Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1987 07 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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U nite, unite, unite. DUAN E R ID G MAN Buen a Park, CA U n ity, yes. MATT ROSS Torrance. CA Un ity . yes. MIKE BLANCH ETTE Moren o Valley, CA America's motorcycle newspaper Volume XXIV Sharon Clayton, Publisher Mike Klin ger .Compt~ollt'T . Skip J oh nson. A.uOC'4~ Publisher! Natiotull Sales ManaKtT Jad. Ma ngus, Associate Publishert Ed itor Rh eba Smith . Circulation M an agtT Caroline C.cndry, Executive SuutJzry 10 lh < Pubtislin Editorial Kit Pa lm er , Associate Editar Pa ul Carruthers , Asso ciate Editor Farren Willi am s. Associate Edi to r Mike Larso n, Assutant Edi tor ~dwi na Man gu s. Cakndar Editor Advertising T erry Pratt Sales Man4i~ Mark Thome. Sal t's Man agt'T. David Metz, Sales ManagtT Mike Church. F..iutrm Sail'S Mana,({ ' N Ma rk Mild 1fll . Eastern Salt:s Managn : Tho ma s R. Conter , Eastern Sale s Ma nagt'T C athv Cor rao W l" stt"Tn Ad Coord inator ~ Carl~ Borden. Eastern .i d Coordi n s uor Jul ie C yr iac klo• •idvntu ;ng A sst. Graphic s and Produ ction :\t.tlfolm Wiboon,Production Managt'T Diana Hilgenberg, Graph ic .4rlill Pl:ggy Smith. Graph ~c Arl!sl Sta cey Gut'St. G rap hiC A"fUf Manon Hatash ita , T ypesetter Carol)'n Bra n ha m, Typ~s~tUt . Dennis Greene, Lab , T ech . A ccounting / Data Proce ssing Do nn a Brya n, A cct.t R eceivabi r Coordinator Gen eva Repn"", A ssistant Fran Hamwey , Cu d;t Circ ul at ion Sarah T aylor. Assist4nt Alma Anguia no. Assistant Cheri Chapman , Assistant Marita Adams. ."~ islant Want Ad s Debbie Winkler. Wan' Ad Salt' s Dealer Sales and Service Reuben Casarez, Dealrr Custom" Reo . Serv ic e and Support Ch ri$ Aitcheson , Head q u arte rs R ecep tio n ist Leonard Herring. Service and Support llia tional Headquarters 220 1 Cherry Ave.. Lo ng Beach . CA 90806, P .O. Box 498. Lo ng Beach . CA 90801 ·0498 (2 13) 427·7433 ; 2 13/636-8844, FA X ~2 13) 427·6685 FAX (404 ) 934· 3 112 282 mph Yamaha! Boy, I kn ew Edd ie Lawson messed up last year by pouring cha m pagne o n Wayne Gardner . In Cycle News (issue #21) it says Lawson's Yamaha ra n 282 miles-per-hour and (N ia ll) Mackenzie's H onda ra n 175. T he n , in the Ital ian GP , G ar dner wins by • 14 seco nds. I hope H arley doesn 't enter th e GPs because th en th ey wou id put restrictors o n the Hondas and G ardner wo u ld reall y be mad. Thi nk abou t it. . H O WAR D WINCH ESTER Corpus Christi, TX Ma yb e Ed die .is hav in g troubl e con tro lling all that h orsep ow er, H oward. Seriously, th e 282 was a typo: L aw so n 's Kel Carru t hersp repared Yama ha YZR500 stopped the radar gun tit /82 mph ... Editor. 