Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1987 07 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Former World Champion Bernie Schreiber. riding a Fantic. finished third in Pennsylvania. behind Anderso n and Rya n Young . With his latest win in Pennsylvania. Jonny Anderson has topped the last three Eastern rounds of the ' National Tr ials Series. AMA//NATC National Observed Trials Series: Round 7 Anderson nails Penn win By Boyd Reynolds BODIN E, PA, JUNE 20 Like a game of musical ch airs, lonny Anderson led the Anderson, Ryan Young and Bernie Sch reiber trio on h is Hon da with a 5/4 to a to tal n ine score to win the seventh . . and last of th e eastern ro unds of the AMA/ NAT C Nati onal Series. Following a double win for . Young in Massach usetts a nd New Yor k th e week p r io r, h e a n d Schreiber en tered th e event wit h a 79 point tie, with Anderson trai li ng closely. You ng dropped six extra poi nts to trail Anderson and keep a three dab edge o n Schreiber, who totaled 18 for the day. It was hot and sticky wit h h igh air pollution, as the " Ripcords" parachute team dr opped into .the ride rs ci rcle d uri ng the openi ng ceremo nies. T his had to be a recor d as 145 riders p repared to go twice at 17 sections around a four-m ile loop in five and a half hour s of riding in front of nearl y 1500 spectators. By the new AMAINATC rules, cler k of the cou rse Kevin O 'Shea had programmed ra the r easy day by mo st standards. He put in o nly one a impossible section - a loose sla te steep climb. that was conquered by only th ree riders, which kept scores even tigh ter. Two sections were for the Championship class o nly. T he site, a cam pground pavilion area surrounded by parking field was nestled in th e ru gged hills of north central Pennsylvan ia. T he sectio nswere bu t a short hi ke, but in th e heat, it was a rea l swea t in ducer for the foot climbers. Once in u nder the trees it was idea l conditions for viewi ng. T here was no doubt that th e crowd had a perso na lity contest between the past master, Schreiber, and the local boy , You ng. R iding a Honda and sponsored by Mid-South H o nda of Clarksvi lle, Tennessee, Anderson has been steady in his quest L r the cham p io nship , o tra iling along behind Schreiber and Young. It was quite evident that he would surface on th e top soo n, but wh at makes the con test is whether he can remain at the top to build a score to ma intain a lead in the series. With only two events remaining, they are close enough that anything is possible, but he will have to work to to p the you ng Pennsylvanian that says he " wants to be Natio na l C hampion ". Anderso n com es from a motorcycling family in Gothe nberg, Swede n where 'his dad was a n active com petitor an d bike designe r. H e was th e 1985 Swedish Trial s Ch am p ion a nd the No rdic (Sweden, Finland, Denmark, and Norway) Champion in 1986. H e moved to th is co un try and no w li ves in T ennessee, and although he's had a slo w sta rt due to a wrist o pera tion, h e sta n ds 18th i n th e Worl d sta ndi ngs. Schrei ber returned after two years 'o f livin g in France and immediately sho t to the top in the NATC sta nding. H e is th e on ly American to ever becom e a World Tria ls Champion as well as havin g been a th ree-time NATC Champi on . The Pennsylvania trial s riders did a good job in pl annin ~, not on ly in the tri al s sections but 111 th e genera l promoti on. All th e officiia ls and observers wore bri gh t orange official T-shirts and carried wh ist les to signal th e start of a rider . There was little di spute with the scores and the fin al results were avai lable almost immediately u po n the riders finish . 2 The loca l Bod in e chu rch grou p put o n a n 'a ll -yo u -ca n -ea t ha m a n d 1 turkey dinner, and th ere were sta nds [ with food and dri nks available at different loca tio ns. T he Lyconmming chap ter of the American Red Cross and radio-controlled firs t aid people at every section, and the ) Na tional Guard supplied trucks, water tanks etc. The Su pport class riders proceeded the Cham pi o nship class through th e sectio ns and Yam aha-mounted William Garb rieh won o n a 5/ 14 to a total 19 score win. J eff Kingsford o n a Beta followed with 25 points and Kenny LeDu c with 27 on another Yam aha. Kevin Manniko was High Sch ool champ o n a Fantic wit h a sup ur b 28 score, so me 32 points ahead of h is nearest class competi tor. In the Seniors, it was Ga ry Sam psel o n a Yamaha with 30 points and the Super Senior went to Bill DeG aris ) o n a Beta with 65. New York tri als orga nizer and Veteran class rider I earl Peters ga thered in 83 points figurin g that was good eno ug h to W lll the Veterans class. • Results l.Jonny An derson (Han); 2. Ryan Young (Beta ); ( 3. Bern ie Schre iber (Fan); 4 . Jack Stites (Yam); 5. ;) Andy Suam (Betal; 6. Don Sweet (MontI; 7. Ron Comma (Beta); B. Mart

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