Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1987 07 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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$22,000 PURSE' See All The Fadory TeamS,All The Fadory Stars On The Same Day Excellent Spectator Visib ility " Hardest Track on NaUona' Circuit" • Ro n Lechi en 8 Team Kawasaki Separate Park ing for Street Cycles Family Event Safe & fun for eve ry fam ily membe r Breakfas t daily 7am Full Concession s 8 Souvenir Ite ms FREE Parkin g & Camping Discount A dvance Ticket Prices : s20 Two Day 8 $15 Suaday . Diego Bosis (above) beat World Champion Thierry M ic haud . ' of Ital y follow ed Tarres int o fifth place wi th 40/ 45/35 for a tota l 126, his first h igh pl acing after a slow series start aboard a Garelli. Halfway th ough th e first loo p , Steve Sau nders of England 'co mmented on the sections, " There are two good technical sectio ns, two easy ones a nd two you co u ld ge t serious ly hurt o n " . The Fanti c- m ounted Saunders wor ked his way into sixth place wi th a 139 tot al a nd is now tied with Bosis for third in the world standin g wi th 93 poi nts . " Nex t tim e I tak e camera a nd you ta ke bike," sn ap p ed a n exc ited Mich au d to a video cameraman , wh o offered to let him view hi s foot down sto p th a t ga ined a five in sectio n three. Afte r ex i tin g the sec tio n, Mich au d came chargi ng back into the sectio n with un pri ntable French to an observer who he though t was unfair, but the th ou gh t of view ing his error on tape p ut a q ui ck halt to the protest which was one of the very few heard by day's end. Sunday morning was dark a nd damp with a threat of ra in from the low overhanging clouds. It was not as hot with hi gh hum id ity as th e day prior. The riders rod e into a huge circle befor e a flat bed trailer o n whi ch J err y Young stood with a PA system . Co lorful flags fluttered from each nation represen ted , a nd a Navy color g uard carried th e co lors to center, but the Ripcords parachute team did not sh ow . . Secti on o ne was not an easy, getwarmed-up-type, bu t ra th er one of the technical sections tha t stopped many ri ders with a five a nd ot hers who ga ined a clea n were cheered loudly. It was a long sectio n, level along th e side of th e h ill , but up a nd down ledges with a huge slab roc k at th e end. And so it went from one ledge to a no ther sheer roc k wa ll 'till they go t to sectio n 10. Someth in g was to be sai d whe n there were two observers wit h ropes aro und thei r waists tied off to trees up to p tha t held th em mounta in clim bi ng fashio n halfway do wn th is box ca nyo n wa ll. T hey were ready to grab falling riders, but after three tried it, a nd Young, who went th e furthest , went one third of the way up and ca me cras hing down. It was an a uto matic five a nd ride-on for the rest of the entry. A simi la r p li ght a t sectio n 16 promped cler k of th e co urse Kevin O 'Sh ea to just stri ke the sectio n out and ha ve everyo ne ski p it. Schreib er had a flat a nd went back to the p it to repair and th en contin ued to co mpete at the end of th e entry. Few riders had any kind of mechanical problems. • Results 1. Diego Basis (Apr ); 2. Thierry Michaud (Fan); 3. Pascal Couturier (Mer); 4. Jo rd i larres (Beta); 5. Donato M iglio (Gar); 6. St eve Saunders (Fan); 7. Renata Chiaberto( Beta); B. Andreu Codina (Gas); g. Gabi na Renales (Gas); 10. Gill es Burget (Ap r ); 11. Tony Scarlen (JCM); 12. Luis Gallach (Mec); 13. B8mi8 Schreiber (Fan) 14 . Ryan Youn g (Be.a). LL~f:U~fJ ~ ~ ~~ NATIONAL .CHA MP IO NSH IP MX:1l~ Due to insurance regu lations. no alcohol ic beverag es al lowed . beer availa ble at reasonable prices Discounted Advance Tickets Ava ila ble At A LL TICKETRON ou tl ets or charge by phone 1 -800-382·8080 II August 1-2 Binghamton, New York Exit 8 Interstate 81., Binghamton, New York ......... RACE HEADQUARTERS-Holiday Inn SUNY, Rte. 43~. Binghamton, NY ,----SCHEDULE OF EVENTS /Lo" ./nJ" Friday, July31 Saturday August 1 , . Sullllay, August 2 Early Sign-up for Saturday MX 7pm-1Dpm 6am-8am Sign-up Practice 8am Ex P A 4-Wh I M" N ' .nlS- oVlca-Amataur- pert- ro- mee 9am-1 2pm-Professional Prlc tice & Qualifying l pm - SuzukilTony D MX Schools 125/5DDcc National Championships Monday & Tuesday, August 3-4 Tony 0 Motocross School Raceway . ~ ~ C!J«'O 1 NO ~ I 011_ SCOTT u--a. .a....... . ~ 1Jl'1 chain ACnO,. PHoroe bl C orwritl our offiC III I: Mon.-Fri. 607/723-3523 or723-3524 B.T .S.C. D CN. 784 Conklin ROld, Bin.hlonton lpt. ~ N Yt3903 . . 9am-4pm. 18 & 19 Tickets AvailHle At track Summit ~oint: (304) 725 8444 · 100 M Endurance Racie " ile Heat Races & SaperSport Series Finals Sa_" July 19 Grall Prix- Superbike _ Twills _ Sprint Finals ..... HONDA iJ =- Summit Point, WV I--------~ id-Atlantic Region _ • ., ~ V '. . .nd M . st....Nl ~ IZ:Z:SJ • accepted iII!!iiiiIII ~ • DUNLOPTIRE IIlformation: 607/648-4997 eveniogs 601/849-9615 track COMPANY Saturday, J•., 18 2 Hoar Practice, EBC , Cyde $port: (703) 451·9330 ... 790-9330 AlU/CCS: (704) 6844297 Championship Sprint Races--;;-:::--------l YAMAHA Kawasaki $ SUZUKI - - - - - - For Information On Joining Amerka'. PremleiRoad Radng Organization Write To: - -..;:;::;;-- AltA Championship Cup Series, P.O. Box 447, Skyland, NC 28776 Cycle News every week! ' The·latest on two wheels! SHOEI wrNS AMA Loudon CIusic 1st 260cc Grand Prix JOHN KOCINSKI ' AMA U S ENDURANCE SERIES Round 6 Laconia NH 1st O/A DUTCHMAN RACING MItES BM.DWIN DOUG BRAUNECK DAVE SCHLOSSER For Comfort . . Conf"HI.To, fJros rely ..... (SHOEI) 1IJe CIIoice of Champions SHOEI SA FETY HEl -METCORPORA TIOIll 2228 Cotner. Los A nge les . CA 9006 4 (21 3) 477-605 1 i !

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