Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1987 07 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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II 4Ce=lii) » PORK/DISC o - COVE Il- n I o Q. (J) IU :::> C o D::: Q. - (J) En D::: Available at all motorcycle/ATV ou tlets. Dealers please con tacl: MALCOLM SMITH PRODUCTS HI·PoIN RACING T HALLMAN USA In Canada: STEE HANSEN RACING PRODUCTS N W U « Peter Johnson won two classes during AHRMA racing action at the Bryar Motorsport Park; Johnson topped Dave Roper and Kurt Liebmann. ARRNA Road Racing Championship: Round 4 Johnson doubles Loudon Vintage By Henny Ray Abrams Nostalgica Scuderia'sPete Johnson won the F-750 and Premier 500cc classes of the American Historic Racing Motorcycle Association (AH R MA ) a t the Bryar Motors- J ohnson beat R ope r b y .8 13 seconds in the IO-Iap F-750 ra ce averagi ng 73.458 mph. Third went to Lynford Garland on a T riu m p h. The Loudon event was th e fou rt h race in the nine-race series. " I was going to wa it for him; he got such a poor start," J o hnson expla ined. " I knew it was going to co me d o wn to getti ng thro ug h traffic. T u rn four a nd up the hill were especiall y slippery. I got sideways twice co ming u p the h il l." Joh nson . was o n the Rob Nort hframed 1970 T ri u mph triple bu ilt and ma intained by Elra ldo Ferracci of Fast by Ferracci. Ro pe r's mo u nt was the 'e x-Dick Mann BSA T riple and it was not wit hout it s p roblem s. " I' ve got th e close ra tio gearbox a nd it wo uld o versh ift past fou rth . I m issed fourth a little bit," Ro per said. " I was a lso a littl e casua l abo u t putting the pressure on." Turnin g laps in th e 1: 18-1:19 ra nge J o hnson had kept a steady 20to 30-yard lead on Ro per th e entire race. Roper seemed to have bett er accelera tio n goi ng u p th e hill and over the . crest, bu t no t enoug h to power past. It a ppea red th a t Roper was waiting for the las t lap to set J ohnson up and pass him. Co ming into turn eig h t o n the last lap, Roper had closed the gap on ly to find Pete ;:0 - OJ ( J) "'tJ ;:0 o a c n -i (J) "'tJ o -i r- - C) ACERBIS PLASnCA USA 1091 1·H Wheatlands Avenue Santee. CA 92071 (619) 562·1440 I -i feJ Husqvarna-~-i ATTENTION I HUSQVARNA/CAGIVA I r-- • We Hive Mlny '87 Models In Stock • 19 Y eatS Of Husqvlma Experience - Largest Parts Inventory In Pennsylvaail • UPS Next Da, Air Service I I I I I J&JCyde I RD 3 • Grove City, PA 16127 I (814) 786-7878 I L--C&&'!.@llw&'!.·--J LACO NI A, NH , J UNE 20 po rt . Park while hi s friendly rival Dave Roper had a longer day on th e T eam O bso lete machinery. m • The choice of Cagiva's. Kawasaki·s. Suzuki's and Yamaha's USA Motocross Teams. • For all motocross. enduro and trials motorcycles -- E uropean andJapanese plus all dual purpose models. • Cover fully vented, precision designed to fit each model. • Super-durable injection molded quality. • Wide selection of colois. • Complete with mounting hardware and team graphics. • Suggested retail $20.95, Mini models $19.95 ....J Koqut, wh o would win th e Spo rtsman 750cc class, in his way all owing John~on a more secu~e win. . T hi rd across th e line and wmner ofthe Sportsm~n 650 was Jerry Wood ~ n , a 1967 Tnumph Dayton.a 500. It s n~t a real f~ct?ry race r like t~e ot her bikes. It slid m turn 10, m SIX, ~nd .co mm g o u t o f two. Th~ fram e gary~==~ nixonii SUMMER SALE!!! COOL SAVINGS ON HOT GOODIES • IGIIT Yamaha 500/600 · Rota• Late Model Honda 5001600 $995 EACH GOODYEAR DT II TIRES Everything You Need For D irt Racing Is Ava ilable From The Man Thlt Knows , 10824 York Rd., Cockeysville, MD 21030 (301) 666-1098 ~ KAWASAKI . SUZUKI . HON DA Sbrut~. ~ ~ 1} " Performance & Winning is our Business" 1} OFFERING THE ULTIMATE IN PERFORMANCE 1} 1} 1} 1} DRAG • Pro-$lock 10 MUd Street . ~ ~ SINCE 1977 :} ROAD RAQHG • Super Bike. ~ 1, Stock ~ i} CUSTOII • Turbo. Nitrous. Big 80<. , St"'h' 1} 1} Engines and Chassis 1} 1} " You Can Imagine h, We Can Build h 1} ALSO COIIPLETE ATV, Snowmobile & 1} IS .km d of loose, We pu t , m new · ~wmgarm bushings a nd we re look- m g for a rac;mg frame." I lost m <;> st o f th e bra kes.m th e race , Wood sai d. ! he Pr emier 50~cc class lost so me o f ItSl';lster befor e It even began whe n Ro per s Team Obsol ete Mat chless lo st sP!i rk. " I!'s th e ma ~?e to or so!"eth mg , we re not S~He, Ro per sa id as he watched the h eld tak e -the g:een flag. ".We ro~e i~,over here to pit r~w a nd It ra n fin e, WIt.hout Roper, J oh~ son had an easy ride ab oar d th e Dn xto n Honda 450 in the Premier 500. By the third lap he had a rune second lead that he wou ld stre tch to a lmos t 18 by th.e end o f the 12-lap race. Am o l P recisio n's Kurt Li ebmann was the di stan t seco n d -p lace fin ish er with Wood third o n th e sa!"e bike he wo n the Spo rts ma n 650 with. "Sometimes it's harder to keep a pace whe n you're a ll a lo ne ," J ohnson said. " I kn ew that Kurt was back there a nd I slowed u p , bu t I m issed a few shifts so I sped u p ." Li ebma n n said that the back was hopping on his RS-500 BMW and (Contin ued to page 45) YAMAHA . 1} ' 1} 2C27 Eat ~ - * * ~ . Jet""i Services lIcllowon _ Ix, ArIzona 1500I 6021275-4'21 *. . ***********************- KAWASAKI OWNE D ist ributors or Dealers Can f or product (213) 946-3581 KZ 1 dO, Zp- 1 ' ed H 00 H1, H2 $300.00 Z -1 Cranks $100.00 ort ea S Welded /Trued Exeho..._ Exeho. . . We Also Repa ir Heeds fo rZ-1, KZ1000 & GPZ1100 That Have Dropped A Valve "Ca. For DetaBs" Jim's Motorcydes UnliRalted 803·661·0943 ~lIaLtetf ~ HONDA KAWASAKI 958 North Maclav. San Fern ando. CA (B1 BI 365-6827 • w DEnniS KirK. I FREE CYCLE PARTS CATALOG I . 1100-328-9289 43

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