todd Hicks (Han); 2. J erom e Sm ith (Hon); 3. Jimmy Clay (Han). 250 BEG: t . Chr is Plut a (Vam); 2. Alan Canaboo (Vam): 3. Jeff Soares (Suz); 4. Mark Canepa (Han); 5.Steve"'srcia (Yam). 250 JlI': 1. M itch Cook (Kaw); 2. Paul Midson (Han) 3. Keith Tanti (Vam); 4. Ron Hovland (Han); 5. Greg Bailey Yam). 250 INT: 1. Dave Rogers (Han); 2. Bill Gerber (Yam); 3. Ser gio Ferna ndez (Han). OPEN BEG: 1. Cortney Smith (Han); 2. Greg Gom ez (Han); 3 . Dan Lawson (Han); 4 . Dan O'Bergin (Han); 5. Dave Henderson (Han). OPEN JR : t . Jon Nicol au s (Vam); 2. Kevi n Anderson (Han); 3. Ted Pipp in (Hon); 4. Greg Kamhol z (Han). OPEN INT: 1. Bill Gerb er (Vam); 2. Skip Brossard (Vam) 3. Sean Hummel (Kaw ); 4 . W illie Conley (Hon); 5. Lerry McCarty (Han). VET JR: , .Kelly Orm es (Han); 2. Ken Campb ell (Han): 3. Edw in Sim s (Suz); 4. Bern ie Regli (Vam). VET INT: 1. Eric Ha llgr en (Ho n); 2. Kev in A nderson (Hon); 3 . Morgan Harwell (Yam) . VET MSTR: 1. Russ Daley (Kaw); 2. Duane Hughes (Hon); 3. J erry Caton (Han); 4 . Phil Gribnau (Vam); 5. M ike Lene(Hon). OT JR: t . Dan Delw ich e (Han); 2. Lew is Fast (Vam); 3. Richard Anderson (Vam). PRO: t . J on Nelso n (Han); 2. Kelly Andris (Han); 3. J ohn Dauth (Hon); 4. Eric Sandstr om (Kaw); 5. Glenn Harrison (Yam) . p-----------. cut out and mail today _:_---,----,.-.- I . I PEtercraft • CHARTER Subscription Order Form I TN ,&&"sr.llr . " • 0 YESl I want to be a charter subscriber to Personal Watercraft Illustrated. That's the first 7 issues for $7.00. • • Name • (please print clearlyl • •• Address • _ o Check or Money Order enclosed I I (make out payab le to Cycle News) o Charge my credit card o Visa o Mastercard I Card Number Expiration d a t e - l - l _ _ .S ig na t u"'"''--- -'-_"-'- City I I -r-r- I o Bill me with the first issue. _ _ ~Zip----- Phonel State - Mail to : Personal Watercraft Illustrated c/o Cycle News. Inc. P.O . Box 498 l o ng Beach ; CA 90B01 -0498 Ia.... fI.,. • • • • • I I I I 53 --,...._-- . " .........,. to Mrdude , .... ".,..• ., IH' ere" e.-rd Inform""" wftII ,..,. onIer. . . dtecb., credit C.,." "OIfCh.,.. .1Itl or"'", .". .. ...",,,,, • • IIfJI • •rc. 10. 1,.7 - Ute proJect" deify.,.., 01 ow ........, JWO'C• • • I I I I

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