0805. (404 ) 934 ·7850. Cycle News (USPS 11 1· 310) is published weekl y excep t the first and last week of the calendar year for $52.00 per year by Cycle Ne ws. I nc. , 220 1 Cherry Ave nue. Long Beach. CA 90806. Second class postage P.:'id .1.1 Long Beach. CA. and addi tio na l mai li ng offices . POSTMASTER : Send f o r m 3679 t o Cycle News. P.O . Box 498. l ong Beech. CA 90801·0498 . Su bscrip tio n ra tes: O ne year. seco nd class mail. $52.00. Cycle News welcomes u nsolicited editoria l ma ter ial in clud in g stories. cartoons, p ho tos. etc. Such material , if p ublished , beco mes th e exclusi ve pro~IY or Cycle News. Such ac «pled material is subject to revision as is necessary in th e sole discretion of Cycle News, Unsolicited material which is not used will be returned if accompanied by a sdf addressed lila-ropedenvelope. All unsohcited material will be han dled with reasonable care, however, Cycle News assumes no responsibility for the safety. loss or damage to suc h material. Rep rin ting in whole o r part only by permission o f the publ isher. Advertising rates and circulation information will be sent upon request. See S.R. D.S. Copyright" Cycle N ew• • Inc. 1987. Trede ·mark Cycle News U .S . Patent Office. A ll rig hts ..... rved . SPA Con sumer Audit Division Member· ship Applied For Oecember 1986. ON THE FRONT PAGE : Recently crowned 1987 AMA Supercross Champion. Team Kawasaki'. Jeff Ward speaks out abo ut his latest aehie\/lHlMlt1t . See page 4 2. Photo by Kinney Jon... DANA BELL AMA District 37 Legislative Officer • Lo ng Bea ch , CA Write on ! T ha nks 10 a ll the nea t people who took tim e 10 sign lett ers scnt to Cal i fo rn ia . Se nator P e te Wil so n du rin g o ur Dual Europea n Scramb les h el d near Lu cern e Va llcy, Ca lifornia, j u ne 13.and 14. T h e Desert Vipers co llec ted a nd mailed to Senator Wilso n 500 lett ers, requiri ng a response, in an effo r t to strike dow n th e Cranston-in itia ted e na te Bill 7. I strongly recommend and encourage ot her cl u bs througho ut the U ni ted States who may be p u tting on events to ge t involved in a lett er wri ti ng ca mpaign. if not we . a ll m ay end up without a ny open riding areas a nd th e on ly visions of how neat th e o ld rid in g areas rea lly wer e will be o n gen u ine Kodak paper. ROBERT O'CON NELL Club.Legislative Officer Desert Viper s M.C. Westm in ser . CA Eastern Office 4 190 First Ave.• Tucker, GA. ~OOK4 ; ma iling address P.O . Box 805. Tucker, GA 30085- May a n d June: Du e to strong op positio n vi a letters - Assembl y Rill 354 (to tra nsf er Green St icker funds to Fish & G ame), a llowed to di e in Committee; Assem bl y Bill 772 (To ex tend th e Green Sticker Fund), passed Committee; Sena te Bill 877 (To extend th e Green Sticker Fund b u t remove th e funds from o ff-road use r co ntrol), a me nded in o ur favor; Asse m b ly Bill 2410 (G u tted a n d rewri tte n as a Bill to reo pen AnzaBorrego Sta te Park to Green Sticker vehi cles). Ma y a nd June: O ver 1000 peop le ( the m aj orit y o p pose d to S.?) reviewed th e Ca liforn ia Desert Pl an in p ub lic m eeti ngs hosted by BLM a nd Desert Com m u ni ties. So keep writing, get involved in volu n teer projects, ride responsi b ly, reg ister to vote, pick-u p yo ur trash , and keep read ing. It works and we're go ing to wi n! It's working Each week we p ick up Cycle News and read of th e threats to ou r sport, are told to write more letters, a nd give n dire warn in gs of wha t will happen if we don't, Dave H ol eman ha s done a good job of ge tt ing m ost o f us mad a nd/ or guilty enou gh to become in vo lved . But. so me space shou ld a lso be given to cred it those wh o a re doing somet hing: .: Ap ri l 25: ' Fort y CAT VA volunteers, in 104° heat, filled 400 Am erican Honda T eam Clea n trash bags . a t Glamis Dunes. Ma y 30: Fifty-five Di s tri ct 37 volu nteers, o rgan ized by UEA, fill ed 750 Am er ican H onda T eam Clean tras h bags at " Charlie 's Pl ace." The Sea man fami ly fro m Ridgecrest a n d G erry Will iams (BL M vo lu n tee r coord inator for Ridgecrest ) loaded an d di sposed of th ose 16 truck loads of trash . . June 20: Forty District 37 vol u nteers , orga nized by the Prai ri e Do gs and Dirt Digg er s filled 750 Am eri can Honda T eam Clean trash bags a t Anderson Dry Lake area w h ile two BL M ra nge rs loaded a nd di sposed o f th e fou r dump truck loads . Also re moved was o ne VW bod y, a burned -out motorh ome a n d the remain s o f a motorcycle. No commotion at the ocean I thi nk yo u h ave a fine rag, b ut I don 't understand why yo u have coverage of virtua lly every speedway track in nort hern a nd so uther n Ca lifornia exce pt for the Commotio n- By -The- Ocean at Ventura. DARR EL KU H SE Oxnard , CA Becau se Ven tura is not run n in g speedway eve nts, Darrel . T h ey con duc ted two races at th e beginning . of th e season and say th ey m ight host a special race or two later in the year . . . Editor. Unity, yes U n i ty , yes, on b e h a lf of 60 members o f th e Acadi ana Dirt Ri ders ' C lub. TIM SYMONS Sunset. LA U n ity, yes. VER N ON CRACENS Marietta , GA U n ity, yes. SCOTT BALDWIN Redwood Ci ty, CA Un ity, yes. DONALD J. CASSEL j R. H arrisburg , PA Un ity, yes. P HI L , L EILANI & PHILUP HOLCOMB U p la nd, CA U ni ty, yes. DO N DUDEK Long Beach ; CA Unity. yes. AL AN , NORMA, STEVE, BRIAN BRAD&jO ' AT H AN SC HU LTZ . Lo s Angeles, CA Unity, yes. RICK WOMACK Spri ngfield. IL U ni ty, yes. TONY P ETRO H attiesburg , MS Unity, yes. JIM VEN S Mi lford, MI U n ity, yes. RO N TICHE NO R Pal m H arbor, FL U n ity, yes. CH RIS NEMI Concord, N H U n ity, yes. We ha ve pl en ty o f power but we're on a motorcycle without a chain , a nd the Cranstonoids are on a bicycle th at wo rks. Wh ile we rev o ur engine, they 're pedaling ou t o f sigh t. There's still ti me to h ook up th e cha in, but n ot much . WINSTON BEAU MO NT Wrightwood, CA Dave Holema n, in his H ow You Can Win colu m n in issue #24 , asked readers to drop a note to Cycl e News sayi ng "Unity, yes." if th ey su ppo rted ou r sp o rt and i n dust ry members bandi ng together to fig ht anti -motorcycling l e g i s l a tion . . . Edi tor. U ni ty, abso lu tely. J O E P EAR SO N Altaden a , CA Un ity, yes. j OS E OBANDO Copiague, NY U n ity, yes. DAR RELL LARSEN San ta Ana, CA U n ity. yes. RIC H AR D FRY Lancaster, CA Unity, yes. DAVID SWEENEY Lake Isab ella, LA U n ity, yes. KURT MO R RIS Cypress. CA Un ity. yes. ST EVE DECKER Su n la nd, CA RICK BURG ESS Lomita, CA U n ity. yes. J AMES G. G AN NO N Sunland, CA U ni ty. yes. JOE BERN AN ER Tucson, AZ Published letters do not necessa rily reflect the position of Cycle News. Inc. Send letters to Voices. P.O . Box 498. long Beach. CA 90801 .

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